Пример #1
 public function load($group)
     if (!count($this->_sources)) {
         throw new JsonApiApplication_Exception("No configuration sources attached");
     if (empty($group)) {
         throw new JsonApiApplication_Exception("Need to specify a config group");
     if (!is_string($group)) {
         throw new JsonApiApplication_Exception("Config group must be a string");
     if (strpos($group, ".") !== FALSE) {
         list($group, $path) = explode(".", $group, 2);
     if (isset($this->_groups[$group])) {
         if (isset($path)) {
             return Arr::path($this->_groups[$group], $path, NULL, ".");
         return $this->_groups[$group];
     $config = array();
     $sources = array_reverse($this->_sources);
     foreach ($sources as $source) {
         if ($source instanceof JsonApiApplication_Config_Reader) {
             if ($source_config = $source->load($group)) {
                 $config = Arr::merge($config, $source_config);
     $this->_groups[$group] = new JsonApiApplication_Config_Group($this, $group, $config);
     if (isset($path)) {
         return Arr::path($config, $path, NULL, ".");
     return $this->_groups[$group];
Пример #2
 public static function is_multi($id)
     if (!self::$enums) {
     return Arr::path(self::$enums, $id . '.allow_multi');
Пример #3
  * Render view.
  * @return  string
 public function content()
     $foursquare = $this->venue->foursquare();
     if (!$foursquare) {
         echo new View_Alert(__('This venue has not been linked to Foursquare yet.'), null, View_Alert::INFO);
     } else {
         // Homepage
         echo HTML::anchor(Arr::path($foursquare, 'short_url'), HTML::image(Arr::path($foursquare, 'primarycategory.iconurl'), array('alt' => HTML::chars(Arr::path($foursquare, 'primarycategory.nodename')), 'title' => HTML::chars(Arr::path($foursquare, 'primarycategory.nodename')))) . ' ' . HTML::chars(Arr::path($foursquare, 'primarycategory.nodename'))), '<br />';
         // Mayor
         if ($mayor = Arr::path($foursquare, 'stats.mayor.user')) {
             echo __('Mayor: :mayor, :city', array(':mayor' => HTML::anchor('http://foursquare.com/user/' . Arr::get($mayor, 'id'), HTML::chars(Arr::get($mayor, 'firstname')) . ' ' . HTML::chars(Arr::get($mayor, 'lastname'))), ':city' => HTML::chars($mayor['homecity']))), '<br />';
         // Checkins
         echo __('Check-ins: :checkins', array(':checkins' => '<var>' . Arr::path($foursquare, 'stats.checkins') . '</var>')), '<br />';
         // Here now
         echo __('Here now: :herenow', array(':herenow' => '<var>' . Arr::path($foursquare, 'stats.herenow') . '</var>')), '<br />';
         // Tips
         if ($tips = Arr::path($foursquare, 'tips')) {
             echo '<h5>', __('Tips (:tips)', array(':tips' => '<var>' . count($tips) . '</var>')), '</h5><dl>';
             foreach (array_slice($tips, 0, 5) as $tip) {
                 echo '<dt>', HTML::anchor('http://foursquare.com/user/' . Arr::path($tip, 'user.id'), HTML::chars(Arr::path($tip, 'user.firstname')) . ' ' . HTML::chars(Arr::path($tip, 'user.lastname'))), ', ', HTML::chars(Arr::path($tip, 'user.homecity')), ':</dt>';
                 echo '<dd>', Text::auto_p(HTML::chars(Arr::path($tip, 'text'))), '</dd>';
             echo '</dl>';
     // Admin controls
     if (Permission::has($this->venue, Model_Venue::PERMISSION_UPDATE)) {
         echo HTML::anchor('#map', __('Link to Foursquare'), array('class' => 'action', 'id' => 'link-foursquare'));
         echo $this->form();
     return ob_get_clean();
Пример #4
 public function before()
     $fullBaseUrl = Url::base(true);
     //was user on our site?
