Пример #1
echo "<th align=right>max</th>";
echo "<th align=right>mbtc</th>";
echo "<th align=right>profit</th>";
echo "<th align=right>TTF</th>";
echo "<th align=right>Hash *</th>";
echo "<th align=right>**</th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</thead>";
foreach ($list as $coin) {
    $name = substr($coin->name, 0, 12);
    $difficulty = Itoa2($coin->difficulty, 3);
    $price = bitcoinvaluetoa($coin->price);
    $height = number_format($coin->block_height, 0, '.', ' ');
    $pool_ttf = $coin->pool_ttf ? sectoa2($coin->pool_ttf) : '';
    $reward = round($coin->reward, 3);
    $btcmhd = mbitcoinvaluetoa(yaamp_profitability($coin));
    $pool_hash = yaamp_coin_rate($coin->id);
    $pool_hash = $pool_hash ? Itoa2($pool_hash) . 'h/s' : '';
    show_orders($allorders, $services, $btcmhd);
    show_services($services, $btcmhd);
    if (!$coin->auto_ready) {
        echo "<tr style='opacity: 0.4;'>";
    } else {
        echo "<tr class='ssrow'>";
    echo "<td width=18><img width=16 src='{$coin->image}'></td>";
    echo "<td><b><a href='/site/coin?id={$coin->id}'>{$name}</a></b></td>";
    echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'><b>{$reward} {$coin->symbol}</a></td>";
    echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em;'>{$difficulty}</td>";
    if (!empty($coin->errors)) {
        echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .8em; color: red;' title='{$coin->errors}'>{$height}</td>";
Пример #2
 echo "<td><b><a href='/site/coin?id={$coin->id}'>{$coin->name} ({$coin->symbol})</a></b>\n\t\t<br><span style='font-size: .8em'>{$version} ({$coin->symbol2})</span></td>";
 echo "<td>{$coin->rpchost}:{$coin->rpcport}";
 if ($coin->connections) {
     echo " ({$coin->connections})";
 echo "<br><span style='font-size: .8em'>{$coin->rpcencoding} <span style='background-color:{$algo_color};'>&nbsp; ({$coin->algo}) &nbsp;</span></span></td>";
 $difficulty = Itoa2($coin->difficulty, 3);
 if (!empty($coin->errors)) {
     echo "<td align=right style='color: red; font-size: .9em;' title='{$coin->errors}'><b>{$difficulty}</b><br>{$coin->block_height}</td>";
 } else {
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .9em'><b>{$difficulty}</b><br>{$coin->block_height}</td>";
 // 	$network_ttf = $coin->network_ttf? sectoa($coin->network_ttf): '';
 // 	$actual_ttf = $coin->actual_ttf? sectoa($coin->actual_ttf): '';
 // 	$pool_ttf = $coin->pool_ttf? sectoa($coin->pool_ttf): '';
 $btcmhd = yaamp_profitability($coin);
 $btcmhd = mbitcoinvaluetoa($btcmhd);
 $h = $coin->block_height - 100;
 $ss1 = dboscalar("select count(*) from blocks where coin_id={$coin->id} and height>={$h} and category!='orphan'");
 $ss2 = dboscalar("select count(*) from blocks where coin_id={$coin->id} and height>={$h} and category='orphan'");
 $percent_pool1 = $ss1 ? $ss1 . '%' : '';
 $percent_pool2 = $ss2 ? $ss2 . '%' : '';
 // 	echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .9em'>$network_ttf<br>$actual_ttf</td>";
 // 	echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .9em'>$pool_ttf<br></td>";
 if ($ss1 > 50) {
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .9em'><b>{$btcmhd}</b><br><span style='color: blue;'>{$percent_pool1}</span>";
 } else {
     echo "<td align=right style='font-size: .9em'><b>{$btcmhd}</b><br>{$percent_pool1}";
 echo "<span style='color: red;'> {$percent_pool2}</span></td>";
 $owed = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$coin->id}");
Пример #3
function BackendStatsUpdate()
    //	debuglog(__FUNCTION__);
    //	$t1xx = microtime(true);
    $t = time() - 2 * 60;
    $errors = '';
    $list = getdbolist('db_stratums', "time<{$t}");
    foreach ($list as $stratum) {
        debuglog("stratum {$stratum->algo} terminated");
        $errors .= "{$stratum->algo}, ";
    if (!empty($errors)) {
        send_email_alert('stratums', "stratums restarted {$errors}", "stratums were restarted: {$errors}");
    dborun("delete from stratums where time<{$t}");
    dborun("delete from workers where pid not in (select pid from stratums)");
    // long term stats
    $t = floor(time() / 60 / 60) * 60 * 60;
    foreach (yaamp_get_algos() as $algo) {
        $pool_rate = yaamp_pool_rate($algo);
        $stats = getdbosql('db_hashstats', "time={$t} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if (!$stats) {
            $stats = new db_hashstats();
            $stats->time = $t;
            $stats->hashrate = $pool_rate;
            $stats->algo = $algo;
        } else {
            $percent = 1;
            $stats->hashrate = round(($stats->hashrate * (100 - $percent) + $pool_rate * $percent) / 100);
        $stats->earnings = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from blocks where time>{$t} and category!='orphan' and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    // short term stats
    $step = 15;
    $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60;
    foreach (yaamp_get_algos() as $algo) {
        $stats = getdbosql('db_hashrate', "time={$t} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if (!$stats) {
            $stats = new db_hashrate();
            $stats->time = $t;
            $stats->hashrate = dboscalar("select hashrate from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo));
            $stats->hashrate_bad = 0;
            //dboscalar("select hashrate_bad from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo'=>$algo));
            $stats->price = dboscalar("select price from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo));
