protected function displaySortCriteriaPanel($objCrit = false) { if (Tools::getValue('pm_load_function') != 'displaySortCriteriaPanel') { $this->_html .= '<div id="sortCriteriaPanel">'; } else { $objCrit = new AdvancedSearchCriterionGroupClass(Tools::getValue('id_criterion_group'), Tools::getValue('id_search')); if (Tools::getValue('sort_way')) { $objCrit->sort_by = Tools::getValue('sort_by'); $objCrit->sort_way = Tools::getValue('sort_way'); $objCrit->save(); $msgConfirm = $this->l('Specific sort apply'); if ($objCrit->sort_by == 'position') { $msgConfirm .= '<br />' . $this->l('Now, you can sort criteria by drag n drop'); } $this->_html .= '<script type="text/javascript">show_info("' . addcslashes($msgConfirm, '"') . '");</script>'; } } $criterions = AdvancedSearchClass::getCriterionsFromCriterionGroup($objCrit->criterion_group_type, $objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked, $objCrit->id_search, $objCrit->sort_by, $objCrit->sort_way, $this->_cookie->id_lang); $this->_html .= ' <div class="clear"></div> <div class="criterionGroupActions"> <ul> <li><a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processEnableAllCriterions&id_criterion_group=' . $objCrit->id . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load activeAllCriterions" title="' . $this->l('Activate all criterions') . '">' . $this->l('Activate all criterions') . '</a></li> <li><a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processDisableAllCriterions&id_criterion_group=' . $objCrit->id . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load disableAllCriterions" title="' . $this->l('Disable all criterions') . '">' . $this->l('Disable all criterions') . '</a></li> </ul> </div> '; $this->_html .= '<div class="clear"></div><ul class="sortableCriterion" id="sortableCriterion_' . (int) $objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked . '">'; foreach ($criterions as $row) { $objCritClass = new AdvancedSearchCriterionClass($row['id_criterion'], $objCrit->id_search); $this->_html .= '<li class="ui-state-highlight' . (isset($row['is_custom']) && $row['is_custom'] ? ' customCriterionLi' : '') . '" id="criterion_' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" style="height:30px;">'; $this->_html .= '<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrow-4-diag dragIcon dragIconCriterion" style="float:left;margin:0!important;' . ($objCrit->sort_by == 'position' ? '' : ' visibility:hidden') . '"> </span>'; $this->_html .= '<span class="critName">' . $row['value'] . '</span>'; if ($objCrit->display_type == 2) { $this->_html .= '<div class="criterionImageContainer">'; $this->_html .= '<form class="criterionForm" action="' . $this->_base_config_url . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="dialogIframePostForm">'; $this->displayInlineUploadFile($objCritClass, 'icon' . $row['id_criterion'], 'icon', $this->l('Image'), '/search_files/criterions/'); $this->_html .= '<input name="id_search" value="' . (int) $objCrit->id_search . '" type="hidden" />'; $this->_html .= '<input name="id_criterion" value="' . (int) $row['id_criterion'] . '" type="hidden" />'; $this->_html .= '<input name="key_criterions_group" value="' . $objCrit->criterion_group_type . '-' . (int) $objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked . '-' . (int) $objCrit->id_search . '" type="hidden" />'; $this->_html .= '<a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processActiveCriterion&id_criterion=' . $row['id_criterion'] . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load activeCriterion"> <img src="../img/admin/' . ($row['visible'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '.gif" id="imgActiveCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" class="imgActiveCrit" /> </a>'; $this->_html .= '</form>'; $this->_html .= '</div>'; } else { if ($objCrit->criterion_group_type == 'attribute' && AdvancedSearchClass::isColorAttributesGroup($objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked) && isset($row['is_custom']) && $row['is_custom']) { $this->_html .= '<div class="criterionCustomLiveEditContainer" data-id-criterion="' . (int) $row['id_criterion'] . '" data-id-search="' . (int) $objCrit->id_search . '">'; $this->_html .= '<div class="criterionCustomLiveField">'; $this->_displayInputTextLang(array('obj' => $objCritClass, 'key' => 'value', 'label' => $this->l('Criterion label:'))); $this->_html .= '</div>'; $this->_html .= '<div class="criterionCustomLiveField">'; $this->_displayInputColor(array('obj' => $objCritClass, 'key' => 'color', 'label' => $this->l('Color:'))); $this->_html .= '</div>'; $this->_html .= '<div style="float: right;">'; $this->_displaySubmit($this->l('Save'), 'submitCustomCriterionForm'); $this->_html .= '</div>'; $this->_html .= '</div>'; $this->_html .= '<a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processActiveCriterion&id_criterion=' . $row['id_criterion'] . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load activeCriterion"><img src="../img/admin/' . ($row['visible'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '.gif" id="imgActiveCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" /></a>'; $this->_html .