Пример #1
  * Register action : create a new account
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function register()
     $this->form = new UserCreateForm();
     if ($this->request->is_post()) {
         if (!$this->form->is_valid($this->params['account'])) {
             $this->flash['error'] = __('Fail to create account : Check data.');
         $this->user = new User($this->form->cleaned_data);
         if (!$this->user->save()) {
             $this->form->errors = new SFormErrors($this->user->errors);
             $this->flash['error'] = __('Fail to create account : Check data.');
         $logger = new SLogger('../log/account.log');
         $logger->info("{$this->user->login} ({$this->user->id}) signup");
         $this->session['user'] = $this->user;
         $mailer = new ApplicationMailer();
Пример #2
  * Lost action : if user has lost his password
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function lost()
     $this->form = new LostLoginForm();
     $req = new SRequestParams();
     if ($this->request->is_post()) {
         if ($this->form->is_valid($this->params['user'])) {
             try {
                 $user = User::$objects->get('email = ?', array($this->params['user']['email']));
                 $mailer = new ApplicationMailer();
                 $logger = new SLogger('../log/account.log');
                 $logger->info("{$user->login} ({$user->id}) password reminder sent to <{$user->email}>");
                 $this->flash['notice'] = __('Password reminder has been sent to you by email');
             } catch (SRecordNotFound $e) {
                 $this->flash['error'] = __('This email address is not registered');
                 $this->form->errors = new SFormErrors(array('email' => __('Email not found')));
         $this->flash['error'] = __('You have to give a valid registered email address.');
Пример #3
    private function RFCDate()
        $tz = date("Z");
        $tzs = $tz < 0 ? "-" : "+";
        $tz = abs($tz);
        $tz = $tz / 3600 * 100 + $tz % 3600 / 60;
        $result = sprintf("%s %s%04d", date("D, j M Y H:i:s"), $tzs, $tz);
        return $result;
    private function fixEOL($str)
        $str = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str);
        $str = str_replace("\r", "\n", $str);
        $str = str_replace("\n", $this->LE, $str);
        return $str;
    private function wrapText($str)
class Part
    private $contentType = "";
class User
    public $email = '*****@*****.**';
ApplicationMailer::create('signupNotification', new User());
Пример #4
 * Send error log to administrator
 * @param array $errors
 * @return boolean
function backup_module_log_error($errors, $send_email = false)
    $log_message = is_foreachable($errors) ? implode("\n", $errors) : $errors;
    if ($send_email) {
        $mailer =& ApplicationMailer::mailer();
        $recipient = new Swift_Address();
        $recipient->setName('activeCollab admin');
        $sender = new Swift_Address();
        $tmp_message = "Automatic backup of activeCollab on " . ROOT_URL . " failed.\n\r";
        $tmp_message .= "Backup returned these errors: \n\r\n\r";
        $tmp_message .= $log_message;
        $message = new Swift_Message();
        $message->setSubject('activeCollab automatic backup error log');
        $mailer->send($message, $recipient, $sender);
    // if
    log_message($log_message, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'backup');
  * Return mailer instance
  * @param void
  * @return Swift
 function &mailer()
     $instance =& ApplicationMailer::instance();
     if (!$instance->connected) {
     // if
     return $instance->swift;
Пример #6
 * Do daily taks
 * @param void
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_daily()
    $priorities_images = array(PRIORITY_URGENT => 'assets/images/icons/priority/urgent.png', PRIORITY_HIGHEST => 'assets/images/icons/priority/highest.gif', PRIORITY_HIGH => 'assets/images/icons/priority/high.gif', PRIORITY_NORMAL => 'assets/images/icons/priority/normal.gif', PRIORITY_LOW => 'assets/images/icons/priority/low.gif', PRIORITY_LOWEST => 'assets/images/icons/priority/lowest.gif', PRIORITY_HOLD => 'assets/images/icons/priority/hold.png', '-99' => 'assets/images/icons/priority/unknown.png');
    $pages = array();
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
    $sql = "select id, name from healingcrystals_project_objects where project_id='" . TASK_LIST_PROJECT_ID . "' and type='Page'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
    while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        list($name, ) = explode('-', $entry['name']);
        $name = trim($name);
        $pages[$name] = $entry['id'];
    $current_time = time();
    $users = Users::findAll();
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        $flag = 1;
        $message = '';
        $name = $user->getName();
        if (array_key_exists($name, $pages)) {
            $page = new Page($pages[$name]);
            if ($page) {
                $sql = "select id from healingcrystals_project_objects where parent_id='" . $pages[$name] . "' and parent_type='Page' and type='Task' and completed_on is null and priority is null and created_on>='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $current_time - 1 * 24 * 60 * 60) . "' order by created_on";
                $result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
                if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                    $show_task_list = true;
                } else {
                    $show_task_list = false;
                if (date('N') == '1' || $show_task_list) {
                    $message .= '<style>
		.odd {background-color:#ffffff;}
			<td colspan="3">Task List: ' . $name . '</td>
			<td align="center">Priority</td>
                    $tasks = Tasks::findOpenByObject($page);
                    foreach ($tasks as $task) {
                        $message .= '
		<tr class="' . ($flag % 2 === 1 ? 'odd' : 'even') . '">
			<td valign="top" align="center"><img  src="http://projects.ffbh.org/public/' . $priorities_images[$task->getPriority()] . '"/></td>
			<td valign="top">' . $task->getName() . '</td>
			<td valign="top"><a href="' . $task->getViewUrl() . '">View</a></td>
                    $message .= '
                    $subject = 'projects: healingcrystals.com Task list';
                    $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
                    $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n";
                    $headers .= 'From: FFBH Reminder <*****@*****.**>' . "\r\n";
                    mail($user->getEmail(), $subject, $message, $headers);
    $sql = "select po.id, cast(if( pom.recurring_period_type='D', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.recurring_period day), if(pom.recurring_period_type='W', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.recurring_period week), if(pom.recurring_period_type='M', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.recurring_period month), null ) ) ) as Date) as next_due_date, cast(DATE_ADD(now(), interval 0 day) as Date) as cur_date, cast(if(isnull(pom.email_reminder_unit), null, if( pom.email_reminder_unit='D', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.email_reminder_period day), if(pom.email_reminder_unit='W', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.email_reminder_period week), if(pom.email_reminder_unit='M', DATE_ADD(po.due_on, interval pom.email_reminder_period month), null ) ) )\t) as Date) as reminder_date from healingcrystals_project_objects po inner join  healingcrystals_project_object_misc pom on po.id=pom.object_id where po.type='Task' and po.due_on is not null and po.due_on<=now() and po.completed_on is null and pom.recurring_period_condition='after_due_date' and if(pom.recurring_end_date is not null and pom.recurring_end_date!='0000-00-00', if(pom.recurring_end_date>=now(), 1, 0), 1)=1 having next_due_date=cur_date";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $task = new Task($entry['id']);
        $action = $task->complete(new AnonymousUser('auto', '*****@*****.**'));
        if (!empty($entry['reminder_date']) && $entry['cur_date'] == $entry['reminder_date']) {
            $sql02 = "select id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_objects where type='Task' and project_id='" . $task->getProjectId() . "' and milestone_id='" . $task->getMilestoneId() . "' and parent_id='" . $task->getParentId() . "' order by id desc limit 0, 1";