     if (strpos($this->request->referrer(), $fullBaseUrl) === 0) {
         //now check that a controller set, it wasn't the user controller, and that the session var "noReturn" is not false
         $uri = parse_url($this->request->referrer(), PHP_URL_PATH);
         // correct the path for url_base and index_file, in part taken from Kohana_Request::detect_uri()
         // Get the path from the base URL, including the index file
         $base_url = parse_url(Kohana::$base_url, PHP_URL_PATH);
         if (strpos($uri, $base_url) === 0) {
             // Remove the base URL from the URI
             $uri = (string) substr($uri, strlen($base_url));
         if (Kohana::$index_file and strpos($uri, Kohana::$index_file) === 0) {
             // Remove the index file from the URI
             $uri = (string) substr($uri, strlen(Kohana::$index_file));
         $processedRef = Request::process_uri($uri);
         $referrerController = Arr::path($processedRef, 'params.controller', false);
         if ($referrerController && $referrerController != 'user' && !Session::instance()->get('noReturn', false)) {
             Session::instance()->set('returnUrl', $this->request->referrer());
Пример #5
  * @param null|mixed  $path
  * @param null|mixed  $default
  * @param null|string $delimeter
  * @return array|mixed
 public function config($path = NULL, $default = NULL, $delimeter = NULL)
     if (NULL === $this->_config) {
         $this->_config = Kohana::$config->load('geocode')->as_array();
     return NULL === $path ? $this->_config : Arr::path($this->_config, $path, $default, $delimeter);
Пример #6
  * Load modules config
  * @param $group
  * @param $module
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Kohana_Exception
 public function load($group, $module)
     if (empty($group) || empty($module)) {
         throw new Twig_Exception("Need to specify a config group and module name");
     if (!is_string($group) || !is_string($module)) {
         throw new Twig_Exception("Config group and module name must be a string");
     if (strpos($group, '.') !== FALSE) {
         // Split the config group and path
         list($group, $path) = explode('.', $group, 2);
     if (isset($this->_config_groups[$group])) {
         if (isset($path)) {
             return Arr::path($this->_config_groups[$group], $path, NULL, '.');
         return $this->_config_groups[$group];
     $config = array();
     $file = $this->_get_config_file($group, $module);
     if (is_file($file)) {
         $config = Arr::merge($config, Kohana::load($file));
     $this->_config_groups[$group] = new Config_Group(Kohana::$config, $group, $config);
     if (isset($path)) {
         return Arr::path($config, $path, NULL, '.');
     return $this->_config_groups[$group];
Пример #7
  * Verify the access token.
  * @param	array	an associative array of auth settings
  * @return	OAuthToken
  * @link	http://digg.com/api/docs/1.0/detail/oauth.verify
 public function verify_access_token()
     // Configure the auth settings
     $auth_config = array();
     if ($this->is_valid_token(NULL, TRUE)) {
         $token = $this->_token;
         $auth_config = array('token_key' => $token->key, 'token_secret' => $token->secret);
     $auth_config = Arr::merge($this->_auth_config, $auth_config);
     // Configure the HTTP method, URL, and request parameters
     $http_method = MMI_HTTP::METHOD_POST;
     $url = $this->_api_url;
     $parms = array('method' => 'oauth.verify');
     // Verify the request token
     $verified = 0;
     $response = $this->_auth_request($auth_config, $http_method, $url, $parms);
     if ($response instanceof MMI_Curl_Response) {
         $http_status_code = $response->http_status_code();
         if (intval($http_status_code) === 200) {
             $data = $this->_decode_xml($response->body(), TRUE);
             if (is_array($data)) {
                 $verified = intval(Arr::path($data, '@attributes.verified', 0));
     return $verified === 1;
Пример #8
  * Retrieves multiple paths from an array. If the path does not exist in the
  * array, the default value will be added instead.
