function displaySettings() { $contents = xtc_draw_form('modules', 'easymarketing.php', 'content=save', 'post'); $module_keys = $this->keys(); $keys_extra = array(); for ($j = 0, $k = sizeof($module_keys); $j < $k; $j++) { $key_value_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT configuration_key,\n configuration_value,\n use_function,\n set_function\n FROM " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . "\n WHERE configuration_key = '" . $module_keys[$j] . "'"); $key_value = xtc_db_fetch_array($key_value_query); if ($key_value['configuration_key'] != '') { $keys_extra[$module_keys[$j]]['title'] = constant(strtoupper($key_value['configuration_key'] . '_TITLE')); } $keys_extra[$module_keys[$j]]['value'] = $key_value['configuration_value']; if ($key_value['configuration_key'] != '') { $keys_extra[$module_keys[$j]]['description'] = constant(strtoupper($key_value['configuration_key'] . '_DESC')); } $keys_extra[$module_keys[$j]]['use_function'] = $key_value['use_function']; $keys_extra[$module_keys[$j]]['set_function'] = $key_value['set_function']; } $module_info['keys'] = $keys_extra; while (list($key, $value) = each($module_info['keys'])) { $contents .= '<b>' . $value['title'] . '</b><br />' . $value['description'] . '<br />'; if ($value['set_function']) { eval('$contents .= ' . $value['set_function'] . "'" . $value['value'] . "', '" . $key . "');"); } else { $contents .= xtc_draw_input_field('configuration[' . $key . ']', $value['value']); } $contents .= '<br/><br/>'; } $contents .= '<br/>' . xtc_button(BUTTON_SAVE); $contents .= '<hr />' . xtc_button_link(MODULE_EM_UNINSTALL_BUTTON, xtc_href_link('easymarketing.php', xtc_get_all_get_params(array('content')) . 'content=check_uninstall')); return $contents; }
function display_links($query_numrows, $max_rows_per_page, $max_page_links, $current_page_number, $parameters = '', $page_name = 'page') { global $PHP_SELF; if (xtc_not_null($parameters) && substr($parameters, -1) != '&') { $parameters .= '&'; } // calculate number of pages needing links $num_pages = ceil($query_numrows / $max_rows_per_page); $pages_array = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++) { $pages_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); } if ($num_pages > 1) { $display_links = xtc_draw_form('pages', basename($PHP_SELF), '', 'get'); if ($current_page_number > 1) { //$display_links .= '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), $parameters . $page_name . '=1') . '" class="splitPageLink">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_FIRST . ' </a> '; $display_links .= '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), $parameters . $page_name . '=' . ($current_page_number - 1)) . '" class="splitPageLink">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_PREV . '</a> '; } else { $display_links .= PREVNEXT_BUTTON_PREV . ' '; } $display_links .= sprintf(TEXT_RESULT_PAGE, xtc_draw_pull_down_menu($page_name, $pages_array, $current_page_number, 'onChange="this.form.submit();"'), $num_pages); if ($current_page_number < $num_pages && $num_pages != 1) { $display_links .= ' <a href="' . xtc_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), $parameters . $page_name . '=' . ($current_page_number + 1)) . '" class="splitPageLink">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_NEXT . '</a>'; //$display_links .= ' <a href="' . xtc_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), $parameters . $page_name . '=' . $num_pages) . '" class="splitPageLink">' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_LAST . '</a>'; } else { $display_links .= ' ' . PREVNEXT_BUTTON_NEXT; } if ($parameters != '') { if (substr($parameters, -1) == '&') { $parameters = substr($parameters, 0, -1); } $pairs = explode('&', $parameters); while (list(, $pair) = each($pairs)) { list($key, $value) = explode('=', $pair); $display_links .= xtc_draw_hidden_field(rawurldecode($key), rawurldecode($value)); } } if (SID) { $display_links .= xtc_draw_hidden_field(session_name(), session_id()); } $display_links .= '</form>'; } else { $display_links = sprintf(TEXT_RESULT_PAGE, $num_pages, $num_pages); } return $display_links; }
function get_html() { global $PHP_SELF; $config = $this->_payone->getConfig(); $this->set_content_data('notice', $config['credit_risk']['notice']['text']); $this->set_content_data('confirmation', $config['credit_risk']['confirmation']['text']); $this->set_content_data('timeofcheck', $config['credit_risk']['timeofcheck']); $this->set_content_data('IMGBUTTON_CONFIRM', xtc_image_button('button_confirm.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONFIRM)); $this->set_content_data('IMGBUTTON_CANCEL', xtc_image_button('small_delete.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CANCEL)); $hidden = xtc_draw_hidden_field('p1crcheck', 'true') . PHP_EOL; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $hidden .= xtc_draw_hidden_field($key, $value) . PHP_EOL; } $this->set_content_data('form_action', xtc_draw_form('p1crconfirm', xtc_href_link(basename($PHP_SELF), '', 'SSL')) . $hidden); $this->set_content_data('payonecss', DIR_WS_EXTERNAL . 'payone/css/payone.css'); $t_html_output = $this->_payone->build_html('checkout_payone_cr.html', $this->content); return $t_html_output; }
