static function envoyerMail($from, $to, $subject, $body, array $options = array()) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/AFUP_Configuration.php'; $configuration = new AFUP_Configuration(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../configs/application/config.php'); $optionsDefault = array('html' => FALSE, 'bcc' => array(), 'file' => array()); // chaque item doit contenir : (pathFichier, nom fichier) $options = array_merge($optionsDefault, $options); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../dependencies/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../dependencies/phpmailer/class.smtp.php'; $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->CharSet = "utf-8"; $mail->IsHTML($options['html']); if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|serveur_smtp')) { $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $configuration->obtenir('mails|serveur_smtp'); $mail->SMTPAuth = false; } if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|tls') == true) { $mail->SMTPAuth = $configuration->obtenir('mails|tls'); $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; } if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|username')) { $mail->Username = $configuration->obtenir('mails|username'); } if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|password')) { $mail->Password = $configuration->obtenir('mails|password'); } if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|port')) { $mail->Port = $configuration->obtenir('mails|port'); } if ($configuration->obtenir('mails|force_destinataire')) { $to = $configuration->obtenir('mails|force_destinataire'); } $bcc = $configuration->obtenir('mails|bcc'); if ($bcc) { $mail->AddBCC($bcc); } foreach ($options['bcc'] as $valeurBcc) { $mail->AddBCC($valeurBcc); } foreach ($options['file'] as $filePath) { $mail->AddAttachment($filePath[0], $filePath[1]); // TODO : deboguer la méthode } $from_email = is_array($from) ? $from[0] : $from; $from_name = (is_array($from) and isset($from[1])) ? $from[1] : ''; $to_email = is_array($to) ? $to[0] : $to; $to_name = (is_array($to) and isset($to[1])) ? $to[1] : ''; $mail->AddAddress($to_email, $to_name); $mail->From = $from_email; $mail->FromName = $from_name; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = str_replace('$EMAIL$', $to_email, $body); return $mail->Send(); }
/** * Overrides the parent Footer method * * Creates the PDF footer with RIB and IBAN informations * * @access public * * @see FPDF::Footer() */ function Footer() { $address = sprintf('%s - %u %s - %s - %s', $this->configuration->obtenir('afup|adresse'), $this->configuration->obtenir('afup|code_postal'), $this->configuration->obtenir('afup|ville'), $this->configuration->obtenir('afup|email'), ''); $this->SetY(-30); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(0, 3, utf8_decode('AFUP, Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 6); $this->Cell(0, 3, utf8_decode($address), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(170, 3, utf8_decode('N°') . ' SIRET', 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-140, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('afup|siret'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(130, 3, 'Identification RIB : Banque', 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-95, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|etablissement'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(112, 3, 'Guichet', 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-95, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|guichet'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(111, 3, utf8_decode('N° Cpte'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-88, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|compte'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(107, 3, utf8_decode('Clé'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-99, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|cle'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(120, 3, 'Identification IBAN', 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-62, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|iban'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 6); $this->Cell(110, 3, 'BIC', 0, 0, 'C'); $this->SetFont('Arial', null, 6); $this->Cell(-90, 3, $this->configuration->obtenir('rib|bic'), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Ln(); }
<?php // Initialisation ob_start(); session_start(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../sources/Afup/fonctions.php'; // Configuration require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../sources/Afup/AFUP_Configuration.php'; $conf = new AFUP_Configuration(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../configs/application/config.php'); $GLOBALS['AFUP_CONF'] = $conf; error_reporting($conf->obtenir('divers|niveau_erreur')); ini_set('display_errors', $conf->obtenir('divers|afficher_erreurs')); ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../dependencies/PEAR/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../dependencies/'); header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); // On détermine sur quel sous-site on est $serveur = ""; $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (strrpos($url, '?') !== false) { $position = strrpos($url, '?'); $url = substr($url, 0, $position); } $position = strrpos($url, '/'); $url = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, $position); $parties = explode('/', $url); $sous_site = array_pop($parties); if (empty($sous_site) and strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "planete") !== false) { $sous_site = "planete"; $serveur = ""; } // Initialisation de Smarty require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../dependencies/smarty/Smarty.class.php';
/** * Envoi un email de confirmation au conférencier et mets en copie le bureau */ public function envoyerEmail($session_id) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/AFUP_Configuration.php'; $configuration = new AFUP_Configuration(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../configs/application/config.php'); $requete = 'select prenom, nom, email, af.titre from afup_conferenciers ac inner join afup_conferenciers_sessions acs on ac.conferencier_id = acs.conferencier_id inner join afup_sessions a_s on a_s.session_id = acs.session_id inner join afup_forum af on = a_s.id_forum where acs.session_id=' . $this->_bdd->echapper($session_id); $conferenciers = $this->_bdd->obtenirTous($requete); $corps = "Bonjour, \n\n"; $corps .= "Nous avons bien enregistré votre soumission pour le " . current($conferenciers)['titre'] . " .\n"; $corps .= "Vous recevrez une réponse prochainement.\n\n"; $corps .= "Le bureau\n\n"; $corps .= $configuration->obtenir('afup|raison_sociale') . "\n"; $corps .= $configuration->obtenir('afup|adresse') . "\n"; $corps .= $configuration->obtenir('afup|code_postal') . " " . $configuration->obtenir('afup|ville') . "\n"; foreach ($conferenciers as $personne) { $ok = AFUP_Mailing::envoyerMail($configuration->obtenir('mails|email_expediteur'), array($personne['email'], $personne['nom'] . ' ' . $personne['prenom']), "Soumission de proposition au " . $personne['titre'] . "\n", $corps); } return $ok; }
* @copyright 2010 Association Française des Utilisateurs de PHP * * @category AFUP * @package AFUP * @group Bootstraps */ // racine de l'application (pas du document root !) $root = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../..'); // définitions des constantes define('AFUP_CHEMIN_RACINE', $root . '/htdocs/'); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Paris'); /** * Ajout des répertoires contenant les différentes classes et script à inclure * dans l'include path pour éviter de les inclure avec chemin absolu * et pouvoir bénéficier prochainement du mécanisme d'autoloading de classe * * @author Olivier Hoareau <*****@*****.**> */ set_include_path($root . '/dependencies' . PATH_SEPARATOR . $root . '/sources'); // préparation de la requête / session require_once 'Afup/fonctions.php'; // chargement de la configuration require_once 'Afup/AFUP_Configuration.php'; $conf = new AFUP_Configuration($root . '/configs/application/config.php'); // mets la configuration dans une 'clé de registre' accessible à tout moment $GLOBALS['AFUP_CONF'] = $conf; // initialisation de la couche d'abstraction de la base de données require_once 'Afup/AFUP_Base_De_Donnees.php'; $bdd = new AFUP_Base_De_Donnees($conf->obtenir('bdd|hote'), $conf->obtenir('bdd|base'), $conf->obtenir('bdd|utilisateur'), $conf->obtenir('bdd|mot_de_passe')); // mets la connexion db dans une 'clé de registre' accessible à tout moment $GLOBALS['AFUP_DB'] = $bdd;