isConnected() публичный Метод

It does so by checking the return status of the last connect-command.
public isConnected ( ) : boolean
Результат boolean True if connected, false otherwise.
  * @param callable $callback
  * @throws NotSubscribedListenerException
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return void
 public function subscribe(callable $callback)
     $this->callback = $callback;
     //Check whether connection open or not
     if (!$this->connection->isConnected()) {
     /** Declare exchange. In case it is already exists it could change it's options */
     //Binding queue to correct exchange
     if (!$this->getQueue()->bind($this->exchangeConfig['name'])) {
         throw new NotSubscribedListenerException("Can not bind " . $this->getQueue()->getName() . " to an exchange " . $this->exchangeConfig);
     $callback = function (\AMQPEnvelope $message) {
         switch ($message->getType()) {
             //Stop consumer by special event
             case 'eventBus.consumer-stop':
                 call_user_func($this->callback, 'eventBus.consumer-stop');
                 //If publisher is same BC as subscriber, don't proceed
                 if ($message->getAppId() !== $this->getQueue()->getName()) {
                     call_user_func($this->callback, $this->unpackMessage($message));
         //Answering to RabbitMQ, that event processed
     //Listen events
Пример #2
  * Returns an AMQPConnection instance, ensuring that it is connected
  * @return \AMQPConnection
 private function getConnection()
     if (!$this->connection->isConnected()) {
     return $this->connection;
Пример #3
 public function it_should_give_connection_status(\AMQPConnection $connection)
Пример #4
  * Retrieves connection params from config, then inits connection and channel.
  * @see
  * @see
 public function __construct()
     if (!extension_loaded('amqp')) {
         Mage::throwException('AMQP extension does not appear to be loaded');
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $this->_connection = new AMQPConnection($config);
     if (!$this->_connection->isConnected()) {
         Mage::throwException(sprintf("Unable to authenticate to 'amqp://%s:%d' (vhost: %s, user: %s, password: %s)", $config['host'], $config['port'], $config['vhost'], $config['user'], $config['password']));
     $this->_channel = new AMQPChannel($this->_connection);
  * Send an activity notice using AMQP
  * @param ActivityNotice $notice
  * @return bool
 public function sendActivityNotice($notice)
     if (!isset($notice)) {
         return false;
     /** @var array $setting */
     $setting = $this->params['amqpSetting'];
     try {
         if ($this->amqpClientLibrary == "PhpAmqpLib") {
             $connection = new AMQPStreamConnection($setting['host'], $setting['port'], $setting['user'], $setting['password']);
             $channel = $connection->channel();
             $msg = new AMQPMessage(JsonHelper::encode($notice));
             $channel->basic_publish($msg, $setting['exchangeName'], $setting['routingKey']);
         } elseif ($this->amqpClientLibrary == "PECL") {
             $connection = new \AMQPConnection(['host' => $setting['host'], 'port' => $setting['port'], 'login' => $setting['user'], 'password' => $setting['password']]);
             if ($connection->isConnected()) {
                 $channel = new \AMQPChannel($connection);
                 $exchange = new \AMQPExchange($channel);
                 $exchange->publish(JsonHelper::encode($notice), $setting['routingKey']);
         } else {
             return false;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return false;
     return true;
  * @param $event
  * @return mixed
  * @throws NotDeliveredEventException
 public function publish($event)
     try {
         //Prepare message for sending to RabbitMQ
         list($message, $attributes) = $this->prepareMessage($event);
         //Check connection, if no reconnect to RabbitMQ
         if (!$this->connection->isConnected()) {
         $result = $this->getExchange()->publish($message, null, AMQP_NOPARAM, $attributes);
         $this->exchange = null;
         //$this->channel = null;
         return $result;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new NotDeliveredEventException("Event not delivered to queue", 0, $e);
  * @return \AMQPChannel
 private function getChannel()
     if (!$this->channel) {
         if (!$this->connection->isConnected()) {
         $this->channel = new \AMQPChannel($this->connection);
     return $this->channel;
Пример #8
 public function main()
     $connection = new \AMQPConnection($this->config->get('mq'));
     try {
         if (!$connection->isConnected()) {
             $this->logging->exception("Cannot connect to the broker!" . PHP_EOL);
         $this->channel = new \AMQPChannel($connection);
         $this->exchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel);
         //echo "Exchange Status:".$this->exchange->declare()."\n";
         $this->queue = new \AMQPQueue($this->channel);
         $bind = $this->queue->bind($this->exchangeName, $this->routeKey);
         //echo "Message Total:".$this->queue->declare()."\n";
         //echo 'Queue Bind: '.$bind."\n";
         //for($i=0; $i< self::loop ;$i++){
         //$this->queue->consume('processMessage', AMQP_AUTOACK); //自动ACK应答
         $this->queue->consume(function ($envelope, $queue) {
             $speed = microtime(true);
             $msg = $envelope->getBody();
             $result = $this->loader($msg);
             //$this->logging->info(''.$msg.' '.$result)
             $this->logging->debug('Protocol: ' . $msg . ' ');
             $this->logging->debug('Result: ' . $result . ' ');
             $this->logging->debug('Time: ' . (microtime(true) - $speed) . '');
         $this->channel->qos(0, 1);
         //echo "Message Total:".$this->queue->declare()."\n";
     } catch (\AMQPConnectionException $e) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
Пример #9
 function getBrokerStatus()
     $amqpConnection = new AMQPConnection();
     if (!$amqpConnection->isConnected()) {
         log("info", "Cannot connect to the broker!");
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #10
 function __construct()
     $connection = new \AMQPConnection();
     if (!$connection->isConnected()) {
         throw new \AMQPConnectionException('Rabbit is not connected');
     $this->channel = new \AMQPChannel($connection);
     $this->exchange = new \AMQPExchange($this->channel);
 private function checkRabbitMQ()
     $amqpConnection = new AMQPConnection();
     return $amqpConnection->isConnected();
Пример #12
  * Check the channel connection.
  * @return bool Indicates whether the channel is connected.
 public function isConnected()
     return $this->connection->isConnected();
Пример #13

require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$injector = new Auryn\Injector();
$injector->delegate('AMQPConnection', function () {
    $connection = new AMQPConnection(['host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 5672, 'login' => 'guest', 'password' => 'guest']);
    if (!$connection->isConnected()) {
    return $connection;
Пример #14
  * @inheritdoc
 public function isConnected()
     return $this->delegate->isConnected();
Пример #15
  * Returns true if the connection is active
  * @return boolean
 public function connected()
     return $this->_connection !== null && $this->_connection->isConnected();