You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $sql = isset($_POST["sqlbox"]) ? hex2str($_POST["sqlbox"]) : ""; if (isset($_POST["id_con"]) && $_POST["id_con"] != "") { $arcdb = new ArcDb(); $arcdb->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $arcdb->dbType = $globalDBTP; $arcdb->dbSchema = $globalDB; /**************************************************/ $arcdb->sql = "\nSELECT\na.id_con, \na.con, \na.id_con_db_tp,\na.con_alias,\na.con_user,\na.con_enabledbit,\na.con_password,\na.con_host,\na.con_port,\na.con_catalog,\na.con_options,\nb.con_db_tp\nFROM _con a\nLEFT JOIN _con_db_tp b ON a.id_con_db_tp=b.id_con_db_tp\nWHERE a.id_con =" . $_POST["id_con"]; $arcdb->getRec(); $con = $arcdb->getAssociative(); } $arcCon = new ArcTbl(); $arcCon->dbLimit = 23; $arcCon->dbOffset = 0; $arcCon->dbCatalog = isset($con[0]["con_catalog"]) ? $con[0]["con_catalog"] : $arcCon->dbCatalog; $arcCon->oCon = isset($con[0]["con"]) ? $con[0]["con"] : $arcCon->oCon; $arcCon->dbTable = $arcCon->oCon; $arcCon->dbSchema = isset($con[0]["con"]) ? $con[0]["con"] : $arcCon->dbSchema; $arcCon->oUser = isset($con[0]["con_user"]) ? $con[0]["con_user"] : $arcCon->oUser; $arcCon->oPassword = isset($con[0]["con_password"]) && !empty($con[0]["con_password"]) ? decrypt($con[0]["con_password"]) : $arcCon->oPassword; $arcCon->oHost = isset($con[0]["con_host"]) ? $con[0]["con_host"] : $arcCon->oHost; $arcCon->oPort = isset($con[0]["con_port"]) ? $con[0]["con_port"] : $arcCon->oPort; $arcCon->oOptions = isset($con[0]["con_options"]) ? $con[0]["con_options"] : $arcCon->oOptions; $arcCon->dbType = isset($con[0]["con_db_tp"]) ? $con[0]["con_db_tp"] : $arcCon->dbType; $arcCon->ajDestination = "queryReport"; $arcCon->ajPage = $path . "view_customquery.php"; $arcCon->ignoreCols = array();
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $arctbl = new ArcTbl(); $arctbl->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $arctbl->dbOffset = 0; $arctbl->dbLimit = 23; $arctbl->dbType = $globalDBTP; $arctbl->dbSchema = $globalDB; $arctbl->recLink = $path . "edit.php"; $arctbl->actionFilterKey = "id_cust_department"; $arctbl->recIndex = "id_cust_department"; $arctbl->ignoreCols = array("id_cust_department"); $arctbl->recQuery = "\nSELECT\na.id_cust_department,\na.cust_department as \"Department\",\nc.cust_branch_tp as \"Type\",\nb.cust_branch as \"Branch\"\nFROM _cust_department a\nJOIN _cust_branch b ON a.id_cust_branch=b.id_cust_branch\nJOIN _cust_branch_tp c ON b.id_cust_branch_tp=c.id_cust_branch_tp"; $arctbl->actionDestination = "content"; $arctbl->ajDestination = "list03"; $arctbl->ajPage = $path . "list.php"; $arctbl->build(); echo hex2str($arctbl->tblNav);
MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ # POST variables $ajCfgDevice = null; $ajCfgDevice = isset($_POST["id_cfg_device"]) ? "&id_cfg_device=" . $_POST["id_cfg_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_device"]) ? "&id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_cfg"]) ? "&id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] : ""; if (!isset($_POST["id_device"])) { $_POST["id_device"] = ""; } require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $gdbo = new ArcTbl(); $gdbo->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $gdbo->dbLimit = 25; $gdbo->dbOffset = 0; $gdbo->dbType = $globalDBTP; $gdbo->dbSchema = $globalDB; #$gdbo->recDetail="hex2str(\$record['Notes'])"; $gdbo->recOrder = "asc"; $gdbo->tblKey = "iflabel"; $gdbo->elements = array(array("Label", "device_interfacelabel")); $gdbo->recOrderCol = "id_device_interfacelabel"; $gdbo->recQuery = "\nSELECT \nid_device_interfacelabel,\ndevice_interfacelabel as Label,\nid_device\nFROM _device_interfacelabel WHERE id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"]; $gdbo->dbTable = "_device_interfacelabel"; $gdbo->recIndex = $gdbo->getPrimaryKey(); $gdbo->updateAction = '"updateTable(\'rc".$rowIndex."_".$tblKey."\',\'". $this -> dbTable. "\',\'".$this->primaryKey."\',".$rowIndex.",1,\'' . $path . 'sql.php\',\'fs_labels\',\'&form=frmIFLabel&action=edit' . $ajCfgDevice . '\')"'; $gdbo->deleteAction = '"updateTable(\'rc".$rowIndex."_".$tblKey."\',\'". $this -> dbTable. "\',\'".$this->primaryKey."\',".$rowIndex.",2,\'' . $path . 'sql.php\',\'fs_labels\',\'&form=frmIFLabel&action=delete' . $ajCfgDevice . '\')"';
