Пример #1
  * Verify if does not exist the Case in table APPLICATION
  * @param string $applicationUid        Unique id of Case
  * @param string $delIndex              Delegation index
  * @param string $fieldNameForException Field name for the exception
  * return void Throw exception if does not exist the Case in table APPLICATION
 public function throwExceptionIfNotExistsCase($applicationUid, $delIndex, $fieldNameForException)
     try {
         $obj = \ApplicationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicationUid);
         $flag = is_null($obj);
         if (!$flag && $delIndex > 0) {
             $obj = \AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicationUid, $delIndex);
             $flag = is_null($obj);
         if ($flag) {
             throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_CASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST2", array($fieldNameForException, $applicationUid)));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Пример #2
    function doDerivation ($currentDelegation, $nextDel, $appFields, $aSP = null)


        $iAppThreadIndex = $appFields['DEL_THREAD'];

        $delType = 'NORMAL';

        if (is_numeric( $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] )) {

            $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] = (isset( $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] ) ? ($nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] >= 1 && $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] <= 5 ? $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] : '3') : '3');

        } else {

            $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'] = 3;


        switch ($nextDel['TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE']) {

            case 'CANCEL_MI':

            case 'STATIC_MI':

                // Create new delegation depending on the no of users in the group

                $iNewAppThreadIndex = $appFields['DEL_THREAD'];

                $this->case->closeAppThread( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iAppThreadIndex );

                foreach ($nextDel['NEXT_TASK']['USER_ASSIGNED'] as $key => $aValue) {

                    //Incrementing the Del_thread First so that new delegation has new del_thread

                    $iNewAppThreadIndex += 1;

                    //Creating new delegation according to users in group

                    $iMIDelIndex = $this->case->newAppDelegation( $appFields['PRO_UID'], $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $nextDel['TAS_UID'], (isset( $aValue['USR_UID'] ) ? $aValue['USR_UID'] : ''), $currentDelegation['DEL_INDEX'], $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'], $delType, $iNewAppThreadIndex, $nextDel );

                    $iNewThreadIndex = $this->case->newAppThread( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iMIDelIndex, $iAppThreadIndex );

                    //Setting the del Index for Updating the AppThread delIndex

                    if ($key == 0) {

                        $iNewDelIndex = $iMIDelIndex - 1;


                } //end foreach


            case 'BALANCED':

                $this->setTasLastAssigned( $nextDel['TAS_UID'], $nextDel['USR_UID'] );

                //No Break, need no execute the default ones....


                // Create new delegation

                $iNewDelIndex = $this->case->newAppDelegation( $appFields['PRO_UID'], $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $nextDel['TAS_UID'], (isset( $nextDel['USR_UID'] ) ? $nextDel['USR_UID'] : ''), $currentDelegation['DEL_INDEX'], $nextDel['DEL_PRIORITY'], $delType, $iAppThreadIndex, $nextDel );



        $iAppThreadIndex = $appFields['DEL_THREAD'];

        switch ($currentDelegation['ROU_TYPE']) {

            case 'PARALLEL':

            case 'PARALLEL-BY-EVALUATION':

                $this->case->closeAppThread( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iAppThreadIndex );

                $iNewThreadIndex = $this->case->newAppThread( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iNewDelIndex, $iAppThreadIndex );

                $this->case->updateAppDelegation( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iNewDelIndex, $iNewThreadIndex );



                $this->case->updateAppThread( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iAppThreadIndex, $iNewDelIndex );


        } //en switch

        //if there are subprocess to create

        if (isset( $aSP )) {

            //Create the new case in the sub-process

            // set the initial date to null the time its created

            $aNewCase = $this->case->startCase( $aSP['TAS_UID'], $aSP['USR_UID'], true, $appFields);

            $taskNextDel = TaskPeer::retrieveByPK($aSP["TAS_UID"]); //Sub-Process

            //Copy case variables to sub-process case

            $aFields = unserialize( $aSP['SP_VARIABLES_OUT'] );

