Пример #1
     * Checks if the given credentials are valid and the account has
     * actually be activiated. ID of the user is returned.
     * @param string $identifier
     * @param string $password		plain text password
     * @param string $method		Username or Email Address
     * @return int
    public function checkCredentials($identifier, $password, $method = 'username')
        $field = $method == 'username' ? 'username' : 'email';
        $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('SELECT u.id, u.username, m.value AS activate_code
											FROM {PREFIX}users AS u LEFT JOIN {PREFIX}users_meta AS m
											ON u.id = m.uid AND m.name = "activate_code"
											WHERE u.' . $field . ' = ? AND u.password = ?');
        $pdoSt->execute(array($identifier, zula_hash($password)));
        $user = $pdoSt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         * Gather Remote address/ip and either update/insert the failed attempt,
         * or remove the login attempts due to successful login.
        $remoteAddr = zula_ip2long(zula_get_client_ip());
        if (empty($user)) {
            $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('INSERT INTO {PREFIX}mod_session (ip, attempts, blocked) VALUES (?, 1, UTC_TIMESTAMP())
												ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE attempts = attempts+1, blocked = UTC_TIMESTAMP()');
            throw new Session_InvalidCredentials();
        } else {
            $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('DELETE FROM {PREFIX}mod_session WHERE ip = ?');
        // Update everything needed to set the user has logged in.
        if ($user['activate_code']) {
            throw new Session_UserNotActivated('User "' . $user['username'] . '" is not yet activated');
        } else {
            return $user['id'];
Пример #2
  * hook: module_output_bottom
  * Show comments and comments form
  * @param array $msc
  * @param int $contentType
  * @param string $sector
  * @param string $title
  * @return mixed
 public function hookModuleOutputBottom(array $mcs, $contentType, $sector, $title)
     if ($sector == 'SC' && $contentType & Zula_ControllerBase::_OT_CONTENT_DYNAMIC && !($contentType & Zula_ControllerBase::_OT_CONFIG)) {
         $requestPath = $this->_router->getRequestPath(Router::_TRIM_ALL);
         $view = new View('display/linear.html', 'comments');
         $view->assign(array('TITLE' => $title));
         $view->assignHtml(array('COMMENTS' => $this->_model('comments', 'comments')->get($requestPath)));
         if ($this->_acl->check('comments_post')) {
              * Store the hash path as a valid comment path, then build the
              * form view and output both views
             $hashPath = zula_hash($requestPath);
             $_SESSION['mod']['comments'][$hashPath] = array('path' => $requestPath, 'siteType' => $this->_router->getSiteType());
             $form = new View('form.html', 'comments');
             $form->assign(array('comments' => array('hash' => $hashPath, 'name' => $this->_session->getUser('username'), 'website' => null, 'body' => null)));
             // Antispam/Captcha
             $antispam = new Antispam();
             $form->assignHtml(array('CSRF' => $this->_input->createToken(true), 'ANTISPAM' => $antispam->create()));
             return $view->getOutput() . $form->getOutput();
         } else {
             return $view->getOutput();
Пример #3
  * Gets the latest versions of TangoCMS and compare
  * @return string
 public function updateSection()
     $this->setTitle(t('Update checker'));
     // Gather the latest stable and unstable versions
     $versions = array('stable' => t('Unknown'), 'unstable' => t('Unknown'));
     if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         $stream = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'X-TangoCMS-Version: ' . _PROJECT_VERSION . "\r\n" . 'X-TangoCMS-USI: ' . zula_hash($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "\r\n", 'timeout' => 6)));
         foreach ($versions as $type => $ver) {
             $tmpVer = @file_get_contents('http://releases.tangocms.org/latest/' . $type, false, $stream);
             if (isset($http_response_header[0]) && strpos($http_response_header[0], '200') !== false) {
                 $versions[$type] = trim($tmpVer);
         file_put_contents($this->_zula->getDir('tmp') . '/sysinfo/versions', serialize($versions));
     $view = $this->loadView('index/update.html');
     $view->assign(array('TCM_VERSION' => _PROJECT_VERSION, 'VERSION_TYPE' => zula_version_type(_PROJECT_VERSION), 'LATEST' => $versions));
     return $view->getOutput();
Пример #4
  * Compress all the needed JS files for TinyMCE into one,
  * and will return it back for TinyMCE to execute.