  *     // Get the values "username", "password" from $_POST
  *     $auth = Arr::extract($_POST, array('username', 'password'));
  *     // Get the value "level1.level2a" from $data
  *     $data = array('level1' => array('level2a' => 'value 1', 'level2b' => 'value 2'));
  *     Arr::extract($data, array('level1.level2a', 'password'));
  * @param   array  $array    array to extract paths from
  * @param   array  $paths    list of path
  * @param   mixed  $default  default value
  * @return  array
 public static function extract($array, array $paths, $default = NULL)
     $found = array();
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         Arr::set_path($found, $path, Arr::path($array, $path, $default));
     return $found;
Пример #9
 public function config($group, $type, $model_name = NULL)
     $model_name = $model_name ? $model_name : $this->model_name;
     $config = self::$_config === NULL ? self::$_config = Kohana::$config->load('huia/api') : self::$_config;
     $custom = $config->get('custom_' . $group);
     $regexp = Arr::path($custom, strtolower(Inflector::singular($model_name)) . '.' . $type);
     return $regexp !== NULL ? $regexp : Arr::get($config->get($group), $type);
Пример #10
 public function as_array()
     $data = parent::as_array();
     $data['options'] = json_decode($data['options'], true);
     if (!Arr::path($data, "options.title.text", false)) {
         Arr::set_path($data, "options.title.text", __($data['name']));
     return $data;
Пример #11
  * Test the Mixx API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'mixx.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_MIXX);
     //		$response = $svc->get('users/show', array('user_key' => $username));
     $requests = array('profile' => array('url' => 'users/show', 'parms' => array('user_key' => $username)), 'real-life-size-bus-transformer' => array('url' => 'thingies/show', 'parms' => array('url' => 'http://www.atcrux.com/2010/03/11/real-life-size-bus-transformer/', 'comments' => 1, 'tags' => 1)));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #12
 public function action_index()
     $logs = ORM::factory('log')->filter();
     Assets::css('logs', 'cms/media/css/controller/logs.css');
     $per_page = (int) Arr::get($this->request->query(), 'per_page', 20);
     $pager = Pagination::factory(array('total_items' => $logs->reset(FALSE)->count_all(), 'items_per_page' => $per_page));
     $sidebar = new Sidebar(array(new Sidebar_Fields_DateRange(array('label' => __('Date range'), 'name' => 'created_on', 'range' => array(array('name' => '', 'value' => Arr::path($this->request->query(), 'created_on.0')), array('name' => '', 'value' => Arr::path($this->request->query(), 'created_on.1'))))), new Sidebar_Fields_Select(array('name' => 'level[]', 'label' => __('Log level'), 'options' => Log::levels(), 'selected' => (array) $this->request->query('level'))), new Sidebar_Fields_Input(array('name' => 'per_page', 'label' => __('Items per page'), 'value' => $per_page, 'size' => 3))));
     $this->set_title(__('Logs'), FALSE);
     $this->template->content = View::factory('logs/index', array('logs' => $logs->with('user')->limit($pager->items_per_page)->offset($pager->offset)->find_all(), 'pager' => $pager, 'sidebar' => $sidebar));
Пример #13
  * Test the GitHub API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'github.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_GITHUB);
     //		$response = $svc->get("user/show/{$username}");
     $requests = array($username => array('url' => "user/show/{$username}"), 'shadowhand' => array('url' => 'user/show/shadowhand'));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #14
  * Test the Gowalla API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'gowalla.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_GOWALLA);
     //		$response = $svc->get("users/{$username}");
     $requests = array('profile' => array('url' => "users/{$username}"), 'stamps' => array('url' => "users/{$username}/stamps"), 'top spots' => array('url' => "users/{$username}/top_spots"));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #15
  * Test the SlideShare API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'slideshare.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_SLIDESHARE);
     //		$response = $svc->get('get_slideshows_by_user', array('username_for' => $username, 'detailed' => '1'));
     $requests = array('user slideshows' => array('url' => 'get_slideshows_by_user', 'parms' => array('username_for' => $username, 'detailed' => '1')), 'user groups' => array('url' => 'get_user_groups', 'parms' => array('username_for' => $username)), 'user contacts' => array('url' => 'get_user_contacts', 'parms' => array('username_for' => $username)), 'get slideshow' => array('url' => 'get_slideshow', 'parms' => array('slideshow_url' => 'http://www.slideshare.net/vortexau/improving-php-application-performance-with-apc-presentation', 'detailed' => '1')));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #16
 public static function locate($address)
     if (!self::$config) {
         self::$config = Kohana::$config->load('mapquest');
