public function handleKeywordActions($replytomessage = null) { $bReplyToStop = true; // LOG IT for testing $this->_writeLog("ReplyToMessage is " . print_r($replytomessage, 1)); // See if this matches a keyword and handle special cases $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword($this->message, true); $this->_writeLog("Keyword folderid: {$keyword->folderid}"); // just hacking this for now if (!in_array(strtolower($this->message), array('stop', 'end', 'quit', 'info', 'help', 'cancel', 'stopall'))) { // if it didn't load a folderid, it is probably not a valid keyword // Now check if there is a replytomessageid and this is a response to // a previous outbound if (empty($keyword->folderid)) { if ($replytomessage) { $this->_writeLog("Originating Keyword ID: {$replytomessage->keywordid}"); $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword($replytomessage->keywordid); } } // If there is a replytomessage, get the create user. This will be for all campaign replies, as well // as multi level conversations. If there is no replytomessage we should ALWAYS have a keyword, so // get the user that currently owns that keyword and send the reply back as them. $creatorid = !empty($replytomessage->createuser) ? $replytomessage->createuser : $keyword->createuser; } else { $creatorid = 0; } // Prepare the reply messages if there is one $keyword->response = $keyword->replyheader ? "{$keyword->replyheader}:" : ''; $keyword->response .= "{$keyword->replybody}\n{$keyword->replyfooter}"; if (trim($keyword->response) === "reply STOP 2 stop") { $bReplyToStop = false; } // 04/13/2013 tmp solution to stop double msg // Handle special actions $keyword->handleSpecialActions($this); // LOG IT for testing $this->_writeLog("Keyword ID is {$keyword->id}"); // If we have an id then this is a keyword if ($keyword->id) { // LOG IT for testing $this->_writeLog("Opted Out Flag is {$keyword->optedOut}"); // LOG IT for testing $this->_writeLog("Message Creator is {$creatorid}"); $message = new Application_Model_Message(new Application_Model_User((int) $creatorid)); // $smsoutbound = new Application_Model_Smsoutbound($message); // Set the message keyword and folder id's. These will be used for tracking a conversation as well as handling optouts $message->keywordid = $keyword->id; $message->folderid = $keyword->folderid; // This would only be set from a SpecialAction model if (!$this->optedOut) { $this->_writeLog("non-optout"); // Subscribe this sender, but only if they are not already a subscriber if (!$keyword->hasSubscriberPhone($this->device_address)) { // Depth for this message is 1 since we are an optin $this->depth = 1; // Sign them up for this keyword $keyword->addSubscriber($this->device_address); /* --------------------- */ if ($keyword->notifybysms) { $dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $confirm = "87365:" . $this->device_address . " has opted in to keyword " . $keyword->keyword . " on {$dt}"; $this->alertMessage($keyword->notifybysms, $confirm); } if ($keyword->notifybyemail) { $dt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $confirm = "87365:" . $this->device_address . " has opted in to keyword " . $keyword->keyword . " on {$dt}"; $this->alertnewaccount($keyword->notifybyemail, "Lead notification", $confirm); } /* --------------------- */ $this->_writeLog("add subscriber: {$this->device_address}, response: {$keyword->response}"); // If there is an autoreply, send it now if ($keyword->response) { if ($bReplyToStop) { // update message exp time if ($keyword->offerexp) { $message->sendNow($this->updateExp($keyword->response, $keyword->offerexp), array($this->device_address), $this->inbound_address); } else { $message->sendNow($keyword->response, array($this->device_address), $this->inbound_address); } } } } else { if (!$keyword->usecustomresponse) { // If there is an alternate autoresponder if ($keyword->usealt) { $keyword->response = $keyword->replyheader ? "{$keyword->replyheader}:" : ''; $keyword->response .= "{$keyword->replybodyalt}\n{$keyword->replyfooter}"; } else { // Otherwise provide a default one. $keyword->response = 'You are already opted in. Thanks for your message.'; // TODO: ACTUALLY WE WANT THE 1ST ONE TO KEEP GOING OUT, BUT ALTERNATE RESPONSES // NEED TO BE SET UP FOR ALL EXISTING KEYWORDS 1ST SINCE IT IS A NEW FEATURE } } $this->_writeLog("already opted in: {$keyword->response}"); if ($keyword->replybodyalt) { $message->sendNow($keyword->replybodyalt, array($this->device_address), $this->inbound_address); } else { $keyword->replybodyalt = 'You are already opted in. Thanks for your message.'; $message->sendNow($keyword->replybodyalt, array($this->device_address), $this->inbound_address); } } } else { /* Taking out for now so stop messages can send their default responses Actually, I think this might be unnecessary, because if a custom message is set it will override the reponse and be used below... if (!$keyword->usecustomresponse) { $keyword->response = 'Your message has been received.'; } */ $this->_writeLog("OptOut {$keyword->response}"); if ($bReplyToStop) { $message->sendNow($keyword->response, array($this->device_address), $this->inbound_address); } } } }