            $result02 = mysql_query($sql02);
            if (mysql_num_rows($result02)) {
                $info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result02);
                $recurring_task = new Task($info['id']);
                $parent = $recurring_task->getParent();
                $project = $recurring_task->getProject();
                $assignees = $recurring_task->getAssignees();
                $priorities = array(PRIORITY_HIGHEST => lang('Highest'), PRIORITY_HIGH => lang('High'), PRIORITY_NORMAL => lang('Normal'), PRIORITY_LOW => lang('Low'), PRIORITY_LOWEST => lang('Lowest'), PRIORITY_ONGOING => lang('Ongoing'), PRIORITY_HOLD => lang('Hold'));
                $due_date = $task->getDueOn();
                $due_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($due_date));
                $reminder_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($entry['reminder_date']));
                foreach ($assignees as $assignee) {
                    $assignees_string .= $assignee->getDisplayName() . ', ';
                if (!empty($assignees_string)) {
                    $assignees_string = substr($assignees_string, 0, -2);
                } else {
                    $assignees_string = '--';
                $reminders_sent = array();
                foreach ($assignees as $user) {
                    //if ($user->getEmail()=='*****@*****.**'){
                    $reminder = new Reminder();
                    $reminder->setAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->getId(), 'object_id' => $recurring_task->getId(), 'comment' => $comment));
                    $save = $reminder->save();
                    if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
                        $reminders_sent[] = $user->getDisplayName();
                        ApplicationMailer::send($user, 'system/reminder', array('reminded_by_name' => 'AutoReminder', 'reminded_by_url' => '', 'object_name' => $recurring_task->getName(), 'object_url' => $recurring_task->getViewUrl(), 'object_type' => strtolower($recurring_task->getType()), 'comment_body' => $comment, 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl(), 'ticket_name' => $parent->getName(), 'ticket_url' => $parent->getViewUrl(), 'object_priority' => $priorities[(string) $recurring_task->getPriority()], 'object_due_date' => $due_date, 'object_reminder_date_n_time' => $reminder_date, 'object_assignees' => $assignees_string, 'task_mark_complete_url' => $recurring_task->getCompleteUrl() . '&auto=1', 'display_status_for_complete_url' => $recurring_task->is_action_request_task() ? '' : 'none'), $recurring_task);
  * Set_expired action : update achievement state to expired
  * (unlocked and expired achievements can't be modified)
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function set_expired()
     if (!$this->_load_achievement()) {
     if (!$this->achievement->is_locked() || !$this->session['user']->is_creator_of($this->achievement)) {
         $this->flash['error'] = __('You can\'t modify this achievement.');
     $this->achievement->state = 'expired';
     if (!$this->achievement->save()) {
         $this->form->errors = $this->achievement->errors;
         $this->flash['error'] = __('Fail to update achievement : Check data.');
     $mailer = new ApplicationMailer();
Пример #8
 * Do hourly tasks
 * @param void
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_hourly()
    $cache =& Cache::instance();
    if (instance_of($cache->backend, 'CacheBackend')) {
    // if
    $time_current = $time_end = time() - 4 * 60 * 60;
    $time_start = $time_end - 60 * 60;
    $comment = 'Auto Reminder';
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
    //BOF:mod 20120816
    //EOF:mod 20120816
        $query = "select distinct a.object_id from 
                  healingcrystals_project_object_misc a 
                  inner join healingcrystals_project_objects b on a.object_id=b.id where 
                  b.type='Task' and 
                  b.state='" . STATE_VISIBLE . "' and 
                  (b.completed_on is null or b.completed_on='') and 
                  a.reminder_date is not null and 
                  a.reminder_date<>'0000-00-00' and 
                  a.auto_email_status='1' and 
                  ((a.reminder_date between '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_start) . "' and '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_end) . "')
                      or (a.recurring_period_type = 'D' and recurring_period = '1' and recurring_period_condition = 'after_due_date' and (recurring_end_date > '".date('Y-m-d')."' or recurring_end_date = '0000-00-00') and date_format(a.reminder_date,'%H:%i:%s') between '" . date('H:i:s', $time_start) . "' and '" . date('H:i:s', $time_end) . "'))";
        mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($query) . "')");
    //BOF:mod 20120816
        $query = "select distinct a.object_id, a.reminder_date from 
                  healingcrystals_project_object_misc a 
                  inner join healingcrystals_project_objects b on a.object_id=b.id where 
                  b.type='Task' and 
                  b.state='" . STATE_VISIBLE . "' and 
                  (b.completed_on is null or b.completed_on='') and 
                  a.reminder_date is not null and 
                  a.reminder_date<>'0000-00-00' and 
                  a.auto_email_status='1' and 
                  ((a.reminder_date between '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_start) . "' and '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_end) . "')
                      or (a.recurring_period_type = 'D' and recurring_period = '1' and recurring_period_condition = 'after_due_date' and (recurring_end_date > '".date('Y-m-d')."' or recurring_end_date = '0000-00-00') and date_format(a.reminder_date,'%H:%i:%s') between '" . date('H:i:s', $time_start) . "' and '" . date('H:i:s', $time_end) . "'))";
    $query = "select distinct \n\t\t\t\ta.object_id, \n\t\t\t\tcast(if(a.email_reminder_unit='D', \n\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period day), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\tif(a.email_reminder_unit='W', \n\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period week), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(a.email_reminder_unit='M', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period month), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnull\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t) as datetime) as reminder \n\t\t\t  from \n\t\t\t\thealingcrystals_project_object_misc a \n\t\t\t\tinner join healingcrystals_project_objects b on a.object_id=b.id \n\t\t\t  where \n\t\t\t\tb.type='Task' and \n\t\t\t\tb.state='" . STATE_VISIBLE . "' and \n\t\t\t\t(b.completed_on is null or b.completed_on='') and \n\t\t\t\ta.auto_email_status='1' and \n\t\t\t\ta.email_reminder_unit is not null and \n\t\t\t\tb.due_on is not null and \n\t\t\t\t(a.snooze_datetime is null or a.snooze_datetime='0000-00-00 00:00:00' or a.snooze_datetime<'" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_current) . "') and \n\t\t\t\tcast(if(a.email_reminder_unit='D', \n\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period day), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\tif(a.email_reminder_unit='W', \n\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period week), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(a.email_reminder_unit='M', \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tconcat(DATE_SUB(b.due_on, interval a.email_reminder_period month), ' ', a.email_reminder_time), \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnull\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t) as datetime) between '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_start) . "' and '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time_end) . "'\n\t\t\t  ";
    //EOF:mod 20120816
    $result = mysql_query($query, $link);
    while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $task_obj = new Task($entry['object_id']);
        $parent = $task_obj->getParent();
        $project = $task_obj->getProject();
        $assignees = $task_obj->getAssignees();
        //BOF:mod 20120816