= '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="editCustomCriterion"><img src="../img/admin/edit.gif" id="imgEditCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" class="imgEditCriterion" /></a>'; $this->_html .= '<a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processDeleteCustomCriterion&id_criterion=' . $row['id_criterion'] . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load deleteCustomCriterion"><img src="../img/admin/delete.gif" id="imgDeleteCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" class="imgDeleteCriterion" /></a>'; } else { if ($objCrit->criterion_group_type == 'attribute' && AdvancedSearchClass::isColorAttributesGroup($objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked) && (!isset($row['is_custom']) || isset($row['is_custom']) && !$row['is_custom'])) { $this->_html .= '<a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processActiveCriterion&id_criterion=' . $row['id_criterion'] . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load activeCriterion"><img src="../img/admin/' . ($row['visible'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '.gif" id="imgActiveCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" /></a>'; $customCriterionsList = AdvancedSearchCriterionClass::getCustomCriterions($objCrit->id_search, $objCrit->id, $this->_cookie->id_lang); $customCriterionsIdsList = AdvancedSearchCriterionClass::getCustomMasterIdCriterion((int) $objCrit->id_search, $row['id_criterion']); if (is_array($customCriterionsList) && sizeof($customCriterionsList)) { $customCriterionsList = array(0 => $this->l('None')) + $customCriterionsList; $this->_html .= '<div class="addCriterionToCustomGroupContainer">'; $this->_displaySelect(array('obj' => (object) array('custom_group_link_id_' . (int) $row['id_criterion'] => AdvancedSearchCriterionClass::getCustomMasterIdCriterion((int) $objCrit->id_search, $row['id_criterion'])), 'label' => $this->l('Add to a group of custom criterion:'), 'key' => 'custom_group_link_id_' . (int) $row['id_criterion'], 'options' => $customCriterionsList, 'defaultvalue' => false, 'onchange' => 'processAddCustomCriterionToGroup($jqPm(this), ' . (int) $objCrit->id_search . ', ' . (int) Tools::getValue('id_criterion_group') . ')')); $this->_html .= '</div>'; } } else { $this->_html .= '<a href="' . $this->_base_config_url . '&pm_load_function=processActiveCriterion&id_criterion=' . $row['id_criterion'] . '&id_search=' . $objCrit->id_search . '" class="ajax_script_load activeCriterion"><img src="../img/admin/' . ($row['visible'] ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') . '.gif" id="imgActiveCriterion' . $row['id_criterion'] . '" /></a>'; } } } $this->_html .= '</li>'; } $this->_html .= '</ul>'; if ($objCrit->sort_by == 'position') { $this->_html .= '<script type="text/javascript">$jqPm("#sortableCriterion_' . (int) $objCrit->id_criterion_group_linked . '").sortable({ handle : ".dragIconCriterion", update: function(event, ui) { var order = $jqPm(this).sortable("toArray"); saveOrder(order.join(","),"orderCriterion",' . (int) $objCrit->id_search . '); } });</script>'; } if (Tools::getValue('pm_load_function') != 'displaySortCriteriaPanel') { $this->_html .= '</div>'; } }
public static function makeLeftJoinWhereCriterion($fromMethod, $search, $id_lang, $selected_criterion, $selected_criteria_groups_type = array(), $current_id_criterion_group = false, $is_attribute_group = false, $id_currency = false, $id_country = false, $id_group = false, $include_price_table = false, $include_product_table = false, $group_type = false, $criterion_groups = array()) { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $context = Context::getContext(); if (!$id_currency) { $id_currency = $context->currency->id; } } else { if (!$id_currency) { $id_currency = Currency::getCurrent()->id; } } $join_criterion_tables = array(); $join_criterion = array(); $count_criterion = array(); $where_criterion = array(); $where_qty = array(); $field_select = array(); $attribute_selected = false; $lastAttributeCombinationTableId = false; $stock_management = (int) Configuration::get('PS_STOCK_MANAGEMENT') ? true : false; if (!$stock_management) { $search['search_on_stock'] = false; } if ($group_type == 'stock' && $stock_management) { $strict_stock = true; } else { $strict_stock = false; } if ($stock_management && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($selected_criterion) && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($criterion_groups)) { foreach ($selected_criterion as $id_criterion_group_tmp => $id_criterion_tmp) { foreach ($criterion_groups as $criterion_group) { if ($criterion_group['id_criterion_group'] == $id_criterion_group_tmp && $criterion_group['criterion_group_type'] == 'stock') { $search['search_on_stock'] = true; $strict_stock = true; break; } } } } $having = array(); $where_price_range = array(); if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $table_stock_index = 0; } $idSelectedCriteria = implode('-', self::array_values_recursive($selected_criterion)); $cacheKey = sha1($fromMethod . $search['id_search'] . $idSelectedCriteria . '-' . implode('-', array_keys($selected_criterion)) . '-' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . (int) $include_price_table . (int) $include_product_table . (int) $id_lang . (int) $is_attribute_group . (int) $group_type . (int) $strict_stock); if (isset(self::$_cacheLeftJoinWhereCriterion[$cacheKey])) { return self::$_cacheLeftJoinWhereCriterion[$cacheKey]; } if ($group_type && !