Пример #1
  * Gets a list of files in one folder
  * @param integer $parentfolderid    Artefact id of the folder
  * @param integer $userid            Id of the owner, if the owner is a user
  * @param integer $group             Id of the owner, if the owner is a group
  * @param string  $institution       Id of the owner, if the owner is a institution
  * @param array   $filters           Filters to apply to the results. An array with keys 'artefacttype', 'filetype',
  *                                   where array values are arrays of artefacttype or mimetype strings.
  * @return array  A list of artefacts
 public static function get_my_files_data($parentfolderid, $userid, $group = null, $institution = null, $filters = null)
     global $USER;
     $select = '
             a.id, a.artefacttype, a.mtime, f.size, a.title, a.description,
             COUNT(c.id) AS childcount, COUNT (aa.artefact) AS attachcount';
     $from = '
         FROM {artefact} a
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact_file_files} f ON f.artefact = a.id
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact} c ON c.parent = a.id 
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact_attachment} aa ON aa.attachment = a.id';
     if (!empty($filters['artefacttype'])) {
         $artefacttypes = $filters['artefacttype'];
         $artefacttypes[] = 'folder';
     } else {
         $artefacttypes = array_diff(PluginArtefactFile::get_artefact_types(), array('profileicon'));
     $where = "\n            WHERE a.artefacttype IN (" . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $artefacttypes)) . ")";
     if (!empty($filters['filetype']) && is_array($filters['filetype'])) {
         $where .= "\n            AND (a.artefacttype = 'folder' OR f.filetype IN (" . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $filters['filetype'])) . '))';
     $groupby = '
         GROUP BY
             a.id, a.artefacttype, a.mtime, f.size, a.title, a.description';
     $phvals = array();
     if ($institution) {
         if ($institution == 'mahara' && !$USER->get('admin')) {
             // If non-admins are browsing site files, only let them see the public folder & its contents
             $publicfolder = ArtefactTypeFolder::admin_public_folder_id();
             $from .= '
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact_parent_cache} pub ON (a.id = pub.artefact AND pub.parent = ?)';
             $where .= '
             AND (pub.parent = ? OR a.id = ?)';
             $phvals = array($publicfolder, $publicfolder, $publicfolder);
         $where .= '
         AND a.institution = ? AND a.owner IS NULL';
         $phvals[] = $institution;
     } else {
         if ($group) {
             $select .= ',
             r.can_edit, r.can_view, r.can_republish';
             $from .= '
             LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                 SELECT ar.artefact, ar.can_edit, ar.can_view, ar.can_republish
                 FROM {artefact_access_role} ar
                 INNER JOIN {group_member} gm ON ar.role = gm.role
                 WHERE gm.group = ? AND gm.member = ? 
             ) r ON r.artefact = a.id';
             $phvals[] = $group;
             $phvals[] = $USER->get('id');
             $where .= '
         AND a.group = ? AND a.owner IS NULL AND r.can_view = 1';
             $phvals[] = $group;
             $groupby .= ', r.can_edit, r.can_view, r.can_republish';
         } else {
             $where .= '
         AND a.institution IS NULL AND a.owner = ?';
             $phvals[] = $userid;
     if ($parentfolderid) {
         $where .= '
         AND a.parent = ? ';
         $phvals[] = $parentfolderid;
     } else {
         $where .= '
         AND a.parent IS NULL';
     $filedata = get_records_sql_assoc($select . $from . $where . $groupby, $phvals);
     if (!$filedata) {
         $filedata = array();
     } else {
         foreach ($filedata as $item) {
             $item->mtime = format_date(strtotime($item->mtime), 'strfdaymonthyearshort');
             $item->tags = array();
             $item->icon = call_static_method(generate_artefact_class_name($item->artefacttype), 'get_icon', array('id' => $item->id));
             if ($item->size) {
                 // Doing this here now for non-js users
                 $item->size = ArtefactTypeFile::short_size($item->size, true);
         $where = 'artefact IN (' . join(',', array_keys($filedata)) . ')';
         $tags = get_records_select_array('artefact_tag', $where);
         if ($tags) {
             foreach ($tags as $t) {
                 $filedata[$t->artefact]->tags[] = $t->tag;
         if ($group) {
             // Fetch permissions for each artefact
             $perms = get_records_select_array('artefact_access_role', $where);