$special_expires_date_query = "SELECT expires_date\n FROM " . TABLE_SPECIALS . "\n WHERE products_id = '" . $product->data['products_id'] . "'\n AND status = '1'"; $special_expires_date_query = xtDBquery($special_expires_date_query); $sDate = xtc_db_fetch_array($special_expires_date_query, true); $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_EXPIRES', $sDate['expires_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? xtc_date_short($sDate['expires_date']) : ''); // FSK18 $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_FSK18', $product->data['products_fsk18'] == '1' ? 'true' : ''); //get shippingstatus image and name if (ACTIVATE_SHIPPING_STATUS == 'true') { $info_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_NAME', $main->getShippingStatusName($product->data['products_shippingtime'])); $info_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_IMAGE', $main->getShippingStatusImage($product->data['products_shippingtime'])); // BOF - Tutorial: Umsetzung der EU-Verbraucherrichtlinie vom 13.06.2014 $info_smarty->assign('SHIPPING_NAME_LINK', $main->getShippingStatusName($product->data['products_shippingtime'], true)); // EOF - Tutorial: Umsetzung der EU-Verbraucherrichtlinie vom 13.06.2014 } // form tags $info_smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('cart_quantity', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product'))); $info_smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>'); //products formated price $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_PRICE', $products_price['formated']); //get products vpe $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_VPE', $main->getVPEtext($product->data, $products_price['plain'])); //web28 - 2012-04-17 - use classes function getVPEtext() // products id $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_ID', $product->data['products_id']); // products name $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_NAME', $product->data['products_name']); // price incl tax and shipping link if ($_SESSION['customers_status']['customers_status_show_price'] != '0') { if (isset($xtPrice->TAX[$product->data['products_tax_class_id']])) { $tax_info = $main->getTaxInfo($xtPrice->TAX[$product->data['products_tax_class_id']]); $info_smarty->assign('PRODUCTS_TAX_INFO', $tax_info);
<a class="btn btn-default" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=31', 'NONSSL') . '"></a> </td> <td width="1">|</td> <td></td> </tr> </table>'; if ($_GET['gID'] == '31') { echo MB_INFO; } break; } ?> <tr> <td valign="top" align="right"> <?php echo xtc_draw_form('configuration', FILENAME_CONFIGURATION, 'gID=' . (int) $_GET['gID'] . '&action=save'); ?> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php $configuration_query = xtc_db_query("select configuration_key,configuration_id, configuration_value, use_function,set_function from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_group_id = '" . (int) $_GET['gID'] . "' order by sort_order"); while ($configuration = xtc_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) { $configuration['configuration_value'] = stripslashes($configuration['configuration_value']); //Web28 - 2012-08-09 - fix slashes if ($_GET['gID'] == 6) { switch ($configuration['configuration_key']) { case 'MODULE_PAYMENT_INSTALLED': if ($configuration['configuration_value'] != '') { $payment_installed = explode(';', $configuration['configuration_value']); for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($payment_installed); $i < $n; $i++) { include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/payment/' . $payment_installed[$i]; //DokuMan - 2012-06-30 - replace DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES with DIR_WS_LANGUAGES
$newpass = xtc_create_random_value(ENTRY_PASSWORD_MIN_LENGTH); $crypted_password = xtc_encrypt_password($newpass); xtc_db_query("update " . TABLE_AFFILIATE . " set affiliate_password = '******' where affiliate_id = '" . $check_affiliate['affiliate_id'] . "'"); xtc_php_mail(AFFILIATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, STORE_OWNER, $_POST['email_address'], $check_affiliate['affiliate_firstname'] . " " . $check_affiliate['affiliate_lastname'], '', AFFILIATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS, STORE_OWNER, '', '', EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_SUBJECT, nl2br(sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY, $newpass)), nl2br(sprintf(EMAIL_PASSWORD_REMINDER_BODY, $newpass))); if (!isset($mail_error)) { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, 'info_message=' . urlencode(TEXT_PASSWORD_SENT), 'SSL', true, false)); } else { echo $mail_error; } } else { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, 'email=nonexistent', 'SSL')); } } else { $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, '', 'SSL')); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, '', 'SSL')); require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('password_forgotten', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PASSWORD_FORGOTTEN, 'action=process', 'SSL'))); $smarty->assign('INPUT_EMAIL', xtc_draw_input_field('email_address', '', 'maxlength="96"')); $smarty->assign('LINK_AFFILIATE', '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, '', 'SSL') . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>'); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_SUBMIT', xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE)); if (isset($_GET['email']) && $_GET['email'] == 'nonexistent') { $smarty->assign('email_nonexistent', 'true'); } } $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->caching = 0; $main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/module/affiliate_password_forgotten.html'); $smarty->assign('main_content', $main_content); $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->caching = 0; $smarty->display(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/index.html');
include 'orders_edit_address.php'; } elseif ($_GET['edit_action'] == 'products') { include 'orders_edit_products.php'; } elseif ($_GET['edit_action'] == 'other') { include 'orders_edit_other.php'; } elseif ($_GET['edit_action'] == 'options') { include 'orders_edit_options.php'; } ?> <!-- Bestellung Sichern Anfang //--> <!--br /><br /--> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php echo TEXT_SAVE_ORDER; echo xtc_draw_form('save_order', FILENAME_ORDERS_EDIT, 'action=save_order', 'post'); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('customers_status_id', $address[customers_status]); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('oID', (int) $_GET['oID']); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('cID', (int) $_GET['cID']); echo '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_SAVE . '"/>'; //BOF - web28 -2011-06-08 - add back buttons if (isset($_GET['edit_action'])) { echo ' '; echo '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS_EDIT, 'oID=' . (int) $_GET['oID']) . '">' . BUTTON_BACK . '</a>'; } else { echo ' '; echo '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, 'action=edit&oID=' . (int) $_GET['oID']) . '">' . BUTTON_BACK . '</a>'; } //EOF - web28 -2011-06-08 - add back buttons ?> </form>
* xt:Commerce is a protected trademark and represented by the xt:Commerce GmbH (Austria) * * @copyright Copyright 2003-2007 xt:Commerce (Winger/Zanier), * @copyright based on Copyright 2002-2003 osCommerce; * @copyright Porttions Copyright 2003-2007 Zen Cart Development Team * @copyright Porttions Copyright 2004 * @license GNU Public License V2.0 * * For questions, help, comments, discussion, etc., please join the * xt:Commerce Support Forums at * */ if (isset($error)) { echo $error; } echo xtc_draw_form('refund_transaction', FILENAME_PAYPAL, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=perform'); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('txn_id', $ipn_data['txn_id']); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('amount', $ipn_data['mc_gross']); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('ipn_id', (int) $_GET['paypal_ipn_id']); ?> <div class="highlightbox"> <p class="h3"><?php echo TEXT_PAYPAL_CAPTURE_TRANSACTION; ?> </p> <p><?php echo TEXT_PAYPAL_NOTE_CAPTURE_INFO; ?> </p> <div class="col-xs-12"><hr noshade></div> <div class="col-xs-12">
$affiliate_sales_raw = "select a.affiliate_payment, a.affiliate_date, a.affiliate_value, a.affiliate_percent,\n a.affiliate_payment, a.affiliate_level AS level,\n o.orders_status as orders_status_id, os.orders_status_name as orders_status, \n MONTH(aa.affiliate_date_account_created) as start_month, YEAR(aa.affiliate_date_account_created) as start_year\n from " . TABLE_AFFILIATE . " aa\n left join " . TABLE_AFFILIATE_SALES . " a on (aa.affiliate_id = a.affiliate_id )\n left join " . TABLE_ORDERS . " o on (a.affiliate_orders_id = o.orders_id) \n left join " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS . " os on (o.orders_status = os.orders_status_id and language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "')\n where a.affiliate_id = '" . $_SESSION['affiliate_id'] . "' " . $period_clause . $status_clause . $level_clause . " \n group by aa.affiliate_date_account_created, o.orders_status, os.orders_status_name, \n a.affiliate_payment, a.affiliate_date, a.affiliate_value, a.affiliate_percent, \n o.orders_status, os.orders_status_name\n order by affiliate_date DESC"; $count_key = 'aa.affiliate_date_account_created, o.orders_status, os.orders_status_name, a.affiliate_payment, a.affiliate_date, a.affiliate_value, a.affiliate_percent, o.orders_status, os.orders_status_name'; $affiliate_sales_split = new splitPageResults($affiliate_sales_raw, $_GET['page'], MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, $count_key); if ($affiliate_sales_split->number_of_rows > 0) { $affiliate_sales_values = xtc_db_query($affiliate_sales_split->sql_query); $affiliate_sales = xtc_db_fetch_array($affiliate_sales_values); } else { $affiliate_sales_values = xtc_db_query("select MONTH(affiliate_date_account_created) as start_month,\n YEAR(affiliate_date_account_created) as start_year\n FROM " . TABLE_AFFILIATE . " WHERE affiliate_id = '" . $_SESSION['affiliate_id'] . "'"); $affiliate_sales = xtc_db_fetch_array($affiliate_sales_values); } $smarty->assign('period_selector', affiliate_period('a_period', $affiliate_sales['start_year'], $affiliate_sales['start_month'], true, xtc_db_prepare_input($_GET['a_period']), 'onChange="this.form.submit();"')); $smarty->assign('status_selector', affiliate_get_status_list('a_status', xtc_db_prepare_input($_GET['a_status']), 'onChange="this.form.submit();"')); $smarty->assign('level_selector', affiliate_get_level_list('a_level', xtc_db_prepare_input($_GET['a_level']), 'onChange="this.form.submit();"')); require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; $smarty->assign('affiliate_sales_split_numbers', $affiliate_sales_split->number_of_rows); $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('params', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_SALES), 'get', 'SSL')); $affiliate_sales_table = ''; if ($affiliate_sales_split->number_of_rows > 0) { $number_of_sales = 0; $sum_of_earnings = 0; do { $number_of_sales++; if ($affiliate_sales['orders_status_id'] >= AFFILIATE_PAYMENT_ORDER_MIN_STATUS) { $sum_of_earnings += $affiliate_sales['affiliate_payment']; } if ($number_of_sales / 2 == floor($number_of_sales / 2)) { $affiliate_sales_table .= '<tr class="productListing-even">'; } else { $affiliate_sales_table .= '<tr class="productListing-odd">'; } $affiliate_sales_table .= '<td class="smallText" align="center">' . xtc_date_short($affiliate_sales['affiliate_date']) . '</td>';
XT-Commerce - community made shopping Copyright (c) 2003 XT-Commerce Released under the GNU General Public License ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //header( 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found' ); //header( 'Status: 404 Not Found' ); $module_smarty = new Smarty(); $module_smarty->assign('tpl_path', 'templates/' . CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/'); $module_smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $module_smarty->assign('ERROR', $error); $module_smarty->assign('BUTTON', '<a href="javascript:history.back(1)">' . xtc_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>'); // Tomcraft - 2010-05-04 - Changed alternative text for the button $module_smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); // search field $module_smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('new_find', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH_RESULT, '', $request_type, false), 'get') . xtc_hide_session_id()); //WEB28 change NONSSL to $request_type $module_smarty->assign('INPUT_SEARCH', xtc_draw_input_field('keywords', '', 'size="30" maxlength="30"')); $module_smarty->assign('BUTTON_SUBMIT', xtc_image_submit('button_quick_find.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_SEARCH)); $module_smarty->assign('LINK_ADVANCED', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ADVANCED_SEARCH)); $module_smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>'); $module_smarty->caching = 0; $module_smarty->caching = 0; $module = $module_smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/module/error_message.html'); if (strstr($PHP_SELF, FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO)) { $product_info = $module; } $smarty->assign('main_content', $module);
$contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_INSERT . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page']) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'edit': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_TAX_RATE . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('rates', FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id . '&action=save')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_TITLE . '<br />' . xtc_tax_classes_pull_down('name="tax_class_id" style="font-size:10px"', $trInfo->tax_class_id)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_ZONE_NAME . '<br />' . xtc_geo_zones_pull_down('name="tax_zone_id" style="font-size:10px"', $trInfo->geo_zone_id)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_TAX_RATE . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_rate', $trInfo->tax_rate)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_RATE_DESCRIPTION . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_description', $trInfo->tax_description)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_TAX_RATE_PRIORITY . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_priority', $trInfo->tax_priority)); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_TAX_RATE . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('rates', FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br /><b>' . $trInfo->tax_class_title . ' ' . number_format($trInfo->tax_rate, TAX_DECIMAL_PLACES) . '%</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_DELETE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; default: if (is_object($trInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $trInfo->tax_class_title . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id . '&action=edit') . '#edit-box">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_RATES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $trInfo->tax_rates_id . '&action=delete') . '#edit-box">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($trInfo->date_added)); $contents[] = array('text' => '' . TEXT_INFO_LAST_MODIFIED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($trInfo->last_modified)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_RATE_DESCRIPTION . '<br />' . $trInfo->tax_description); } break; } if (xtc_not_null($heading) && xtc_not_null($contents)) {
</td> <td class="smallText" align="right"><?php echo $payments_split->display_links($payments_query_numrows, MAX_DISPLAY_SEARCH_RESULTS, MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, $_GET['page'], xtc_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'pID', 'action'))); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> <?php $heading = array(); $contents = array(); switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_PAYMENT . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('payment', FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PAYMENT, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('pID', 'action')) . 'pID=' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO . '<br>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br>' . xtc_image_submit('button_delete.gif', IMAGE_DELETE) . ' <a href="' . xtc_href_link(AFFILIATE_PAYMENT, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('pID', 'action')) . 'pID=' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id) . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_cancel.gif', IMAGE_CANCEL) . '</a>'); break; default: if (is_object($pInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>[' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id . '] ' . xtc_datetime_short($pInfo->affiliate_payment_date) . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PAYMENT, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('pID', 'action')) . 'pID=' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_edit.gif', IMAGE_EDIT) . '</a> <a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_PAYMENT, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('pID', 'action')) . 'pID=' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_delete.gif', IMAGE_DELETE) . '</a>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_INVOICE, 'pID=' . $pInfo->affiliate_payment_id) . '" TARGET="_blank">' . xtc_image_button('button_invoice.gif', IMAGE_ORDERS_INVOICE) . '</a> '); } break; } if (xtc_not_null($heading) && xtc_not_null($contents)) { echo ' <td width="25%" valign="top">' . "\n"; $box = new box(); echo $box->infoBox($heading, $contents);
xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link($link_checkout_shipping, $params, 'SSL')); // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-10-03 - Paypal Express Modul } } // if no shipping destination address was selected, use their own address as default if (!isset($_SESSION['sendto'])) { $_SESSION['sendto'] = $_SESSION['customer_default_address_id']; } // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-10-03 - Paypal Express Modul //$breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL')); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, xtc_href_link($link_checkout_shipping, $params, 'SSL')); // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-10-03 - Paypal Express Modul $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_2_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, $params, 'SSL')); $addresses_count = xtc_count_customer_address_book_entries(); require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('checkout_address', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, $params, 'SSL'), 'post', 'onsubmit="return check_form_optional(checkout_address);"')); if ($messageStack->size('checkout_address') > 0) { $smarty->assign('error', $messageStack->output('checkout_address')); } if ($process == false) { $smarty->assign('ADDRESS_LABEL', xtc_address_label($_SESSION['customer_id'], $_SESSION['sendto'], true, ' ', '<br />')); include DIR_WS_MODULES . 'checkout_address_layout.php'; } if ($addresses_count < MAX_ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES) { require DIR_WS_MODULES . 'checkout_new_address.php'; } $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE', xtc_draw_hidden_field('action', 'submit') . xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE)); if ($process == true) { $smarty->assign('BUTTON_BACK', '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING_ADDRESS, $params, 'SSL') . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>'); } $smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>');
