public function __construct($url = null) { if (empty($url)) { $this->formatGetArguments(); $this->url = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } else { $this->url = $url; // parse reference $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($this->url, '#'); if ($tmp_pos !== false) { $this->reference = zbx_substring($this->url, $tmp_pos + 1); $this->url = zbx_substring($this->url, 0, $tmp_pos); } $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($url, '?'); // parse query if ($tmp_pos !== false) { $this->query = zbx_substring($url, $tmp_pos + 1); $this->url = $url = zbx_substring($url, 0, $tmp_pos); } $this->formatArguments(); } if (isset($_COOKIE['zbx_sessionid'])) { $this->setArgument('sid', substr($_COOKIE['zbx_sessionid'], 16, 16)); } }
/** * Retrieve the HTTP request headers from the $_SERVER superglobal * @param Array Additional Headers to retrieve */ public function retrieve_headers($add_headers = false) { if ($add_headers) { $this->add_headers = array_merge($this->add_headers, $add_headers); } if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_METHOD'])) { $this->method = $_SERVER['HTTP_METHOD']; unset($_SERVER['HTTP_METHOD']); } else { $this->method = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : false; } $this->protocol = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : false; $this->request_method = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] : false; $this->headers = array(); foreach ($_SERVER as $i => $val) { if (zbx_strpos($i, 'HTTP_') === 0 || in_array($i, $this->add_headers)) { $name = str_replace(array('HTTP_', '_'), array('', '-'), $i); $this->headers[$name] = $val; } } }
/** * Resolve macros in item key. * Resolve {HOSTNAME}, {IPADDRESS}, {HOST.IP}, {HOST.DNS}, {HOST.CONN}, {HOST.HOST}, {HOST.NAME} and user macros. * Macros related to interface resolved only for host items. * * @param array $item * @param string $item['key_'] * @param string $item['itemid'] * * @return string */ function resolveItemKeyMacros(array $item) { $key =& $item['key_']; $macStack = array(); $macros = array('{HOSTNAME}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.IP}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}', '{HOST.HOST}', '{HOST.NAME}'); foreach ($macros as $macro) { if (zbx_strpos($key, $macro) !== false) { $macStack[] = $macro; } } if (!empty($macStack)) { $dbItem = API::Item()->get(array('itemids' => $item['itemid'], 'selectInterfaces' => array('ip', 'dns', 'useip'), 'selectHosts' => array('host', 'name'), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_REFER, 'filter' => array('flags' => null))); if (!empty($dbItem)) { $dbItem = reset($dbItem); $host = reset($dbItem['hosts']); $interface = reset($dbItem['interfaces']); // if item without interface or template item, resolve interface related macros to *UNKNOWN* if (!$interface) { $interface = array('ip' => UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING, 'dns' => UNRESOLVED_MACRO_STRING, 'useip' => false); } foreach ($macStack as $macro) { switch ($macro) { case '{HOST.NAME}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.NAME}', $host['name'], $key); break; case '{HOSTNAME}': // deprecated $key = str_replace('{HOSTNAME}', $host['host'], $key); break; case '{HOST.HOST}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.HOST}', $host['host'], $key); break; case '{HOST.IP}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.IP}', $interface['ip'], $key); break; case '{IPADDRESS}': // deprecated $key = str_replace('{IPADDRESS}', $interface['ip'], $key); break; case '{HOST.DNS}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.DNS}', $interface['dns'], $key); break; case '{HOST.CONN}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.CONN}', $interface['useip'] ? $interface['ip'] : $interface['dns'], $key); break; } } } } if (preg_match('/' . ZBX_PREG_EXPRESSION_USER_MACROS . '/', $key)) { $item = API::UserMacro()->resolveItem($item); } return $item['key_']; }
public static function ldapLogin($user) { $name = $user['user']; $passwd = $user['password']; $cnf = isset($user['cnf']) ? $user['cnf'] : null; if (is_null($cnf)) { $config = select_config(); foreach ($config as $id => $value) { if (zbx_strpos($id, 'ldap_') !== false) { $cnf[str_replace('ldap_', '', $id)] = $config[$id]; } } } if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) { info(S_CUSER_ERROR_LDAP_MODULE_MISSING); return false; } $ldap = new CLdap($cnf); $ldap->connect(); $result = $ldap->checkPass($name, $passwd); return $result; }