            $stats->rent = dboscalar("select rent from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo));
            $stats->algo = $algo;
        $pool_rate = yaamp_pool_rate($algo);
        $stats->hashrate = $pool_rate;
        //round(($stats->hashrate*(100-$percent) + $pool_rate*$percent) / 100);
        $pool_rate_bad = yaamp_pool_rate_bad($algo);
        $stats->hashrate_bad = $pool_rate_bad;
        //round(($stats->hashrate_bad*(100-$percent) + $pool_rate_bad*$percent) / 100);
        if ($stats->hashrate < 1000) {
            $stats->hashrate = 0;
        $t1 = time() - 5 * 60;
        $total_rentable = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) from shares where valid and extranonce1 and algo=:algo and time>{$t1}", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $total_diff = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) from shares where valid and algo=:algo and time>{$t1}", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $total_rented = 0;
        if (!$total_diff) {
            $t1 = time() - 15 * 60;
            $total_diff = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) from shares where valid and algo=:algo and time>{$t1}", array(':algo' => $algo));
        if ($total_diff > 0) {
            $price = 0;
            $rent = 0;
            $list = dbolist("select coinid, sum(difficulty) as d from shares where valid and algo=:algo and time>{$t1} group by coinid", array(':algo' => $algo));
            foreach ($list as $item) {
                if ($item['coinid'] == 0) {
                    if (!$total_rentable) {
                    $total_rented = $item['d'];
                    $price += $stats->rent * $item['d'] / $total_diff;
                    $rent += $stats->rent * $item['d'] / $total_rentable;
                } else {
                    $coin = getdbo('db_coins', $item['coinid']);
                    if (!$coin) {
                    $btcghd = yaamp_profitability($coin);
                    $price += $btcghd * $item['d'] / $total_diff;
                    $rent += $btcghd * $item['d'] / $total_diff;
            $percent = 33;
            $rent = max($price, ($stats->rent * (100 - $percent) + $rent * $percent) / 100);
            $target = yaamp_hashrate_constant($algo);
            $interval = yaamp_hashrate_step();
            $aa = $total_rentable * $target / $interval / 1000;
            $bb = dboscalar("select sum(speed) from jobs where active and ready and price>{$rent} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
            if ($total_rented * 1.3 < $total_rentable || $bb > $aa) {
                $rent += $price * YAAMP_FEES_RENTING / 100;
            } else {
                $rent -= $price * YAAMP_FEES_RENTING / 100;
            $stats->price = $price;
            $stats->rent = $rent;
        } else {
            $coin = getdbosql('db_coins', "enable and auto_ready and algo=:algo order by index_avg desc", array(':algo' => $algo));
            if ($coin) {
                $btcghd = yaamp_profitability($coin);
                $stats->price = $btcghd;
                $stats->rent = $stats->price + $stats->price * YAAMP_FEES_RENTING / 100;
            $t1 = time() - 24 * 60 * 60;
            $avg = dboscalar("select avg(price) from hashrate where time>{$t1} and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
            if ($avg) {
                $stats->price = min($stats->price, $avg * 1.5);
        $stats->difficulty = dboscalar("select sum(difficulty) from coins where enable and auto_ready and algo=:algo", array(':algo' => $algo));
    $step = 15;
    $t = floor(time() / $step / 60) * $step * 60;
    $btc = getdbosql('db_coins', "symbol='BTC'");
    $topay = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from accounts where coinid={$btc->id}");
    //here: take other currencies too
    $margin = $btc->balance - $topay;
    $balances = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from balances");
    $onsell = dboscalar("select sum(amount*bid) from orders");
    $immature = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where status=0");
    $confirmed = dboscalar("select sum(amount*price) from earnings where status=1");
    $wallets = dboscalar("select sum(balance*price) from coins where enable and symbol!='BTC'");
    $renters = dboscalar("select sum(balance) from renters");
    $mints = dboscalar("select sum(mint*price) from coins where enable");
    $off = $mints - $immature;
    //	debuglog("mint $mints $immature $off");
    $total_profit = $btc->balance + $balances + $onsell + $wallets - $topay - $renters;
    $stats = getdbosql('db_stats', "time={$t}");
    if (!$stats) {
        $stats = new db_stats();
        $stats->time = $t;
    $stats->profit = $total_profit;
    $stats->wallet = $btc->balance;
    $stats->wallets = $wallets;
    $stats->margin = $margin;
    $stats->balances = $balances;
    $stats->onsell = $onsell;
    $stats->immature = $immature;
    $stats->waiting = $confirmed;
    $stats->renters = $renters;
    foreach (yaamp_get_algos() as $algo) {
        $factor = yaamp_get_algo_norm($algo);
        $dbalgo = getdbosql('db_algos', "name='{$algo}'");
        if (!$dbalgo) {
            $dbalgo = new db_algos();
            $dbalgo->name = $algo;
        $dbalgo->profit = dboscalar("select price from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $dbalgo->rent = dboscalar("select rent from hashrate where algo=:algo order by time desc limit 1", array(':algo' => $algo));
        $dbalgo->factor = $factor;
    //	$d1 = microtime(true) - $t1xx;
    //	controller()->memcache->add_monitoring_function(__METHOD__, $d1);