if (isset($_POST['current']) && isset($_POST['new']) && isset($_POST['confirm'])) {
    if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
         * --------------------------
         *   Require File
         * -------------------------
        require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
         * --------------------------
         *  Instance Class
         * -------------------------
        $obj = new AjaxRequest();
        $passCurrent = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']);
        include '../../application/functions.php';
        include '../../application/DataConfig.php';
        if (!empty($passCurrent->password) && sha1($_POST['current']) != $passCurrent->password) {
            echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_incorrect'], 'focus' => 'current'));
        } else {
            if (mb_strlen($_POST['new'], 'utf8') < 5 || mb_strlen($_POST['new'], 'utf8') > 20) {
                echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_length'], 'focus' => 'new'));
            } else {
                if (mb_strlen($_POST['confirm'], 'utf8') < 5 || mb_strlen($_POST['confirm'], 'utf8') > 20) {
                    echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_confirm_length'], 'focus' => 'confirm'));
                } else {
                    if ($_POST['confirm'] !== $_POST['new']) {
                        echo json_encode(array('response' => $_SESSION['LANG']['pass_match'], 'focus' => 'confirm'));
                    } else {
                        $res = $obj->updatePassword();
     *   Require File
     * -------------------------
    require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
    include_once '../../application/functions.php';
    include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php';
    if (isset($_GET) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "GET" && isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
        $since_id = is_numeric($_GET['since_id']) ? $_GET['since_id'] : die;
        $_array = array();
         * ----------------------
         *   Instance Class
         * ----------------------
        $obj = new AjaxRequest();
        $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']);
        $getPosts = $obj->getAllPosts('WHERE P.user = '******'authenticated'] . '
			&& P.status = "1"
			&& U.status = "active"
			&& > ' . $since_id . ' 
			&& P.`repost_of_id` = 0
	|| P.user 
			IN (
					SELECT following FROM followers WHERE follower = ' . $_SESSION['authenticated'] . ' 
					&& status = "1"
			 && P.`repost_of_id` = 0
			  && P.status = "1" 
			  && U.status = "active" 
			  && > ' . $since_id . '
         * --------------------------
         *   Require/Include Files
         * -------------------------
        require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
        include_once '../../application/functions.php';
        include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php';
         * ----------------------
         *   Instance Class
         * ----------------------
        $obj = new AjaxRequest();
        $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($id_user);
        $infoSessioUsr = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']);
        $response = $obj->getAllPosts('WHERE P.user = '******'
			&& P.status = "1"
			&& P.status_general = "1"
			&& U.status = "active"
			&& ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . '
			GROUP BY DESC ', 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $id_user_favs);
        $checkFollow = $obj->checkFollow($_SESSION['authenticated'], $id_user);
        $_countPosts = count($response);
        if ($_countPosts == 0) {
            $nofound = '<span class="notfound">No posts to display</span>';
        $user = $id_user;
        if ($infoUser->mode == 0 && $checkFollow[0]['status'] == 0 && $_SESSION['authenticated'] != $user) {
            $response = null;
         * --------------------------
         *   Require/Include Files
         * -------------------------
        require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
        include_once '../../application/functions.php';
        include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php';
         * ----------------------
         *   Instance Class
         * ----------------------
        $obj = new AjaxRequest();
        $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($id_user);
        $response = $obj->getFollowing('WHERE F.follower = ' . $id_user . ' && ' . $query . ' ' . $offset . '', 'LIMIT ' . $postnumbers, $id_user_favs);
        $checkFollow = $obj->checkFollow($_SESSION['authenticated'], $id_user);
        $_countTotal = count($response);
        $user = $id_user;
        if ($_countTotal == 0) {
            $nofound = '<span class="notfound">No result</span>';
        if ($infoUser->mode == 0 && $checkFollow[0]['status'] == 0 && $_SESSION['authenticated'] != $user) {
            $response = null;
            $nofound = null;
            $mode = '<div class="panel-footer text-center" style="padding: 25px 0; background: url(' . URL_BASE . 'public/img/private.png) right bottom no-repeat;" class="notfound">
		' . $_SESSION['LANG']['profile_private'] . '</div>';
        } else {
            $response = $response;
            $mode = null;
 $id_user = is_numeric($_GET['id_user']) ? $_GET['id_user'] : die;
 $id_user = (int) $id_user;
 $error = 0;
  * ----------------------
  *   Instance Class
  * ----------------------
 $obj = new AjaxRequest();
 $chkUser = $obj->checkUser($id_user) ? 1 : 0;
 if ($chkUser === 0) {
     echo json_encode(array('html' => $_SESSION['LANG']['error'], 'status' => 0));
     $error = 1;
 $getData = $obj->infoUserLive($id_user);
 $count = count($getData);
 $followingActive = $obj->checkFollow($id_user, $_SESSION['authenticated']);
 //$dataSummary     = $obj->getTotalSummary( $id_user );
 // Count All posts
 $dataPosts = $obj->countAllPost($id_user);
 // Count All Followers
 $dataFollowers = $obj->countAllFollowers($id_user);
 // Count All Following
 $dataFollowing = $obj->countAllFollowing($id_user);
 //<---- VERIFIED
 if ($getData->type_account == 1) {
     $verified = ' <i class="fa fa-check-circle verified verified-min showTooltip" title="' . $_SESSION["LANG"]["verified"] . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right"></i>';
 } else {
     $verified = null;
Пример #6
            require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
            include_once '../../application/functions.php';
            include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php';
            require_once '../../phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
             * ----------------------
             *   Instance Class
             * ----------------------
            $obj = new AjaxRequest();
            $admin = $obj->getSettings();
            $_POST['id'] = trim($_POST['id']);
            $explode = explode('-', $_POST['id']);
            $_POST['id'] = (int) $explode[1];
            $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']);
            $verifiedUser = $obj->checkUser($_POST['id']) ? 1 : 0;
            if ($verifiedUser == 1) {
                $infoUserFollow = $obj->infoUserLive($_POST['id']);
            $messageEmail = '
			<table width="550" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #666;" align="center">
			<td width="550" height="50" align="center" style="background: #fff;">
				<img style="width: 130px;" src="' . URL_BASE . 'public/img/logo.png" />
			<td width="558" align="center" style="background: #FFF; line-height: 18px; padding: 10px;  border-bottom: 1px solid #DDD; border-left: 1px solid #DDD; border-right: 1px solid #DDD;">
  *   Require File
  * -------------------------
 require_once '../../class_ajax_request/classAjax.php';
 include_once '../../application/functions.php';
 include_once '../../application/DataConfig.php';
 require_once '../../phpmailer/PHPMailerAutoload.php';
  * ----------------------
  *   Instance Class
  * ----------------------
 $obj = new AjaxRequest();
 $_POST['id_user'] = is_numeric($_POST['id_user']) ? $_POST['id_user'] : die;
 $_POST['message'] = trim($_POST['message']);
 $infoUser = $obj->infoUserLive($_SESSION['authenticated']);
 $admin = $obj->getSettings();
 $verifiedUserBlock = $obj->checkUserBlock($_POST['id_reply'], $_SESSION['authenticated']);
 $verifiedUser = $obj->checkUser($_POST['id_user']) ? 1 : 0;
 // Verified User
 if ($verifiedUser == 1) {
     $infoUserMsg = $obj->infoUserLive($_POST['id_user']);
 // IF Message is Null
 if (mb_strlen(trim($_POST['message']), 'utf8') == 0) {
     return false;
 //Knowing whether the user is locked
 if ($verifiedUserBlock[0]['status'] == 1) {
     return false;