/** * Resolve all kinds of macros in map labels * * @param array $selement * @param string $selement['label'] label to expand * @param int $selement['elementtype'] type of element: trigger, host, ... * @param int $selement['elementid'] element id in DB * @param string $selement['elementExpressionTrigger'] if type is trigger, then trigger expression * * @return string expanded label */ function resolveMapLabelMacrosAll(array $selement) { $label = $selement['label']; // for host and trigger items expand macros if they exists if (($selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST || $selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRIGGER) && (zbx_strpos($label, 'HOST.NAME') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'HOSTNAME') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'HOST.HOST') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'HOST.DNS') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'HOST.IP') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'IPADDRESS') !== false || zbx_strpos($label, 'HOST.CONN') !== false)) { // priorities of interface types doesn't match interface type ids in DB $priorities = array(INTERFACE_TYPE_AGENT => 4, INTERFACE_TYPE_SNMP => 3, INTERFACE_TYPE_JMX => 2, INTERFACE_TYPE_IPMI => 1); // get host data if element is host if ($selement['elementtype'] == SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST) { $res = DBselect('SELECT hi.ip,hi.dns,hi.useip,,,hi.type AS interfacetype' . ' FROM interface hi,hosts h' . ' WHERE hi.hostid=h.hostid' . ' AND hi.main=1 AND hi.hostid=' . zbx_dbstr($selement['elementid'])); // process interface priorities $tmpPriority = 0; while ($dbHost = DBfetch($res)) { if ($priorities[$dbHost['interfacetype']] > $tmpPriority) { $resHost = $dbHost; $tmpPriority = $priorities[$dbHost['interfacetype']]; } } $hostsByNr[''] = $resHost; } else { $res = DBselect('SELECT hi.ip,hi.dns,hi.useip,,,f.functionid,hi.type AS interfacetype' . ' FROM interface hi,items i,functions f,hosts h' . ' WHERE h.hostid=hi.hostid' . ' AND hi.hostid=i.hostid' . ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid' . ' AND hi.main=1 AND f.triggerid=' . zbx_dbstr($selement['elementid']) . ' ORDER BY f.functionid'); // process interface priorities, build $hostsByFunctionId array $tmpFunctionId = -1; while ($dbHost = DBfetch($res)) { if ($dbHost['functionid'] != $tmpFunctionId) { $tmpPriority = 0; $tmpFunctionId = $dbHost['functionid']; } if ($priorities[$dbHost['interfacetype']] > $tmpPriority) { $hostsByFunctionId[$dbHost['functionid']] = $dbHost; $tmpPriority = $priorities[$dbHost['interfacetype']]; } } // get all function ids from expression and link host data against position in expression preg_match_all('/\\{([0-9]+)\\}/', $selement['elementExpressionTrigger'], $matches); $hostsByNr = array(); foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $functionid) { if (isset($hostsByFunctionId[$functionid])) { $hostsByNr[$i + 1] = $hostsByFunctionId[$functionid]; } } // for macro without numeric index if (isset($hostsByNr[1])) { $hostsByNr[''] = $hostsByNr[1]; } } // resolve functional macros like: {{HOST.HOST}:log[{HOST.HOST}.log].last(0)} $label = resolveMapLabelMacros($label, $hostsByNr); // resolves basic macros // $hostsByNr possible keys: '' and 1-9 foreach ($hostsByNr as $i => $host) { $replace = array('{HOST.NAME' . $i . '}' => $host['name'], '{HOSTNAME' . $i . '}' => $host['name'], '{HOST.HOST' . $i . '}' => $host['host'], '{HOST.DNS' . $i . '}' => $host['dns'], '{HOST.IP' . $i . '}' => $host['ip'], '{IPADDRESS' . $i . '}' => $host['ip'], '{HOST.CONN' . $i . '}' => $host['useip'] ? $host['ip'] : $host['dns']); $label = str_replace(array_keys($replace), $replace, $label); } } else { // resolve functional macros like: {sampleHostName:log[{HOST.HOST}.log].last(0)}, if no host provided $label = resolveMapLabelMacros($label); } // resolve map specific processing consuming macros switch ($selement['elementtype']) { case SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST: case SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_MAP: case SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_TRIGGER: case SYSMAP_ELEMENT_TYPE_HOST_GROUP: