/** * Validate query string, connect to aspike * * @param array $hosts * @return array */ public function connectAero($hosts) { $config = array("hosts" => $hosts); $opts = array(Aerospike::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 1000000, Aerospike::OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT => 2500); $db = new Aerospike($config, true, $opts); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo "<div class='alert alert-danger'><strong>Aerospike Error!</strong> " . $db->errorno() . " : " . $db->error() . "</div>"; exit(1); } return $db; }
/** * This method is called after the last test of this test class is run. */ public static function tearDownAfterClass() { if (self::$aerospike->isConnected()) { foreach (self::$keys as $key) { // TODO: check existence of $key in Aerospike. self::$aerospike->remove($key); } self::$aerospike->close(); } parent::tearDownAfterClass(); }
/** * @return \Aerospike * @throws Exception */ public function getConnection() { if (is_null($this->connection)) { // Init connection $this->connection = new \Aerospike($this->config, $this->persistent_connection, $this->options); if ($this->connection->errorno() != 0) { \Yii::error("Failed to open aerospike DB connection: " . $this->connection->errorno() . " - " . $this->connection->error(), __CLASS__); throw new Exception('Failed to open aerospike DB connection', $this->connection->error(), (int) $this->connection->errorno()); } } return $this->connection; }
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php llist.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-a] [-c]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php llist.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--annotate] [--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Adding a record to test.shows with PK='futurama' ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $key = $db->initKey("test", "shows", "futurama"); $futurama = array("channel" => array("Fox" => array(1999, 2000, 2001, 2002), "Comedy Central" => array(2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)), "creator" => array("Matt Groening", "David X. Cohen"), "show" => "Futurama"); $options = array(Aerospike::OPT_POLICY_KEY => Aerospike::POLICY_KEY_SEND); $status = $db->put($key, $futurama, 0, $options); if ($status === Aerospike::OK) {
return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php read-write-mix.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-wWRITE EVERY Nth RECORD] [-nRECORDS]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php read-write-mix.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--write-every=WRITE EVERY Nth RECORD] [--num-ops=RECORDS]\n"; exit(1); } $addr = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $port = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); $total_ops = isset($args["n"]) ? (int) $args["n"] : (isset($args["num-ops"]) ? (string) $args["num-ops"] : 100000); $write_every = isset($args["w"]) ? (int) $args["w"] : (isset($args["write-every"]) ? (string) $args["write-every"] : 10); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $addr, "port" => $port))); $db = new Aerospike($config); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$addr}:{$port} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); $key = $db->initKey("test", "performance", "read-write"); echo colorize("Clear out the record that may exist at test.performance with PK=1 ≻", 'black', true); $res = $db->remove($key); if ($res == Aerospike::OK) { echo success(); } else { echo standard_fail($db); } $write_fails = 0; $writes = 1;
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php batch-operations.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-a] [-c]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php batch-operations.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--annotate] [--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Adding characters with PK=1-4 ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $characters = array(1 => "Philip J. Fry", 2 => "Tarunga Leela", 3 => "Bender Bending Rodriguez", 4 => "Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth"); foreach ($characters as $id => $character) { $new_key = "key{$id}"; var_dump($new_key); ${$new_key} = $db->initKey("test", "characters", $id);
} if (strpos($response2, 'cluster_size=2') === false) { return false; } $start1 = strpos($response1, 'cluster_key=') + 12; $end1 = strpos($response1, ';', $start1); $len1 = $end1 - $start1; $cluster_key1 = substr($response1, $start1, $len1); $start2 = strpos($response2, 'cluster_key=') + 12; $end2 = strpos($response2, ';', $start2); $len2 = $end2 - $start2; $cluster_key2 = substr($response2, $start2, $len2); return $cluster_key1 == $cluster_key2; } $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_NAME, "port" => AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (defined('AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_NAME2') && defined('AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_PORT2')) { $config['hosts'][] = array("addr" => AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_NAME2, "port" => AEROSPIKE_CONFIG_PORT2); } echo "Waiting on the Aerospike cluster.."; $keep_waiting = true; while ($keep_waiting) { $host1_status = $db->info("statistics", $host1_response, $config['hosts'][0]); $host2_status = $db->info("statistics", $host2_response, $config['hosts'][1]); if ($host1_status === Aerospike::OK && $host2_status === Aerospike::OK) { if (servers_present($host1_response, $host2_response)) { $keep_waiting = false; break; } } echo ".";