$include_product_table && $search['display_empty_criteria']) { $make_union = true; } else { $make_union = false; } $price_is_included = false; if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_shop` ps ON (' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) ? ' ps.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') AND ' : '') . 'ps.id_shop IN (' . implode(', ', Shop::getContextListShopID()) . ') AND ps.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'ps'; } if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($selected_criterion)) { $price_is_included = false; $attribute_qty_compare_on_join = array(); $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($selected_criterion as $id_criterion_group => $id_criterion) { if ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] == 'stock') { $strict_stock = true; continue; } $join_criterion_table = false; $join_price_table = false; $where_join = array(); $where_single_value_range = array(); $where_translatable_value_range = array(); if (isset($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]) && ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['display_type'] == 5 || $selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['range'])) { $id_currency_default = Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'); if ($id_currency != $id_currency_default) { $currency = new Currency($id_currency); $conversion_rate = $currency->conversion_rate; } else { $conversion_rate = 0; } $where_price_criterion = array(); foreach ($id_criterion as $range) { $range = explode('-', $range); $original_range = $range; if ($conversion_rate > 0) { $range[0] = $range[0] / $conversion_rate; if (isset($range[1])) { $range[1] = $range[1] / $conversion_rate; } } if (in_array($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'], array('weight', 'width', 'height', 'depth'))) { $where_single_value_range[] = 'ROUND(ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`single_value`,5) >= ROUND("' . $range[0] . '",5)' . (isset($range[1]) && $range[1] ? ' AND ROUND(ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`single_value`,5) <= ROUND("' . $range[1] . '",5)' : ''); } elseif ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] == 'price') { $price_is_included = true; list($taxConversion, $taxConversionForReduction, $specificPriceCondition, $specificPriceGroupCondition) = self::getPriceRangeConditions($id_group); $specificPriceCondition .= $specificPriceGroupCondition; $priceMinCondition = ' IF(app.`is_specific` = 1 AND app.`id_currency` IN (0, ' . $id_currency . '), ' . sprintf($specificPriceCondition . ' >= TRUNCATE(%f' . $taxConversion . ', 2)', (double) $original_range[0]) . ', ' . sprintf($specificPriceCondition . ' >= TRUNCATE(%f' . $taxConversion . ', 2)', (double) $range[0]) . ' )'; $priceMaxCondition = ''; if (isset($range[1]) && $range[1]) { $priceMaxCondition = ' AND IF(app.`is_specific` = 1 AND app.`id_currency` IN (0, ' . $id_currency . '), ' . sprintf($specificPriceCondition . ' <= ROUND(%f' . $taxConversion . ', 2)', (double) $original_range[1]) . ', ' . sprintf($specificPriceCondition . ' <= ROUND(%f' . $taxConversion . ', 2)', (double) $range[1]) . ' )'; } $where_price_criterion[] = ' ( /*AS4-PR-Start*/ ' . $priceMinCondition . $priceMaxCondition . ' /*AS4-PR-End*/ AND app.`id_country` IN (0, ' . (int) $id_country . ') AND app.`id_group` IN (0, ' . (int) $id_group . ') AND ((app.`from` = \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' OR \'' . $now . '\' >= app.`from`) AND (app.`to` = \'0000-00-00 00:00:00\' OR \'' . $now . '\' <= app.`to`))' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? ' AND app.`id_shop` IN (0, ' . implode(', ', Shop::getContextListShopID()) . ') ' : '') . ') '; } else { $where_translatable_value_range[] = 'ROUND(CAST(REPLACE(acl' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`value`, ",", ".") AS DECIMAL(10,2)), 5) >= ROUND("' . $range[0] . '",5)' . (isset($range[1]) && $range[1] ? ' AND ROUND(CAST(REPLACE(acl' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`value`, ",", ".") AS DECIMAL(10,2)), 5) <= ROUND("' . $range[1] . '",5)' : ''); } } if (isset($where_price_criterion) && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_price_criterion)) { $where_criterion[] = '( ' . implode(' OR ', $where_price_criterion) . ' )'; } $subQueryForRange = ''; if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_single_value_range) && !AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_translatable_value_range)) { $subQueryForRange = ' AND acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` IN ( SELECT ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_link` aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` = aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion`) WHERE ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion_group` = ' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_single_value_range) ? 