if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGERS.UNACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGERS.UNACK}', get_triggers_unacknowledged($selement), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.UNACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.UNACK}', get_triggers_unacknowledged($selement, true), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.EVENTS.UNACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement, null, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.UNACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGERS.ACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGERS.ACK}', get_triggers_unacknowledged($selement, null, true), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.ACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGERS.PROBLEM.ACK}', get_triggers_unacknowledged($selement, true, true), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.EVENTS.ACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.EVENTS.ACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement, null, null, true), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement, null, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE, true), $label); } if (zbx_strpos($label, '{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK}') !== false) { $label = str_replace('{TRIGGER.PROBLEM.EVENTS.PROBLEM.ACK}', get_events_unacknowledged($selement, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE, TRIGGER_VALUE_TRUE, true), $label); } break; } return $label; }
public function checkPass($user, $pass) { // reject empty password if (empty($pass)) { return false; } if (!$this->connect()) { return false; } // indirect user bind if (!empty($this->cnf['bind_dn']) && !empty($this->cnf['bind_password'])) { // use superuser credentials if (!ldap_bind($this->ds, $this->cnf['bind_dn'], $this->cnf['bind_password'])) { error('LDAP: cannot bind by given Bind DN.'); return false; } $this->bound = 2; } elseif (!empty($this->cnf['bind_dn']) && !empty($this->cnf['base_dn']) && !empty($this->cnf['userfilter'])) { // special bind string $dn = $this->makeFilter($this->cnf['bind_dn'], array('user' => $user, 'host' => $this->cnf['host'])); } elseif (zbx_strpos($this->cnf['base_dn'], '%{user}')) { // direct user bind $dn = $this->makeFilter($this->cnf['base_dn'], array('user' => $user, 'host' => $this->cnf['host'])); } else { // anonymous bind if (!ldap_bind($this->ds)) { error('LDAP: can not bind anonymously.'); return false; } } // try to bind to with the dn if we have one. if (!empty($dn)) { // user/password bind if (!ldap_bind($this->ds, $dn, $pass)) { return false; } $this->bound = 1; return true; } else { // see if we can find the user $this->info = $this->getUserData($user); if (empty($this->info['dn'])) { return false; } else { $dn = $this->info['dn']; } // try to bind with the dn provided if (!ldap_bind($this->ds, $dn, $pass)) { return false; } $this->bound = 1; return true; } return false; }
function expand_item_key_by_data($item) { $key =& $item['key_']; $macStack = array(); $macroses = array('{HOSTNAME}', '{IPADDRESS}', '{HOST.DNS}', '{HOST.CONN}'); foreach ($macroses as $macro) { $pos = 0; while ($pos = zbx_strpos($key, $macro, $pos)) { $pos++; $macStack[] = $macro; } } if (!empty($macStack)) { $host = get_host_by_itemid($item['itemid']); foreach ($macStack as $macro) { switch ($macro) { case '{HOSTNAME}': $key = str_replace('{HOSTNAME}', $host['host'], $key); break; case '{IPADDRESS}': $key = str_replace('{IPADDRESS}', $host['ip'], $key); break; case '{HOST.DNS}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.DNS}', $host['dns'], $key); break; case '{HOST.CONN}': $key = str_replace('{HOST.CONN}', $host['useip'] ? $host['ip'] : $host['dns'], $key); break; } } } CUserMacro::resolveItem($item); return $item['key_']; }
} } $itemFormList->addRow(_('Flexible intervals'), new CDiv($delayFlexTable, 'objectgroup inlineblock border_dotted ui-corner-all'), false, 'row_flex_intervals'); // append new flexible interval to form list $newFlexInt = new CSpan(array(_('Interval (in sec)'), SPACE, new CNumericBox('new_delay_flex[delay]', $this->data['new_delay_flex']['delay'], 5, 'no', false, false), SPACE, _('Period'), SPACE, new CTextBox('new_delay_flex[period]', $this->data['new_delay_flex']['period'], 20), SPACE, new CButton('add_delay_flex', _('Add'), null, 'formlist'))); $newFlexInt->setAttribute('id', 'row-new-delay-flex-fields'); $maxFlexMsg = new CSpan(_('Maximum number of flexible intervals added'), 'red'); $maxFlexMsg->setAttribute('id', 'row-new-delay-flex-max-reached'); $maxFlexMsg->setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); $itemFormList->addRow(_('New flexible interval'), array($newFlexInt, $maxFlexMsg), false, 