        $priorities = array(PRIORITY_HIGHEST => lang('Highest'), PRIORITY_HIGH => lang('High'), PRIORITY_NORMAL => lang('Normal'), PRIORITY_LOW => lang('Low'), PRIORITY_LOWEST => lang('Lowest'), PRIORITY_ONGOING => lang('Ongoing'), PRIORITY_HOLD => lang('Hold'));
        $due_date = $task_obj->getDueOn();
        if (!empty($due_date) && $due_date != '0000-00-00') {
            $due_date = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($due_date));
        } else {
            $due_date = '--';
        $reminder_date = $entry['reminder'];
        //$reminder_date = $entry['reminder_date'];
        if (!empty($reminder_date) && $reminder_date != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
            $reminder_date = date('m/d/Y H:i', strtotime($reminder_date));
        } else {
            $reminder_date = '--';
        foreach ($assignees as $assignee) {
            $assignees_string .= $assignee->getDisplayName() . ', ';
        if (!empty($assignees_string)) {
            $assignees_string = substr($assignees_string, 0, -2);
        } else {
            $assignees_string = '--';
        //EOF:mod 20120816
        $reminders_sent = array();
        foreach ($assignees as $user) {
            //if ($user->getEmail()=='*****@*****.**'){
            $reminder = new Reminder();
            $reminder->setAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->getId(), 'object_id' => $task_obj->getId(), 'comment' => $comment));
            $save = $reminder->save();
            if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
                $reminders_sent[] = $user->getDisplayName();
                ApplicationMailer::send($user, 'system/reminder', array('reminded_by_name' => 'AutoReminder', 'reminded_by_url' => '', 'object_name' => $task_obj->getName(), 'object_url' => $task_obj->getViewUrl(), 'object_type' => strtolower($task_obj->getType()), 'comment_body' => $comment, 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl(), 'ticket_name' => $parent->getName(), 'ticket_url' => $parent->getViewUrl(), 'object_priority' => $priorities[(string) $task_obj->getPriority()], 'object_due_date' => $due_date, 'object_reminder_date_n_time' => $reminder_date, 'object_assignees' => $assignees_string, 'task_mark_complete_url' => $task_obj->getCompleteUrl() . '&auto=1', 'display_status_for_complete_url' => ''), $task_obj);
            // if
        // foreach
  * Render and process forgot password form
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function forgot_password()
     $forgot_password_data = $this->request->post('forgot_password');
     $this->smarty->assign('forgot_password_data', $forgot_password_data);
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $errors = new ValidationErrors();
         $email = trim(array_var($forgot_password_data, 'email'));
         if ($email == '') {
             $errors->addError(lang('Email address is required'), 'email');
         } else {
             if (is_valid_email($email)) {
                 $user = Users::findByEmail($email);
                 if (instance_of($user, 'User')) {
                     $user->setPasswordResetOn(new DateTimeValue());
                     $save = $user->save();
                     if (!$save || is_error($save)) {
                         $errors->addError('Failed to update your user password with reset password data');
                     // of
                 } else {
                     $errors->addError(lang('There is no user account that matches the e-mail address you entered'), 'email');
                 // if
             } else {
                 $errors->addError(lang('Invalid email address'), 'email');
             // if
         // if
         if ($errors->hasErrors()) {
             $this->smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
         // if
         $sent = ApplicationMailer::send(array($user), 'system/forgot_password', array('reset_url' => $user->getResetPasswordUrl()));
         $this->smarty->assign(array('success_message' => lang('We emailed reset password instructions at :email', array('email' => $user->getEmail())), 'forgot_password_data' => null));
     // if
 function register_assignees_flag($assignees_flag = array(), $is_new_object = false)
     $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
     if (!$is_new_object) {
         $query = "delete from healingcrystals_assignments_flag_fyi_actionrequest where object_id='" . $this->getId() . "'";
         mysql_query($query, $link);
     $users = array();
     foreach ($assignees_flag['flag_fyi'] as $user_id) {
         if (!array_key_exists((string) $user_id, $users)) {
             $users[(string) $user_id] = array('flag_fyi' => '0', 'flag_actionrequest' => '0', 'priority_actionrequest' => '0', 'flag_email' => '0');
         $users[(string) $user_id]['flag_fyi'] = '1';
     foreach ($assignees_flag['flag_actionrequest'] as $user_id) {
         if (!array_key_exists((string) $user_id, $users)) {
             $users[(string) $user_id] = array('flag_fyi' => '0', 'flag_actionrequest' => '0', 'priority_actionrequest' => '0', 'flag_email' => '0');
         $users[(string) $user_id]['flag_actionrequest'] = '1';
     foreach ($assignees_flag['priority_actionrequest'] as $entry) {
         $vals = explode('_', $entry);
         list($temp_user_id, $priority) = $vals;
         if (array_key_exists((string) $temp_user_id, $users) && $users[(string) $temp_user_id]['flag_actionrequest'] == '1') {
             $users[(string) $temp_user_id]['priority_actionrequest'] = $priority;
     foreach ($assignees_flag['flag_email'] as $user_id) {
         if (!array_key_exists((string) $user_id, $users)) {
             $users[(string) $user_id] = array('flag_fyi' => '0', 'flag_actionrequest' => '0', 'priority_actionrequest' => '0', 'flag_email' => '0');
         $users[(string) $user_id]['flag_email'] = '1';
     foreach ($users as $user_id => $flags) {
         $query = "insert into healingcrystals_assignments_flag_fyi_actionrequest (user_id, object_id, flag_fyi, flag_actionrequest, priority_actionrequest, email_flag) values ('" . $user_id . "', '" . $this->getId() . "', '" . $flags['flag_fyi'] . "', '" . $flags['flag_actionrequest'] . "', '" . $flags['priority_actionrequest'] . "', '" . $flags['flag_email'] . "')";
         //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content)  values (now(), '" . mysql_real_escape_string($query) . "')");
         mysql_query($query, $link);
     //BOF:mod 20111011 #449
     if ($is_new_object) {
         $query = "select user_id from healingcrystals_assignments_flag_fyi_actionrequest where object_id='" . $this->getId() . "' and email_flag='1'";
         $result = mysql_query($query);
         $email_to = array();
         if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
             while ($entry = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $email_to[] = new User($entry['user_id']);
         if (count($email_to)) {
             $owner_company = get_owner_company();
             $project = $this->getProject();
             // Prepare object type translations
             if (is_foreachable($languages)) {
                 $object_type = array();
                 foreach ($languages as $language) {
                     $object_type[$language->getLocale()] = $this->getVerboseType(false, $language);
                 // foreach
             } else {
                 $object_type = $this->getVerboseType();
             // if
             $created_by_id = $this->getCreatedById();
             $created_by = new User($created_by_id);
             $variables = array('details_body' => EmailTemplates::renderProjectObjectDetails($this, $languages), 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl(), 'object_type' => $object_type, 'object_name' => $this->getName(), 'object_body' => $this->getFormattedBody(), 'object_url' => $this->getViewUrl(), 'owner_company_name' => $owner_company->getName(), 'created_by_name' => $created_by->getDisplayName(), 'created_by_url' => $created_by->getViewUrl());
             if ($context === null) {
                 $context = $this->getNotificationContext();
             // if
             ApplicationMailer::send($email_to, 'resources/task_assigned', $variables, $context);
     //EOF:mod 20111011 #449
  * Create a new reminder
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function add()
     $this->wireframe->print_button = false;
     $parent = ProjectObjects::findById($this->request->getId('parent_id'));
     if (!instance_of($parent, 'ProjectObject')) {
     // if
