function notices() { global $cp_options, $current_user; if ($cp_options->charge_ads && $cp_options->enable_membership_packs) { $membership = cp_get_user_membership_package($current_user->ID); $step = _appthemes_get_step_from_query(); if ($membership && in_array($step, array('listing-details', 'select-category'))) { appthemes_display_notice('success', sprintf(__('You have active membership pack "%s". Membership benefit will apply on the review page before publishing an ad.', APP_TD), $membership->pack_name)); } } parent::notices(); }
function notices() { global $cp_options; if (!empty($this->error)) { foreach ($this->error as $error) { appthemes_display_notice('error', $error); } } elseif (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'cp-edit-item') { $link = html_link(CP_DASHBOARD_URL, __('Return to my dashboard', APP_TD)); if ($cp_options->moderate_edited_ads) { appthemes_display_notice('success', __('Your ad has been successfully updated and awaiting approval.', APP_TD) . ' ' . $link); } else { appthemes_display_notice('success', __('Your ad has been successfully updated.', APP_TD) . ' ' . $link); } } parent::notices(); }