Пример #1
  * Initialize for ratings recalculation.
 function _initializeRatings($league, &$division, $games)
     AppModel::_reindexOuter($division['Team'], 'Team', 'id');
     foreach (array_keys($division['Team']) as $team_id) {
         $division['Team'][$team_id]['current_rating'] = $division['Team'][$team_id]['initial_rating'];
Пример #2
 function edit($section)
     $affiliate = $this->_arg('affiliate');
     $affiliates = $this->_applicableAffiliates();
     if (!empty($this->data)) {
         $to_delete = array();
         foreach ($this->data['Setting'] as $key => $value) {
             $this->data['Setting'][$key]['affiliate_id'] = $affiliate;
             if (is_array($value['value'])) {
                 // There may be dates that need to be deconstructed
                 if ($affiliate && (empty($value['value']['day']) || empty($value['value']['month']))) {
                     // If we're editing affiliate settings, anything blank should be removed so the system default applies
                     if ($key < MIN_FAKE_ID) {
                         $to_delete[] = $key;
                 } else {
                     if (array_key_exists('year', $value['value'])) {
                         $this->data['Setting'][$key]['value'] = $value['value']['year'] . '-' . $value['value']['month'] . '-' . $value['value']['day'];
                     } else {
                         if (array_key_exists('month', $value['value'])) {
                             $this->data['Setting'][$key]['value'] = '0-' . $value['value']['month'] . '-' . $value['value']['day'];
             } else {
                 if ($affiliate && (empty($value['value']) && $value['value'] !== '0' || $value['value'] == MIN_FAKE_ID)) {
                     // If we're editing affiliate settings, anything blank should be removed so the system default applies
                     if ($key < MIN_FAKE_ID) {
                         $to_delete[] = $key;
         if ((empty($this->data['Setting']) || $this->Setting->saveAll($this->data['Setting'], array('validate' => false))) && (empty($to_delete) || $this->Setting->deleteAll(array('id' => $to_delete)))) {
             $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('The %s have been saved', true), __('settings', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'success'));
             // Reload the configuration right away, so it affects any rendering we do now,
             // and rebuild the menu based on any changes.
             if ($affiliate) {
             } else {
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash(__('Failed to save the settings', true), 'default', array('class' => 'warning'));
     $this->data = $this->Setting->find('all', array('conditions' => array('person_id' => null, 'affiliate_id' => $affiliate)));
     $defaults = $this->Setting->find('all', array('conditions' => array('person_id' => null, 'affiliate_id' => null)));
     AppModel::_reindexOuter($defaults, 'Setting', 'id');
     if (Configure::read('feature.tiny_mce')) {
         $this->helpers[] = 'TinyMce.TinyMce';
     $this->set(compact('affiliate', 'affiliates', 'defaults'));
Пример #3
 function status()
     // TODO
     $id = $this->_arg('division');
     if (!$id) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('division', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'leagues', 'action' => 'index'));
     $this->Division->contain(array('Team' => array('order' => 'Team.name'), 'League'));
     $division = $this->Division->read(null, $id);
     if (!$division) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(sprintf(__('Invalid %s', true), __('division', true)), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'leagues', 'action' => 'index'));
     if (empty($division['Team'])) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Cannot generate status report for a division with no teams.', true), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'division' => $id));
     if (!in_array($division['Division']['schedule_type'], array('roundrobin', 'ratings_ladder'))) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Cannot generate status report for a division with this schedule type.', true), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'division' => $id));
     $league_obj = $this->_getComponent('LeagueType', $division['Division']['schedule_type'], $this);
     // Find all games played by teams that are currently in this division.
     AppModel::_reindexInner($division, 'Team', 'id');
     $teams = array_keys($division['Team']);
     $division['Game'] = $this->Division->Game->find('all', array('conditions' => array('OR' => array('Game.home_team' => $teams, 'Game.away_team' => $teams), 'NOT' => array('Game.status' => Configure::read('unplayed_status'))), 'contain' => array('GameSlot', 'ScoreEntry', 'SpiritEntry')));
     if (empty($division['Game'])) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Cannot generate status report for a division with no schedule.', true), 'default', array('class' => 'info'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', 'division' => $id));
     $regions = $this->Division->Game->GameSlot->Field->Facility->Region->find('list', array('conditions' => array('affiliate_id' => $division['League']['affiliate_id']), 'contain' => array()));
     $fields = $this->Division->Game->GameSlot->Field->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Facility.region_id' => array_keys($regions)), 'contain' => array('Facility')));
     AppModel::_reindexOuter($fields, 'Field', 'id');
     $stats = array_fill_keys($teams, array('games' => 0, 'season_games' => 0, 'home_games' => 0, 'field_rank' => 0, 'region_games' => array(), 'opponents' => array()));
     $regions_used = array();
     $playoffs_included = false;
     foreach ($division['Game'] as $game) {
         $home_team_id = $game['Game']['home_team'];
         $away_team_id = $game['Game']['away_team'];
         // Only count regular-season games
         if ($game['Game']['type'] == SEASON_GAME) {
             if ($game['Game']['home_field_rank'] != NULL) {
                 $stats[$home_team_id]['field_rank'] += 1 / $game['Game']['home_field_rank'];
             } else {
                 // A NULL home rank means that the home team had no preference at that time,
                 // which means we count it as being 100% satisfied.