  * The results of this are cached if all data matches up.
  * @return string
 public function gzipSection()
     $jsFile = 'tinymce-' . zula_hash(implode('|', $this->_input->getAll('get')), null, 'md5') . '.js';
     // Build path and check if the cached version exists
     $jsFilePath = $this->_zula->getDir('tmp') . '/js/' . $jsFile;
     if (!file_exists($jsFilePath)) {
         if (!is_dir(dirname($jsFilePath))) {
         try {
             $tinyMcePath = $this->_zula->getDir('js') . '/tinymce';
             $tinyMceLang = $this->_input->get('languages');
             $theme = $this->_input->get('themes');
             // Array of all files that need to be merged together
             $neededFiles = array('/langs/' . $tinyMceLang . '.js', '/themes/' . $theme . '/editor_template.js', '/themes/' . $theme . '/langs/' . $tinyMceLang . '.js');
             // Plugins
             foreach (explode(',', $this->_input->get('plugins')) as $plugin) {
                 $neededFiles[] = '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/editor_plugin.js';
                 $neededFiles[] = '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/langs/' . $tinyMceLang . '.js';
             $content = '';
             foreach ($neededFiles as $file) {
                 $path = $tinyMcePath . $file;
                 if (file_exists($path)) {
                     $content .= file_get_contents($path);
             if ($this->_input->get('core') == true) {
                 $content = file_get_contents($tinyMcePath . '/tiny_mce.js') . ' tinyMCE_GZ.start(); ' . $content . ' tinyMCE_GZ.end();';
             // Store the file so it can be used later on
             file_put_contents($jsFilePath, $content);
         } catch (Input_KeyNoExist $e) {
             trigger_error('compressor requires languags, themes, plugins and core input values', E_USER_ERROR);
     zula_readfile($jsFilePath, 'text/javascript');
     return false;
Пример #5
  * Constructor
  * Calls the parent constructor to register the methods
  * Also gathers the version file to get latest versions
  * @return object
 public function __construct()
     $verFile = $this->_zula->getDir('tmp') . '/sysinfo/versions';
     if (file_exists($verFile) && is_readable($verFile) && filemtime($verFile) + 60 * 60 * 8 > time()) {
         $this->versions = @unserialize(file_get_contents($verFile));
     } else {
         // Attempt to re-read the versions
         if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
             $stream = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('method' => 'GET', 'header' => 'X-TangoCMS-Version: ' . _PROJECT_VERSION . "\r\n" . 'X-TangoCMS-USI: ' . zula_hash($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . "\r\n", 'timeout' => 6)));
             foreach (array('stable', 'unstable') as $type) {
                 $tmpVer = @file_get_contents('http://releases.tangocms.org/latest/' . $type, false, $stream);
                 if (isset($http_response_header[0]) && strpos($http_response_header[0], '200') !== false) {
                     $this->versions[$type] = trim($tmpVer);
             if (zula_make_dir($this->_zula->getDir('tmp') . '/sysinfo')) {
                 file_put_contents($verFile, serialize($this->versions));
         } else {
             $this->_log->message('Sysinfo unable to get latest TangoCMS versions, allow_url_fopen disabled', Log::L_NOTICE);
Пример #6
  * Validates the password to ensure it is not the same as the previous
  * @param string $value
  * @return bool|string
 public function validatePreviousPw($value)
     if ($this->_session->getUser('password') == zula_hash($value)) {
         return t('Your new password can not be the same as the previous');
     return true;
Пример #7
  * Generates a unique token key, to help protect
  * against CSRF attacks
  * @param bool $withHtml 	Can return the HTML input to be used
  * @return string
 public function createToken($withHtml = false)
     do {
         $token = zula_hash(uniqid(session_id(), true));
     } while (isset($_SESSION['csrf-tokens'][$token]));
     // Store the token and life of it
     $_SESSION['csrf-tokens'][$token] = time();
     if ($withHtml == false) {
         return $token;
     } else {
         return '<div><input type="hidden" name="' . self::_CSRF_INAME . '" value="' . $token . '"></div>';
Пример #8
  * Deletes a cached item, or array of items
  * @param string|array $key
  * @return int
 public function delete($key)
     $delCount = 0;
     foreach (array_filter((array) $key) as $cacheKey) {
         $file = $this->cacheDir . '/' . zula_hash($cacheKey, null, 'md5');
         if (file_exists($file) && unlink($file)) {
     return $delCount;
Пример #9
  * Switches the currently identified user to another account
  * basically, 'logging in'. All session data will remain.
