/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $car = new \App\Car(); // populate the model with the form data $car->make = $request->make; $car->model = $request->model; $car->produced_on = $request->produced_on; // save the model to create a new object in the database if (!$car->save()) { $errors = $car->getErrors(); return redirect()->route('cars.create')->with('errors', $errors)->withInput(); } // success! return redirect()->route('cars.create')->with('message', 'Your ' . $car->make . ' ' . $car->model . ' from ' . $car->produced_on . ' has been created!'); }
public function testAddRepairDateFail3() { $user = App\User::all()->last(); $count = App\Repair::count(); $this->actingAs($user)->visit('/repairs/create')->select(App\Car::all()->last()->LicencePlate, 'LicencePlate')->select(App\Staff::all()->last()->Id, 'StaffId')->check('Ongoing')->type('Oil change', 'Type')->type('Just a routine exercise.', 'Comments')->type('2016-02-14asd', 'StartDate')->type('2016/02/16', 'EndDate')->type('50', 'Cost')->press('Add repair'); $this->assertEquals($count, App\Repair::count()); }
/** * Responds to requests to POST /cars/create */ public function postCreate(Request $request) { $this->validate($request, ['year' => 'required|numeric|between:1900,2100', 'model' => 'required|min:2', 'style' => 'required|min:1', 'picture' => 'required|url', 'purchase_link' => 'url', 'price' => 'numeric|between:1,500000']); # Insert car record into database $car = new \App\Car(); $car->model = $request->model; $car->style = $request->style; $car->price = $request->price; $car->manufacturer_id = $request->manufacturer; $car->size_id = $request->size; $car->user_id = \Auth::id(); $car->picture = $request->picture; $car->year = $request->year; $car->purchase_link = $request->purchase_link; $car->save(); # Add the tags if ($request->tags) { $tags = $request->tags; } else { $tags = []; } $car->tags()->sync($tags); # Inform the user \Session::flash('flash_message', 'Your car of interest was added!'); return redirect('/cars'); }