/** * 输出amf格式的内容 * @param $result 需要输出到浏览器的内容 * @param $exit 是否在输出后结束脚本 * @return void */ function print_amf_result($result, $exit = true) { if ($GLOBALS['amfphp']['native'] === true && function_exists('amf_decode')) { $serializer = new AMFBaseSerializer(); // Create a serailizer around the output stream } else { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // Create a serailizer around the output stream } $body = new MessageBody('', '/1'); $body->responseURI = $body->responseIndex . "/onResult"; $body->setResults($result); $amfObj = new AMFObject(); $amfObj->addBody($body); $data = $serializer->serialize($amfObj); header('Content-type: application/x-amf'); $dateStr = date('D, j M Y H:i:s', time() - 86400); header("Expires: {$dateStr} GMT"); header('Pragma: no-store'); header('Cache-Control: no-store'); header('Content-length: ' . strlen($data)); echo $data; if ($exit) { exit; } }
function reportExceptions($code, $descr, $filename, $line) { // obey error_level set by system/user if (!($code & error_reporting())) { return; } // init a new error info object $error = new MessageException($code, $descr, $filename, $line, "AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERROR"); // add the error object to the body of the AMFObject $amfbody = new MessageBody(NULL, $GLOBALS['amfphp']['lastMethodCall']); MessageException::throwException($amfbody, $error); //$amfbody->setResults($error); if ($GLOBALS['amfphp']['encoding'] == 'amf0' || $GLOBALS['amfphp']['encoding'] == 'amf3') { // build a new AMFObject $amfout = new AMFObject(""); $amfout->addBody($amfbody); // Add the trace headers we have so far while we're at it debugFilter($amfout); // create a new serializer $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // serialize the data $data = $serializer->serialize($amfout); // send the correct header header('Content-type: application/x-amf'); // flush the amf data to the client. print $data; // kill the system after we find a single error exit; } else { serializationAction($amfbody); print $amfbody->getResults(); exit; } }
function rpc($reqs, $progress = true) { global $ua, $ch, $swfurl, $cookies, $rpcseq, $rpcmax; global $debugout; $offset = 0; $resps = array(); while (true) { $n = min(count($reqs) - $offset, $rpcmax); if ($n == 0) { break; } $req = array(gen_header(), array_slice($reqs, $offset, $n), 0); $offset += $n; ++$rpcseq; $body = new MessageBody(); $body->setResponseURI("BaseService.dispatchBatch"); $body->setResponseTarget("/{$rpcseq}"); $body->setResults($req); $amf = new AMFObject(); $amf->addBody($body); $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $postdata = $serializer->serialize($amf); if ($debugout) { file_put_contents("out/{$rpcseq}.req", $postdata); } curl_setopt_array($ch, array(CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $ua, CURLOPT_REFERER => $swfurl, CURLOPT_COOKIE => $cookies, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $postdata)); $out = curl_exec($ch); if ($debugout) { file_put_contents("out/{$rpcseq}.resp", $out); } if ($progress) { print "."; } $amf = new AMFObject($out); $deserializer = new AMFDeserializer($amf->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer->deserialize($amf); // run the deserializer $v = $amf->getBodyAt(0)->getValue(); if ($v['errorType'] != 0) { die($v['errorData'] . "\n"); } $resps = array_merge($resps, $v['data']); } return $resps; }
function reportExceptions($code, $descr, $filename, $line) { // obey error_level set by system/user if (!($code & error_reporting())) { return; } // build a new AMFObject $amfout = new AMFObject(""); // init a new error info object $error = array(); // pass the code $error["code"] = "AMFPHP_RUNTIME_ERROR"; // pass the description $error["description"] = $descr; // pass the details $error["details"] = $filename; // pass the level $error["level"] = AMFException::getFriendlyError($code); // pass the line number $error["line"] = $line; // add the error object to the body of the AMFObject $amfbody = new AMFBody(NULL, $GLOBALS['amfphp']['lastMethodCall']); $amfbody->setResults($error); $amfout->addBody($amfbody); // Add the trace headers we have so far while we're at it debugFilter($amfout); // create a new serializer $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // serialize the data $data = $serializer->serialize($amfout); // send the correct header header('Content-type: application/x-amf'); // flush the amf data to the client. print $data; // kill the system after we find a single error exit; }
