if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $basket_quantity = $row->basket_quantity; $basket_id = $row->basket_id; } /////////////// FINISH PRE-PROCESSING AND BEGIN PAGE GENERATION ///////////////// // Generate the display output $display .= ' <table width="100%" class="compact"> <tr valign="top"> <td align="left" width="50%"> <img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'current.png" width="32" height="32" align="left" hspace="2" alt="Order"><br> <strong>' . $relative_text . 'Order</strong> <ul class="fancyList1"> <li><strong>Open' . $open_suffix . ':</strong> ' . date('M&\\n\\b\\s\\p;j,&\\n\\b\\s\\p;g:i&\\n\\b\\s\\p;A&\\n\\b\\s\\p;(T)', strtotime(ActiveCycle::date_open_next())) . '</li> <li><strong>Close' . $close_suffix . ':</strong> ' . date('M&\\n\\b\\s\\p;j,&\\n\\b\\s\\p;g:i&\\n\\b\\s\\p;A&\\n\\b\\s\\p;(T)', strtotime(ActiveCycle::date_closed_next())) . '</li> <li class="last_of_group"><strong>Delivery:</strong> ' . date('F&\\n\\b\\s\\p;j', strtotime(ActiveCycle::delivery_date_next())) . '</li> </ul> <!-- <img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'shopping.png" width="32" height="32" align="left" hspace="2" alt="Basket Status"><br> <strong>Basket Status</strong> <ul class="fancyList1"> <li class="last_of_group">' . $basket_status . '</li> </ul> --> <img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'type.png" width="32" height="32" align="left" hspace="2" alt="Membership Type"><br> <strong>Membership Type</strong> [<a onClick="popup_src(\'update_membership.php?display_as=popup\', \'membership_renewal\', \'\');">Change</a>] <ul class="fancyList1"> <li><strong>' . $_SESSION['renewal_info']['membership_class'] . ':</strong> ' . $_SESSION['renewal_info']['membership_description'] . '<br><br></li> <li class="last_of_group">' . $_SESSION['renewal_info']['membership_message'] . '</li> </ul> <img src="' . DIR_GRAPHICS . 'time.png" width="32" height="32" align="left" hspace="2" alt="Information"><br>
private static function get_next_delivery_info() { if (self::$next_query_complete === false) { global $connection; // Set up for pulling only order cycles appropriate to the current customer_type permissions // Allow "orderex" direct access to all order cycles $customer_type_query = CurrentMember::auth_type('orderex') ? '1' : '0'; if (CurrentMember::auth_type('member')) { $customer_type_query .= ' OR customer_type LIKE "%member%"'; } if (CurrentMember::auth_type('institution')) { $customer_type_query .= ' OR customer_type LIKE "%institution%"'; } // Set the default "where condition" to be the cycle that opened most recently // Do not use MySQL NOW() because it does not know about the php timezone directive $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); $query = ' (SELECT date_open, date_closed, delivery_date, delivery_id, producer_markdown / 100 AS producer_markdown, retail_markup / 100 AS retail_markup, wholesale_markup / 100 AS wholesale_markup, 1 AS using_next FROM ' . TABLE_ORDER_CYCLES . ' WHERE date_closed > "' . $now . '" AND (' . $customer_type_query . ') ORDER BY date_closed ASC LIMIT 0,1) UNION (SELECT date_open, date_closed, delivery_date, delivery_id, producer_markdown / 100 AS producer_markdown, retail_markup / 100 AS retail_markup, wholesale_markup / 100 AS wholesale_markup, 0 AS using_next FROM ' . TABLE_ORDER_CYCLES . ' WHERE date_open < "' . $now . '" AND (' . $customer_type_query . ') ORDER BY date_open DESC LIMIT 0,1)'; $result = @mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 863024 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__)); if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { self::$date_open_next = $row->date_open; self::$date_closed_next = $row->date_closed; self::$delivery_date_next = $row->delivery_date; self::$delivery_id_next = $row->delivery_id; self::$producer_markdown_next = $row->producer_markdown; self::$retail_markup_next = $row->retail_markup; self::$wholesale_markup_next = $row->wholesale_markup; self::$using_next = $row->using_next; self::$next_query_complete = true; } } }