 * Get ActionComm
 * @param	array		$authentication		Array of authentication information
 * @param	int			$id					Id of object
 * @return	mixed
function getActionComm($authentication, $id)
    global $db, $conf, $langs;
    dol_syslog("Function: getActionComm login="******" id=" . $id);
    if ($authentication['entity']) {
        $conf->entity = $authentication['entity'];
    // Init and check authentication
    $objectresp = array();
    $errorcode = '';
    $errorlabel = '';
    $error = 0;
    $fuser = check_authentication($authentication, $error, $errorcode, $errorlabel);
    // Check parameters
    if ($error || !$id) {
        $errorcode = 'BAD_PARAMETERS';
        $errorlabel = "Parameter id, ref and ref_ext can't be both provided. You must choose one or other but not both.";
    if (!$error) {
        if ($fuser->rights->agenda->allactions->read) {
            $actioncomm = new ActionComm($db);
            $result = $actioncomm->fetch($id);
            if ($result > 0) {
                $actioncomm_result_fields = array('id' => $actioncomm->id, 'ref' => $actioncomm->ref, 'ref_ext' => $actioncomm->ref_ext, 'type_id' => $actioncomm->type_id, 'type_code' => $actioncomm->type_code, 'type' => $actioncomm->type, 'label' => $actioncomm->label, 'datep' => dol_print_date($actioncomm->datep, 'dayhourrfc'), 'datef' => dol_print_date($actioncomm->datef, 'dayhourrfc'), 'datec' => dol_print_date($actioncomm->datec, 'dayhourrfc'), 'datem' => dol_print_date($actioncomm->datem, 'dayhourrfc'), 'note' => $actioncomm->note, 'percentage' => $actioncomm->percentage, 'author' => $actioncomm->author->id, 'usermod' => $actioncomm->usermod->id, 'usertodo' => $actioncomm->usertodo->id, 'userdone' => $actioncomm->userdone->id, 'priority' => $actioncomm->priority, 'fulldayevent' => $actioncomm->fulldayevent, 'location' => $actioncomm->location, 'socid' => $actioncomm->societe->id, 'contactid' => $actioncomm->contact->id, 'projectid' => $actioncomm->fk_project, 'fk_element' => $actioncomm->fk_element, 'elementtype' => $actioncomm->elementtype);
                //Retreive all extrafield for actioncomm
                // fetch optionals attributes and labels
                $extrafields = new ExtraFields($db);
                $extralabels = $extrafields->fetch_name_optionals_label('actioncomm', true);
                //Get extrafield values
                $actioncomm->fetch_optionals($actioncomm->id, $extralabels);
                foreach ($extrafields->attribute_label as $key => $label) {
                    $actioncomm_result_fields = array_merge($actioncomm_result_fields, array('options_' . $key => $actioncomm->array_options['options_' . $key]));
                // Create
                $objectresp = array('result' => array('result_code' => 'OK', 'result_label' => ''), 'actioncomm' => $actioncomm_result_fields);
            } else {
                $errorcode = 'NOT_FOUND';
                $errorlabel = 'Object not found for id=' . $id . ' nor ref=' . $ref . ' nor ref_ext=' . $ref_ext;
        } else {
            $errorcode = 'PERMISSION_DENIED';
            $errorlabel = 'User does not have permission for this request';
    if ($error) {
        $objectresp = array('result' => array('result_code' => $errorcode, 'result_label' => $errorlabel));
    return $objectresp;
Пример #2
 * Actions
include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/tpl/document_actions_pre_headers.tpl.php';
 * View
$form = new Form($db);
$help_url = 'EN:Module_Agenda_En|FR:Module_Agenda|ES:M&omodulodulo_Agenda';
llxHeader('', $langs->trans("Agenda"), $help_url);
if ($object->id > 0) {
    $result1 = $object->fetch($id);
    $result2 = $object->fetch_thirdparty();
    $result3 = $object->fetch_contact();
    $result4 = $object->fetch_userassigned();
    $result5 = $object->fetch_optionals($id, $extralabels);
    if ($result1 < 0 || $result2 < 0 || $result3 < 0 || $result4 < 0 || $result5 < 0) {
        dol_print_error($db, $object->error);
    if ($object->authorid > 0) {
        $tmpuser = new User($db);
        $res = $tmpuser->fetch($object->authorid);
        $object->author = $tmpuser;
    if ($object->usermodid > 0) {
        $tmpuser = new User($db);
        $res = $tmpuser->fetch($object->usermodid);
        $object->usermod = $tmpuser;
    $author = new User($db);