             if ($perms) {
                 foreach ($perms as $perm) {
                     $filedata[$perm->artefact]->permissions[$perm->role] = array('view' => $perm->can_view, 'edit' => $perm->can_edit, 'republish' => $perm->can_republish);
     // Add parent folder to the list
     if (!empty($parentfolderid)) {
         $grandparentid = (int) get_field('artefact', 'parent', 'id', $parentfolderid);
         $filedata[$grandparentid] = (object) array('title' => get_string('parentfolder', 'artefact.file'), 'artefacttype' => 'folder', 'description' => get_string('parentfolder', 'artefact.file'), 'isparent' => true, 'id' => $grandparentid, 'icon' => ArtefactTypeFolder::get_icon());
     uasort($filedata, array("ArtefactTypeFileBase", "my_files_cmp"));
     return $filedata;
Пример #2
  * Gets a list of files in one folder
  * @param integer $parentfolderid    Artefact id of the folder
  * @param integer $userid            Id of the owner, if the owner is a user
  * @param integer $group             Id of the owner, if the owner is a group
  * @param string  $institution       Id of the owner, if the owner is a institution
  * @param array   $filters           Filters to apply to the results. An array with keys 'artefacttype', 'filetype',
  *                                   where array values are arrays of artefacttype or mimetype strings.
  * @return array  A list of artefacts
 public static function get_my_files_data($parentfolderid, $userid, $group = null, $institution = null, $filters = null)
     global $USER;
     $select = '
             a.id, a.artefacttype, a.mtime, f.size, a.title, a.description, a.license, a.licensor, a.licensorurl, a.locked, a.allowcomments, u.profileicon AS defaultprofileicon,
             COUNT(DISTINCT c.id) AS childcount, COUNT (DISTINCT aa.artefact) AS attachcount, COUNT(DISTINCT va.view) AS viewcount, COUNT(DISTINCT s.id) AS skincount,
             COUNT(DISTINCT api.id) AS profileiconcount';
     $from = '
         FROM {artefact} a
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact_file_files} f ON f.artefact = a.id
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact} c ON c.parent = a.id
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact} api ON api.parent = a.id AND api.artefacttype = \'profileicon\'
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {view_artefact} va ON va.artefact = a.id
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {artefact_attachment} aa ON aa.attachment = a.id
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {skin} s ON (s.bodybgimg = a.id OR s.viewbgimg = a.id)
             LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr} u ON a.id = u.profileicon AND a.owner = u.id';
     if (!empty($filters['artefacttype'])) {
         $artefacttypes = $filters['artefacttype'];
         $artefacttypes[] = 'folder';
     } else {
         $artefacttypes = PluginArtefactFile::get_artefact_types();
     $where = "\n            WHERE a.artefacttype IN (" . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $artefacttypes)) . ")";
     if (!empty($filters['filetype']) && is_array($filters['filetype'])) {
         $where .= "\n            AND (a.artefacttype = 'folder' OR f.filetype IN (" . join(',', array_map('db_quote', $filters['filetype'])) . '))';
     $groupby = '
         GROUP BY
             a.id, a.artefacttype, a.mtime, f.size, a.title, a.description, a.license, a.licensor, a.licensorurl, a.locked, a.allowcomments,
     $phvals = array();
     if ($institution) {
         if ($institution == 'mahara' && !$USER->get('admin')) {
             // If non-admins are browsing site files, only let them see the public folder & its contents
             $publicfolder = ArtefactTypeFolder::admin_public_folder_id();
             $where .= '
             AND (a.path = ? OR a.path LIKE ?)';
             $phvals = array("/{$publicfolder}", "/{$publicfolder}/%");
         } else {
             $from .= '
                 LEFT OUTER JOIN {usr_institution} ui ON ui.institution = a.institution';
             $where .= ' AND a.institution = ? ';
             $phvals[] = $institution;
             // Check if user is an admin in this institution.
             if (!$USER->get('admin')) {
                 $where .= ' AND ui.admin = 1 AND ui.usr = ? ';
                 $phvals[] = $USER->get('id');
     } else {
         if ($group) {
             $select .= ',
             r.can_edit, r.can_view, r.can_republish, a.author';
             $from .= '
             LEFT OUTER JOIN (
                 SELECT ar.artefact, ar.can_edit, ar.can_view, ar.can_republish
                 FROM {artefact_access_role} ar
                 INNER JOIN {group_member} gm ON ar.role = gm.role
                 WHERE gm.group = ? AND gm.member = ?