'row_new_delay_flex', 'new'); if ($this->data['is_discovery_rule']) { $itemFormList->addRow(_('Keep lost resources period (in days)'), new CTextBox('lifetime', $this->data['lifetime'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_SMALL_SIZE, false, 64)); // append filter to formlist if (!empty($this->data['filter'])) { // exploding filter to two parts: before first ':' and after $pos = zbx_strpos($this->data['filter'], ':'); $filter_macro = zbx_substr($this->data['filter'], 0, $pos); $filter_value = zbx_substr($this->data['filter'], $pos + 1); } else { $filter_macro = ''; $filter_value = ''; } $itemFormList->addRow(_('Filter'), array(_('Macro'), SPACE, new CTextBox('filter_macro', $filter_macro, 13), SPACE, _('Regexp'), SPACE, new CTextBox('filter_value', $filter_value, 20))); $itemFormList->addRow(_('Allowed hosts'), new CTextBox('trapper_hosts', $this->data['trapper_hosts'], ZBX_TEXTBOX_STANDARD_SIZE), false, 'row_trapper_hosts'); } else { $dataConfig = select_config(); $keepHistory = array(); $keepHistory[] = new CNumericBox('history', $this->data['history'], 8); if ($dataConfig['hk_history_global'] && !$data['parent_discoveryid'] && !$data['is_template']) { $keepHistory[] = SPACE; if (CWebUser::getType() == USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) {
function validate_ip_range($str) { foreach (explode(',', $str) as $ip_range) { if (zbx_strpos($ip_range, '/') !== false) { if (!validate_ip_range_mask($ip_range)) { return false; } } else { if (!validate_ip_range_range($ip_range)) { return false; } } } return true; }
$expr_v = preg_replace('/\\(\\(\\((.+?)\\)\\)$/i', '(($1)', $expr_v); $expression = splitByFirstLevel($expression); $expr_v = splitByFirstLevel($expr_v); foreach ($expression as $id => $expr) { $expr = preg_replace('/^\\((.*)\\)$/u', '$1', $expr); $value = preg_replace('/([=|#]0)/', '', $expr); $value = preg_replace('/^\\((.*)\\)$/u', '$1', $value); // removing wrapping parentheses $expressions[$id]['value'] = trim($value); $expressions[$id]['type'] = zbx_strpos($expr, '#0', zbx_strlen($expr) - 3) === false ? REGEXP_EXCLUDE : REGEXP_INCLUDE; } foreach ($expr_v as $id => $expr) { $expr = preg_replace('/^\\((.*)\\)$/u', '$1', $expr); $value = preg_replace('/\\((.*)\\)[=|#]0/U', '$1', $expr); $value = preg_replace('/^\\((.*)\\)$/u', '$1', $value); if (zbx_strpos($expr, '#0', zbx_strlen($expr) - 3) === false) { //REGEXP_EXCLUDE $value = str_replace('&', ' OR ', $value); $value = str_replace('|', ' AND ', $value); } else { //EGEXP_INCLUDE $value = str_replace('&', ' AND ', $value); $value = str_replace('|', ' OR ', $value); } $value = preg_replace($functionid, $functions, $value); $value = preg_replace('/([=|#]0)/', '', $value); $expressions[$id]['view'] = trim($value); } } else { $description = get_request('description', ''); $expressions = get_request('expressions', array());
/** * Authenticate a user using LDAP. * * The $user array must have the following attributes: * - user - user name * - password - user password * * @param array $user * * @return bool */ protected function ldapLogin(array $user) { $config = select_config(); $cnf = array(); foreach ($config as $id => $value) { if (zbx_strpos($id, 'ldap_') !== false) { $cnf[str_replace('ldap_', '', $id)] = $config[$id]; } } if (!function_exists('ldap_connect')) { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Probably php-ldap module is missing.')); } $ldapValidator = new CLdapAuthValidator(array('conf' => $cnf)); if ($ldapValidator->validate($user)) { return true; } else { self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PARAMETERS, _('Login name or password is incorrect.')); } }
function resolveMapLabelMacros($label, $replaceHost = null) { if (null === $replaceHost) { $pattern = "/{" . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . ":.+\\.(last|max|min|avg)\\([0-9]+\\)}/Uu"; } else { $pattern = "/{(" . ZBX_PREG_HOST_FORMAT . "|{HOSTNAME}):.+\\.(last|max|min|avg)\\([0-9]+\\)}/Uu"; } preg_match_all($pattern, $label, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $expr) { $macro = $expr; if ($replaceHost !== null && zbx_strpos($macro, '{HOSTNAME}') == 1) { $macro = substr_replace($macro, $replaceHost, 1, 10); } $trigExpr = new CTriggerExpression(array('expression' => $macro)); if (!empty($trigExpr->errors)) { continue; } $itemHost = reset($trigExpr->data['hosts']); $key = reset($trigExpr->data['items']); $function = reset($trigExpr->data['functions']); $parameter = reset($trigExpr->data['functionParams']); $item = CItem::get(array('filter' => array('host' => $itemHost, 'key_' => $key), 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND)); $item = reset($item); if (!