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $arctbl = new ArcTbl(); $arctbl->dbType = $globalDBTP; $arctbl->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $arctbl->dbSchema = $globalDB; $arctbl->control = '/_mod/smod_12/sqlInsert.php'; $arctbl->editable = true; $arctbl->dbOffset = 0; $arctbl->dbLimit = 23; if (isset($_POST["table"])) { $table = $_POST["table"]; $arctbl->dbTable = $table; $arctbl->recQuery = "SELECT * FROM " . $table; $arctbl->recIndex = $arctbl->getPrimaryKey(); } $arctbl->ajDestination = "list12"; $arctbl->actionDestination = "status";
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; if (!isset($_POST["id_cfg"])) { $_POST["id_cfg"] = ""; } $device = new ArcTbl(); $device->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $device->dbLimit = 10; $device->dbOffset = 0; $device->dbType = $globalDBTP; $device->dbSchema = $globalDB; $device->recIndex = "id_cfg_device"; $device->recOrder = "asc"; $device->actionDestination = "popWindow"; $device->recOrderCol = "Label"; $device->recLink = $path . "edit_cfgdevice.php"; $device->actionFilterKey = "id_cfg_device"; $device->recQuery = "\nSELECT\na.cfg_device as \"Device Label\",\na.id_cfg_device,\nc.device_grp as \"Type\",\nb.device as \"Device\",\na.cfg_device_os as \"OS\",\nconcat(f.cust_contact_familyName,',',f.cust_contact_givenName) as \"Admin\",\na.cfg_device_serialnumber as \"Serial Number\",\nUNHEX(a.cfg_device_notes) as \"Notes\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.cfg_device_dc)+" . $gmtOffset . ",'%Y-%m-%d') as \"Date Entered\",\nFROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(a.cfg_device_du)+" . $gmtOffset . ") as \"Last Update\",\nd.sys_status as \"Status\",\nCASE\nWHEN a.cfg_device_keyenabled = 1\nTHEN 'Yes'\nELSE 'No'\nEND as \"Manageable\",\na.id_cfg,\nconcat('\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Interfaces\" onclick=\"arc(''popWindow'',''/_mod/smod_18/manage_interface.php'',''id_cfg=',cast(id_cfg as char),'&id_cfg_device=',cast(a.id_cfg_device as char),'&id_device=',cast(a.id_device as char),''',1,1)\"/>\n<input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"delCfgDevice(',cast(id_cfg as char),',',cast(a.id_cfg_device as char),')\"/>\n') as \"\" FROM _cfg_device a\nLEFT JOIN\n_device b ON a.id_device=b.id_device\nLEFT JOIN\n_device_grp c ON b.id_device_grp=c.id_device_grp\nLEFT JOIN\n_sys_status d ON a.id_sys_status=d.id_sys_status\nLEFT JOIN\n_hr_emp e ON a.id_hr_emp = e.id_hr_emp\nLEFT JOIN\n_cust_contact f ON e.id_cust_contact = f.id_cust_contact\nWHERE a.id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] . " ORDER by a.cfg_device"; $device->ajDestination = "list18-0"; $device->ajPage = "/_mod/smod_18/list_cfgdevice.php"; $device->recOrder = "asc";
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; # POST variables $ajCfgDevice = null; $ajCfgDevice = isset($_POST["id_cfg_device"]) ? "&id_cfg_device=" . $_POST["id_cfg_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_device"]) ? "&id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_cfg"]) ? "&id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] : ""; $definedNetworks = new ArcTbl(); $definedNetworks->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $definedNetworks->dbType = $globalDBTP; $definedNetworks->dbSchema = $globalDB; $definedNetworks->recQuery = "\nSELECT\nid_cfg_device_ip4netaddress,\ninet_ntoa(cfg_device_ip4netaddress) as \"Network\",\ncfg_device_ip4netaddress_nmbits as \"Netmask\",\ncfg_device_netgroup