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where_single_value_range) . ')' : '') . ' ) '; } if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_translatable_value_range)) { $subQueryForRange = ' AND acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` IN ( SELECT ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_link` aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` = aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion`) JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_lang` acl' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` = acl' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` AND acl' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_lang` = ' . (int) $id_lang . ' AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where_translatable_value_range) . ')) WHERE ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion_group` = ' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_single_value_range) ? 'AND (' . implode(' OR ', $where_single_value_range) . ')' : '') . ' ) '; } if ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] != 'price') { if (!in_array('acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_cache_product_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON ( acp.`id_cache_product` = acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_cache_product`' . $subQueryForRange . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group; } } } else { if (is_array($id_criterion) && sizeof($id_criterion)) { $customCriterions = AdvancedSearchCriterionClass::getCustomCriterionsLinkIds($search['id_search'], $id_criterion); foreach ($id_criterion as $idCriterionKey => $idCriterion) { if (isset($customCriterions[$idCriterion]) && is_array($customCriterions[$idCriterion]) && sizeof($customCriterions[$idCriterion])) { unset($id_criterion[$idCriterionKey]); $id_criterion = array_unique(array_merge($id_criterion, $customCriterions[$idCriterion])); } } } $current_where = '`id_criterion` IN (' . implode(', ', $id_criterion) . ')'; if ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] == 'attribute') { $prev_where_criterion = $current_where; } $where_join[] = 'acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.' . $current_where; $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_cache_product_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON ( acp.`id_cache_product` = acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_cache_product`' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_join) ? ' AND ' . implode(' OR ', $where_join) : '') . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group; } if ($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] != 'price') { $count_criterion[$id_criterion_group] = 'acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_cache_product`'; } else { $count_criterion[$id_criterion_group] = 'app.`id_cache_product`'; } if (isset($selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]) && $selected_criteria_groups_type[$id_criterion_group]['criterion_group_type'] == 'attribute') { $attribute_selected = true; $join_criterion['criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_' . (int) $id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (acpc' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` = ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion`)'; $join_criterion['criterion_link_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_' . (int) $id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_criterion_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '_link` aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion` = aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion`)'; if (!isset($previousIdCriterionGroupSelected)) { $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected = null; } $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination` pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` AND pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_attribute` = aclink' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_criterion_linked`' . ($previousIdCriterionGroupSelected != null ? ' AND pa' . (int) $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' : '') . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'ac' . (int) $id_criterion_group; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $id_criterion_group; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group; $lastAttributeCombinationTableId = 'pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group; $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected = (int) $id_criterion_group; if (!isset($attribute_check_table) && (!$include_product_table && !$search['display_empty_criteria'])) { $attribute_check_table = $id_criterion_group; } elseif (!isset($attribute_check_table)) { $attribute_check_table = $id_criterion_group; if ($search['priority_on_combination_image'] && $include_product_table) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_image` pai ON (pac' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product_attribute` = pai.