<?php require_once "Android.php"; $object = new Android(); $object->dialogCreateAlert("Quiz Game By", "Amit Kumar Mondal"); $object->dialogSetPositiveButtonText("Proceed"); $object->dialogSetNegativeButtonText("Exit"); $object->dialogShow(); $response = $object->dialogGetResponse(); $function = $response["result"]->which == "positive" ? "proceed" : "exit"; switch ($function) { case "proceed": $object->dialogCreateAlert("What is Codename for MAC OS X 10.7?"); $ans11 = array("Lion", "Leopard", "Snow Leopard", "Tiger"); $object->dialogSetItems($ans11); $object->dialogShow(); $ans1 = $object->dialogGetResponse(); $ans1m = "Lion"; if ($ans11[$ans1["result"]->item] == $ans1m) { $object->dialogCreateAlert("Result", "Right Answer"); $object->dialogSetPositiveButtonText("Next"); $object->dialogShow(); $next = $object->dialogGetResponse(); if ($next["result"]->which == "positive") { $object->dialogCreateAlert("What is the new Database developed by Google?"); $ans22 = array("NoSQL", "MongoDB", "F1", "CouchDB"); $object->dialogSetItems($ans22); $object->dialogShow(); $ans2 = $object->dialogGetResponse(); $ans2m = "F1"; if ($ans22[$ans2["result"]->item] == $ans2m) {
$arr = array('errno' => -1, 'error' => "Wrong credentials"); } else { $arr = array('errno' => -2, 'error' => "System error"); } return $arr; } static function getSpots() { $spots = Spot::getSpots(); if ($spots) { $error = array('errno' => 0, 'error' => ''); $arr = array('places' => $spots, 'error' => $error); } else { $error = array('errno' => -1, 'error' => 'System error'); $arr = array('error' => $error); } return $arr; } static function getSpot($id) { $spot = Spot::_getSpotById($id); if ($spot) { $arr = array('places' => $spot, 'errno' => 0, 'error' => ''); } else { $arr = array('errno' => -1, 'error' => 'System error'); } return $arr; } } Android::process();
</div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($__is_viewing_self || !IsHiddenObject('equip_droid')) { ?> <div id="inv_android" style="display: none"> <?php MakeHideToggleButton('equip_droid'); $droid = Android::GetAndroid($internal_id, CURRENT_LOCALE); ?> <span class="top-col lt"><?php echo $character_info['name']; ?> </span> <span class="top-col lb"><?php echo GetJobname($character_info['job']); ?> </span> <span class="top-col rt"><?php echo $character_info['guildname']; ?> </span> <span class="top-col rb"><?php echo $character_info['fame'];
/** * Test method for the <code>#toJSON()</code> function. */ public function testToJSON() { $array = Android::create()->setBanner('http://example.com/banner.png')->setCustomIcon('http://example.com/image.png')->setGcmTtl(3600)->setHeader('Header')->setIcon('icon')->setRootParams(array('key' => 'value'))->setSound('push.mp3')->toJSON(); $this->assertCount(7, $array); $this->assertEquals('http://example.com/banner.png', $array['android_banner']); $this->assertEquals('http://example.com/image.png', $array['android_custom_icon']); $this->assertEquals(3600, $array['android_gcm_ttl']); $this->assertEquals('Header', $array['android_header']); $this->assertEquals('icon', $array['android_icon']); $this->assertEquals(array('key' => 'value'), $array['android_root_params']); $this->assertEquals('push.mp3', $array['android_sound']); }
<?php require_once "Android.php"; $obj = new Android(); $obj->dialogCreateAlert("It's time to do some crazy quizzing", "Developed By Amit Kumar Mondal"); $obj->dialogSetPositiveButtonText("Start"); $obj->dialogSetNegativeButtonText("No thanks"); $obj->dialogShow(); $inp = $obj->dialogGetResponse(); if ($inp["result"]->which == "positive") { //Question 1 $qst1_opt = array("Windows 8", "Windows 7", "Windows Vista", "Windows XP"); $qst1_ans = "Windows 7"; $qst1 = question($obj, "Q1. Which has the codename Vienna?", $qst1_opt, $qst1_ans); //Question 2 $qst2_opt = array("Go", "NoSQL", "Django", "AES"); $qst2_ans = "Go"; $qst2 = question($obj, "Q2. Amongst the following what is a Programming Language?", $qst2_opt, $qst2_ans); //Question 3 $qst3_opt = array("Van Neuman", "Kernighan", "Rasmus Lerdorf", "Belly Deriath"); $qst3_ans = "Rasmus Lerdorf"; $qst3 = question($obj, "Q3. Who is the developer of PHP?", $qst3_opt, $qst3_ans); //Question 4 $qst4_opt = array("Library Function", "Initialization Function", "Module Initialization Scheme", "Extension .so/.dll"); $qst4_ans = "Module Initialization Scheme"; $qst4 = question($obj, "Q4. What is the MINIT in PHP?", $qst4_opt, $qst4_ans); //Question 5 $qst5_opt = array("echo()", "print()", "fread()", "printf()"); $qst5_ans = "printf()"; $qst5 = question($obj, "Q5. Amongst which takes unlimited arguments?", $qst5_opt, $qst5_ans); $result = $qst1 + $qst2 + $qst3 + $qst4 + $qst5;