     if (!is_array($address)) {
         $address = array($address);
     $address = array_map(function ($value) {
         return trim(preg_replace('/^.*unit [0-9]+,/i', '', str_replace("\n", ', ', $value)));
     }, $address);
     $list = array();
     $response = array();
     while ($item = current($address)) {
         $list[$item] = key($address);
         $state = substr($item, strrpos($item, ',') + 1);
         $item = array('country' => 'AU', 'street' => $item);
         if ($state) {
             $item['state'] = $state;
         $data[] = $item;
         if (!key($address) && $list || count($list) >= self::$config->get('batch_size')) {
             $curl = curl_init();
             curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
             curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
             $url = self::$config->get('service_url') . '?key=' . self::$config->get('api_key');
             curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
             curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
             curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array('locations' => $data)));
             $result = curl_exec($curl);
             $result = json_decode($result, true);
             try {
                 foreach ($result['results'] as $item) {
                     $key = Arr::get($list, Arr::path($item, 'providedLocation.street'));
                     if ($key === NULL) {
                     $location = array_shift($item['locations']);
                     $response[$key] = Arr::get($location, 'latLng');
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             $list = array();
             $data = array();
     if (count($address) == 1 && isset($address[0])) {
         return $response[0];
     } else {
         return $response;
Пример #17
 public function action_forgot()
     if ($this->request->method() == Request::POST) {
         $this->auto_render = FALSE;
         $widget = Widget_Manager::factory('User_Forgot');
         Context::instance()->set('email', Arr::path($this->request->post(), 'forgot.email'));
         $widget->set_values(array('next_url' => Route::get('user')->uri(array('action' => 'login'))))->on_page_load();
     $this->set_title(__('Forgot password'));
     $this->template->content = View::factory('system/forgot');
Пример #18
  * Returns the current notification array.
  * @param    string  Notification type
  * @return   array
 public static function as_array($type = NULL)
     $session = Session::instance();
     // Import the session data localy
     $data = $session->as_array();
     if ($type === NULL) {
         return Arr::path($data, 'notice', array());
     } else {
         return array($type => Arr::path($data, 'notice.' . $type));
Пример #19
  * Test the Reddit API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'reddit.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_REDDIT);
     //		$response = $svc->get('api/info', array('url' => 'http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/tutorials/create-stay-on-top-menu-css3-jquery/'));
     $requests = array('user about' => array('url' => "user/{$username}/about"), 'clear vote' => array('method' => MMI_HTTP::METHOD_POST, 'url' => 'api/vote', 'parms' => array('api_type' => 'json', 'dir' => '0', 'id' => 't3_ckvqi', 'r' => 'web_design')));
     $response = $svc->mexec($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #20
  * Test the Tumblr API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $email = 'XXXXXXXXXX';
     $password = '******';
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'tumblr.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_TUMBLR);
     //		$response = $svc->get('http://memakeit.tumblr.com/api/read');
     $requests = array('posts' => array('url' => "http://{$username}.tumblr.com/api/read"), 'pages' => array('url' => "http://{$username}.tumblr.com/api/pages"), 'posts (private)' => array('method' => MMI_HTTP::METHOD_POST, 'url' => "http://{$username}.tumblr.com/api/read", 'parms' => array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password)), 'likes' => array('method' => MMI_HTTP::METHOD_POST, 'url' => 'likes', 'parms' => array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password)), 'settings' => array('method' => MMI_HTTP::METHOD_POST, 'url' => 'authenticate', 'parms' => array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password)));
     $response = $svc->mexec($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #21
 public function action_index()
     $id = strval(Arr::get($_GET, 'id'));
     $job = Database_Mongo::collection('jobs')->findOne(array('_id' => $id), array('data' => 1));
     if (!$job) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Not found');
     $point = strval(Arr::get($_GET, 'point'));
     $archive = Database_Mongo::collection('archive')->findOne(array('_id' => new MongoId($point)), array('update_time' => 1));
     if (!$archive) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Not found');
