Пример #1
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="id_notification" value="'.$notification->getPrimaryKey().'"/>';
    if ($notification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_COURRIER) {
	echo '<button type="submit" onclick=\'window.open("generer_notification.php?id_notification='.$notification->getPrimaryKey().'"); setTimeout("window.location = \"visu_notification.php\"", 1000); return false;\'>Génerer la notification</button>';
    } else {
	if ($notification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL && ($notification->getEmail() == null || $notification->getEmail() == '')) {
	    //on affiche pas le bouton de generation car l'adresse n'est pas renseignee
	} else {
	    echo '<button type="submit">Générer la notification</button>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '</form>';        
    echo '</td></tr>';
$idTraitement = $notification->getATraitementId();
$autresNotifications = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()->filterByATraitementId($idTraitement)
                ->filterById($notification->getId(), ModelCriteria::NOT_EQUAL)->find();
if (!$autresNotifications->isEmpty()) {
    $idNotifications = Null;
    foreach ($autresNotifications as $autreNotification) {
        if ($autreNotification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_COURRIER ||
                ($autreNotification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL && ($autreNotification->getEmail() != null || $autreNotification->getEmail() != ''))) {
    if (!is_null($idNotifications)) {
        echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align : center;">';
        echo '<form method="post" action="generer_notifications_par_lot.php">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="menu" value="' . $menu . '"/>';
        echo '<p>';
Пример #2
	if ($traitement == null) {
		$message_erreur_traitement="Le traitement initial n'a pas été trouvé, donc non supprimé.<br />";
	else {

// Ménage quand on "transforme" une notification pour plusieurs parents de familles différentes (visu_notification.php) en un lot de traitements:
if(isset($_POST['suppr_notification'])) {


	$notification = new AbsenceEleveNotification();
	$notification = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()->findPk($id_suppr_notification);

	if ($notification != null) {
		if ($notification->getAbsenceEleveTraitement() != null) {
			$traitement = AbsenceEleveTraitementQuery::create()->findPk($id_suppr_traitement);

			if ($traitement == null) {
				$message_erreur_traitement="Le traitement initial n'a pas été trouvé, donc non supprimé.<br />";
			else {

Пример #3
	 * Gets the number of AbsenceEleveNotification objects related by a many-to-many relationship
	 * to the current object by way of the j_notifications_resp_pers cross-reference table.
	 * @param      Criteria $criteria Optional query object to filter the query
	 * @param      boolean $distinct Set to true to force count distinct
	 * @param      PropelPDO $con Optional connection object
	 * @return     int the number of related AbsenceEleveNotification objects
	public function countAbsenceEleveNotifications($criteria = null, $distinct = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
		if(null === $this->collAbsenceEleveNotifications || null !== $criteria) {
			if ($this->isNew() && null === $this->collAbsenceEleveNotifications) {
				return 0;
			} else {
				$query = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create(null, $criteria);
				if($distinct) {
				return $query
		} else {
			return count($this->collAbsenceEleveNotifications);
Пример #4
	 * If this collection has already been initialized with
	 * an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
	 * Otherwise if this Adresse is new, it will return
	 * an empty collection; or if this Adresse has previously
	 * been saved, it will retrieve related AbsenceEleveNotifications from storage.
	 * This method is protected by default in order to keep the public
	 * api reasonable.  You can provide public methods for those you
	 * actually need in Adresse.
	 * @param      Criteria $criteria optional Criteria object to narrow the query
	 * @param      PropelPDO $con optional connection object
	 * @param      string $join_behavior optional join type to use (defaults to Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
	 * @return     PropelCollection|array AbsenceEleveNotification[] List of AbsenceEleveNotification objects
	public function getAbsenceEleveNotificationsJoinAbsenceEleveTraitement($criteria = null, $con = null, $join_behavior = Criteria::LEFT_JOIN)
		$query = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create(null, $criteria);
		$query->joinWith('AbsenceEleveTraitement', $join_behavior);

		return $this->getAbsenceEleveNotifications($query, $con);
for($i=0; $i<$nb; $i++) {
    if (isset($_POST["select_notification"][$i])) {
if ($id_notif_col->isEmpty() && isset($_SESSION['id_notif_col'])) {
    $id_notif_col = $_SESSION['id_notif_col'];
if (isset($_GET['retirer_id_notification'])) {
    $key = $id_notif_col->search($_GET['retirer_id_notification']);
    if ($key !== false) {
$_SESSION['id_notif_col'] = $id_notif_col;
$notifications_col = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()->filterByPrimaryKeys($id_notif_col)->find();

if (isset ($_POST['valide']) && ('confirmer' == $_POST['valide'])) {
	$_SESSION['compile'] = isset ($_POST['compile']) ? $_POST['compile'] : FALSE;