     $project = $parent->getProject();
     if (!instance_of($project, 'Project')) {
     // if
     $assignees = $parent->getAssignees();
     $subscribers = $parent->getSubscribers();
     $commenters = Comments::findCommenters($parent, $this->logged_user);
     $reminder_data = $this->request->post('reminder');
     if (!is_array($reminder_data)) {
         $who = 'user';
         if (is_foreachable($assignees)) {
             $who = 'assignees';
         } elseif (is_foreachable($subscribers)) {
             $who = 'subscribers';
         } elseif (is_foreachable($commenters)) {
             $who = 'commenters';
         // if
         $reminder_data = array('who' => $who);
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('parent' => $parent, 'assignees' => $assignees, 'subscribers' => $subscribers, 'commenters' => $commenters, 'project_users' => ProjectUsers::findUserIdsByProject($project), 'reminder_data' => $reminder_data));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $send_to_users = null;
         switch ($reminder_data['who']) {
             case 'assignees':
                 $send_to_users = $assignees;
             case 'subscribers':
                 $send_to_users = $subscribers;
             case 'commenters':
                 $send_to_users = $commenters;
             case 'user':
                 $user_id = (int) array_var($reminder_data, 'user_id');
                 if ($user_id) {
                     $user = Users::findById($user_id);
                     if (instance_of($user, 'User')) {
                         $send_to_users = array($user);
                     // if
                 // if
         // switch
         // Do reminder
         if (is_foreachable($send_to_users)) {
             $comment = trim(array_var($reminder_data, 'comment'));
             if ($comment) {
                 require_once SMARTY_PATH . '/plugins/modifier.clickable.php';
                 require_once ANGIE_PATH . '/classes/htmlpurifier/init.php';
                 $comment = strip_tags(prepare_html($comment, true));
                 // make sure we have clean text
                 $comment = nl2br(smarty_modifier_clickable($comment));
                 // preserve breaklines and convert links
             // if
             $reminders_sent = array();
             foreach ($send_to_users as $user) {
                 $reminder = new Reminder();
                 $reminder->setAttributes(array('user_id' => $user->getId(), 'object_id' => $parent->getId(), 'comment' => $comment));
                 $save = $reminder->save();
                 if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
                     $reminders_sent[] = $user->getDisplayName();
                     ApplicationMailer::send($user, 'system/reminder', array('reminded_by_name' => $this->logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'reminded_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'object_name' => $parent->getName(), 'object_url' => $parent->getViewUrl(), 'object_type' => strtolower($parent->getType()), 'comment_body' => $comment, 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl()), $parent);
                 // if
             // foreach
             $message = lang('Users reminded: :users', array('users' => implode(', ', $reminders_sent)));
             if ($this->request->get('skip_layout')) {
             } else {
             // if
             // No reminders
         } else {
             if ($this->request->get('skip_layout')) {
                 $this->renderText(lang('0 users reminded'));
             } else {
                 flash_success('0 users reminded');
             // if
         // if
     // if
Пример #12
 protected function afterDeliver()
  * Upload file document page action
  * @param void
  * @return void
 function upload_file()
     $this->wireframe->print_button = false;
     if (!Document::canAdd($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     $file = $_FILES['file'];
     $file_data = $this->request->post('file');
     if (!is_array($file_data)) {
         $file_data = array('category_id' => $this->active_document_category->getId());
     // if
     require_once SMARTY_PATH . '/plugins/modifier.filesize.php';
     $this->smarty->assign(array('file_data' => $file_data, 'max_upload_size' => smarty_modifier_filesize(get_max_upload_size())));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         if (is_array($file)) {
             $destination_file = get_available_uploads_filename();
             if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $destination_file)) {
                 if (FIX_UPLOAD_PERMISSION !== false) {
                     @chmod($destination_file, FIX_UPLOAD_PERMISSION);
                 // if
             // if
         // if
         $save = $this->active_document->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $notify_user_ids = $this->request->post('notify_users');
             if (is_foreachable($notify_user_ids)) {
                 $notify_users = Users::findByIds($notify_user_ids);
                 $owner_company = get_owner_company();
                 if (is_foreachable($notify_users)) {
                     ApplicationMailer::send($notify_users, 'documents/new_upload_file_document', array('document_name' => $this->active_document->getName(), 'created_by_name' => $this->active_document->getCreatedByName(), 'created_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'document_url' => $this->active_document->getViewUrl(), 'owner_company_name' => $owner_company->getName()), $this->active_document);
                 // if
             // if
             flash_success('Document ":document_name" has been uploaded', array('document_name' => $this->active_document->getName()));
         } else {
             $this->smarty->assign('errors', $save);
         // if
     // if
  * Change invoice status to CANCELED
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function cancel()
     if ($this->active_invoice->isNew()) {
     // if
     if (!$this->active_invoice->canCancel($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $this->active_invoice->setStatus(INVOICE_STATUS_CANCELED, $this->logged_user, new DateTimeValue());
         $save = $this->active_invoice->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $issued_to_user = $this->active_invoice->getIssuedTo();
             if (instance_of($issued_to_user, 'User')) {
                 $notify_users = array($issued_to_user);
                 if ($issued_to_user->getId() != $this->logged_user->getId()) {
                     $notify_users[] = $this->logged_user;
                 // if
                 ApplicationMailer::send($notify_users, 'invoicing/cancel', array('closed_by_name' => $this->logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'closed_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'invoice_number' => $this->active_invoice->getNumber(), 'invoice_url' => $this->active_invoice->getCompanyViewUrl()));
             // if
             flash_success('Invoice #:number has been canceled', array('number' => $this->active_invoice->getName($short)));
         } else {
             flash_error('Failed to cancel invoice #:number', array('number' => $this->active_invoice->getName($short)));
         // if
     } else {
     // if
  * Send welcome message
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function send_welcome_message()
     if ($this->active_user->isNew()) {
     // if
     if (!$this->active_user->canSendWelcomeMessage($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     $this->skip_layout = $this->request->isAsyncCall();
     $welcome_message_data = $this->request->post('welcome_message');
     if (!is_array($welcome_message_data)) {
         $welcome_message_data = array('message' => UserConfigOptions::getValue('welcome_message', $this->active_user));
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign('welcome_message_data', $welcome_message_data);
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $welcome_message = trim(array_var($welcome_message_data, 'message'));
         if ($welcome_message) {
             UserConfigOptions::setValue('welcome_message', $welcome_message, $this->active_user);
         } else {
             UserConfigOptions::removeValue('welcome_message', $this->active_user);
         // if
         $password = make_password(11);