`id_product_attribute`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pai'; $field_select[] = 'pai.id_image as attribute_image'; } } $attribute_qty_compare_on_join[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute`'; } } if ($strict_stock || $search['search_on_stock'] || $include_product_table || $price_is_included) { if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON (' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) ? ' p.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') AND ' : '') . ' p.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'p'; if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'p.`quantity` > 0'; } } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON (' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) ? ' p.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') AND ' : '') . ' p.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'p'; if ($search['search_on_stock'] && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'IF(p.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF(p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } } if ($price_is_included || $include_product_table) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax_rule` tr ON (' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? 'ps' : 'p') . '.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = ' . (int) (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? Context::getContext()->country->id : Country::getDefaultCountryId()) . ' AND tr.`id_state` = 0)'; $join_criterion[] = ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'tr'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 't'; $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'group_reduction` grc ON (grc.`id_group`=' . (int) $id_group . ' AND ' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? 'ps' : 'p') . '.`id_category_default` = grc.`id_category`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'grc'; } if ($price_is_included) { $field_select[] = self::_getScoreQuery(version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? Context::getContext()->shop->id : 0, $id_currency, $id_country, $id_group); $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_product_price_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` app ON ( acp.`id_cache_product` = app.`id_cache_product` AND ((app.`valid_id_specific_price`=1 AND app.`is_specific`=1) OR app.`has_no_specific`=1) ' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? ' AND app.`id_shop` IN (0, ' . implode(', ', Shop::getContextListShopID()) . ') ' : '') . ')'; $join_price_table = true; } if ($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock && !$group_type && !isset($attribute_check_table)) { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $table_stock_index++; if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute`=0 ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } else { if (!(($group_type || $include_product_table) && isset($attribute_check_table) && sizeof($attribute_qty_compare_on_join))) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute`=0 ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } } } if ($current_id_criterion_group && isset($attribute_check_table) && $group_type) { if ($is_attribute_group) { if (!isset($previousIdCriterionGroupSelected)) { $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected = null; } if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination` pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` AND pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_attribute` = aclink.`id_criterion_linked`' . ($previousIdCriterionGroupSelected != null ? ' AND pa' . (int) $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' : '') . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; $lastAttributeCombinationTableId = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; $attribute_qty_compare_on_join[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute`'; $previousIdCriterionGroupSelected = (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } } else { if (($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock) && $group_type && !isset($attribute_check_table)) { if ($strict_stock && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` ' . ($fromMethod != 'getCriterionsForSearchBloc' ? ' AND pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.id_product_attribute = aclink.id_criterion_linked ' : '') . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; $where_qty[] = 'IF (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` = NULL, IF (p.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1)), pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` > 0)'; } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` ' . ($fromMethod != 'getCriterionsForSearchBloc' ? ' AND pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.id_product_attribute = aclink.id_criterion_linked ' : '') . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; if ($search['search_on_stock'] && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'IF (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` = NULL, IF (p.