public function keywordAction() { $nb = new Application_Model_Smsinbound(); // echo '<pre>'; print_r($nb->getKewordObject('mac', 87365, 19253050723)); exit; // Default values $userid = $this->user->getId(); $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword(); $formObj = new Application_Model_Form(); $canedit = false; $newkeyword = false; $error = false; $this->view->optin_life = array(1, 3, 7, 15, 30, 60, 180, 360); $message = array('type' => '', 'body' => ''); // See if we are editing a keyword $id = $this->request->getParam('id'); if ($id) { // Load the keyword $keyword->setId($id); // Get the folder for this keyword $folderid = $keyword->folderid; // Make sure this user owns this keyword if ($this->user->getId() == $keyword->createuser) { $canedit = true; } else { // Get a fresh keyword model to load in the view $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword(); $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['body'] = 'Keyword being edited does not belong to this user. Can not edit.'; } } else { // No keyword is being loaded, so let them edit a new empty one $canedit = true; $newkeyword = true; } // if we posted sustain keyword form values if ($this->request->isPost() && $canedit) { $shortcode = trim($this->request->getParam('shortcode')); $inactive = trim($this->request->getParam('inactive')); $word = trim($this->request->getParam('keyword')); $msg_head = trim($this->request->getParam('msg_head')); $msg_body = trim($this->request->getParam('msg_body')); $optinlife = trim($this->request->getParam('optin_life')); $offerexp = trim($this->request->getParam('optinlifeexp')); // $formurl = trim($this->request->getParam('formurl')); $notifybysms = trim($this->request->getParam('notifybysms')); $notifybyemail = trim($this->request->getParam('notifybyemail')); $alertmessage = trim($this->request->getParam('alertmessage')); $msg_body_alt = trim($this->request->getParam('msg_body_alt')); $folderid = trim($this->request->getParam('folder')); $contestid = intval($this->request->getParam('contest')); $usealt = trim($this->request->getParam('usealt')); $location = trim($this->request->getParam('location')); // to deactivate keyword if ($inactive == '1') { $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword(); if ($keyword->delete($id, $word)) { $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['body'] = 'Keyword ' . $word . ' Deleted!'; $this->view->error = $error; $this->view->message = $message; //$this->_redirector->gotoUrl('/messages/keyword'); } } else { // add/edit keyword // validation to check for the unique keyword name if (empty($id)) { $varb = $keyword->exists($word, $shortcode); if ($varb) { $error = 'Keyword ' . $word . ' is already exists in our system.'; } } // Only admins can edit the footer if ($this->user->isAdmin()) { $msg_foot = trim($this->request->getParam('msg_foot')); } else { if ($id) { $msg_foot = $keyword->getReplyfooter(); } else { $msg_foot = 'reply STOP 2 stop'; } } // See if they are creating a new folder for this keyword if ($folderid == '0') { // now make sure they named the new folder $new_folder = trim($this->request->getParam('new_folder')); if ($new_folder) { $folder = new Application_Model_Folder($this->user); // Set up the Folder meta data $meta = array(); $meta['name'] = $new_folder; $success = $folder->addWithMeta($meta); if ($success) { $folderid = $folder->getId(); } else { $error = $folder->getError(); } } else { $error = 'A folder name must be provided to add a new folder.'; } } // if there was an error don't try and create the keyword if ($error) { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['body'] = $error; } else { $keyword->setKeyword($word); $keyword->setFolderId($folderid); $keyword->setContestId($contestid); $keyword->setReplyheader($msg_head); $keyword->setReplybody($msg_body); $keyword->setOptinlife($optinlife); $keyword->setOfferexp($offerexp); // $keyword->setFormurl($formurl); $keyword->setNotifybysms($notifybysms); $keyword->setNotifybyemail($notifybyemail); $keyword->setAlertmessage($alertmessage); $keyword->setReplybodyAlt($msg_body_alt); $keyword->setReplyfooter($msg_foot); $keyword->setUseAlt($usealt); $keyword->setLocation($location); $keyword->setShortcode($shortcode); // now try and save it if ($keyword->save()) { $msgtype = $newkeyword ? 'You can now start to receive opt-in messages on this keyword.' : 'Your changes have been applied.'; $message['type'] = 'success'; $message['body'] = 'Keyword Saved! ' . $msgtype; if ($newkeyword) { // Keyword saved, get a fresh keyword model to display an empty form $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword(); } } else { $message['type'] = 'error'; $message['body'] = $keyword->getError(); } } } } $user = new Application_Model_User((int) $userid); // Send the message values back to the view $this->view->keyword = $keyword; $this->view->message = $message; $this->view->canedit = $canedit; // User data components $this->view->folders = $this->user->getFolders(); $this->view->keywords = $this->user->getKeywords(); $this->view->contests = $this->user->getContests(); $this->view->formobject = $formObj; $this->view->formobjects = $formObj->webformList($userid); $this->view->business = $user->businessname; $this->view->ainfo = $user->reward; $this->view->userid = $userid; // $mobj = memcache_connect('', 11211); // $opts = $mobj->get('OPTEDOUT_INBOUND'); }
/** * Gets a collection of keyword models for this user * * Sorted by keyword * * @access public * @return Array */ public function getKeywords() { $return = array(); if ($this->id) { $sql = "CALL user_get_keywords({$this->id})"; $rs = $this->query($sql); if ($rs && $rs->num_rows) { while ($row = $rs->fetchArray()) { $keyword = new Application_Model_Keyword(); $keyword->loadFromArray($row); $return[$keyword->keyword] = $keyword; } } } ksort($return); return $return; }
public function indexAction() { $k = new Application_Model_Keyword(); $k->handleAction('me'); }