as \"NetGroup\",\nCONCAT('<input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"updateTable(this,''_cfg_device_ip4netaddress'',''id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress'',',id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress,',2,''" . $path . "sql.php'',''fs_networks'',''&form=frmNetwork&action=delete" . $ajCfgDevice . "'')\"/>') as \"\" \nFROM _cfg_device_ip4netaddress\nINNER JOIN _cfg_device_netgroup on _cfg_device_ip4netaddress.id_cfg_device_netgroup=_cfg_device_netgroup.id_cfg_device_netgroup\nWHERE cfg_device_ip4netaddress_enabled=1"; $definedNetworks->recIndex = "id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress"; $definedNetworks->ignoreCols = array("id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress", "Enabled"); $definedNetworks->ignoreFilterCols = array("id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress", ""); $definedNetworks->recOrderCol = "Network"; $definedNetworks->recOrder = "asc"; $definedNetworks->dbLimit = 10; $definedNetworks->dbOffset = 0; $definedNetworks->ajDestination = "tblnetwork"; $definedNetworks->ajPage = "/_mod/smod_18/list_network.php"; $definedNetworks->build(); echo hex2str($definedNetworks->tblNav);
(at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ require_once "_lib/php/auth.php"; $ajCfgDevice = null; $ajCfgDevice = isset($_POST["id_cfg_device"]) ? "&id_cfg_device=" . $_POST["id_cfg_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_device"]) ? "&id_device=" . $_POST["id_device"] : ""; $ajCfgDevice .= isset($_POST["id_cfg"]) ? "&id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] : ""; $ifrecordset = new ArcTbl(); $ifrecordset->dbConStr = $globalDBCON; $ifrecordset->dbLimit = 10; $ifrecordset->dbOffset = 0; $ifrecordset->dbType = $globalDBTP; $ifrecordset->dbSchema = $globalDB; $ifrecordset->recOrder = "asc"; $ifrecordset->recOrderCol = "`IF Label`"; $ifrecordset->recIndex = "id_cfg_device_interface"; $filterCFG = isset($_POST["id_cfg"]) ? " AND id_cfg=" . $_POST["id_cfg"] : ""; $ifrecordset->recQuery = "\nSELECT\nc.cfg_device as \"Device Label\",\na.device_interfacelabel as \"IF Label\",\ng.cfg_device_interface_mac as \"MAC\",\nb.device_ifspeedduplex as \"Speed/Duplex\",\nf.cfg_device_netgroup as \"NetGroup\",\nd.device as \"Device\",\nid_cfg_device_interface,\nconcat(inet_ntoa(e.cfg_device_ip4netaddress),'/',cast(e.cfg_device_ip4netaddress_nmbits as char)) as \"Network\",\ninet_ntoa(cfg_device_interface_ip4hostaddress) as Address,\ng.id_cfg_device,\ncfg_device_interface_enabled as \"Enabled\",\nc.id_cfg,\nCONCAT('<input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"updateTable(this,''_cfg_device_interface'',''id_cfg_device_interface'',',id_cfg_device_interface,',2,''" . $path . "sql.php'',''list18-1'',''&id_cfg_device_interface=',id_cfg_device_interface,'&form=frmInterface&action=delete" . $ajCfgDevice . "'')\"/>') as \"\",\nc.id_device\nFROM\n_cfg_device_interface g\nLEFT JOIN _device_interfacelabel a ON g.id_device_interfacelabel=a.id_device_interfacelabel\nLEFT JOIN _device_ifspeedduplex b ON g.id_device_ifspeedduplex=b.id_device_ifspeedduplex\nLEFT JOIN _cfg_device c ON g.id_cfg_device=c.id_cfg_device\nLEFT JOIN _device d ON c.id_device=d.id_device\nLEFT JOIN _cfg_device_ip4netaddress e ON g.id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress=e.id_cfg_device_ip4netaddress\nLEFT JOIN _cfg_device_netgroup f ON e.id_cfg_device_netgroup=f.id_cfg_device_netgroup\nwhere cfg_device_interface_enabled=1" . $filterCFG . " order by c.cfg_device asc"; $ifrecordset->ajDestination = "list18-1"; $ifrecordset->ajPage = "/_mod/smod_18/list_interface_filtered.php"; $ifrecordset->ignoreCols = array("id_cfg_device_interface", "id_cfg_device", "id_device", "Enabled", "id_cfg"); $ifrecordset->ignoreFilterCols = array("id_cfg_device_interface", "id_cfg_device", "id_device", "Action", "Enabled", "id_cfg"); $ifrecordset->build();