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1)), IF (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1)))'; } } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') && $search['search_on_stock']) { $table_stock_index++; if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0,1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0,1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } if ($is_attribute_group) { if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination` pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (' . ($is_attribute_group ? 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` AND ' : '') . 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_attribute` = aclink.`id_criterion_linked`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; $lastAttributeCombinationTableId = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } } } if (($group_type || $include_product_table) && isset($attribute_check_table) && sizeof($attribute_qty_compare_on_join)) { if ($strict_stock && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . ' ON (' . implode(' AND ', $attribute_qty_compare_on_join) . ' AND pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table; } $where_qty[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`quantity` > 0'; } else { if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . ' ON (' . implode(' AND ', $attribute_qty_compare_on_join) . ' AND pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table; } if ($search['search_on_stock'] && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'IF (pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF(p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } elseif (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`quantity` IS NOT NULL'; } } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') && ($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock)) { $table_stock_index++; if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF(sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $attribute_check_table . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF(sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } } } else { if (($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock) && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<') || $include_product_table && $include_price_table) { if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON ( ' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) ? ' p.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') AND ' : '') . ' p.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'p'; if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'p.`quantity` > 0'; } } else { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product` p ON ( ' . (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) ? ' p.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') AND ' : '') . ' p.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'p'; if ($search['search_on_stock'] && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'IF (p.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } } if ($include_product_table && $include_price_table) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax_rule` tr ON (' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? 'ps' : 'p') . '.`id_tax_rules_group` = tr.`id_tax_rules_group` AND tr.`id_country` = ' . (int) (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? Context::getContext()->country->id : Country::getDefaultCountryId()) . ' AND tr.`id_state` = 0)'; $join_criterion[] = ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tax` t ON (t.`id_tax` = tr.`id_tax`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'tr'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 't'; $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'group_reduction` grc ON (grc.`id_group`=' . (int) $id_group . ' AND ' . (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') ? 'ps' : 'p') . '.`id_category_default` = grc.`id_category`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'grc'; } if ($is_attribute_group && ($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock)) { if ($strict_stock && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } $where_qty[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` > 0'; } else { if (!in_array('pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group, $join_criterion_tables)) { $join_criterion['pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute` pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } if ($search['search_on_stock'] && version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '<')) { $where_qty[] = 'IF (pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF(p.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, p.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $table_stock_index++; if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute` = pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0, 1, IF (sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } if ($is_attribute_group) { $join_criterion[] = 'JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination` pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . ' ON (' . ($is_attribute_group ? 