     $result = Database_Mongo::collection('archive')->find(array('job_key' => $id, 'update_time' => array('$gt' => $archive['update_time'])))->sort(array('update_time' => -1));
     $ids = array();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         $ids[] = $item['_id'];
         foreach (Arr::get($item, 'data', array()) as $key => $data) {
             $job['data'][$key] = $values[$key] = $data['old_value'];
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         if ($value) {
             $new['$set']['data.' . $key] = $value;
         } else {
             $new['$unset']['data.' . $key] = 1;
     if ($new) {
         $new['$set']['last_update'] = $archive['update_time'];
     $submissions = array();
     $result = Database_Mongo::collection('submissions')->find(array('job_key' => $id, 'process_time' => array('$gt' => $archive['update_time'])));
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         if (Arr::path($job, $item['key'], '') != $item['value']) {
             $submissions[] = $item['_id'];
     if ($new) {
         Database_Mongo::collection('submissions')->update(array('_id' => array('$in' => $submissions)), array('$unset' => array('process_time' => 1), '$set' => array('active' => 1)));
         Database_Mongo::collection('jobs')->update(array('_id' => $id), $new);
         Database_Mongo::collection('archive')->remove(array('_id' => array('$in' => $ids)));
     $message = '';
     if (count($ids)) {
         $message .= count($ids) . ' changes were removed. ';
     if (count($submissions)) {
         $message .= count($submissions) . ' submissions were unapproved. ';
     Messages::save('Ticket ' . $id . ' successfully rolled back to ' . date('d-m-Y H:i', $archive['update_time']) . '. ' . $message);
     die(json_encode(array('success' => true)));
Пример #22
  * Test the LastFM API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'lastfm.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $parms1 = array('method' => 'user.getinfo', 'user' => $username);
     $parms2 = array('method' => 'artist.gettoptracks', 'artist' => 'the fall');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_LASTFM);
     //		$response = $svc->get(NULL, $parms1);
     $requests = array($parms1['method'] => array('parms' => $parms1), $parms2['method'] => array('parms' => $parms2));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #23
 public function action_index()
     $id = $this->request->param('id');
     $location = Arr::get($_GET, 'location', '');
     $type = Arr::get($_GET, 'type', 'other');
     $title = Arr::get($_GET, 'title', 'other');
     $job = Database_Mongo::collection('jobs')->findOne(array('_id' => strval($id)));
     if (!$job) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_404('Not found');
     if (!Group::current('show_all_jobs') && !in_array((int) User::current('company_id'), Arr::get($job, 'companies', array()), true) && !in_array((int) User::current('company_id'), Arr::get($job, 'ex', array()), true)) {
         throw new HTTP_Exception_403('Forbidden');
     switch ($type) {
         case 'photo-before':
             $type = 'Photos';
             $filename = $id . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.9') . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.14') . '.before.%NUM%';
             $title = '';
         case 'photo-after':
             $type = 'Photos';
             $filename = $id . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.9') . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.14') . '.after.%NUM%';
             $title = '';
         case 'jsa':
             $type = 'JSA-forms';
             $filename = $id . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.9') . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.14') . '.JSA.%NUM%';
             $title = '';
         case 'waiver':
             $type = 'Waiver';
             $filename = $id . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.9') . '.' . Arr::path($job, 'data.14') . '.Waiver.%NUM%';
             $title = '';
         case 'odtr':
             $title = '';
             $type = 'otdr-traces';
             $filename = '';
             $type = 'Other';
             $filename = '';
     $number = DB::select('numbering')->from('attachments')->where('job_id', '=', $id)->and_where('folder', '=', $type)->order_by('numbering', 'desc')->limit(1)->execute()->get('numbering');
     $data = array('filename' => $filename, 'mime' => '', 'uploaded' => 0, 'user_id' => User::current('id'), 'job_id' => $id, 'folder' => $type, 'fda_id' => Arr::path($job, 'data.14'), 'address' => trim(preg_replace('/-{2,}/', '-', preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z\\-]/i', '-', Arr::path($job, 'data.8'))), '-'), 'title' => $title, 'numbering' => intval($number) + 1);
     $result = Arr::get(DB::insert('attachments', array_keys($data))->values(array_values($data))->execute(), 0);
     if (file_exists(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $result)) {
         unlink(DOCROOT . 'storage/' . $result);
     die(json_encode(array('success' => true, 'id' => $result)));
Пример #24
  * Gets a value from an array using a dot separated path.