             if ($game['Game']['away_field_rank'] != NULL) {
                 $stats[$away_team_id]['field_rank'] += 1 / $game['Game']['away_field_rank'];
             $region_id = $fields[$game['GameSlot']['field_id']]['Facility']['region_id'];
             $regions_used[$region_id] = true;
             if (!array_key_exists($region_id, $stats[$home_team_id]['region_games'])) {
                 $stats[$home_team_id]['region_games'][$region_id] = 1;
             } else {
             if (!array_key_exists($region_id, $stats[$away_team_id]['region_games'])) {
                 $stats[$away_team_id]['region_games'][$region_id] = 1;
             } else {
             if (!array_key_exists($away_team_id, $stats[$home_team_id]['opponents'])) {
                 $stats[$home_team_id]['opponents'][$away_team_id] = 1;
             } else {
             if (!array_key_exists($home_team_id, $stats[$away_team_id]['opponents'])) {
                 $stats[$away_team_id]['opponents'][$home_team_id] = 1;
             } else {
         } else {
             $playoffs_included = true;
     // Skip the region column if there is only one
     if (count($regions_used) == 1) {
         $regions_used = array();
     $this->set(compact('division', 'regions', 'regions_used', 'fields', 'stats', 'playoffs_included', 'league_obj'));
     $this->_addDivisionMenuItems($division['Division'], $division['League']);
Пример #4
 function cron()
     $this->layout = 'bare';
     if (!$this->Lock->lock('cron')) {
         return false;
     if (Configure::read('feature.generate_roster_email')) {
         $this->Roster = ClassRegistry::init('TeamsPerson');
         $people = $this->Roster->find('all', array('conditions' => array('TeamsPerson.status' => array(ROSTER_INVITED, ROSTER_REQUESTED), 'TeamsPerson.created < DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -7 DAY)'), 'contain' => array('Person' => array($this->Auth->authenticate->name, 'fields' => array('Person.id', 'Person.user_id', 'Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name', 'Person.alternate_email')))));
         // Read all required team records
         $teams = $this->Team->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Team.id' => array_unique(Set::extract('/TeamsPerson/team_id', $people))), 'contain' => array('Division' => array('Day', 'League'), 'Person' => array($this->Auth->authenticate->name, 'conditions' => array('TeamsPerson.role' => Configure::read('privileged_roster_roles')), 'order' => 'TeamsPerson.id'))));
         AppModel::_reindexOuter($teams, 'Team', 'id');
         $log = ClassRegistry::init('ActivityLog');
         $emailed = $reminded = $expired = $outstanding = 0;
         $activity = array();
         // Second reminder for people that have had reminders sent more than 5.5 days ago
         $second = 5.5 * DAY;
         // Expire invites that have had reminders sent more than 7.5 days ago
         $expire = 7.5 * DAY;
         foreach ($people as $person) {
             $team_id = $person['TeamsPerson']['team_id'];
             $conditions = array('type' => $person['TeamsPerson']['status'] == ROSTER_INVITED ? 'roster_invite_reminder' : 'roster_request_reminder', 'team_id' => $team_id, 'person_id' => $person['Person']['id']);
             $sent = $log->find('all', array('conditions' => $conditions, 'order' => 'ActivityLog.created'));
             if (!empty($sent)) {
                 $age = time() - strtotime($sent[0]['ActivityLog']['created']);
                 if ($age > $expire) {
                     $success = $this->_rosterExpire($person['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Team'], $teams[$team_id]['Division'], $person['TeamsPerson']);
                     if ($success) {
                         $activity[] = $conditions;
                 } else {
                     if ($age > $second && count($sent) < 2) {
                         $success = $this->_rosterRemind($person['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Team'], $teams[$team_id]['Division'], $person['TeamsPerson'], true);
                         if ($success) {
                             $activity[] = $conditions;
                     } else {
             } else {
                 $success = $this->_rosterRemind($person['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Person'], $teams[$team_id]['Team'], $teams[$team_id]['Division'], $person['TeamsPerson']);
                 if ($success) {
                     $activity[] = $conditions;
         $this->set(compact('emailed', 'reminded', 'expired', 'outstanding'));
         // Update the activity log
         if (!empty($activity)) {
Пример #5
  * Do any calculations that will make the comparisons more efficient, such
  * as determining wins, losses, spirit, etc.