/** * Serializes the object */ function serializationFilter(&$amf) { if ($GLOBALS['amfphp']['native'] === true && function_exists('amf_decode')) { $serializer = new AMFBaseSerializer(); // Create a serializer around the output stream } else { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // Create a serializer around the output stream } $result = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $amf->outputStream = $result; }
private function _fvAMFSend($amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result3 = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result3); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer $doinit = 0; if (!isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { DoInit(); return false; } Check4Rewards($amf2); foreach (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'] as $key => $returned) { $resp = $returned['errorType']; $err = $returned['errorData']; if ($resp == 28 || $resp == 29) { if (strpos($err, 'MC::lock()') !== false) { //Ignore Quietly Now, even if Debug is on $iguser = load_array('ignores.txt'); preg_match('/rts_USER_(.*)_lock/', $err, $matches); $iguser[floatval($matches[1])] = floatval($matches[1]); save_array($iguser, 'ignores.txt'); } else { if ($this->settings['debug'] == 1 && $err != 'Remaining function') { AddLog2('fvManager Error: ' . $resp . ' - ' . $err); } } unset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][$key]); if ($doinit == 0) { DoInit(); } $doinit = 1; if ($key == 0) { return false; } } } return $amf2; }
function RequestAMF2($amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer Check4Rewards($amf2); // Check if there was a error // Check if there was data[0] and or data[1] $errorfound = 'N'; $errorType = ''; $errorData = ''; if (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorType'] != 0) { $errorfound = 'Y'; $errorType = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorType']; $errorData = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData']; } if (isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { if (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorType'] != 0) { $errorfound = 'Y'; $errorType = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorType']; $errorData = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorData']; } } if (isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][1])) { if (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][1]['errorType'] != 0) { $errorfound = 'Y'; $errorType = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][1]['errorType']; $errorData = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][1]['errorData']; } } if ($errorfound == 'Y') { if ($errorData == "There is a new version of the farm game released") { AddLog2('FV UPDATE: New Version of FV Released'); AddLog2('Work Will Restart in 15 Seconds'); unlink('unit_check.txt'); RestartBot(); } else { if ($errorData == "token value failed") { AddLog2('FV FUBAR: Game Opened in Another Browser'); AddLog2('Work Will Restart in 15 Seconds'); RestartBot(); } else { if ($errorData == "token too old") { AddLog2('FV FUBAR: Your Session Has Expired'); AddLog2('Work Will Restart in 15 Seconds'); RestartBot(); } else { if ($errorType == 29) { AddLog2('FV FUBAR: Server Sequence Was Reset'); DoInit(); } else { $res = "Error: " . $errorType . " " . $errorData; DoInit(); } } } } } else { if (!isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { echo "\n*****\nError:\n BAD AMF REPLY - Possible Server problem or farm badly out of sync\n*****\n"; $res = "BAD AMF REPLY (OOS?)"; } else { if ($errorType == '' && $errorData == '') { $res = 'OK'; } else { $res = 'Unknown'; } } } //if (isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { //$res = $errorType . " " . $errorData; //} //} return $res; }
/** * Wraps a string into an error AMF message * @param $data the original AMF data (needed to get the response index * @param $error The error to send back * @returns String containing the AMF data */ function sendError($data, $error) { //Get the last response index, otherwise the error will not register //In the NetConnection debugger $amf = new AMFObject($data); // create the amf object $deserializer = new AMFDeserializer($data); $deserializer->deserialize($amf); $lastBody =& $amf->getBodyAt($amf->numBody() - 1); $lastIndex = $lastBody->responseIndex; // add the error object to the body of the AMFObject $amfout = new AMFObject(NULL); $amfbody = new AMFBody($lastIndex . "/onStatus", $lastIndex); //Get line number preg_match("/in ([A-Za-z0-9\\/\\.\\:]+) on line ([0-9]+)/", str_replace('\\', '/', $error), $matches); $file = $matches[1]; $line = $matches[2]; $level = substr($error, 0, strpos($error, ': ')); $amfbody->setResults(array('description' => $error, 'line' => $line, 'file' => $file, 'level' => $level, 'code' => 'AMFPHP_DEBUG_ERROR')); $amfout->addBody($amfbody); // create a new serializer $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // serialize the data $result = $serializer->serialize($amfout); return $result; }