<div class='col-xs-12'> <div class="col-xs-3 col-sm-1 text-right"><?php echo xtc_image(DIR_WS_ICONS . 'heading_statistic.gif'); ?> </div> <div class="col-xs-9 col-sm-11"><p class="h2"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?> </p> Statistics</div> </div> <div class='col-xs-12'><br></div> <?php if ($srExp < 1) { ?> <?php echo xtc_draw_form('stats_sales_report', FILENAME_SALES_REPORT, '', 'get'); ?> <div class='col-xs-12' style="border: 1px solid; border-color: #cccccc; background-color: #fcfcfc;"> <div class='col-xs-12'><br></div> <div class='col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-2 '> <input type="radio" name="report" value="1" <?php if ($srView == 1) { echo "checked"; } ?> ><?php echo REPORT_TYPE_YEARLY; ?> <br /> <input type="radio" name="report" value="2" <?php
break; case 'edit': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_XSELL_GROUP . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('status', FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id . '&action=save')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO); $cross_sell_inputs_string = ''; $languages = xtc_get_languages(); for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) { $cross_sell_inputs_string .= '<br />' . xtc_image(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/admin/images/' . $languages[$i]['image']) . ' ' . xtc_draw_input_field('cross_sell_group_name[' . $languages[$i]['id'] . ']', xtc_get_cross_sell_name($oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id, $languages[$i]['id'])); } $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_XSELL_GROUP_NAME . $cross_sell_inputs_string); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_XSELL_GROUP . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('status', FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br /><b>' . $oInfo->orders_status_name . '</b>'); if ($remove_status) { $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_DELETE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); } break; default: if (is_object($oInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $oInfo->groupname . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id . '&action=edit') . '#edit-box">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_XSELL_GROUPS, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&oID=' . $oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id . '&action=delete') . '#edit-box">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>'); $cross_sell_inputs_string = ''; $languages = xtc_get_languages(); for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($languages); $i < $n; $i++) { $cross_sell_inputs_string .= '<br />' . xtc_image(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $languages[$i]['directory'] . '/admin/images/' . $languages[$i]['image']) . ' ' . xtc_get_cross_sell_name($oInfo->products_xsell_grp_name_id, $languages[$i]['id']); }
xtc_db_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_INFO . " SET customers_info_date_account_last_modified = now() WHERE customers_info_id = '" . (int) $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'"); $messageStack->add_session('account', SUCCESS_PASSWORD_UPDATED, 'success'); xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL')); } else { $error = true; $messageStack->add('account_password', ERROR_CURRENT_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCHING); } } } $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL')); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_2_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, '', 'SSL')); require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; if ($messageStack->size('account_password') > 0) { $smarty->assign('error', $messageStack->output('account_password')); } $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('account_password', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD, '', 'SSL'), 'post', 'onsubmit="return check_form(account_password);"') . xtc_draw_hidden_field('action', 'process')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_ACTUAL', xtc_draw_password_fieldNote(array('name' => 'password_current', 'text' => ' ' . (xtc_not_null(ENTRY_PASSWORD_CURRENT_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_CURRENT_TEXT . '</span>' : '')))); $smarty->assign('INPUT_NEW', xtc_draw_password_fieldNote(array('name' => 'password_new', 'text' => ' ' . (xtc_not_null(ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_NEW_TEXT . '</span>' : '')))); $smarty->assign('INPUT_CONFIRM', xtc_draw_password_fieldNote(array('name' => 'password_confirmation', 'text' => ' ' . (xtc_not_null(ENTRY_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_TEXT) ? '<span class="inputRequirement">' . ENTRY_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_TEXT . '</span>' : '')))); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_BACK', '<a href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ACCOUNT, '', 'SSL') . '">' . xtc_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BACK) . '</a>'); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_SUBMIT', xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE)); $smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>'); $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->caching = 0; $main_content = $smarty->fetch(CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/module/account_password.html'); $smarty->assign('language', $_SESSION['language']); $smarty->assign('main_content', $main_content); $smarty->caching = 0; if (!defined('RM')) { $smarty->load_filter('output', 'note'); }