  *     // Get the value of $array['foo']['bar']
  *     $value = Arr::path($array, 'foo.bar');
  * Using a wildcard "*" will search intermediate arrays and return an array.
  *     // Get the values of "color" in theme
  *     $colors = Arr::path($array, 'theme.*.color');
  * @param   array   array to search
  * @param   string  key path, dot separated
  * @param   mixed   default value if the path is not set
  * @return  mixed
 public static function path($array, $path, $default = NULL)
     if (array_key_exists($path, $array)) {
         // No need to do extra processing
         return $array[$path];
     // Remove outer dots, wildcards, or spaces
     $path = trim($path, '.* ');
     // Split the keys by slashes
     $keys = explode('.', $path);
     do {
         $key = array_shift($keys);
         if (ctype_digit($key)) {
             // Make the key an integer
             $key = (int) $key;
         if (isset($array[$key])) {
             if ($keys) {
                 if (is_array($array[$key])) {
                     // Dig down into the next part of the path
                     $array = $array[$key];
                 } else {
                     // Unable to dig deeper
             } else {
                 // Found the path requested
                 return $array[$key];
         } elseif ($key === '*') {
             // Handle wildcards
             $values = array();
             foreach ($array as $arr) {
                 if ($value = Arr::path($arr, implode('.', $keys))) {
                     $values[] = $value;
             if ($values) {
                 // Found the values requested
                 return $values;
             } else {
                 // Unable to dig deeper
         } else {
             // Unable to dig deeper
     } while ($keys);
     // Unable to find the value requested
     return $default;
Пример #25
  * Test the Brightkite API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'brightkite.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_BRIGHTKITE);
     if (!$svc->is_valid_token(NULL, TRUE)) {
         die(HTML::anchor($svc->get_auth_redirect(), $svc->service() . ' authorization required'));
     //		$response = $svc->get("people/{$username}");
     $requests = array('profile' => array('url' => "people/{$username}"), 'config' => array('url' => "people/{$username}/config"), 'friends' => array('url' => "people/{$username}/friends"), 'placemarks' => array('url' => "people/{$username}/placemarks"), 'objects' => array('url' => "people/{$username}/objects", 'parms' => array('filters' => 'checkins,notes,photos')));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #26
 public function before()
     $baseUrl = Url::base(true);
     if (substr($this->request->referrer(), 0, strlen($baseUrl)) == $baseUrl) {
         $urlPath = ltrim(parse_url($this->request->referrer(), PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
         $processedRef = Request::process_uri($urlPath);
         $referrerController = Arr::path($processedRef, 'params.controller', false);
         if ($referrerController && $referrerController != 'user' && !Session::instance()->get('noReturn', false)) {
             Session::instance()->set('returnUrl', $this->request->referrer());
Пример #27
  * Test the FriendFeed API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'friendfeed.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_FRIENDFEED);
     if (!$svc->is_valid_token(NULL, TRUE)) {
         die(HTML::anchor($svc->get_auth_redirect(), $svc->service() . ' authorization required'));
     //		$response = $svc->get('feed/home');
     $requests = array('me feed' => array('url' => 'feed/me'), 'user feed' => array('url' => "feed/{$username}"), 'friends feed' => array('url' => "feed/{$username}/friends"), 'comments feed' => array('url' => "feed/{$username}/comments"), 'likes feed' => array('url' => "feed/{$username}/likes"));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #28
  * Test the Digg API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'digg.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_DIGG);
     if (!$svc->is_valid_token(NULL, TRUE)) {
         die(HTML::anchor($svc->get_auth_redirect(), $svc->service() . ' authorization required'));
     //		$response = $svc->get(NULL, array('method' => 'user.getInfo', 'username' => $username));
     $requests = array('user.getDiggs' => array('url' => '', 'parms' => array('method' => 'user.getDiggs', 'username' => $username)), 'user.getInfo' => array('url' => '', 'parms' => array('method' => 'user.getInfo', 'username' => $username)));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #29
  * Test the Picasa API.