         $save = $this->active_user->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $welcome_message_sent = ApplicationMailer::send(array($this->active_user), 'system/new_user', array('created_by_id' => $this->logged_user->getId(), 'created_by_name' => $this->logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'created_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'email' => $this->active_user->getEmail(), 'password' => $password, 'login_url' => assemble_url('login'), 'welcome_body' => $welcome_message ? nl2br(clean($welcome_message)) : ''));
             if ($welcome_message_sent) {
                 $message = lang('Welcome message has been sent to :name', array('name' => $this->active_user->getDisplayName()));
             } else {
                 $message = lang('Failed to send welcome message to :name. Please try again later', array('name' => $this->active_user->getDisplayName()));
             // if
             if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) {
             } else {
             // if
         } else {
             if ($this->request->isAsyncCall()) {
             } else {
             // if
         // if
     // if
  * Mass mailer
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function mass_mailer()
     // if
     $email_data = $this->request->post('email');
     $this->smarty->assign(array('email_data' => $email_data, 'exclude' => array($this->logged_user->getId())));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $errors = new ValidationErrors();
         $subject = trim(array_var($email_data, 'subject'));
         $body = trim(array_var($email_data, 'body'));
         $recipient_ids = array_var($email_data, 'recipients');
         if (empty($subject)) {
             $errors->addError(lang('Subject is required'), 'subject');
         // if
         if (empty($body)) {
             $errors->addError(lang('Body is required'), 'body');
         // if
         $recipients = array();
         if (is_foreachable($recipient_ids)) {
             $recipients = Users::findByIds(array_unique($recipient_ids));
         // if
         if (!is_foreachable($recipients)) {
             $errors->addError(lang('Please select recipients'), 'recipients');
         // if
         if ($errors->hasErrors()) {
             $this->smarty->assign('errors', $errors);
         // if
         $mailer =& ApplicationMailer::mailer();
         $message = new Swift_Message($subject, $body, 'text/html', EMAIL_ENCODING, EMAIL_CHARSET);
         $recipients_list = new Swift_RecipientList();
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             $name = $recipient->getDisplayName();
             $email = $recipient->getEmail();
             if ($name == $email) {
                 $name = '';
             // if
             $recipients_list->add($email, $name);
         // foreach
         $name = $this->logged_user->getDisplayName();
         $email = $this->logged_user->getEmail();
         if ($name == $email) {
             $name = '';
         // if
         if ($mailer->batchSend($message, $recipients_list, new Swift_Address($email, $name))) {
             flash_success('Email has been successfully sent');
         } else {
             flash_error('Failed to send email');
         // if
     // if
  * Save this payment
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function save()
     $invoice = $this->getInvoice();
     if (!instance_of($invoice, 'Invoice')) {
         return new Error('$invoice is not valid instance of Invoice class', true);
     // if
     $save = parent::save();
     if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
         if ($invoice->getMaxPayment(false) == 0 && $invoice->isIssued()) {
             $invoice->setStatus(INVOICE_STATUS_BILLED, get_logged_user(), $this->getPaidOn());
             $save = $invoice->save();
             if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
                 $logged_user = get_logged_user();
                 if ($this->send_notification) {
                     $issued_to_user = $invoice->getIssuedTo();
                     if (instance_of($issued_to_user, 'User')) {
                         $notify_users = array($logged_user);
                         if ($issued_to_user->getId() != $logged_user->getId()) {
                             $notify_users[] = $issued_to_user;
                         // if
                         ApplicationMailer::send($notify_users, 'invoicing/billed', array('closed_by_name' => $logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'closed_by_url' => $logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'invoice_number' => $invoice->getNumber(), 'invoice_url' => $invoice->getCompanyViewUrl()));
                     // if
                 // if
                 return true;
             } else {
                 return $save;
             // if
         // if
         return true;
     } else {
         return $save;
     // if
  * Create new comment
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function add()
     $this->wireframe->print_button = false;
     $active_object = ProjectObjects::findById($this->request->getId('parent_id'));
     if (!instance_of($active_object, 'ProjectObject')) {
         $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_NOT_FOUND, null, true, $this->request->isApiCall());
     // if
     if (!$active_object->canComment($this->logged_user)) {
         $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN, null, true, $this->request->isApiCall());
     // if
     $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($active_object->getName(), $active_object->getViewUrl());
     if (!$active_object->canComment($this->logged_user)) {
         if ($this->request->isApiCall()) {
             $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_FORBIDDEN, null, true, true);
         } else {
             flash_error('Parent object not found');
         // if
     // if
     $comment_data = $this->request->post('comment');
     $this->smarty->assign(array('active_object' => $active_object, 'page_tab' => $active_object->getProjectTab(), 'comment_data' => $comment_data, 'recent_comments' => Comments::findRecentObject($active_object, 5, STATE_VISIBLE, $this->logged_user->getVisibility())));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $complete_parent_object = (bool) array_var($comment_data, 'complete_parent_object');
         $this->active_comment = new Comment();
         $this->active_comment->log_activities = false;
         if ($complete_parent_object) {
             $this->active_comment->send_notification = false;
         // if
         attach_from_files($this->active_comment, $this->logged_user);
         if (trim($this->active_comment->getCreatedByName()) == '' || trim($this->active_comment->getCreatedByEmail()) == '') {
         // if
         $save = $this->active_comment->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             $activity = new NewCommentActivityLog();
             $activity->log($this->active_comment, $this->logged_user);
             if ($complete_parent_object && $active_object->canChangeCompleteStatus($this->logged_user)) {
                 $active_object->complete($this->logged_user, $this->active_comment->getFormattedBody(true));
             // if
             //BOF: mod
             $subscribers_to_notify = array_var($comment_data, 'subscribers_to_notify');
             $action_request_user_id = array_var($comment_data, 'action_request');
             //$priority_actionrequest = array_var($comment_data, 'priority_actionrequest');
             //BOF:mod 20110517
             if ($complete_parent_object) {
                 $subscribers_to_notify = array();
                 $action_request_user_id = array();
             //EOF:mod 20110517
             //BOF:mod 20110719
             //EOF:mod 20110719
             if (!empty($action_request_user_id)){
                 $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
                 foreach ($action_request_user_id as $id){
                     $query = "select * from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $id . "'";
             						$result = mysql_query($query);
             						if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
                         $query = "update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set is_action_request='1' where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $id . "'";
             						} else {