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php rec-operations.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-a] [-c]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php rec-operations.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--annotate] [--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to Aerospike ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Creating a new record in test.characters at PK=1, only if none exists ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $needs_force = false; $key = $db->initKey("test", "characters", 1); $put_vals = array("title" => "Professor", "name" => "Hubert J. Farnsworth", "age" => 150, "is_senior" => true, "positions" => array("Inventor", "Founder", "Lecturer", "Scientist", "Hyper Yeti")); $status = $db->put($key, $put_vals, 300, array(Aerospike::OPT_POLICY_EXISTS => Aerospike::POLICY_EXISTS_CREATE)); if ($status == Aerospike::OK) {
/* Optionally clean up before leaving */ $longopts = array("host::", "port::", "clean", "annotate", "help"); $options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php standard.php [-h<HOST IP ADDRESS>|--host=<HOST IP ADDRESS> -p<HOST PORT NUMBER>|--port=<HOST PORT NUMBER> -a|--annotate -c|--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Using info() to get a list of bins in the test namespace ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $status = $db->info("bins/test", $response); if ($status != AEROSPIKE::OK) { echo standard_fail($db); } else { echo success();
$args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "hhvm rw-worker.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-wWRITE EVERY Nth RECORD] [-nRECORDS] LOGFILE\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "hhvm rw-worker.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--write-every=WRITE EVERY Nth RECORD] [--num-ops=RECORDS] LOGFILE\n"; exit(1); } $addr = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $port = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); $total_ops = isset($args["n"]) ? (int) $args["n"] : (isset($args["num-ops"]) ? (string) $args["num-ops"] : 100000); $write_every = isset($args["w"]) ? (int) $args["w"] : (isset($args["write-every"]) ? (string) $args["write-every"] : 10); $log = $args["_args"][0]; $pid = getmypid(); echo "rw-worker.php launched with process ID {$pid}\n"; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $addr, "port" => $port))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { file_put_contents($log, "{$pid}|0|0|0|0|0|0|0\n", FILE_APPEND); exit(1); } $key = $db->initKey("test", "rw-performance", $pid); $writes = 0; $write_fails = 0; $reads = 0; $read_fails = 0; $begin = microtime(true); $kv = array('v' => 0); $res = $db->put($key, $kv); if ($res !== Aerospike::OK) { $end = microtime(true); $delta = $end - $begin;
/* Optionally clean up before leaving */ $longopts = array("host::", "port::", "clean", "annotate", "help"); $options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php simple.php [-h<HOST IP ADDRESS>|--host=<HOST IP ADDRESS> -p<HOST PORT NUMBER>|--port=<HOST PORT NUMBER> -a|--annotate -c|--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Registering the UDF module ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $copied = copy(__DIR__ . '/lua/example_aggregate_udf.lua', ini_get('aerospike.udf.lua_user_path') . '/example_aggregate_udf.lua'); if (!$copied) { echo fail("Could not copy the local lua/example_aggregate_udf.lua to " . ini_get('aerospike.udf.lua_user_path')); } $status = $db->register(ini_get('aerospike.udf.lua_user_path') . '/example_aggregate_udf.lua', "example_aggregate_udf.lua");
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php bin-operations.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-a] [-c]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php bin-operations.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--annotate] [--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT)), "user" => "admin", "pass" => "admin"); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Creating a user ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $status = $db->createUser("example_user", "example_pass", array("read")); sleep(1); if ($status == Aerospike::OK) { echo success(); } else {