'pa' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` = pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_product_attribute` AND ' : '') . 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group . '.`id_attribute` = aclink.`id_criterion_linked`)'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; $lastAttributeCombinationTableId = 'pac' . (int) $current_id_criterion_group; } } elseif ($search['search_on_stock'] || $strict_stock) { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $table_stock_index++; if ($strict_stock) { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute`=0 ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity`'; } else { $join_criterion[] = 'LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'stock_available` sa' . $table_stock_index . ' ON ( sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product` = acp.`id_product` AND sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`id_product_attribute`=0 ' . self::_addSqlShopRestrictionStockAvailable('sa' . $table_stock_index) . ')'; $join_criterion_tables[] = 'sa' . $table_stock_index; $where_qty[] = 'IF(sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`quantity` > 0,1,IF(sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 2, ' . Configuration::get('PS_ORDER_OUT_OF_STOCK') . ' = 1, sa' . $table_stock_index . '.`out_of_stock` = 1))'; } } } } if ($include_product_table || $fromMethod == 'getCriterionsForSearchBloc') { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=')) { $where_criterion[] = 'ps.`active` = 1'; $where_criterion[] = 'ps.`visibility` IN ("both", "search")'; } else { if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList)) { $where_criterion[] = ' p.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') '; } $where_criterion[] = 'p.`active` = 1'; } } if (!$include_product_table && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray(PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList)) { $where_criterion[] = ' acp.`id_product` IN (' . implode(',', PM_AdvancedSearch4::$productFilterList) . ') '; } if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_qty)) { if ($is_attribute_group || $attribute_selected) { $where_criterion[] = '(' . implode(' AND ', $where_qty) . ')'; } else { $where_criterion[] = '(' . implode(' OR ', $where_qty) . ')'; } } if ($price_is_included && ($fromMethod == 'getCriterionsForSearchBloc' || $fromMethod == 'getQueryCountResults' || $fromMethod == 'getProductsSearched' || $fromMethod == 'getPriceRangeForSearchBloc')) { $idCacheProductMaxScoreQuery = 'SELECT DISTINCT app.id_cache_product FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'pm_advancedsearch_cache_product_' . (int) $search['id_search'] . '` acp '; if ($join_criterion && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($join_criterion)) { foreach ($join_criterion as $tmp_join_criterion) { if (version_compare(_PS_VERSION_, '', '>=') && preg_match('#stock_available#', $tmp_join_criterion)) { continue; } if (preg_match('#product_attribute_combination|product_attribute_image#', $tmp_join_criterion)) { continue; } $idCacheProductMaxScoreQuery .= ' ' . $tmp_join_criterion; } } if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_qty)) { $where_criterion_price_included = array_slice($where_criterion, 0, sizeof($where_criterion) - 1); } else { $where_criterion_price_included = $where_criterion; } if ($where_criterion_price_included && AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($where_criterion_price_included)) { $add_where = false; foreach ($where_criterion_price_included as $where) { if (preg_match('#' . preg_quote('/*AS4-PR-Start*/') . '#', $where) && preg_match('#' . preg_quote('/*AS4-PR-End*/') . '#', $where)) { while (strpos($where, '/*AS4-PR-Start*/') !== false) { $where_tmp = substr($where, 0, strpos($where, '/*AS4-PR-Start*/')); $where_tmp .= 'app.`id_currency` IN (0, ' . $id_currency . ')'; $where_tmp .= substr($where, strpos($where, '/*AS4-PR-End*/') + strlen('/*AS4-PR-End*/'), strlen($where)); $where = $where_tmp; } } if (!$add_where) { $idCacheProductMaxScoreQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $where; $add_where = true; } else { $idCacheProductMaxScoreQuery .= ' AND ' . $where; } } } $idCacheProductMaxScoreSQLResult = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($idCacheProductMaxScoreQuery); if (AdvancedSearchCoreClass::_isFilledArray($idCacheProductMaxScoreSQLResult)) { $idCacheProductMaxScoreResult = array(); foreach ($idCacheProductMaxScoreSQLResult as $idCacheProductMaxScore) { $idCacheProductMaxScoreResult[] = (int) $idCacheProductMaxScore['id_cache_product']; } $where_criterion[] = 'app.id_cache_product IN (' . implode(',', $idCacheProductMaxScoreResult) . ')'; } } $return = array('count' => $count_criterion, 'join' => $join_criterion, 'where' => $where_criterion, 'select' => $field_select, 'make_union' => $make_union, 'whereUnion' => array(), 'joinUnion' => array(), 'nbSelectedCriterions' => sizeof($selected_criterion), 'priceIncluded' => $price_is_included, 'productTableIncluded' => $include_product_table, 'lastAttributeCombinationTableId' => $lastAttributeCombinationTableId); self::$_cacheLeftJoinWhereCriterion[$cacheKey] = $return; return $return; }