            $aNewFields = array ();

            $aOldFields = $this->case->loadCase( $aNewCase['APPLICATION'] );

            foreach ($aFields as $sOriginField => $sTargetField) {

                $sOriginField = trim($sOriginField, " @#%?$=");

                $sTargetField = trim($sTargetField, " @#%?$=");

                $aNewFields[$sTargetField] = isset( $appFields['APP_DATA'][$sOriginField] ) ? $appFields['APP_DATA'][$sOriginField] : '';


            $aOldFields['APP_DATA'] = array_merge( $aOldFields['APP_DATA'], $aNewFields );

            $aOldFields['APP_STATUS'] = 'TO_DO';

            $this->case->updateCase( $aNewCase['APPLICATION'], $aOldFields );

            //Create a registry in SUB_APPLICATION table

            $aSubApplication = array ('APP_UID' => $aNewCase['APPLICATION'],'APP_PARENT' => $currentDelegation['APP_UID'],'DEL_INDEX_PARENT' => $iNewDelIndex,'DEL_THREAD_PARENT' => $iAppThreadIndex,'SA_STATUS' => 'ACTIVE','SA_VALUES_OUT' => serialize( $aNewFields ),'SA_INIT_DATE' => date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )


            if ($aSP['SP_SYNCHRONOUS'] == 0) {

                $aSubApplication['SA_STATUS'] = 'FINISHED';

                $aSubApplication['SA_FINISH_DATE'] = $aSubApplication['SA_INIT_DATE'];


            $oSubApplication = new SubApplication();

            $oSubApplication->create( $aSubApplication );

            //Update the AppDelegation to execute the update trigger

            $AppDelegation = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK( $aNewCase['APPLICATION'], $aNewCase['INDEX'] );

            // note added by krlos pacha carlos[at]colosa[dot]com

            // the following line of code was commented because it is related to the 6878 bug

            //$AppDelegation->setDelInitDate("+1 second");


            //Create record in table APP_ASSIGN_SELF_SERVICE_VALUE

            if ($taskNextDel->getTasAssignType() == "SELF_SERVICE" && trim($taskNextDel->getTasGroupVariable()) != "") {

                $nextTaskGroupVariable = trim($taskNextDel->getTasGroupVariable(), " @#");

                if (isset($aOldFields["APP_DATA"][$nextTaskGroupVariable]) && trim($aOldFields["APP_DATA"][$nextTaskGroupVariable]) != "") {

                    $appAssignSelfServiceValue = new AppAssignSelfServiceValue();

                    $appAssignSelfServiceValue->create($aNewCase["APPLICATION"], $aNewCase["INDEX"], array("PRO_UID" => $aNewCase["PROCESS"], "TAS_UID" => $aSP["TAS_UID"], "GRP_UID" => trim($aOldFields["APP_DATA"][$nextTaskGroupVariable])));



            //If not is SYNCHRONOUS derivate one more time

            if ($aSP['SP_SYNCHRONOUS'] == 0) {

                $this->case->setDelInitDate( $currentDelegation['APP_UID'], $iNewDelIndex );

                $aDeriveTasks = $this->prepareInformation( array ('USER_UID' => -1,'APP_UID' => $currentDelegation['APP_UID'],'DEL_INDEX' => $iNewDelIndex

                ) );

                if (isset( $aDeriveTasks[1] )) {

                    if ($aDeriveTasks[1]['ROU_TYPE'] != 'SELECT') {

                        $nextDelegations2 = array ();

                        foreach ($aDeriveTasks as $aDeriveTask) {

                            $nextDelegations2[] = array ('TAS_UID' => $aDeriveTask['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_UID'],'USR_UID' => $aDeriveTask['NEXT_TASK']['USER_ASSIGNED']['USR_UID'],'TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE' => $aDeriveTask['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE'],'TAS_DEF_PROC_CODE' => $aDeriveTask['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_DEF_PROC_CODE'],'DEL_PRIORITY' => 3,'TAS_PARENT' => $aDeriveTask['NEXT_TASK']['TAS_PARENT']



