function receipt_page($order_id)
        global $woocommerce;
        $order = new WC_Order($order_id);
        WC()->session->ppp_order_id = $order_id;
        $PaymentData = AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::calculate($order, true);
        $payment = new Payment();
        $patchReplace = new \PayPal\Api\Patch();
                    "total": "' . AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::number_format($order->get_total()) . '",
                    "currency": "' . get_woocommerce_currency() . '",
                    "details": {
                        "subtotal": "' . $PaymentData['itemamt'] . '",
                        "shipping": "' . $PaymentData['shippingamt'] . '",
                        "tax":"' . $PaymentData['taxamt'] . '"
        $patchRequest = new \PayPal\Api\PatchRequest();
        if ($order->needs_shipping_address() && !empty($order->shipping_country)) {
            //add shipping info
            $patchAdd = new \PayPal\Api\Patch();
                    "recipient_name": "' . $order->shipping_first_name . ' ' . $order->shipping_last_name . '",
                    "line1": "' . $order->shipping_address_1 . '",
                    "city": "' . $order->shipping_city . '",
                    "state": "' . $order->shipping_state . '",
                    "postal_code": "' . $order->shipping_postcode . '",
                    "country_code": "' . $order->shipping_country . '"
            $patchRequest->setPatches(array($patchAdd, $patchReplace));
        } else {
        try {
            $result = $payment->update($patchRequest, $this->getAuth());
            $this->add_log(print_r($payment, true));
            if ($result == true) {
                <script src=""type="text/javascript"></script>
                    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
                            message: "<?php 
            echo esc_js(__('Thank you for your order. We are now redirecting you to PayPal to make payment.', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'));
                        baseZ: 99999,
                                    background: "#fff",
                                    opacity: 0.6
                        css: {
                            padding: "20px",
                            zindex: "9999999",
                            textAlign: "center",
                            color: "#555",
                            border: "3px solid #aaa",
                            backgroundColor: "#fff",
                            cursor: "wait",
                            lineHeight: "24px"
        } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
            wc_add_notice(__("Error processing checkout. Please try again. ", 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), 'error');
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            wc_add_notice(__("Error processing checkout. Please try again. ", 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), 'error');
  * Process a refund if supported
  * @param  int $order_id
  * @param  float $amount
  * @param  string $reason
  * @return  bool|wp_error True or false based on success, or a WP_Error object
 public function process_refund($order_id, $amount = null, $reason = '')
     $order = wc_get_order($order_id);
     $this->add_log('Begin Refund');
     $this->add_log('Order: ' . print_r($order, true));
     $this->add_log('Transaction ID: ' . print_r($order->get_transaction_id(), true));
     $this->add_log('API Username: '******'API Password: '******'API Signature: ' . print_r($this->api_signature, true));
     if (!$order || !$order->get_transaction_id() || !$this->api_username || !$this->api_password || !$this->api_signature) {
         return false;
     $this->add_log('Include Class Request');
      * Check if the PayPal class has already been established.
     if (!class_exists('Angelleye_PayPal')) {
         require_once PAYPAL_FOR_WOOCOMMERCE_PLUGIN_DIR . '/classes/lib/angelleye/paypal-php-library/includes/paypal.class.php';
      * Create PayPal object.
