public function coll_store($info, $type) { if ($type == 'set_coll') { $info['status'] = 1; $count = $this->getOne("select count(*) from " . $this->table('store_fav') . " where store_id=" . $info['store_id'] . " and wxid=" . $info['wxid']); if ($count > 0) { $temp = $info; unset($temp['store_id']); unset($temp['wxid']); $data = yf_set_update($temp); $sql = "update " . $this->table('store_fav') . " set " . $data . " where store_id=" . $info['store_id'] . " and wxid=" . $info['wxid']; } else { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('store_fav') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; } } else { $info['status'] = 0; $temp = $info; unset($temp['store_id']); unset($temp['wxid']); $data = yf_set_update($temp); $sql = "update " . $this->table('store_fav') . " set " . $data . " where store_id=" . $info['store_id'] . " and wxid=" . $info['wxid']; } return $this->query($sql); }
/** * 创建关键字或绑定 * @param unknown $info * @return multitype:number string Ambigous <boolean, void, multitype:, string> */ public function create_key($info) { $result = array('error' => 0, 'content' => ''); $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table('wxkeyword') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") VALUES(" . $data['val'] . ")"; if (!($res = $this->query($sql))) { $result['error'] = 1; $result['content'] = Lang('SQL_ERROR'); } return $result; }
/** * 更新微信规则 * @param $info * @param $content * @param $id * @return */ public function update_rule($info, $content, $id) { $result = array('error' => 0, 'content' => ''); if ($id) { $info['modifytime'] = yf_time(); $data = yf_set_update($info); $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->table('rule') . " SET " . $data . " WHERE id='" . $id . "'"; $res = $this->query($sql); if (!$res) { $result['error'] = 1; $result['content'] = Lang('SQL_ERROR'); } else { if (is_array($content)) { if (is_array($content) && count($content) > 0) { foreach ($content as $key => $val) { $content[$key]['rid'] = $id; } $error = 0; foreach ($content as $kk => $vv) { $reply_id = ""; if (!empty($vv['id'])) { $reply_id = $vv['id']; } unset($vv['id']); if (!empty($reply_id)) { $yf_data = yf_set_update($vv); $sql = "update " . $this->table('news_reply') . " set " . $yf_data . " where id=" . $reply_id; if (!($res = $this->query($sql))) { $error++; } } else { $yf_data = yf_set_insert($vv); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('news_reply') . " (" . $yf_data['key'] . ") values (" . $yf_data['val'] . ")"; if (!($res = $this->query($sql))) { $error++; } } } if ($error != 0) { $result['error'] = 1; $result['content'] = Lang('SQL_ERROR'); } } } else { $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->table('basic_reply') . " SET content='" . $content . "' WHERE rid='" . $id . "'"; $res = $this->query($sql); } } } return $result; }
/** * 插入数据进表单 * @param $info * @return */ public function insert_table($info) { if ($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('forms_word') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); $id = $this->insert_id(); if ($id) { $data_name = $this->getOne("select data from " . $this->table('fields') . " where id=" . $info['fields_id']); $sql = "ALTER TABLE " . $this->table('forms_log') . "_" . $info['form_id'] . " ADD `" . $data_name . "` " . $info['type'] . "(" . $info['type_size'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * 插入权限详细信息 * @param $info;插入的关联数组 * @return boolean; */ public function ins_act($info) { if ($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('admin_action') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); if ($this->insert_id()) { $this->query("update " . $this->table('admin_action_list') . " set action_child=action_child+1 where action_id=" . $info['action_id']); return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
/** * 插入文章信息 * @param $info * @param $photo * @return */ public function create_art($info, $photo) { if ($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table('store_goods') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") VALUES(" . $data['val'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); $aid = $this->insert_id(); if (!$aid) { return false; } else { if (count($photo) > 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table('album_photos') . " (`aid`, `original_pic`) VALUES"; foreach ($photo as $k => $v) { $sql .= "('{$aid}','{$v}'),"; } $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 1); $this->query($sql); } } return true; } return false; }
/** * 插入菜单数据 * @param $info * @return boolean */ public function insert_menu($info) { if ($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table('category') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") VALUES(" . $data['val'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); if ($this->insert_id()) { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }
public function insert_store($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('store') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; $this->query($sql); return $this->insert_id(); }
public function insert_send($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('send_comment') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; return $this->query($sql); }
public function update_info($info, $info2, $wxid) { $data = yf_set_update($info); $sql = "update " . $this->table('wxusers') . " set " . $data . " where wxid=" . $wxid; $this->query($sql); $count = $this->getOne("select count(*) from " . $this->table('user') . " where wxid=" . $wxid); if ($count > 0) { $data2 = yf_set_update($info2); $sql = "update " . $this->table('user') . " set " . $data2 . " where wxid=" . $wxid; } else { $info2['wxid'] = $wxid; $data2 = yf_set_insert($info2); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('user') . " (" . $data2['key'] . ") values (" . $data2['val'] . ")"; } return $this->query($sql); }
/** * 插入版块内容 * @param $info * @return */ public function add_images($info) { if ($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table('block_content') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") VALUES(" . $data['val'] . ")"; $res = $this->query($sql); if ($this->insert_id()) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
public function insert_into_wxuser($info) { $data = yf_set_insert($info); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table('wxusers') . " (" . $data['key'] . ") values (" . $data['val'] . ")"; if ($this->query($sql)) { return $this->insert_id(); } else { return false; } }