<?php require_once "Android.php"; $droid = new Android(); /* Some GUI for the user */ $droid->dialogCreateAlert("Socket Program By", "Amit Kumar Mondal"); $droid->dialogSetNeutralButtonText("I'm Ready to fun!"); $droid->dialogShow(); $result = $droid->dialogGetResponse(); /* Get parameters */ /* 1- Remote AMI server */ $server = $droid->dialogGetInput("Please enter IP/Hostname of your Asterisk BOX", ""); /* 2- Remote AMI port */ $port = $droid->dialogGetInput("Please enter TCP Port", ""); /* 3- Remote user */ $user = $droid->dialogGetInput("Please enter username", ""); /* 4- Remote pass */ $pass = $droid->dialogGetPassword("Please enter password", ""); $server = $server['result']; $port = $port['result']; $user = $user['result']; $pass = $pass['result']; echo "Ready to connect to {$server}:{$port} with {$user}/{$pass}\n"; /* TCP Connection */ $astSocket = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, 30); if (!$astSocket) { $droid->dialogCreateAlert("Socket Program", "Sorry, TCP Connection on {$server} : {$port} was not possible :r("); $droid->dialogSetNeutralButtonText("I will try again :D)"); $droid->dialogShow(); $result = $droid->dialogGetResponse(); exit(1);
return 'Button released'; } function r2($args) { global $droid; $droid->vibrate(30); return 'Button released'; } function r3($args) { global $droid; $droid->vibrate(30); return 'Button released'; } */ $droid = new Android(); $droid->notify("Starting", "Starting server..."); $bind_address = ''; $port = 8000; $server_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die("socket_create()failed."); socket_bind($server_socket, $bind_address, $port) or die("socket_bind()failed"); socket_listen($server_socket, 5) or die("socket_listen()failed"); // Stop socket from handing when killed socket_set_block($server_socket); socket_set_option($server_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, array('l_onoff' => 1, 'l_linger' => 0)); $droid->notify("Running", "Server is up and running ...."); $droid->view("http://localhost:{$port}/start", "text/html"); $running = true; do { if (($socket = socket_accept($server_socket)) < 0) { echo "socket_accept() failed \r\n";
<?php // horoscope.php: Proof of Concept retrieving horoscope information // @author: Javier Infante <jabiAT_NOSP_AMirontec.com> require_once "Android.php"; $droid = new Android(); $action = "start"; while (true) { switch ($action) { case "start": $droid->dialogCreateAlert("PFA-Horoscope", "Ask PFAewok for your Horoscope"); $droid->dialogSetPositiveButtonText("ask now!"); $droid->dialogSetNegativeButtonText("credits..."); $droid->dialogShow(); // Wait for user input $result = $droid->dialogGetResponse(); switch ($result['result']->which) { case "negative": $action = "credits"; break; case "positive": default: $action = "choose_and_ask"; break; } $droid->dialogDismiss(); break; case "credits": $droid->dialogCreateAlert("PFA-Horoscope", "Only for educational Purpouses (what else?).\n\nHoroscope Source: http://widgets.fabulously40.com/horoscope.json\n\nwww.phpforandroid.net"); $droid->dialogSetPositiveButtonText("back"); $droid->dialogSetNegativeButtonText("exit");
<?php include "Android.php"; $droid = new Android(); //creates alert $droid->dialogCreateAlert(); $result = array(); //gets coordinates $latitude = $droid->dialogGetInput("Location", "Latitude: "); $longitude = $droid->dialogGetInput("Location", "Longitude: "); //gets the location info $locations = $droid->dialogGeocode($latitude['result'], $longitude['result']); //parses location info foreach ($locations['result'] as $location) { $location = get_object_vars($location); //sets location items foreach ($location as $key => $value) { $result[] = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)) . ': ' . $value; } } $droid->dialogSetItems($result); //displays the box $droid->dialogShow();