                        $currentDelegation2 = array ('APP_UID' => $currentDelegation['APP_UID'],'DEL_INDEX' => $iNewDelIndex,'APP_STATUS' => 'TO_DO','TAS_UID' => $currentDelegation['TAS_UID'],'ROU_TYPE' => $aDeriveTasks[1]['ROU_TYPE']


                        $this->derivate( $currentDelegation2, $nextDelegations2 );




        } //end switch

        return $iNewDelIndex;

Пример #3
 public function remove($sApplicationUID, $iDelegationIndex)
     $oConnection = Propel::getConnection(StepTriggerPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
     try {
         $oApp = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($sApplicationUID, $iDelegationIndex);
         if (is_object($oApp) && get_class($oApp) == 'AppDelegation') {
             $result = $oApp->delete();
         return $result;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Пример #4
  * Verify if not exists input Document in Steps
  * @param string $applicationUid Unique id of Case
  * @param string $delIndex       Delegataion index
  * @param string $appDocumentUid
  * return void Throw exception if not exists input Document in Steps
 public function throwExceptionIfInputDocumentNotExistsInSteps($applicacionUid, $delIndex, $appDocumentUid)
     try {
         //Verify Case
         $appDelegation = \AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicacionUid, $delIndex);
         if (is_null($appDelegation)) {
             throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_CASE_DEL_INDEX_DOES_NOT_EXIST", array("app_uid", $applicacionUid, "del_index", $delIndex)));
         $taskUid = $appDelegation->getTasUid();
         //Verify Steps
         $criteria = new \Criteria("workflow");
         $criteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_UID, $appDocumentUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
         $criteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_UID, $applicacionUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
         $criteria->add(\AppDocumentPeer::APP_DOC_TYPE, "INPUT", \Criteria::EQUAL);
         $rsCriteria = \AppDocumentPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
         if ($rsCriteria->next()) {
             $row = $rsCriteria->getRow();
             $inputDocumentUid = $row["DOC_UID"];
             $criteria = new \Criteria("workflow");
             $criteria->add(\StepPeer::TAS_UID, $taskUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
             $criteria->add(\StepPeer::STEP_TYPE_OBJ, "INPUT_DOCUMENT", \Criteria::EQUAL);
             $criteria->add(\StepPeer::STEP_UID_OBJ, $inputDocumentUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
             $rsCriteria = \StepPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
             if (!$rsCriteria->next()) {
                 throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_CASES_INPUT_DOCUMENT_DOES_NOT_EXIST", array($appDocumentUid)));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw $e;
Пример #5
     * Verify if not exists OuputDocument in Steps
     * @param string $applicationUid Unique id of Case
     * @param string $delIndex       Delegation index
     * @param string $outDocUuid
     * return void Throw exception if not exists OuputDocument in Steps
    public function throwExceptionIfOuputDocumentNotExistsInSteps($applicacionUid, $delIndex, $outputDocumentUid)
        try {
            //Verify data
            $appDelegation = \AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicacionUid, $delIndex);

            $taskUid = $appDelegation->getTasUid();

            $criteria = new \Criteria("workflow");


            $criteria->add(\StepPeer::TAS_UID, $taskUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);
            $criteria->add(\StepPeer::STEP_TYPE_OBJ, "OUTPUT_DOCUMENT", \Criteria::EQUAL);
            $criteria->add(\StepPeer::STEP_UID_OBJ, $outputDocumentUid, \Criteria::EQUAL);