     $PayPalConfig = array('Sandbox' => $this->testmode == 'yes' ? TRUE : FALSE, 'APIUsername' => $this->api_username, 'APIPassword' => $this->api_password, 'APISignature' => $this->api_signature);
     $PayPal = new Angelleye_PayPal($PayPalConfig);
     if ($reason) {
         if (255 < strlen($reason)) {
             $reason = substr($reason, 0, 252) . '...';
         $reason = html_entity_decode($reason, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     // Prepare request arrays
     $RTFields = array('transactionid' => $order->get_transaction_id(), 'payerid' => '', 'invoiceid' => '', 'refundtype' => $order->get_total() == $amount ? 'Full' : 'Partial', 'amt' => AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::number_format($amount), 'currencycode' => $order->get_order_currency(), 'note' => $reason, 'retryuntil' => '', 'refundsource' => '', 'merchantstoredetail' => '', 'refundadvice' => '', 'refunditemdetails' => '', 'msgsubid' => '', 'storeid' => '', 'terminalid' => '');
     $PayPalRequestData = array('RTFields' => $RTFields);
     $this->add_log('Refund Request: ' . print_r($PayPalRequestData, true));
     // Pass data into class for processing with PayPal and load the response array into $PayPalResult
     $PayPalResult = $PayPal->RefundTransaction($PayPalRequestData);
      *  cURL Error Handling #146 
      *  @since    1.1.8
     AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::angelleye_paypal_for_woocommerce_curl_error_handler($PayPalResult, $methos_name = 'RefundTransaction', $gateway = 'PayPal Express Checkout', $this->error_email_notify);
     $this->add_log('Refund Information: ' . print_r($PayPalResult, true));
     if ($PayPal->APICallSuccessful($PayPalResult['ACK'])) {
         $order->add_order_note('Refund Transaction ID:' . $PayPalResult['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID']);
         $max_remaining_refund = wc_format_decimal($order->get_total() - $order->get_total_refunded());
         if (!$max_remaining_refund > 0) {
         if (ob_get_length()) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $ec_message = apply_filters('ae_ppec_refund_error_message', $PayPalResult['L_LONGMESSAGE0'], $PayPalResult['L_ERRORCODE0'], $PayPalResult);
         return new WP_Error('ec_refund-error', $ec_message);
  * do_payment
  * Process the PayFlow transaction with PayPal.
  * @access public
  * @param mixed $order
  * @param mixed $card_number
  * @param mixed $card_exp
  * @param mixed $card_csc
  * @param string $centinelPAResStatus (default: '')
  * @param string $centinelEnrolled (default: '')
  * @param string $centinelCavv (default: '')
  * @param string $centinelEciFlag (default: '')
  * @param string $centinelXid (default: '')
  * @return void
 function do_payment($order, $card_number, $card_exp, $card_csc, $centinelPAResStatus = '', $centinelEnrolled = '', $centinelCavv = '', $centinelEciFlag = '', $centinelXid = '')
      * Display message to user if session has expired.
     if (sizeof(WC()->cart->get_cart()) == 0) {
         $fc_session_expired = apply_filters('angelleye_fc_session_expired', sprintf(__('Sorry, your session has expired. <a href=%s>Return to homepage &rarr;</a>', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), '"' . home_url() . '"'), $this);
         wc_add_notice($fc_session_expired, "error");
      * Check if the PayPal_PayFlow class has already been established.
     if (!class_exists('Angelleye_PayPal_PayFlow')) {
         require_once 'lib/angelleye/paypal-php-library/includes/paypal.class.php';
         require_once 'lib/angelleye/paypal-php-library/includes/paypal.payflow.class.php';
      * Create PayPal_PayFlow object.
     $PayPalConfig = array('Sandbox' => $this->testmode == 'yes' ? true : false, 'APIUsername' => $this->paypal_user, 'APIPassword' => trim($this->paypal_password), 'APIVendor' => $this->paypal_vendor, 'APIPartner' => $this->paypal_partner);
     $PayPal = new Angelleye_PayPal_PayFlow($PayPalConfig);
      * Pulled from original Woo extension.
     if (empty($GLOBALS['wp_rewrite'])) {
         $GLOBALS['wp_rewrite'] = new WP_Rewrite();
     if ($this->debug) {
     try {
          * Parameter set by original Woo.  I can probably ditch this, but leaving it for now.