$item) { $label = str_replace($expr, '???', $label); continue; } switch ($item['value_type']) { case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: $history_table = 'history'; break; case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64: $history_table = 'history_uint'; break; case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT: $history_table = 'history_text'; break; case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_LOG: $history_table = 'history_log'; break; case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_STR: $history_table = 'history_str'; break; default: $history_table = 'history_str'; } if (0 == strcmp($function, 'last')) { if (null === $item['lastvalue']) { $label = str_replace($expr, '(' . S_NO_DATA_SMALL . ')', $label); } else { switch ($item['value_type']) { case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT: case ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64: $value = convert_units($item['lastvalue'], $item['units']); break; default: $value = $item['lastvalue']; } $label = str_replace($expr, $value, $label); } } else { if (0 == strcmp($function, 'min') || 0 == strcmp($function, 'max') || 0 == strcmp($function, 'avg')) { if ($item['value_type'] != ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT && $item['value_type'] != ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64) { $label = str_replace($expr, '???', $label); continue; } $sql = 'SELECT ' . $function . '(value) as value ' . ' FROM ' . $history_table . ' WHERE clock>' . (time() - $parameter) . ' AND itemid=' . $item['itemid']; $result = DBselect($sql); if (null === ($row = DBfetch($result)) || null === $row['value']) { $label = str_replace($expr, '(' . S_NO_DATA_SMALL . ')', $label); } else { $label = str_replace($expr, convert_units($row['value'], $item['units']), $label); } } } } return $label; }
if ($data['pageFilter']->groupid > 0) { $options['groupids'] = $data['pageFilter']->groupid; } $data['hosts'] = API::Host()->get($options); // copy some inventory fields to the uppers array level for sorting // and filter out hosts if we are using filter foreach ($data['hosts'] as $num => $host) { $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_name'] = $host['inventory']['name']; $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_type'] = $host['inventory']['type']; $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_os'] = $host['inventory']['os']; $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_serialno_a'] = $host['inventory']['serialno_a']; $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_tag'] = $host['inventory']['tag']; $data['hosts'][$num]['pr_macaddress_a'] = $host['inventory']['macaddress_a']; // if we are filtering by inventory field if (!empty($data['filterField']) && !empty($data['filterFieldValue'])) { // must we filter exactly or using a substring (both are case insensitive) $match = $data['filterExact'] ? zbx_strtolower($data['hosts'][$num]['inventory'][$data['filterField']]) === zbx_strtolower($data['filterFieldValue']) : zbx_strpos(zbx_strtolower($data['hosts'][$num]['inventory'][$data['filterField']]), zbx_strtolower($data['filterFieldValue'])) !== false; if (!$match) { unset($data['hosts'][$num]); } } } order_result($data['hosts'], getPageSortField('name'), getPageSortOrder()); } } $data['paging'] = getPagingLine($data['hosts']); $hostinventoriesView = new CView('', $data); $hostinventoriesView->render(); $hostinventoriesView->show(); } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/page_footer.php';
function hide_form_items(&$obj) { if (is_array($obj)) { foreach ($obj as $id => $item) { hide_form_items($obj[$id]); // attention recursion } } elseif (is_object($obj)) { $formObjects = array('cform', 'ccheckbox', 'cselect', 'cbutton', 'csubmit', 'cbuttonqmessage', 'cbuttondelete', 'cbuttoncancel'); if (is_object($obj) && str_in_array(zbx_strtolower(get_class($obj)), $formObjects)) { $obj = SPACE; } if (isset($obj->items) && !empty($obj->items)) { foreach ($obj->items as $id => $item) { hide_form_items($obj->items[$id]); // attention recursion } } } else { foreach (array('<form', '<input', '<select') as $item) { if (zbx_strpos($obj, $item) !== false) { $obj = SPACE; } } } }