  * @return	void
 public function action_index()
     $config = MMI_API::get_config(TRUE);
     $username = Arr::path($config, 'picasa.auth.username', 'memakeit');
     $svc = MMI_API::factory(MMI_API::SERVICE_PICASA);
     if (!$svc->is_valid_token(NULL, TRUE)) {
         die(HTML::anchor($svc->get_auth_redirect(), $svc->service() . ' authorization required'));
     //		$response = $svc->get("user/{$username}", array('kind' => 'photo', 'access' => 'all'));
     $requests = array('albums' => array('url' => "user/{$username}", 'parms' => array('kind' => 'album', 'access' => 'all')), 'recent photos' => array('url' => "user/{$username}", 'parms' => array('kind' => 'photo', 'access' => 'all')));
     $response = $svc->mget($requests);
     $this->_set_response($response, $svc->service());
Пример #30
  * Creates a SwiftMailer instance.
  * @param   string  DSN connection string
  * @return  object  Swift object
 public static function mailer()
     if (Email::$_mailer) {
         return Email::$_mailer;
     // Load default configuration
     $config = Kohana::$config->load('html-email')->as_array();
     switch ($config['driver']) {
         case 'smtp':
             $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance(Arr::path($config, 'options.hostname', 'localhost'), Arr::path($config, 'options.port', 25), Arr::path($config, 'options.encryption'));
             $transport->setTimeout(Arr::path($config, 'options.timeout', 5));
             $user = Arr::path($config, 'options.username');
             $pass = Arr::path($config, 'options.password');
             if ($user and $pass) {
         case 'sendmail':
             $transport = Swift_SendmailTransport::newInstance(Arr::get($config, 'options', '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs'));
         case 'postmark':
             $transport = Openbuildings\Postmark\Swift_PostmarkTransport::newInstance(Arr::get($config, 'options'));
         case 'null':
             $transport = Swift_NullTransport::newInstance();
             // Use the native connection
             $transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance();
     // Create the SwiftMailer instance
     self::$_mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
     if (Arr::get($config, 'inline_css')) {
         self::$_mailer->registerPLugin(new Openbuildings\Swiftmailer\CssInlinerPlugin());
     if ($filter = Arr::get($config, 'filter')) {
         self::$_mailer->registerPlugin(new Openbuildings\Swiftmailer\FilterPlugin(Arr::get($filter, 'whitelist', array()), Arr::get($filter, 'blacklist', array())));
     if ($google_campaign = Arr::path($config, 'google_campaign.campaigns')) {
         self::$_mailer->registerPlugin(new Openbuildings\Swiftmailer\GoogleCampaignPlugin(array(), array('share' => $google_campaign['share'], 'abandoned_cart' => $google_campaign['abandoned_cart'])));
     if ($logger = Arr::get($config, "logger")) {
         if ($logger === TRUE) {
             self::$_mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_Fullloggerplugin(new Email_Logger()));
         } else {
             self::$_mailer->registerPlugin(new $logger(new Email_Logger()));