                         $query = "insert into healingcrystals_assignments_action_request (user_id, is_action_request, is_fyi, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $id . "', '1', '0', '" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "', now())";
                 foreach($priority_actionrequest as $val){
                     $temp = explode('_', $val);
             						list($temp_user_id, $priority) = $temp;
             						if (in_array($temp_user_id, $action_request_user_id)){
                         $query = "update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set priority_actionrequest='" . $priority . "' where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $temp_user_id . "'";
             //BOF:mod 20110719
             //EOF:mod 20110719
             //BOF:mod 20110719
             //$action_request_user_id = array();
             //if (!empty($priority_actionrequest)){
             $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
             if (!empty($action_request_user_id)) {
                 //foreach($priority_actionrequest as $val){
                 foreach ($action_request_user_id as $val) {
                     //$temp = explode('_', $val);
                     //list($temp_user_id, $priority) = $temp;
                     $temp_user_id = $val;
                     $priority = '0';
                     //if ((int)$priority>-10){
                     $query = "select * from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $temp_user_id . "'";
                     $result = mysql_query($query, $link);
                     if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                         $query1 = "update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set is_action_request='1', priority_actionrequest='" . $priority . "' where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $temp_user_id . "'";
                         mysql_query($query1, $link);
                     } else {
                         $query1 = "insert into healingcrystals_assignments_action_request (user_id, is_action_request, is_fyi, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added, priority_actionrequest) values ('" . $temp_user_id . "', '1', '0', '" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "', now(), '" . $priority . "')";
                         mysql_query($query1, $link);
                     //$action_request_user_id[] = $temp_user_id;
                     $task = new Task();
                     $task_body = '';
                     $parent = $this->active_comment->getParent();
                     $url = $parent->getViewUrl() . '#comment' . $this->active_comment->getId();
                     $comment_body = $this->active_comment->getBody();
                     $comment_body = strip_tags($comment_body);
                     //$task_body = substr($comment_body, 0, 10) . '.. <br/><a href="' . $url . '">View Task in Full</a>';
                     if (strlen($comment_body) > 525) {
                         $task_body .= substr($comment_body, 0, 525) . '..';
                     } else {
                         $task_body .= $comment_body;
                     $task_body .= '<br/><a href="' . $url . '">View Task in Full</a>';
                     $attachments = $this->active_comment->getAttachments();
                     if (is_foreachable($attachments)) {
                         $task_body .= '<br/>Attachments:<br/>';
                         foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                             $task_body .= '<a href="' . $attachment->getViewUrl() . '">' . $attachment->getName() . '</a><br/>';
                     $savetask = $task->save();
                     if ($savetask && !is_error($savetask)) {
                         mysql_query("insert into actionrequests_to_tasklist (comment_id, user_id, type, object_id) values ('" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "', '" . $temp_user_id . "', 'Task', '" . $task->getId() . "')");
             //EOF:mod 20110719
             if (!empty($subscribers_to_notify)) {
                                     mysql_query("update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set is_fyi='0' where object_id='" . $active_object->getId() . "'");
                 if (!empty($subscribers_to_notify)){
                 	$temp = $subscribers_to_notify;
                 	foreach($temp as $id){
                 		$query = "select * from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where object_id='" . $active_object->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $id . "'";
                 		$result = mysql_query($query, $link);
                 		if (mysql_num_rows($result)){
                 			mysql_query("update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set is_fyi='1' where user_id='" . $id . "' and object_id='" . $active_object->getId() . "'");
                 		} else {
                 			mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_assignments_action_request (user_id, object_id, is_fyi) values ('" . $id . "', '" . $active_object->getId() . "', '1')");
                 mysql_query("delete from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where object_id='" . $active_object->getId() . "' and is_action_request='0' and is_fyi='0'");
                 foreach ($subscribers_to_notify as $id) {
                     $query = "select * from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $id . "'";
                     $result = mysql_query($query);
                     if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                         $query = "update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set is_fyi='1' where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $id . "'";
                     } else {
                         $query = "insert into healingcrystals_assignments_action_request (user_id, is_action_request, is_fyi, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $id . "', '0', '1', '" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "', now())";
             //shawn wants to fire emails for only action request users and not for FYI users
             // for this, $subscribers_to_notify is set to $action_request_user_id, which will
             // take care of any assignments that were made above the code : 22-MAR-2011
             //BOF:mod 20110623
             $fyi_users = $subscribers_to_notify;
             $fyi_to = '';
             //EOF:mod 20110623
             $subscribers_to_notify = $action_request_user_id;
             $email_to_user_ids = array_var($comment_data, 'email');
             $emailed_to = '';
             foreach ($email_to_user_ids as $user_id) {
                 $temp_user = new User($user_id);
                 //BOF:mod 20130429
                 //EOF:mod 20130429
                 					$emailed_to .= $temp_user->getName() . ', ';
                 //BOF:mod 20130429
                 //EOF:mod 20130429
                 $query = "select * from healingcrystals_assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $user_id . "'";
                 $result = mysql_query($query);
                 if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
                     $query = "update healingcrystals_assignments_action_request set marked_for_email='1' where comment_id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "' and selected_by_user_id='" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "' and user_id='" . $user_id . "'";
                 } else {
                     $query = "insert into healingcrystals_assignments_action_request (user_id, is_action_request, is_fyi, marked_for_email, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $user_id . "', '0', '0', '1', '" . $this->logged_user->getId() . "', '" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "', now())";
             if (!empty($subscribers_to_notify)) {
                 //$subscribers_to_notify = implode(',', $subscribers_to_notify);
                 //mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_testing (query, fired_at) values ('" . $subscribers_to_notify . "', now())");
                 $notified_to = '';
                 //$subscribers = explode(',', $subscribers_to_notify);
                 $subscribers = $subscribers_to_notify;
                 $all_subscribers = $active_object->getSubscribers();
                 $excluded = array();
                 $included = array();