            $rsCriteria = \StepPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);

            if (!$rsCriteria->next()) {
                throw new \Exception(\G::LoadTranslation("ID_CASES_OUTPUT_DOES_NOT_EXIST", array($outputDocumentUid)));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw $e;
Пример #6
 $filters['sort'] = G::toUpper($filters['sort']);
 $columnsList = $listpeer::getFieldNames(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
 if (!in_array($filters['sort'], $columnsList)) {
     $filters['sort'] = '';
 $filters['dir'] = G::toUpper($filters['dir']);
 if (!($filters['dir'] == 'DESC' || $filters['dir'] == 'ASC')) {
     $filters['dir'] = 'DESC';
 $result = $list->loadList($userUid, $filters, function (array $record) {
     try {
         if (isset($record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_UID"])) {
             if ($record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_UID"] == "") {
                 $appDelegation = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($record["APP_UID"], $record["DEL_INDEX"]);
                 if (!is_null($appDelegation)) {
                     $appDelegationPrevious = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($record["APP_UID"], $appDelegation->getDelPrevious());
                     if (!is_null($appDelegationPrevious)) {
                         $taskPrevious = TaskPeer::retrieveByPK($appDelegationPrevious->getTasUid());
                         if (!is_null($taskPrevious)) {
                             switch ($taskPrevious->getTasType()) {
                                 case "SCRIPT-TASK":
                                     $record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_UID"] = $taskPrevious->getTasType();
             $record["PREVIOUS_USR_UID"] = $record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_UID"];
             $record["PREVIOUS_USR_USERNAME"] = $record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_USERNAME"];
             $record["PREVIOUS_USR_FIRSTNAME"] = $record["DEL_PREVIOUS_USR_FIRSTNAME"];
Пример #7
  * Implementation for 'GET' method for Rest API
  * @param  mixed $appUid, $delIndex Primary key
  * @return array $result Returns array within multiple records or a single record depending if
  *                       a single selection was requested passing id(s) as param
 protected function get($appUid = null, $delIndex = null)
     $result = array();
     try {
         $noArguments = true;
         $argumentList = func_get_args();
         foreach ($argumentList as $arg) {
             if (!is_null($arg)) {
                 $noArguments = false;
         if ($noArguments) {
             $criteria = new Criteria('workflow');
             $dataset = AppEventPeer::doSelectRS($criteria);
             while ($dataset->next()) {
                 $result[] = $dataset->getRow();
         } else {
             $record = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($appUid, $delIndex);
             if ($record) {
                 $result = $record->toArray(BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
             } else {
                 $paramValues = "";
                 foreach ($argumentList as $arg) {
                     $paramValues .= strlen($paramValues) ? ', ' : '';
                     if (!is_null($arg)) {
                         $paramValues .= "{$arg}";
                     } else {
                         $paramValues .= "NULL";
                 throw new RestException(417, "table AppDelegation ({$paramValues})");
     } catch (RestException $e) {
         throw new RestException($e->getCode(), $e->getMessage());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new RestException(412, $e->getMessage());
     return $result;
Пример #8
 public function sendNotifications($taskUid, $arrayTask, $arrayData, $applicationUid, $delIndex, $from = '')
     try {
         $arrayApplicationData = $this->loadCase($applicationUid);
         $arrayData['APP_NUMBER'] = $arrayApplicationData['APP_NUMBER'];
         if (!class_exists('System')) {
         $aConfiguration = System::getEmailConfiguration();
         $msgError = "";
         if (!isset($aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED']) || $aConfiguration['MESS_ENABLED'] != '1') {
             $msgError = "The default configuration wasn't defined";
             $aConfiguration['MESS_ENGINE'] = '';
         //Send derivation notification - Start
         $oTask = new Task();
         $aTaskInfo = $oTask->load($taskUid);
         if ($aTaskInfo['TAS_SEND_LAST_EMAIL'] != 'TRUE') {
             return false;
         $from = G::buildFrom($aConfiguration, $from);