         $url = $this->testmode == 'yes' ? $this->testurl : $this->liveurl;
          * PayPal PayFlow Gateway Request Params
         $PayPalRequestData = array('tender' => 'C', 'trxtype' => $this->payment_action == 'Authorization' ? 'A' : 'S', 'acct' => $card_number, 'expdate' => $card_exp, 'amt' => AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::number_format($order->get_total()), 'currency' => get_woocommerce_currency(), 'dutyamt' => '', 'freightamt' => '', 'taxamt' => '', 'taxexempt' => '', 'comment1' => $order->customer_note ? substr(preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/", "", $order->customer_note), 0, 256) : '', 'comment2' => '', 'cvv2' => $card_csc, 'recurring' => '', 'swipe' => '', 'orderid' => preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", "", $order->get_order_number()), 'orderdesc' => 'Order ' . $order->get_order_number() . ' on ' . get_bloginfo('name'), 'billtoemail' => $order->billing_email, 'billtophonenum' => '', 'billtofirstname' => $order->billing_first_name, 'billtomiddlename' => '', 'billtolastname' => $order->billing_last_name, 'billtostreet' => $order->billing_address_1 . ' ' . $order->billing_address_2, 'billtocity' => $order->billing_city, 'billtostate' => $order->billing_state, 'billtozip' => $order->billing_postcode, 'billtocountry' => $order->billing_country, 'origid' => '', 'custref' => '', 'custcode' => '', 'custip' => $this->get_user_ip(), 'invnum' => $this->invoice_id_prefix . str_replace("#", "", $order->get_order_number()), 'ponum' => '', 'starttime' => '', 'endtime' => '', 'securetoken' => '', 'partialauth' => '', 'authcode' => '');
          * Shipping info
         if ($order->shipping_address_1) {
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOFIRSTNAME'] = $order->shipping_first_name;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOLASTNAME'] = $order->shipping_last_name;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOSTREET'] = $order->shipping_address_1 . ' ' . $order->shipping_address_2;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOCITY'] = $order->shipping_city;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOSTATE'] = $order->shipping_state;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOCOUNTRY'] = $order->shipping_country;
             $PayPalRequestData['SHIPTOZIP'] = $order->shipping_postcode;
         $PaymentData = AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::calculate($order, $this->send_items);
         $OrderItems = array();
         if ($this->send_items) {
             $item_loop = 0;
             foreach ($PaymentData['order_items'] as $_item) {
                 $Item['L_NUMBER' . $item_loop] = $_item['number'];
                 $Item['L_NAME' . $item_loop] = $_item['name'];
                 $Item['L_COST' . $item_loop] = $_item['amt'];
                 $Item['L_QTY' . $item_loop] = $_item['qty'];
                 if ($_item['number']) {
                     $Item['L_SKU' . $item_loop] = $_item['number'];
                 $OrderItems = array_merge($OrderItems, $Item);
          * Shipping/tax/item amount
         $PayPalRequestData['taxamt'] = $PaymentData['taxamt'];
         $PayPalRequestData['freightamt'] = $PaymentData['shippingamt'];
         $PayPalRequestData['ITEMAMT'] = $PaymentData['itemamt'];
         if ($this->send_items) {
             $PayPalRequestData = array_merge($PayPalRequestData, $OrderItems);
         $PayPalResult = $PayPal->ProcessTransaction($PayPalRequestData);
          *  cURL Error Handling #146 
          *  @since    1.1.8
         AngellEYE_Gateway_Paypal::angelleye_paypal_for_woocommerce_curl_error_handler($PayPalResult, $methos_name = 'do_payment', $gateway = 'PayPal Payments Pro 2.0 (PayFlow)', $this->error_email_notify);
          * Log results
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->add_log('PayFlow Endpoint: ' . $PayPal->APIEndPoint);
             $this->add_log(print_r($PayPalResult, true));
          * Error check
         if (empty($PayPalResult['RAWRESPONSE'])) {
             $fc_empty_response = apply_filters('ae_pppf_paypal_response_empty_message', __('Empty PayPal response.', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), $PayPalResult);
             throw new Exception($fc_empty_response);
          * More logs
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->add_log(add_query_arg('key', $order->order_key, add_query_arg('order', $order->id)));
          * Check for errors or fraud filter warnings and proceed accordingly.