$_SESSION['compile'] = isset ($_SESSION['compile']) ? $_SESSION['compile'] : TRUE;
//on imprime les courriers par lot
if (isset($_GET['envoyer_courrier']) && $_GET['envoyer_courrier'] == 'true') {
    $courrier_recap_col = new PropelCollection();
    $courrier_nouvellement_envoyés_col = new PropelCollection();
    // load the TinyButStrong libraries    
Пример #6
    echo '<input type="hidden" name="id_notification" value="' . $notification->getPrimaryKey() . '"/>';
    if ($notification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_COURRIER) {
        echo '<button type="submit" onclick=\'window.open("generer_notification.php?id_notification=' . $notification->getPrimaryKey() . '"); setTimeout("window.location = \\"visu_notification.php\\"", 1000); return false;\'>Génerer la notification</button>';
    } else {
        if ($notification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL && ($notification->getEmail() == null || $notification->getEmail() == '')) {
            //on affiche pas le bouton de generation car l'adresse n'est pas renseignee
        } else {
            echo '<button type="submit">Générer la notification</button>';
    echo '</p>';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '</td></tr>';
$idTraitement = $notification->getATraitementId();
$autresNotifications = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()->filterByATraitementId($idTraitement)->filterById($notification->getId(), ModelCriteria::NOT_EQUAL)->find();
if (!$autresNotifications->isEmpty()) {
    $idNotifications = Null;
    foreach ($autresNotifications as $autreNotification) {
        if ($autreNotification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_COURRIER || $autreNotification->getTypeNotification() == AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::TYPE_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL && ($autreNotification->getEmail() != null || $autreNotification->getEmail() != '')) {
            $idNotifications[] .= $autreNotification->getId();
    if (!is_null($idNotifications)) {
        $idNotifications[] .= $notification->getId();
        echo '<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align : center;">';
        echo '<form method="post" action="generer_notifications_par_lot.php">';
        echo '<input type="hidden" name="menu" value="' . $menu . '"/>';
        echo '<p>';
        foreach ($idNotifications as $id) {
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="select_notification[]" value="' . $id . '"/>';
Пример #7
include 'include_pagination.php';
$style_specifique[] = "mod_abs2/lib/abs_style";
$style_specifique[] = "lib/DHTMLcalendar/calendarstyle";
$javascript_specifique[] = "lib/DHTMLcalendar/calendar";
$javascript_specifique[] = "lib/DHTMLcalendar/lang/calendar-fr";
$javascript_specifique[] = "lib/DHTMLcalendar/calendar-setup";
$titre_page = "Les absences";
$utilisation_jsdivdrag = "non";
$_SESSION['cacher_header'] = "y";
$dojo = true;
require_once "../lib/header.inc.php";
//**************** FIN EN-TETE *****************
include 'menu_abs2.inc.php';
echo "<div class='css-panes' style='background-color:#c7e3ec;' id='containDiv' style='overflow : none; float : left; margin-top : -1px; border-width : 1px;'>\n";
$query = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create();
if (isFiltreRechercheParam('filter_notification_id')) {
if (isFiltreRechercheParam('filter_utilisateur')) {
    $query->useUtilisateurProfessionnelQuery()->filterByNom('%' . getFiltreRechercheParam('filter_utilisateur') . '%', Criteria::LIKE)->endUse();
if (isFiltreRechercheParam('filter_eleve')) {
// filtre classe
// $classe = ClasseQuery::create()->filterByNom("6 D")->findOne();
//$id_classe = 14;
//$classe = ClasseQuery::create()->findPk($id_classe);
if (isFiltreRechercheParam('filter_classe')) {
    if (in_array('SANS', getFiltreRechercheParam('filter_classe'))) {
	 * Get the associated AbsenceEleveNotification object
	 * @param      PropelPDO Optional Connection object.
	 * @return     AbsenceEleveNotification The associated AbsenceEleveNotification object.
	 * @throws     PropelException
	public function getAbsenceEleveNotification(PropelPDO $con = null)
		if ($this->aAbsenceEleveNotification === null && ($this->a_notification_id !== null)) {
			$this->aAbsenceEleveNotification = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()->findPk($this->a_notification_id, $con);
			/* The following can be used additionally to
				guarantee the related object contains a reference
				to this object.  This level of coupling may, however, be
				undesirable since it could result in an only partially populated collection
				in the referenced object.
		return $this->aAbsenceEleveNotification;
Пример #9
	 * Removes this object from datastore and sets delete attribute.
	 * @param      PropelPDO $con
	 * @return     void
	 * @throws     PropelException
	 * @see        BaseObject::setDeleted()
	 * @see        BaseObject::isDeleted()
	public function delete(PropelPDO $con = null)
		if ($this->isDeleted()) {
			throw new PropelException("This object has already been deleted.");

		if ($con === null) {
			$con = Propel::getConnection(AbsenceEleveNotificationPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE);

		try {
			$deleteQuery = AbsenceEleveNotificationQuery::create()
			$ret = $this->preDelete($con);
			if ($ret) {
			} else {
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			throw $e;