* @since 1.0 */ ?> <!-- START SLIDER --> <!--<div class="slider-wrapper theme-default"> <div class="ribbon"></div>--> <div id="slider" class="inner mobile"> <ul class="unoslider"> <?php while (yiw_have_slide()) { ?> <li><?php if (yiw_slide_get('slide_title') != '') { ?> <div class='unoslider_caption'><?php yiw_slide_the('slide_title'); ?> </div><?php } yiw_slide_the('featured-content', array('container' => false)); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div>
<div id="slider" class="slider_elegant group inner"> <ul class="group"> <?php while (yiw_have_slide()) { ?> <li class="group"> <div class="slider-featured group"> <?php yiw_slide_the('featured-content', array('container' => false, 'video_width' => 439, 'video_height' => 245)); ?> </div> <?php if (yiw_slide_get('content')) { ?> <div class="slider-caption caption-<?php echo yiw_get_option('slider_elegant_caption_position'); ?> "> <h2><?php yiw_slide_the('title'); ?> </h2> <h4><?php yiw_slide_the('subtitle'); ?> </h4> <?php
?> <div class="showcase-tooltips"> <!-- Each anchor in .showcase-tooltips represents a tooltip. The coords attribute represents the position of the tooltip. --> <a href="<?php yiw_slide_the('extra_tooltip_url'); ?> " coords="<?php yiw_slide_the('extra_tooltip_x_pos'); ?> ,<?php yiw_slide_the('extra_tooltip_y_pos'); ?> "> <?php if (yiw_slide_get('extra_tooltip_image') != '') { ?> <img src="<?php yiw_slide_the('extra_tooltip_image'); ?> " /> <?php } ?> <!-- The content of the anchor-tag is displayed in the tooltip. --> <?php yiw_slide_the('extra_tooltip_content'); ?> </a> </div> </div>
/** * vars for elastic slider */ function yiw_slider_elastic_scripts() { if (yiw_slider_type() != 'elastic') { return; } ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var yiw_slider_type = 'elastic', yiw_slider_elastic_speed = <?php echo yiw_slide_get('speed') * 1000; ?> , yiw_slider_elastic_timeout = <?php echo yiw_slide_get('timeout') * 1000; ?> , yiw_slider_elastic_autoplay = <?php echo yiw_slide_get('autoplay') ? 'true' : 'false'; ?> , yiw_slider_elastic_animation = '<?php yiw_slide_the('animation'); ?> ';</script> <?php }
<li<?php yiw_slide_class('slide align-' . yiw_slide_get('layout_slide')); ?> > <?php yiw_slide_the('featured-content', array('container' => false)); ?> <div class="ei-title"> <?php yiw_string_('<h2>', yiw_slide_get('title'), '</h2>'); ?> <?php yiw_string_('<h3>', yiw_slide_get('clean-content'), '</h3>'); ?> </div> </li> <?php } ?> </ul><!-- ei-slider-large --> <ul class="ei-slider-thumbs"> <li class="ei-slider-element">Current</li> <?php echo $thumbs; ?>
while (yiw_have_slide()) { yiw_slide_the('featured-content', array('container' => false)); } ?> </div> <div class="slider-nivo-static"> <h3> <?php $static_title = stripslashes(yiw_slide_get('static_title')); $static_title = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<span>', '</span>'), $static_title); echo $static_title; ?> </h3> <?php echo yiw_addp(stripslashes(yiw_slide_get('text'))); ?> <?php $short_text = yiw_slide_get('static_short_text'); $short_text = str_replace(array('[', ']'), array('<strong>', '</strong>'), $short_text); if (!empty($short_text)) { echo '<p class="short-text">', do_shortcode(stripslashes($short_text)), '</p>'; } ?> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <!-- END NIVO SLIDER -->