function RequestAMFIntern($amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer return $amf2; }
private function _fvAMFSend($amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result3 = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result3); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer $doinit = 0; if (!isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { DoInit(); return false; } Check4Rewards($amf2); foreach (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'] as $key => $returned) { $resp = $returned['errorType']; $err = $returned['errorData']; if ($resp == 28 || $resp == 29) { if ($err != 'Remaining function') { AddLog2('fvFarmer Error: ' . $resp . ' - ' . $err); } unset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][$key]); if ($doinit == 0) { DoInit(); } $doinit = 1; if ($key == 0) { return false; } } } return $amf2; }
private function _fvAMFSend($amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result3 = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result3); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer if (!isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { DoInit(); return false; } Check4Rewards($amf2); foreach (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'] as $key => $returned) { $resp = $returned['errorType']; $err = $returned['errorData']; if ($resp == 28 || $resp == 29) { $this->reload = true; } } return $amf2; }
/** * Serializes the object */ function serializationFilter(&$amf) { $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); // Create a serailizer around the output stream $result = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $amf->outputStream = $result; }
function TB_sendRequest($amf) { //start parser $serializer = new AMFSerializer(); $result = $serializer->serialize($amf); // serialize the data $answer = Request('', $result); $amf2 = new AMFObject($answer); $deserializer2 = new AMFDeserializer($amf2->rawData); // deserialize the data $deserializer2->deserialize($amf2); // run the deserializer if (@$amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorType'] != 0) { if ($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData'] == "There is a new version of the farm game released") { AddLog2("New version of the game released"); echo "\n*****\nGame version out of date\n*****\n"; echo "\n Restarting Bot in 15 seconds. \n"; sleep(15); touch('need_restart.txt'); //creating this file will cause the game to restart } else { if ($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData'] == "token value failed") { AddLog2("Error: token value failed"); AddLog2("You opened the game in another browser"); AddLog2("Restart the game or wait for forced restart"); echo "\n*****\nError: token value failed\nThis error is caused by opening the game in another browser\nRestart the bot or wait 15 seconds for forced restart.\n*****\n"; sleep(15); touch('need_restart.txt'); } else { if ($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData'] == "token too old") { AddLog2("Error: token too old"); AddLog2("The session expired"); AddLog2("Restart the game or wait for forced restart"); echo "\n*****\nError: token too old\nThe session has expired\nRestart the bot or wait 15 seconds for forced restart.\n*****\n"; sleep(15); touch('need_restart.txt'); //creating this file will cause the game to restart } else { echo "\n*****\nError: \n" . $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorType'] . " " . $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData'] . "\n"; $res = "Error: " . $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorType'] . " " . $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['errorData']; } } } } else { if (!isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { echo "\n*****\nError:\n BAD AMF REPLY - Possible Server problem or farm badly out of sync\n*****\n"; $res = "BAD AMF REPLY (OOS?)"; } else { if (isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorType']) && $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorType'] == 0) { $res = 'OK'; } else { if (isset($amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0])) { $res = $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorType'] . " " . $amf2->_bodys[0]->_value['data'][0]['errorData']; } } } } //end parser $return['amf2'] = $amf2; $return['res'] = $res; return $return; }