$itemtype = get_request('itemtype', 0); $cmbTypes = new CComboBox('itemtype', $itemtype, 'javascript: submit();'); foreach ($allowed_item_types as $type) { $cmbTypes->addItem($type, item_type2str($type)); } $frmTitle->addItem(array(_('Type'), SPACE, $cmbTypes)); } if (str_in_array($srctbl, array('triggers', 'items', 'applications', 'graphs'))) { $frmTitle->addItem(array(SPACE, _('Host'), SPACE, $pageFilter->getHostsCB())); } } if (str_in_array($srctbl, array('applications', 'triggers'))) { if (zbx_empty($noempty)) { $value1 = isset($_REQUEST['dstfld1']) && zbx_strpos($_REQUEST['dstfld1'], 'id') !== false ? 0 : ''; $value2 = isset($_REQUEST['dstfld2']) && zbx_strpos($_REQUEST['dstfld2'], 'id') !== false ? 0 : ''; $value3 = isset($_REQUEST['dstfld3']) && zbx_strpos($_REQUEST['dstfld3'], 'id') !== false ? 0 : ''; $epmtyScript = get_window_opener($dstfrm, $dstfld1, $value1); $epmtyScript .= get_window_opener($dstfrm, $dstfld2, $value2); $epmtyScript .= get_window_opener($dstfrm, $dstfld3, $value3); $epmtyScript .= ' close_window(); return false;'; $frmTitle->addItem(array(SPACE, new CButton('empty', _('Empty'), $epmtyScript))); } } show_table_header($page['title'], $frmTitle); insert_js_function('addSelectedValues'); insert_js_function('addValues'); insert_js_function('addValue'); /* * User group */ if ($srctbl == 'usrgrp') {
function str_replace_first($search, $replace, $subject) { $pos = zbx_strpos($subject, $search); if ($pos !== false) { $subject = zbx_substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, zbx_strlen($search)); } return $subject; }
public function __construct($url = null) { $this->url = null; $this->port = null; $this->host = null; $this->protocol = null; $this->username = null; $this->password = null; $this->file = null; $this->reference = null; $this->path = null; $this->query = null; $this->arguments = array(); if (empty($url)) { $this->formatGetArguments(); // $protocol = (zbx_strpos(zbx_strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']), 'shttp') !== false)?'shttp':'http'; $protocol = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443 ? 'https' : 'http'; $this->url = $url = $protocol . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $this->getQuery(); } else { $this->url = $url; $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($this->url, '?'); $this->query = $tmp_pos !== false ? substr($this->url, $tmp_pos + 1) : ''; $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($this->query, '#'); if ($tmp_pos !== false) { $this->query = zbx_substring($this->query, 0, $tmp_pos); } $this->formatArguments($this->query); } $protocolSepIndex = zbx_strpos($this->url, '://'); if ($protocolSepIndex !== false) { $this->protocol = zbx_strtolower(zbx_substring($this->url, 0, $protocolSepIndex)); $this->host = substr($this->url, $protocolSepIndex + 3); $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($this->host, '/'); if ($tmp_pos !== false) { $this->host = zbx_substring($this->host, 0, $tmp_pos); } $atIndex = zbx_strpos($this->host, '@'); if ($atIndex !== false) { $credentials = zbx_substring($this->host, 0, $atIndex); $colonIndex = zbx_strpos(credentials, ':'); if ($colonIndex !== false) { $this->username = zbx_substring($credentials, 0, $colonIndex); $this->password = substr($credentials, $colonIndex); } else { $this->username = $credentials; } $this->host = substr($this->host, $atIndex + 1); } $host_ipv6 = zbx_strpos($this->host, ']'); if ($host_ipv6 !== false) { if ($host_ipv6 < zbx_strlen($this->host) - 1) { $host_ipv6++; $host_less = substr($this->host, $host_ipv6); $portColonIndex = zbx_strpos($host_less, ':'); if ($portColonIndex !== false) { $this->host = zbx_substring($this->host, 0, $host_ipv6); $this->port = substr($host_less, $portColonIndex + 1); } } } else { $portColonIndex = zbx_strpos($this->host, ':'); if ($portColonIndex !== false) { $this->port = substr($this->host, $portColonIndex + 1); $this->host = zbx_substring($this->host, 0, $portColonIndex); } } $this->file = substr($this->url, $protocolSepIndex + 3); $this->file = substr($this->file, zbx_strpos($this->file, '/')); if ($this->file == $this->host) { $this->file = ''; } } else { $this->file = $this->url; } $tmp_pos = zbx_strpos($this->file, '?'); if ($tmp_pos !== false) { $this->file = zbx_substring($this->file, 0, $tmp_pos); } $refSepIndex = zbx_strpos($url, '#'); if ($refSepIndex !== false) { $this->file = zbx_substring($this->file, 0, $refSepIndex); $this->reference = substr($url, zbx_strpos($url, '#') + 1); } $this->path = $this->file; if (zbx_strlen($this->query) > 0) { $this->file .= '?' . $this->query; } if (zbx_strlen($this->reference) > 0) { $this->file .= '#' . $this->reference; } if (isset($_COOKIE['zbx_sessionid'])) { $this->setArgument('sid', substr($_COOKIE['zbx_sessionid'], 16, 16)); } }