             ) r ON r.artefact = a.id';
             $phvals[] = $group;
             $phvals[] = $USER->get('id');
             $where .= '
         AND a.group = ? AND (r.can_view = 1 OR a.author = ?)';
             $phvals[] = $group;
             $phvals[] = $USER->get('id');
             $groupby .= ', r.can_edit, r.can_view, r.can_republish, a.author';
         } else {
             $where .= '
         AND a.institution IS NULL AND a.owner = ?';
             $phvals[] = $userid;
     if ($parentfolderid) {
         $where .= '
         AND a.parent = ? ';
         $phvals[] = $parentfolderid;
         $parent = artefact_instance_from_id($parentfolderid);
         $can_view_parent = $USER->can_view_artefact($parent);
         if (!$can_view_parent) {
             return null;
         $can_edit_parent = $USER->can_edit_artefact($parent);
     } else {
         $where .= '
         AND a.parent IS NULL';
         $can_edit_parent = true;
         $can_view_parent = true;
     $filedata = get_records_sql_assoc($select . $from . $where . $groupby, $phvals);
     if (!$filedata) {
         $filedata = array();
     } else {
         foreach ($filedata as $item) {
             $item->mtime = format_date(strtotime($item->mtime), 'strfdaymonthyearshort');
             $item->tags = array();
             $item->allowcomments = (bool) $item->allowcomments;
             $item->icon = call_static_method(generate_artefact_class_name($item->artefacttype), 'get_icon', array('id' => $item->id));
             if ($item->size) {
                 // Doing this here now for non-js users
                 $item->size = ArtefactTypeFile::short_size($item->size, true);
             if ($group) {
                 // site public files
                 if ($institution == 'mahara' && ArtefactTypeFolder::admin_public_folder_id() == $parentfolderid) {
                     $item->can_edit = 0;
                     $item->can_view = 1;
                     $item->can_republish = 1;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($item->author) && $item->author == $USER->get('id')) {
                         $item->can_edit = 1;
                         $item->can_view = 1;
                         $item->can_republish = 1;
                     } else {
                         $item->can_edit = $can_edit_parent && $item->can_edit;
                         $item->can_view = $can_view_parent && $item->can_view;
                         $item->can_republish = $can_view_parent && $item->can_republish;
             if (!empty($item->author)) {
                 if ($group && $item->author == $USER->get('id')) {
                     $item->can_edit = 1;
                     // This will show the delete, edit buttons in filelist, but doesn't change the actual permissions in the checkbox
         $where = 'artefact IN (' . join(',', array_keys($filedata)) . ')';
         $tags = get_records_select_array('artefact_tag', $where);
         if ($tags) {
             foreach ($tags as $t) {
                 $filedata[$t->artefact]->tags[] = $t->tag;
         if ($group) {
             // Fetch permissions for each artefact
             $perms = get_records_select_array('artefact_access_role', $where);
             if ($perms) {
                 foreach ($perms as $perm) {
                     $filedata[$perm->artefact]->permissions[$perm->role] = array('view' => $perm->can_view, 'edit' => $perm->can_edit, 'republish' => $perm->can_republish);
     // Add parent folder to the list
     if (!empty($parentfolderid)) {
         $grandparentid = (int) get_field('artefact', 'parent', 'id', $parentfolderid);
         $filedata[$grandparentid] = (object) array('title' => get_string('parentfolder', 'artefact.file'), 'artefacttype' => 'folder', 'description' => get_string('parentfolder', 'artefact.file'), 'isparent' => true, 'id' => $grandparentid, 'icon' => ArtefactTypeFolder::get_icon());
     uasort($filedata, array("ArtefactTypeFileBase", "my_files_cmp"));
     return $filedata;