         if (isset($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE']) && $aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'] != '') {
             $sSubject = G::replaceDataField($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_SUBJECT_MESSAGE'], $arrayData);
         } else {
             $sSubject = G::LoadTranslation('ID_MESSAGE_SUBJECT_DERIVATION');
         //erik: new behaviour for messages
         $oConf = new Configurations();
         $oConf->loadConfig($x, 'TAS_EXTRA_PROPERTIES', $aTaskInfo['TAS_UID'], '', '');
         $conf = $oConf->aConfig;
         $pathEmail = PATH_DATA_SITE . "mailTemplates" . PATH_SEP . $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"] . PATH_SEP;
         $swtplDefault = 0;
         $sBody = null;
         if (isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"]) && isset($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"]) && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TYPE"] == "template" && $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] != "") {
             if ($conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"] == "alert_message.html") {
                 $swtplDefault = 1;
             $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"];
             if (!file_exists($fileTemplate)) {
                 $tempale = PATH_CORE . "templates" . PATH_SEP . "mails" . PATH_SEP . "alert_message.html";
                 $copied = @copy($tempale, $fileTemplate);
                 if ($copied) {
                     $dataTemplate = array("prf_filename" => $conf["TAS_DEF_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE"], "prf_path" => $fileTemplate, "pro_uid" => $aTaskInfo["PRO_UID"], "usr_uid" => "00000000000000000000000000000001", "prf_uid" => G::generateUniqueID(), "prf_type" => "file", "prf_create_date" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
                     $filesManager = new ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\FilesManager();
                 } else {
                     throw new Exception("Template file \"{$fileTemplate}\" does not exist.");
             $sBody = file_get_contents($fileTemplate);
         } else {
             $sBody = nl2br($aTaskInfo['TAS_DEF_MESSAGE']);
         $task = new Tasks();
         $group = new Groups();
         $oUser = new Users();
         foreach ($arrayTask as $aTask) {
             $sTo = null;
             $sCc = null;
             if (isset($aTask['DEL_INDEX'])) {
                 $arrayData2 = $arrayData;
                 $appDelegation = AppDelegationPeer::retrieveByPK($applicationUid, $aTask['DEL_INDEX']);
                 if (!is_null($appDelegation)) {
                     $arrayData2['TAS_TITLE'] = Content::load('TAS_TITLE', '', $appDelegation->getTasUid(), SYS_LANG);
                     $arrayData2['DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE'] = $appDelegation->getDelTaskDueDate();
             } else {
                 $arrayData2 = $arrayData;
             if (isset($aTask['USR_UID']) && !empty($aTask['USR_UID'])) {
                 $user = new \ProcessMaker\BusinessModel\User();
                 $arrayUserData = $user->getUser($aTask['USR_UID'], true);
                 $arrayData2 = \ProcessMaker\Util\DateTime::convertUtcToTimeZone($arrayData2, trim($arrayUserData['USR_TIME_ZONE']) != '' ? trim($arrayUserData['USR_TIME_ZONE']) : \ProcessMaker\Util\System::getTimeZone());
             } else {
                 $arrayData2 = \ProcessMaker\Util\DateTime::convertUtcToTimeZone($arrayData2);
             $sBody2 = G::replaceDataGridField($sBody, $arrayData2, false);
             switch ($aTask["TAS_ASSIGN_TYPE"]) {
                 case "SELF_SERVICE":
                     if ($swtplDefault == 1) {
                         G::verifyPath($pathEmail, true);
                         //Create if it does not exist
                         $fileTemplate = $pathEmail . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE');
                         if (!file_exists($fileTemplate) && file_exists(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'))) {
                             @copy(PATH_TPL . "mails" . PATH_SEP . G::LoadTranslation('ID_UNASSIGNED_MESSAGE'), $fileTemplate);
                         $sBody2 = G::replaceDataField(file_get_contents($fileTemplate), $arrayData2);
                     if (isset($aTask["TAS_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["TAS_UID"])) {
                         $arrayTaskUser = array();
                         $arrayAux1 = $task->getGroupsOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1);