                 //$excluded_temp = array();
                 //$included_temp = array();
                 $subscribers_name = '';
                 foreach ($all_subscribers as $reg_subscriber) {
                     $subscribers_name .= $reg_subscriber->getName() . "<br/>";
                     $subscriber_excluded = true;
                     //if ($this->logged_user->getId()!=$reg_subscriber->getId()){
                     foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber_id) {
                         $subscriber_id = trim($subscriber_id);
                         if ($reg_subscriber->getId() == $subscriber_id) {
                             $included[] = $reg_subscriber;
                             //BOF:mod 20130429
                             //EOF:mod 20130429
                             								$notified_to .= $reg_subscriber->getName() . ', ';
                             //BOF:mod 20130429
                             //EOF:mod 20130429
                             //$included_temp[] = $reg_subscriber->getId();
                             $subscriber_excluded = false;
                             //$subscribers_name .= $reg_subscriber->getName() . "<br/>";
                     //BOF:mod 20110623
                     foreach ($fyi_users as $fyi_user_id) {
                         $fyi_user_id = trim($fyi_user_id);
                         if ($reg_subscriber->getId() == $fyi_user_id) {
                             //BOF:mod 20130429
                             //EOF:mod 20130429
                             								$fyi_to .= $reg_subscriber->getName() . ', ';
                             //BOF:mod 20130429
                             //EOF:mod 20130429
                     //EOF:mod 20110623
                     if ($subscriber_excluded) {
                         $excluded[] = $reg_subscriber->getId();
                         //$excluded_temp[] = $reg_subscriber->getId();
                 //$link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
                 //mysql_query("insert into healingcrystals_testing (query, fired_at) values ('" . implode('|', $included_temp) . ' = ' . implode('|', $excluded_temp) . "', now())");
                 //BOF:mod 20110517
                 //if (count($included)){
                 if (!$complete_parent_object && count($included)) {
                     //EOF:mod 20110517
                     //BOF:mod 20110623
                     //$notified_to = '<br/><br/>Notification emailed to: ' . substr($notified_to, 0, -2);
                     //$this->active_comment->setBody($this->active_comment->getBody() . $notified_to . $fyi_to);
                     //BOF:mod 20130429
                                     //EOF:mod 20130429
                     if (!empty($notified_to)){
                     							$notified_to = '<br/><br/>Action Request marked to: ' . substr($notified_to, 0, -2);
                     if (!empty($fyi_to)){
                     							$fyi_to = (empty($notified_to) ? '<br/><br/>' : '<br/>') . 'FYI Comment marked to: ' . substr($fyi_to, 0, -2);
                     if (!empty($emailed_to)){
                     							$emailed_to = (empty($notified_to) && empty($fyi_to) ? '<br/><br/>' : '<br/>') . 'Email sent to: ' . substr($emailed_to, 0, -2);
                     $this->active_comment->setBody($this->active_comment->getBody() . $notified_to . $fyi_to . $emailed_to);
                     //EOF:mod 20110623
                                     //BOF:mod 20130429
                     //EOF:mod 20130429
                     //BOF:mod 20110720 ticketid246
                     //EOF:mod 20110720 ticketid246
                     $created_by = $this->active_comment->getCreatedBy();
                     $parent = $active_object;
                     $parent->sendToSubscribers('resources/new_comment', array(
                     			'comment_body' => $this->active_comment->getFormattedBody(),
                     			'comment_url' => $this->active_comment->getViewUrl(),
                     			'created_by_url' => $created_by->getViewUrl(),
                     			'created_by_name' => $created_by->getDisplayName(),
                     			'subscribers_name' => "<br/><br/>-- SET NOTIFICATIONS --<br/>" . $subscribers_name . "<br/><br/>",
                     			'comment_id' => $this->active_comment->getId(),
                     			), $excluded, $parent);
                     //BOF:mod 20110720 ticketid246
                     //EOF:mod 20110720 ticketid246
                     /*$created_by = $this->active_comment->getCreatedBy();
                     		$variables = array('owner_company_name' => get_owner_company(),
                     				'project_name'       => $this->active_project->getName(),
                     				'project_url'        => $this->active_project->getOverviewUrl(),
                     				'object_type'        => $this->active_comment->getVerboseType(),
                     				'object_name'        => $this->active_comment->getName(),
                     				'comment_body' => $this->active_comment->getFormattedBody(),
                     				'comment_url' => $this->active_comment->getViewUrl(),
                     				'created_by_url' => $created_by->getViewUrl(),
                     				'created_by_name' => $created_by->getDisplayName(),);
                     		ApplicationMailer::send($users, 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $this->active_milestone);*/
             } elseif (!empty($fyi_users)) {
                 $all_subscribers = $active_object->getSubscribers();
                 foreach ($all_subscribers as $reg_subscriber) {
                     foreach ($fyi_users as $fyi_user_id) {
                         $fyi_user_id = trim($fyi_user_id);
                         if ($reg_subscriber->getId() == $fyi_user_id) {
                             $fyi_to .= $reg_subscriber->getName() . ', ';
                 /*$fyi_to = '<br/><br/>FYI Comment marked to: ' . substr($fyi_to, 0, -2);
                 		if (!empty($emailed_to)){
                 			$emailed_to = (empty($fyi_to) ? '<br/><br/>' : '<br/>') . 'Email sent to: ' . substr($emailed_to, 0, -2);
                 		$this->active_comment->setBody($this->active_comment->getBody() . $fyi_to . $emailed_to);
             } elseif (!empty($email_to_user_ids)) {
                 /*$emailed_to = '<br/><br/>Email sent to: ' . substr($emailed_to, 0, -2);
                 		$this->active_comment->setBody($this->active_comment->getBody() . $emailed_to);
             if (count($email_to_user_ids)) {
                 $users = array();
                 foreach ($email_to_user_ids as $user_id) {
                     if ($user_id != $this->logged_user->getId()) {
                         $users[] = new User($user_id);
                 $created_by = $this->active_comment->getCreatedBy();
                 $variables = array('owner_company_name' => get_owner_company(), 'project_name' => $this->active_project->getName(), 'project_url' => $this->active_project->getOverviewUrl(), 'object_type' => $this->active_comment->getVerboseType(), 'object_name' => $this->active_comment->getName(), 'object_body' => $this->active_comment->getFormattedBody(), 'object_url' => $this->active_comment->getViewUrl(), 'comment_body' => $this->active_comment->getFormattedBody(), 'comment_url' => $this->active_comment->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_url' => $created_by->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_name' => $created_by->getDisplayName(), 'details_body' => '', 'comment_id' => $this->active_comment->getId());
                 //BOF:mod 20111101
                 //EOF:mod 20111101
                 ApplicationMailer::send($users, 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $this->active_milestone);
                 //BOF:mod 20111101
                 $parent_id = $this->active_comment->getParentId();
                 $parent_type = $this->active_comment->getParentType();
                 $parent_obj = new $parent_type($parent_id);
                 $attachments = null;
                 $object_attachments = $this->active_comment->getAttachments();
                 if ($object_attachments) {
                     $attachments = array();
                     foreach ($object_attachments as $object_attachment) {
                         $attachments[] = array('path' => $object_attachment->getFilePath(), 'name' => $object_attachment->getName(), 'mime_type' => $object_attachment->getMimeType());