} }); $app->get('/persistent', function () { $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => "", "port" => "3000"))); $db = new Aerospike($config); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}\n"; exit(1); } else { echo "Connected to the Aerospike Database"; echo "<h1>Welcome!</h1>"; } }); $app->get('/nonpersistent', function () { $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => "", "port" => "3000"))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo "Aerospike failed to connect[{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}\n"; exit(1); } else { echo "Connected to the Aerospike Database"; echo "<h1>Welcome!</h1>"; } }); $app->post('/put', function () use($db) { if ($db->isConnected()) { $key = $db->initKey("test", "demo", "key1"); $record = array("name" => "John", "age" => 32); $status = $db->put($key, $record); if ($status != Aerospike::OK) { echo "Single put failed";
/* Optionally clean up before leaving */ $longopts = array("host::", "port::", "clean", "annotate", "help"); $options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php standard.php [-h<HOST IP ADDRESS>|--host=<HOST IP ADDRESS> -p<HOST PORT NUMBER>|--port=<HOST PORT NUMBER> -a|--annotate -c|--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Ensuring that a record is put at test.users with PK=1234 ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $key = $db->initKey("test", "users", 1234); $put_vals = array("email" => "*****@*****.**", "name" => "Perceptron"); $status = $db->put($key, $put_vals); if ($status == Aerospike::OK) { echo success();
$options = getopt($shortopts, $longopts); return $options; } $args = parse_args(); if (isset($args["help"])) { echo "php llist.php [-hHOST] [-pPORT] [-a] [-c]\n"; echo " or\n"; echo "php llist.php [--host=HOST] [--port=PORT] [--annotate] [--clean]\n"; exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : "localhost"); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); echo colorize("Connecting to the host ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo fail("Could not connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}"); exit(1); } echo success(); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { display_code(__FILE__, $start, __LINE__); } echo colorize("Adding a record to test.vehicles with PK=M4G000 ≻", 'black', true); $start = __LINE__; $key = $db->initKey("test", "vehicles", "M4G000"); $vehicle = array("make" => "Mazda", "model" => "CX-3", "year" => 2014, "color" => "red"); $options = array(Aerospike::OPT_POLICY_KEY => Aerospike::POLICY_KEY_SEND); $status = $db->put($key, $vehicle, 0, $options); if ($status === Aerospike::OK) {
exit(1); } $HOST_ADDR = isset($args["h"]) ? (string) $args["h"] : (isset($args["host"]) ? (string) $args["host"] : ""); $HOST_PORT = isset($args["p"]) ? (int) $args["p"] : (isset($args["port"]) ? (string) $args["port"] : 3000); if (isset($args['a']) || isset($args['annotate'])) { $annotate = true; } else { $annotate = false; } echo colorize("***** Welcome to Aerospike Developer Training *****\n", 'blue', true); echo colorize("Connecting to Aerospike cluster ≻", 'black', true); if ($annotate) { display_code(__FILE__, __LINE__, 7); } $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $client = new Aerospike($config, false); if (!$client->isConnected()) { echo standard_fail($client); echo colorize("Connection to Aerospike cluster failed! Please check the server settings and try again!\n", 'red', true); exit(2); } echo success(); $selection = show_menu(); if ($selection === 0) { $client->close(); exit(0); } $user_service = new \Aerospike\Training\UserService($client, $config, $annotate); $tweet_service = new \Aerospike\Training\TweetService($client, $config, $annotate); try { switch ($selection) {
* public function log_handler ( int $level, string $file, string $function, int $line ) * SET SERIALIZER USAGE: * public static void Aerospike::setSerializer ( callback $serialize_cb ) * where callback method must follow the signature: * public function string aerodb_serialize ( mixed $value ) * SET DESERIALIZER USAGE: * public static void Aerospike::setDeserializer ( callback $unserialize_cb ) * where callback method must follow the signature: * public function string aerodb_deserialize ( mixed $value ) *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * EXAMPLE 1: SET LOG LEVEL AND LOG HANDLER CALLBACK */ $config = array("hosts" => array(array("addr" => $HOST_ADDR, "port" => $HOST_PORT))); $db = new Aerospike($config, 'prod-db'); if (!$db->isConnected()) { echo "Aerospike failed to connect to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} [{$db->errorno()}]: {$db->error()}\n"; $db->close(); exit(1); } else { echo "Aerospike connection to host {$HOST_ADDR}:{$HOST_PORT} successful\n"; $db->setLogLevel(Aerospike::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG); $db->setLogHandler(function ($level, $file, $function, $line) { switch ($level) { case Aerospike::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: $lvl_str = 'ERROR'; break; case Aerospike::LOG_LEVEL_WARN: $lvl_str = 'WARN'; break;