  * @param int $uid
  * @param bool $remember
  * @return int|bool
 public function switchUser($uid, $remember = true)
     $session = $_SESSION;
     # Destroy the current session/user first
     $_SESSION = $session;
     // Create the needed unique keys for this session, if any
     $uid = abs($uid);
     if ($uid == Ugmanager::_GUEST_ID) {
         return $this->identify();
     } else {
         $authKey = zula_hash(uniqid(mt_rand() . $uid . microtime(true), true));
         $authFor = zula_hash($uid);
         $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare('INSERT INTO {PREFIX}sessions (uid, session_key, session_id) VALUES(?, ?, ?)');
         $pdoSt->execute(array($uid, $authKey, session_id()));
         // Attempt to identify the user we are switching to
         if ($this->identify($authKey, $authFor) === $uid) {
             $this->_sql->query('UPDATE {PREFIX}users SET last_login = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE id = ' . $uid);
             $_SESSION['auth'] = array('remember' => (bool) $remember, 'key' => $authKey, 'for' => $authFor);
             if ($_SESSION['auth']['remember']) {
                 // Set cookie for 28 days
                 setcookie('zulaAuthKey', $authKey, time() + 2419200, _BASE_DIR, '', '', true);
                 setcookie('zulaAuthFor', $authFor, time() + 2419200, _BASE_DIR, '', '', true);
             return (int) $uid;
         } else {
             return false;
Пример #10
     * Returns the themes view output as a string. If a layout object has been
     * loaded, then all required controllers for said layout will be loaded into
     * the correct sector.
     * @return string
    public function output()
        if (!empty($this->loadedJsFiles)) {
            // Setup some vars to be used (as JS can not get at the Zula Framework)
            $this->addHead('js', array(), 'var zula_dir_base = "' . _BASE_DIR . '";
								 var zula_dir_assets = "' . $this->_zula->getDir('assets', true) . '";
								 var zula_dir_js = "' . $this->_zula->getDir('js', true) . '";
								 var zula_dir_cur_theme = "' . $this->_zula->getDir('themes', true) . '/' . $this->getDetail('name') . '";
								 var zula_dir_icon = zula_dir_cur_theme+"/icons";
								 var zula_theme_style = "' . $this->getDetail('style') . '";', true);
        if ($this->jsAggregation) {
            // Add in all needed JavaScript files, those under 'merging' will be aggregated.