                         foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayGroup) {
                             $arrayAux2 = $group->getUsersOfGroup($arrayGroup["GRP_UID"]);
                             foreach ($arrayAux2 as $arrayUser) {
                                 $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"];
                         $arrayAux1 = $task->getUsersOfTask($aTask["TAS_UID"], 1);
                         foreach ($arrayAux1 as $arrayUser) {
                             $arrayTaskUser[] = $arrayUser["USR_UID"];
                         $criteria = new Criteria("workflow");
                         $criteria->add(UsersPeer::USR_UID, $arrayTaskUser, Criteria::IN);
                         $rsCriteria = UsersPeer::doSelectRs($criteria);
                         $to = null;
                         $cc = null;
                         $sw = 1;
                         while ($rsCriteria->next()) {
                             $row = $rsCriteria->getRow();
                             $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">";
                             if ($sw == 1) {
                                 $to = $toAux;
                                 $sw = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux;
                         $sTo = $to;
                         $sCc = $cc;
                 case "MULTIPLE_INSTANCE":
                     $to = null;
                     $cc = null;
                     $sw = 1;
                     $oDerivation = new Derivation();
                     $userFields = $oDerivation->getUsersFullNameFromArray($oDerivation->getAllUsersFromAnyTask($aTask["TAS_UID"]));
                     if (isset($userFields)) {
                         foreach ($userFields as $row) {
                             $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">";
                             if ($sw == 1) {
                                 $to = $toAux;
                                 $sw = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux;
                         $sTo = $to;
                         $sCc = $cc;
                 case "MULTIPLE_INSTANCE_VALUE_BASED":
                     $aTaskNext = $oTask->load($aTask["TAS_UID"]);
                     if (isset($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"]) && !empty($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"])) {
                         $to = null;
                         $cc = null;
                         $sw = 1;
                         $nextTaskAssignVariable = trim($aTaskNext["TAS_ASSIGN_VARIABLE"], " @#");
                         $arrayUsers = $arrayData[$nextTaskAssignVariable];
                         $oDerivation = new Derivation();
                         $userFields = $oDerivation->getUsersFullNameFromArray($arrayUsers);
                         foreach ($userFields as $row) {
                             $toAux = ($row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $row["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $row["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $row["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $row["USR_EMAIL"] . ">";
                             if ($sw == 1) {
                                 $to = $toAux;
                                 $sw = 0;
                             } else {
                                 $cc = $cc . ($cc != null ? "," : null) . $toAux;
                         $sTo = $to;
                         $sCc = $cc;
                     if (isset($aTask["USR_UID"]) && !empty($aTask["USR_UID"])) {
                         $aUser = $oUser->load($aTask["USR_UID"]);
                         $sTo = ($aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] != "" || $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] != "" ? $aUser["USR_FIRSTNAME"] . " " . $aUser["USR_LASTNAME"] . " " : "") . "<" . $aUser["USR_EMAIL"] . ">";
             if ($sTo != null) {
                 $oSpool = new spoolRun();
                 $oSpool->create(array("msg_uid" => "", 'app_uid' => $applicationUid, 'del_index' => $delIndex, "app_msg_type" => "DERIVATION", "app_msg_subject" => $sSubject, 'app_msg_from' => $from, "app_msg_to" => $sTo, 'app_msg_body' => $sBody2, "app_msg_cc" => $sCc, "app_msg_bcc" => "", "app_msg_attach" => "", "app_msg_template" => "", "app_msg_status" => "pending", "app_msg_error" => $msgError));
                 if ($msgError == '') {
                     if ($aConfiguration["MESS_BACKGROUND"] == "" || $aConfiguration["MESS_TRY_SEND_INMEDIATLY"] == "1") {
         //Send derivation notification - End
     } catch (Exception $oException) {
         throw $oException;