                 ApplicationMailer::send($users, 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $parent_obj, $attachments);
                 //EOF:mod 20111101
             //BOF:mod 20121030
             $modify_comments_sorting = false;
             $reply_to_comment_id = $this->request->post('reply_to_comment_id');
             if (!empty($reply_to_comment_id)) {
                 $sql_data = array('integer_field_2' => $reply_to_comment_id);
                 Comments::update($sql_data, "id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "'", TABLE_PREFIX . 'project_objects');
                 //$modify_comments_sorting = true;
             //$count = 0;
             /*$link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
             		$sql = "select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_objects where parent_id='" . $this->active_comment->getParentId() . "' and parent_type='" . $this->active_comment->getParentType() . "' and type='Comment' and (position is null or position='0')";
             		$result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
             		if (!mysql_num_rows($result) ){
             			$sql = "select max(position) as count from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_objects where parent_id='" . $this->active_comment->getParentId() . "' and parent_type='" . $this->active_comment->getParentType() . "' and type='Comment'";
             			$result = mysql_query($sql, $link);
             			$info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
             			$count = $info['count'];
             			$sql_data = array('position' => ++$count);
             			Comments::update($sql_data, "id='" . $this->active_comment->getId() . "'", TABLE_PREFIX . 'project_objects');
             		} else {
             			$modify_comments_sorting = true;
             //if ($modify_comments_sorting) $this->modify_comments_sorting($count);
             //EOF:mod 20121030
             if ($this->request->isApiCall()) {
                 $this->serveData($this->active_comment, 'comment');
             } else {
                 flash_success('Comment successfully posted');
             // if
         } else {
             if ($this->request->isApiCall()) {
             } else {
                 $this->smarty->assign('errors', $save);
             // if
         // if
     } else {
         if ($this->request->isApiCall()) {
             $this->httpError(HTTP_ERR_BAD_REQUEST, null, true, true);
         // if
     // if
 function importPendingEmailAsComment(&$incoming_mail, &$project, &$user, &$mailbox, $page_id = '')
     $parent = ProjectObjects::findById(!empty($page_id) ? $page_id : $incoming_mail->getParentId());
     //EOF:mod 20120820
     if (!instance_of($parent, 'ProjectObject')) {
         // parent object does not exists
         $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
         return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_PARENT_NOT_EXISTS));
     // if
     if (!$mailbox->getAcceptAllRegistered() && instance_of($user, 'User') && !$parent->canComment($user)) {
         // user cannot create comments to parent object
         $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
         return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_USER_CANNOT_CREATE_COMMENT));
     } else {
         if (!$parent->can_have_comments || $parent->getIsLocked() || $parent->getState() < STATE_VISIBLE) {
             // parent object can't have comments
             $incoming_mail_save = $incoming_mail->save();
             return new Error(incoming_mail_module_get_status_description(INCOMING_MAIL_STATUS_USER_CANNOT_CREATE_COMMENT));
         // if
     // if
     $comment = new Comment();
     $comment->log_activities = false;
     $body_content = '';
     if (stripos($incoming_mail->getBody(), '-- REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE --') !== false) {
         $body_content = substr($incoming_mail->getBody(), 0, strpos($incoming_mail->getBody(), '-- REPLY ABOVE THIS LINE --'));
     } else {
         $body_content = $incoming_mail->getBody();
     IncomingMailImporter::attachFilesToProjectObject($incoming_mail, $comment);
     //$save = $comment->save();
     $save = $comment->save(true);
     if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
         $activity = new NewCommentActivityLog();
         $activity->log($comment, $user);
         if (instance_of($user, 'User')) {
         // if
         //BOF:mod 20111110 #493
         preg_match("/\\[CID(.*?)\\](.*)/is", $incoming_mail->getSubject(), $results);
         if (count($results) > 0) {
             $project = new Project($parent->getProjectId());
             $variables = array('owner_company_name' => get_owner_company(), 'project_name' => $project->getName(), 'project_url' => $project->getOverviewUrl(), 'object_type' => $comment->getVerboseType(), 'object_name' => $comment->getName(), 'object_body' => $comment->getFormattedBody(), 'object_url' => $comment->getViewUrl(), 'comment_body' => $comment->getFormattedBody(), 'comment_url' => $comment->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_url' => $user->getViewUrl(), 'created_by_name' => $user->getDisplayName(), 'details_body' => '', 'comment_id' => $comment->getId());
             $emailed_comment_id = $results[1];
             $emailed_comment = new Comment($emailed_comment_id);
             $emailed_comment_creator_id = $emailed_comment->getCreatedById();
             $email_to = array();
             $temp_user_id = $user->getId();
             $temp_comment_id = $comment->getId();
             $rows = db_execute_all("select user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request where comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and marked_for_email='1'");
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 if ($row['user_id'] != $temp_user_id) {
                     $email_to[] = new User($row['user_id']);
                     db_execute("insert into " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request (user_id, marked_for_email, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $row['user_id'] . "', '1', '" . $temp_user_id . "', '" . $temp_comment_id . "', now())");
             $row = db_execute_one("select a.selected_by_user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request a where a.comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and a.marked_for_email='1' and a.selected_by_user_id not in (select b.user_id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request b where b.comment_id='" . $emailed_comment_id . "' and b.marked_for_email='1') limit 0, 1");
             if (!empty($row['selected_by_user_id'])) {
                 if ($row['selected_by_user_id'] != $temp_user_id) {
                     $email_to[] = new User($row['selected_by_user_id']);
                     db_execute("insert into " . TABLE_PREFIX . "assignments_action_request (user_id, marked_for_email, selected_by_user_id, comment_id, date_added) values ('" . $row['selected_by_user_id'] . "', '1', '" . $temp_user_id . "', '" . $temp_comment_id . "', now())");
             //ApplicationMailer::send(array(new User($emailed_comment_creator_id)), 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $parent);
             $attachments = null;
             $object_attachments = $comment->getAttachments();
             if ($object_attachments) {
                 $attachments = array();
                 foreach ($object_attachments as $object_attachment) {
                     $attachments[] = array('path' => $object_attachment->getFilePath(), 'name' => $object_attachment->getName(), 'mime_type' => $object_attachment->getMimeType());
             ApplicationMailer::send($email_to, 'resources/new_comment', $variables, $parent, $attachments);
         //EOF:mod 20111110 #493
         if (!empty($page_id)) {
             //$link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
             //mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link);
             //mysql_query("insert into testing (date_added, content) values (now(), 'Page_id: " . $page_id . "')");
             $task =& IncomingMailImporter::importPendingEmailToTaskList($incoming_mail, $project, $user, $page_id, $comment);
             return $task;
         } else {
             return $comment;
     // if
     return $save;