         if (isset($PayPalResult['RESULT']) && ($PayPalResult['RESULT'] == 0 || $PayPalResult['RESULT'] == 126)) {
             // Add order note
             if ($PayPalResult['RESULT'] == 126) {
                 $order->add_order_note("The payment was flagged by a fraud filter, please check your PayPal Manager account to review and accept or deny the payment.");
             } else {
                 $order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('PayPal Pro payment completed (PNREF: %s)', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), $PayPalResult['PNREF']));
                 /* Checkout Note */
                 if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST['order_comments'])) {
                     // Update post 37
                     $checkout_note = array('ID' => $order->id, 'post_excerpt' => $_POST['order_comments']);
              * Add order notes for AVS result
             $avs_address_response_code = isset($PayPalResult['AVSADDR']) ? $PayPalResult['AVSADDR'] : '';
             $avs_zip_response_code = isset($PayPalResult['AVSZIP']) ? $PayPalResult['AVSZIP'] : '';
             $avs_response_order_note = __('Address Verification Result', 'paypal-for-woocommerce');
             $avs_response_order_note .= "\n";
             $avs_response_order_note .= sprintf(__('Address Match: %s', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), $avs_address_response_code);
             $avs_response_order_note .= "\n";
             $avs_response_order_note .= sprintf(__('Postal Match: %s', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), $avs_zip_response_code);
              * Add order notes for CVV2 result
             $cvv2_response_code = isset($PayPalResult['CVV2MATCH']) ? $PayPalResult['CVV2MATCH'] : '';
             $cvv2_response_order_note = __('Card Security Code Result', 'paypal-for-woocommerce');
             $cvv2_response_order_note .= "\n";
             $cvv2_response_order_note .= sprintf(__('CVV2 Match: %s', 'paypal-for-woocommerce'), $cvv2_response_code);
             // Payment complete
             //$order->add_order_note("PayPal Result".print_r($PayPalResult,true));
             // Remove cart
             // Return thank you page redirect
             return array('result' => 'success', 'redirect' => $this->get_return_url($order));
         } else {
             $order->update_status('failed', __('PayPal Pro payment failed. Payment was rejected due to an error: ', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . '(' . $PayPalResult['RESULT'] . ') ' . '"' . $PayPalResult['RESPMSG'] . '"');
             // Generate error message based on Error Display Type setting
             if ($this->error_display_type == 'detailed') {
                 $fc_error_display_type = __('Payment error:', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . ' ' . $PayPalResult['RESULT'] . '-' . $PayPalResult['RESPMSG'];
             } else {
                 $fc_error_display_type = __('Payment error:', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . ' There was a problem processing your payment.  Please try another method.';
             $fc_error_display_type = apply_filters('ae_pppf_error_user_display_message', $fc_error_display_type, $PayPalResult['RESULT'], $PayPalResult['RESPMSG'], $PayPalResult);
             wc_add_notice($fc_error_display_type, "error");
             // Notice admin if has any issue from PayPal
             if ($this->error_email_notify) {
                 $admin_email = get_option("admin_email");
                 $message = __("PayFlow API call failed.", "paypal-for-woocommerce") . "\n\n";
                 $message .= __('Error Code: ', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . $PayPalResult['RESULT'] . "\n";
                 $message .= __('Detailed Error Message: ', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . $PayPalResult['RESPMSG'];
                 $message .= isset($PayPalResult['PREFPSMSG']) && $PayPalResult['PREFPSMSG'] != '' ? ' - ' . $PayPalResult['PREFPSMSG'] . "\n" : "\n";
                 $message .= __('User IP: ', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . $this->get_user_ip() . "\n";
                 $message .= __('Order ID: ') . $order->id . "\n";
                 $message .= __('Customer Name: ') . $order->billing_first_name . ' ' . $order->billing_last_name . "\n";
                 $message .= __('Customer Email: ') . $order->billing_email . "\n";
                 $message = apply_filters('ae_pppf_error_email_message', $message);
                 $subject = apply_filters('ae_pppf_error_email_subject', "PayPal Pro Error Notification");
                 wp_mail($admin_email, $subject, $message);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $fc_connect_error = apply_filters('angelleye_fc_connect_error', __('Connection error:', 'paypal-for-woocommerce') . ': "' . $e->getMessage() . '"', $e);
         wc_add_notice($fc_connect_error, "error");