  * @param mixed $division Division to perform calculations on
 function presort(&$teams, &$division, $league, $games, $spirit_obj)
     // Different read methods create arrays in different formats.
     // This puts them all in the same format. At the same time,
     // we split them into various groupings.
     $bracket_games = array();
     foreach ($games as $game) {
         if (array_key_exists('Game', $game)) {
             $game = array_merge($game['Game'], $game);
         switch ($game['type']) {
             case SEASON_GAME:
                 $division['Season']['Game'][] = $game;
             case POOL_PLAY_GAME:
                 $division['Pools'][$game['HomePoolTeam']['Pool']['stage']][$game['pool_id']]['Game'][] = $game;
             case BRACKET_GAME:
                 $bracket_games[] = $game;
     // Process each group of games to generate interim results
     if (!empty($division['Season'])) {
         $division['Season']['Results'] = $this->roundRobinResults($division, $league, $division['Season']['Game'], $spirit_obj);
     if (!empty($division['Pools'])) {
         foreach ($division['Pools'] as $stage_num => $stage) {
             foreach ($stage as $pool_num => $pool) {
                 $division['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num]['Results'] = $this->roundRobinResults($division, $league, $pool['Game'], $spirit_obj);
     if (!empty($bracket_games)) {
         $division['Bracket']['Results'] = $this->bracketResults($bracket_games, $spirit_obj);
         AppModel::_reindexOuter($bracket_games, 'Game', 'id');
         while (!empty($bracket_games)) {
             $bracket = Game::_extractBracket($bracket_games);
             // For the class names to format this correctly, we need the rounds in
             // this bracket to be numbered from 0, regardless of what their real
             // round number is.
             $bracket = array_values($bracket);
             // Find the bracket's pool id
             $pool_id = null;
             foreach ($bracket[0] as $game) {
                 if (!empty($game['pool_id'])) {
                     $pool_id = $game['pool_id'];
             $division['Bracket']['Game'][] = compact('pool_id', 'bracket');
     // Put the results into the top team records for easy access.
     // Also, put teams into arrays for each grouping and sort them.
     foreach ($teams as $key => $team) {
         if (!empty($division['Season']['Results'][$team['id']])) {
             $teams[$key]['Season'] = $division['Season']['Results'][$team['id']];
             $division['Season']['Team'][] = $teams[$key];
         if (!empty($division['Pools'])) {
             foreach ($division['Pools'] as $stage_num => $stage) {
                 foreach ($stage as $pool_num => $pool) {
                     if (!empty($pool['Results'][$team['id']])) {
                         $x = $teams[$key];
                         $x += $pool['Results'][$team['id']];
                         $division['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num]['Team'][] = $x;
                         $teams[$key]['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num] = $pool['Results'][$team['id']];
         if (!empty($division['Bracket']['Results'][$team['id']])) {
             $teams[$key]['Bracket'] = $division['Bracket']['Results'][$team['id']];
             $x = $teams[$key];
             $division['Bracket']['Team'][] = $x;
     $this->division_for_sort = $division;
     $this->league_for_sort = $league;
     if (!empty($division['Season']['Team'])) {
         usort($division['Season']['Team'], array($this, 'compareTeams'));
     if (!empty($division['Pools'])) {
         foreach ($division['Pools'] as $stage_num => $stage) {
             foreach ($stage as $pool_num => $pool) {
                 if (!empty($division['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num]['Team'])) {
                     usort($division['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num]['Team'], array($this, 'compareTeamsResults'));
                     $this->detectAndResolveTies($division['Pools'][$stage_num][$pool_num]['Team'], 'compareTeamsResults');
     if (!empty($division['Bracket']['Team'])) {
         usort($division['Bracket']['Team'], array($this, 'compareTeamsTournament'));
     $this->division_for_sort = $division;