Пример #1
function groupquotasform_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION;
    $oldquota = get_field('group', 'quota', 'id', $values['groupid']);
    $group = new StdClass();
    $group->id = $values['groupid'];
    $group->quota = $values['quota'];
    update_record('group', $group);
    if (!empty($values['quota']) && $values['quota'] != $oldquota) {
        // We need to alert group admins that the group may now be over the threshold
        $quotanotifylimit = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit');
        $sqlwhere = " ((g.quotaused / g.quota) * 100) ";
        if (is_postgres()) {
            $sqlwhere = " ((CAST(g.quotaused AS float) / CAST(g.quota AS float)) * 100) ";
        if ($groups = get_records_sql_assoc("SELECT g.id, g.name, g.quota, " . $sqlwhere . " AS quotausedpercent FROM {group} g WHERE " . $sqlwhere . " >= ? AND id = ?", array($quotanotifylimit, $values['groupid']))) {
            require_once get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/file/lib.php';
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('groupquotaupdated', 'admin'));
    redirect(get_config('wwwroot') . 'admin/groups/groups.php');
Пример #2
 public static function save_config_options($form, $values)
     global $USER;
     $updatingquota = false;
     $oldquotalimit = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit');
     if ($values['updateuserquotas'] && $values['defaultquota']) {
         set_field('usr', 'quota', $values['defaultquota'], 'deleted', 0);
         $updatingquota = true;
     if ($values['updategroupquotas'] && $values['defaultgroupquota']) {
         set_field('group', 'quota', $values['defaultgroupquota'], 'deleted', 0);
         // We need to alert group admins that the group may now be over the threshold that wasn't before
         $sqlwhere = " ((g.quotaused / g.quota) * 100) ";
         if (is_postgres()) {
             $sqlwhere = " ((CAST(g.quotaused AS float) / CAST(g.quota AS float)) * 100) ";
         if ($groups = get_records_sql_assoc("SELECT g.id, g.name, g.quota, " . $sqlwhere . " AS quotausedpercent FROM {group} g WHERE " . $sqlwhere . " >= ?", array($values['quotanotifylimit']))) {
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'defaultquota', $values['defaultquota']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'defaultgroupquota', $values['defaultgroupquota']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'institutionaloverride', $values['institutionaloverride']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquota', $values['maxquota']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'maxquotaenabled', $values['maxquotaenabled']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'profileiconwidth', $values['profileiconwidth']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'profileiconheight', $values['profileiconheight']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'uploadagreement', $values['uploadagreement']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'usecustomagreement', $values['usecustomagreement']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'resizeonuploadenable', $values['resizeonuploadenable']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'resizeonuploaduseroption', $values['resizeonuploaduseroption']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'resizeonuploadmaxwidth', $values['resizeonuploadmaxwidth']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'resizeonuploadmaxheight', $values['resizeonuploadmaxheight']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'folderdownloadkeepzipfor', $values['folderdownloadkeepzipfor']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifylimit', $values['quotanotifylimit']);
     set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifyadmin', $values['quotanotifyadmin']);
     if ($oldquotalimit != $values['quotanotifylimit'] || $updatingquota) {
         // We need to alert anyone that may now be over the threshold that wasn't before
         $sqlwhere = " ((u.quotaused / u.quota) * 100) ";
         if (is_postgres()) {
             $sqlwhere = " ((CAST(u.quotaused AS float) / CAST(u.quota AS float)) * 100) ";
         if ($users = get_records_sql_assoc("SELECT u.id, u.quota, " . $sqlwhere . " AS quotausedpercent FROM {usr} u WHERE " . $sqlwhere . " >= ?", array($values['quotanotifylimit']))) {
             $notifyadmin = get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'quotanotifyadmin');
             ArtefactTypeFile::notify_users_threshold_exceeded($users, $notifyadmin);
         } else {
             if ($users = get_records_sql_assoc("SELECT * FROM {usr} u, {usr_account_preference} uap WHERE " . $sqlwhere . " < ? AND uap.usr = u.id AND uap.field = ? AND uap.value = ?", array($values['quotanotifylimit'], 'quota_exceeded_notified', '1'))) {
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     set_account_preference($user->id, 'quota_exceeded_notified', false);
     $data = new StdClass();
     $data->name = 'uploadcopyright';
     $data->content = $values['customagreement'];
     $data->mtime = db_format_timestamp(time());
     $data->mauthor = $USER->get('id');
     $data->institution = 'mahara';
     if (record_exists('site_content', 'name', $data->name, 'institution', $data->institution)) {
         update_record('site_content', $data, array('name', 'institution'));
     } else {
         $data->ctime = db_format_timestamp(time());
         insert_record('site_content', $data);
     foreach (PluginArtefactFile::get_artefact_types() as $at) {
         set_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'commentsallowed' . $at, (int) in_array($at, $values['commentdefault']));