$options['groupids'] = $pageFilter->groupid; } $hosts = API::Host()->get($options); // copy some inventory fields to the uppers array level for sorting // and filter out hosts if we are using filter foreach ($hosts as $num => $host) { $hosts[$num]['pr_name'] = $host['inventory']['name']; $hosts[$num]['pr_type'] = $host['inventory']['type']; $hosts[$num]['pr_os'] = $host['inventory']['os']; $hosts[$num]['pr_serialno_a'] = $host['inventory']['serialno_a']; $hosts[$num]['pr_tag'] = $host['inventory']['tag']; $hosts[$num]['pr_macaddress_a'] = $host['inventory']['macaddress_a']; // if we are filtering by inventory field if (!empty($_REQUEST['filter_field']) && !empty($_REQUEST['filter_field_value'])) { // must we filter exactly or using a substring (both are case insensitive) $match = $_REQUEST['filter_exact'] ? zbx_strtolower($hosts[$num]['inventory'][$_REQUEST['filter_field']]) === zbx_strtolower($_REQUEST['filter_field_value']) : zbx_strpos(zbx_strtolower($hosts[$num]['inventory'][$_REQUEST['filter_field']]), zbx_strtolower($_REQUEST['filter_field_value'])) !== false; if (!$match) { unset($hosts[$num]); } } } order_result($hosts, getPageSortField('name'), getPageSortOrder()); $paging = getPagingLine($hosts); foreach ($hosts as $host) { $host_groups = array(); foreach ($host['groups'] as $group) { $host_groups[] = $group['name']; } natsort($host_groups); $host_groups = implode(', ', $host_groups); $row = array(get_node_name_by_elid($host['hostid']), new CLink($host['name'], '?hostid=' . $host['hostid'] . url_param('groupid')), $host_groups, zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['name']), zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['type']), zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['os']), zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['serialno_a']), zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['tag']), zbx_str2links($host['inventory']['macaddress_a']));
function validate_expression($expression) { global $ZBX_TR_EXPR_SIMPLE_MACROS, $ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO, $ZBX_TR_EXPR_ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS; if (empty($expression)) { error(S_EXPRESSION_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY); return false; } $expr = $expression; $h_status = array(); $item_count = 0; // Replace all {server:key.function(param)} and {MACRO} with '$ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO' // while(ereg(ZBX_EREG_EXPRESSION_TOKEN_FORMAT, $expr, $arr)){ while (preg_match('/' . ZBX_PREG_EXPRESSION_TOKEN_FORMAT . '/u', $expr, $arr)) { if ($arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_MACRO_ID] && !isset($ZBX_TR_EXPR_SIMPLE_MACROS[$arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_MACRO_ID]])) { error('Unknown macro [' . $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_MACRO_ID] . ']'); return false; } else { if (!$arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_MACRO_ID]) { $host =& $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_ID + ZBX_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_HOST_ID]; $key =& $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_ID + ZBX_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_KEY_ID]; $function =& $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_ID + ZBX_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION_NAME_ID]; $parameter =& $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_ID + ZBX_SIMPLE_EXPRESSION_FUNCTION_PARAM_ID]; // Check host $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt,min(status) as status,min(hostid) as hostid ' . ' FROM hosts h ' . ' WHERE' . zbx_dbstr($host) . ' AND ' . DBin_node('h.hostid', false) . ' AND status IN (' . HOST_STATUS_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED . ',' . HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE . ') '; $row = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); if ($row['cnt'] == 0) { error(S_NO_SUCH_HOST . ' (' . $host . ')'); return false; } else { if ($row['cnt'] != 1) { error(S_TOO_MANY_HOSTS . ' (' . $host . ')'); return false; } } $h_status[$row['status']][$row['hostid']] = $row['cnt']; // Check key $sql = 'SELECT i.itemid,i.value_type ' . ' FROM hosts h,items i ' . ' WHERE' . zbx_dbstr($host) . ' AND i.key_=' . zbx_dbstr($key) . ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid ' . ' AND ' . DBin_node('h.hostid', false); if (!($item = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)))) { error(S_NO_SUCH_MONITORED_PARAMETER . ' (' . $key . ') ' . S_FOR_HOST_SMALL . ' (' . $host . ')'); return false; } // Check function if (!isset($ZBX_TR_EXPR_ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS[$function])) { error(S_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION . SPACE . '[' . $function . ']'); return false; } $fnc_valid =& $ZBX_TR_EXPR_ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS[$function]; if (is_array($fnc_valid['item_types']) && !uint_in_array($item['value_type'], $fnc_valid['item_types'])) { $allowed_types = array(); foreach ($fnc_valid['item_types'] as $type) { $allowed_types[] = item_value_type2str($type); } info(S_FUNCTION . ' (' . $function . ') ' . S_AVAILABLE_ONLY_FOR_ITEMS_WITH_VALUE_TYPES_SMALL . ' [' . implode(',', $allowed_types) . ']'); error(S_INCORRECT_VALUE_TYPE . ' [' . item_value_type2str($item['value_type']) . '] ' . S_FOR_FUNCTION_SMALL . ' (' . $function . ') ' . S_OF_KEY_SMALL . ' (' . $host . ':' . $key . ')'); return false; } if (!is_null($fnc_valid['args'])) { $parameter = zbx_get_params($parameter); if (!is_array($fnc_valid['args'])) { $fnc_valid['args'] = array($fnc_valid['args']); } foreach ($fnc_valid['args'] as $pid => $params) { if (!isset($parameter[$pid])) { if (!isset($params['mandat'])) { continue; } else { error(S_MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER_FOR_FUNCTION . ' (' . $function . ')'); return false; } } if (preg_match('/^' . ZBX_PREG_EXPRESSION_USER_MACROS . '$/', $parameter[$pid])) { continue; } if ('sec' == $params['type'] && validate_sec($parameter[$pid]) != 0) { error('[' . $parameter[$pid] . '] ' . S_NOT_FLOAT_OR_MACRO_FOR_FUNCTION_SMALL . ' (' . $function . ')'); return false; } if ('sec_num' == $params['type'] && validate_secnum($parameter[$pid]) != 0) { error('[' . $parameter[$pid] . '] ' . S_NOT_FLOAT_OR_MACRO_OR_COUNTER_FOR_FUNCTION_SMALL . ' (' . $function . ')'); return false; } } } $item_count++; } } $expr = $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_LEFT_ID] . $ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO . $arr[ZBX_EXPRESSION_RIGHT_ID]; } if ($item_count == 0) { error(S_ITEM_KEY_MUST_BE_USED_IN_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION); return false; } if (isset($h_status[HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE]) && (count($h_status) > 1 || count($h_status[HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE]) > 1)) { error(S_INCORRECT_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION . '.' . SPACE . S_YOU_CAN_NOT_USE_TEMPLATE_HOSTS_MIXED_EXPR); return false; } // Replace all calculations and numbers with '$ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO' $expt_number = '(' . $ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO . '|' . ZBX_PREG_NUMBER . '|' . ZBX_PREG_EXPRESSION_USER_MACROS . ')'; $expt_term = '((\\(' . $expt_number . '\\))|(' . $expt_number . '))'; $expr_format = '((' . $expt_term . ZBX_PREG_SPACES . ZBX_PREG_SIGN . ZBX_PREG_SPACES . $expt_term . ')|(\\(' . $expt_term . '\\)))'; $expr_full_format = '((\\(' . $expr_format . '\\))|(' . $expr_format . '))'; while ($res = preg_match('/' . $expr_full_format . '(.*)$/u', $expr, $arr)) { $expr = substr($expr, 0, zbx_strpos($expr, $arr[1])) . $ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO . $arr[82]; } /* OLD EREG //Replace all calculations and numbers with '$ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO' $expt_number = '('.$ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO.'|'.ZBX_EREG_NUMBER.'|'.ZBX_EREG_EXPRESSION_USER_MACROS.')'; $expt_term = '((\('.$expt_number.'\))|('.$expt_number.'))'; $expr_format = '(('.$expt_term.ZBX_EREG_SPACES.ZBX_EREG_SIGN.ZBX_EREG_SPACES.$expt_term.')|(\('.$expt_term.'\)))'; $expr_full_format = '((\('.$expr_format.'\))|('.$expr_format.'))'; while($res = ereg($expr_full_format.'([[:print:]]*)$', $expr, $arr)){ $expr = substr($expr, 0, zbx_strpos($expr, $arr[1])).$ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO.$arr[58]; } */ if ($ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO != $expr) { error(S_INCORRECT_TRIGGER_EXPRESSION . '. [' . str_replace($ZBX_TR_EXPR_REPLACE_TO, ' ... ', $expr) . ']'); return false; } return true; }