            foreach (array('system', 'merging', 'standalone') as $type) {
                if (empty($this->loadedJsFiles[$type])) {
                    # No JS files of this type.
                } else {
                    if ($type == 'system' || $type == 'standalone') {
                        foreach ($this->loadedJsFiles[$type] as $file) {
                            $this->addHead('js', array('src' => $file));
                    } else {
                         * Merge all 'merging' JS files into 1, help reduce HTTP requests
                        $tmpJsFile = 'js/' . zula_hash(implode('', $this->loadedJsFiles[$type]), null, 'md5') . '.js';
                        $tmpJsPath = $this->_zula->getDir('tmp') . '/' . $tmpJsFile;
                        // Check if the aggregated file exists, if so - see if we need to expire it
                        $hasFile = false;
                        if (is_dir(dirname($tmpJsPath))) {
                            if (file_exists($tmpJsPath)) {
                                $hasFile = true;
                                $lastModified = filemtime($tmpJsPath);
                                foreach ($this->loadedJsFiles[$type] as $file) {
                                    if (filemtime($file) > $lastModified) {
                                        $hasFile = false;
                        } else {
                        if ($hasFile === false) {
                            // Create the new aggregation file
                            $content = null;
                            foreach ($this->loadedJsFiles[$type] as $file) {
                                $content .= file_get_contents($file);
                            file_put_contents($tmpJsPath, $content);
                        $this->addHead('js', array('src' => $this->_zula->getDir('tmp', true) . '/' . $tmpJsFile));
        if (!$this->isAssigned('HEAD')) {
            $this->assign(array('HEAD' => ''));
        return $this->getOutput();
Пример #11
  * Edits certain details about a comment
  * @param int $commentId
  * @param array $details
  * @return bool
 public function edit($commentId, array $details)
     $commentDetails = $this->getDetails($commentId);
     $query = 'UPDATE {PREFIX}mod_comments SET ';
     $execData = array();
     foreach ($details as $key => $val) {
         $query .= $key . ' = ?, ';
         $execData[] = $val;
     $query = rtrim($query, ', ') . ' WHERE id = ?';
     $execData[] = $commentId;
     if ($this->_sql->prepare($query)->execute($execData)) {
         $this->_cache->delete('comments_' . zula_hash($commentDetails['url']));
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #12
     * Adds a new user to a specified group with the provided
     * details (which can contain meta details)
     * @param array $details
     * @return int|bool
    public function addUser($details)
        if (!isset($details['group']) || !$this->groupExists($details['group'])) {
            throw new Ugmanager_GroupNoExist('could not add user to group as it does not exist');
        } else {
            if ($details['group'] == self::_ROOT_GID || $details['group'] == self::_GUEST_GID) {
                throw new Ugmanager_InvalidGroup('users can not be added to the root or guest group');
            } else {
                if ($this->userExists($details['username'], false)) {
                    throw new Ugmanager_UserExists('could not add user as user already exists');
        if (isset($details['password'])) {
            $details['password'] = zula_hash($details['password']);
        unset($details['joined'], $details['last_pw_change']);
        // First insert the standard data
        $addUserQ = 'INSERT INTO {PREFIX}users (%s,joined, last_pw_change) VALUES(%s,UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP())';
        $insertData = array();
        foreach (array_intersect_key($details, array_flip($this->userKeys)) as $key => $val) {
            $insertData["`{$key}`"] = $val;
        $addUserQ = sprintf($addUserQ, implode(',', array_keys($insertData)), rtrim(str_repeat('?,', count($insertData)), ','));
        $pdoSt = $this->_sql->prepare($addUserQ);
        if ($uid = $this->_sql->lastInsertId()) {
             * Insert the user meta data
            $pdoStMeta = $this->_sql->prepare('INSERT INTO {PREFIX}users_meta (uid, name, value)
													VALUES(:uid, :name, :value)');
            foreach (array_diff_key($details, array_flip($this->userKeys)) as $key => $val) {
                $pdoStMeta->execute(array(':uid' => $uid, ':name' => $key, ':value' => $val));
            if (isset($this->userCount['*'])) {
            if (isset($this->userCount[$details['group']])) {
            // Add the ID so hooks can use it.
            $details['id'] = $uid;
            Hooks::notifyAll('ugmanager_user_add', $details);
            return $details['id'];
        } else {
            return false;
Пример #13
  * Validates the users password to ensure it is their
  * current one, to help with security.
  * @param string $value
  * @return string|bool
 public function validatePassword($value)
     if (zula_hash($value) == $this->_session->getUser('password')) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return t('Please enter your current user password');