$widgets_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT *\r\n FROM " . TABLE_WIDGETS . "\r\n WHERE customer_id = '" . $customer_id . "'\r\n AND widgets_path = '" . $widget . "'"); $widget_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($widgets_query); $widgets_array[] = $widget_result; $status = WIDGET_STATUS_NOT_ACTIVE_TEXT; if ($widget_result['widgets_active']) { $status = WIDGET_STATUS_ACTIVE_TEXT; } $widgets_dropdown[] = array('id' => $widget_result['widgets_id'], 'text' => $widget_conf->name . "(" . $status . ")"); $widgets_id[] = $widget_result['widgets_id']; } $parameters = 'onchange="this.form.submit()"'; echo xtc_draw_form('widget_status', FILENAME_START, ''); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('action', 'widget_active'); echo '<div class="pull-right">' . xtc_draw_pull_down_menu('widgets', $widgets_dropdown, $selected, $parameters) . '</div>'; echo '</form>'; echo xtc_draw_form('save_widgets_positions', FILENAME_START, ''); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('action', 'widget_save_position'); echo '<div class="pull-right"><button class="btn btn-default" type="submit" id="submit_position"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-th"></span> </button></div>'; ?> <h1 id="1"><?php echo HEADING_TITLE; ?> </h1> <div class="grid-stack"> <?php #MN: Load all widgets foreach ($widgets_array as $widget) { if ($widget['widgets_active']) { echo '<input id = "h_wid' . $widget['widgets_id'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . $widget['widgets_id'] . '" name="widgets_id[]">';
require 'includes/application_top.php'; // create smarty elements $smarty = new Smarty(); // include needed functions require_once DIR_FS_INC . ''; // include boxes require DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'templates/' . CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/source/boxes.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['affiliate_id'])) { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, '', 'SSL')); } $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE, '', 'SSL')); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_BANNERS, xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_BANNERS)); $affiliate_banners_values = xtc_db_query("select * from " . TABLE_AFFILIATE_BANNERS . " order by affiliate_banners_title"); require DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; $smarty->assign('affiliate_banners_title', $affiliate_banners['affiliate_banners_title']); $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('individual_banner', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_AFFILIATE_BANNERS))); $smarty->assign('INPUT_BANNER_ID', xtc_draw_input_field('individual_banner_id', '', 'size="5"')); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_SUBMIT', xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE)); if (xtc_not_null($_POST['individual_banner_id']) || xtc_not_null($_GET['individual_banner_id'])) { if (xtc_not_null($_POST['individual_banner_id'])) { $individual_banner_id = $_POST['individual_banner_id']; } if ($_GET['individual_banner_id']) { $individual_banner_id = $_GET['individual_banner_id']; } $affiliate_pbanners_values = xtc_db_query("select p.products_image, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id = '" . $individual_banner_id . "' and pd.products_id = '" . $individual_banner_id . "' and p.products_status = '1' and pd.language_id = '" . $_SESSION['languages_id'] . "'"); if ($affiliate_pbanners = xtc_db_fetch_array($affiliate_pbanners_values)) { switch (AFFILIATE_KIND_OF_BANNERS) { case 1: $link = '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO . '?ref=' . $_SESSION['affiliate_id'] . '&products_id=' . $individual_banner_id . '&affiliate_banner_id=1" target="_blank"><img src="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_IMAGES . $affiliate_pbanners['affiliate_banners_image'] . '" border="0" alt="' . $affiliate_pbanners['products_name'] . '"></a>'; break;
// load the selected payment module require_once DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'payment.php'; $payment_modules = new payment($payment_class); $smarty->assign('PAYMENT_INFO', $payment_modules->success()); // BOF - GTB - 2011-04-12 - changes for Guest Account // $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('order', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS, 'action=update', 'SSL'))); $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('order', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS, 'action=update', 'SSL')) . xtc_draw_hidden_field('account_type', $_SESSION['account_type'])); // EOF - GTB - 2011-04-12 - changes for Guest Account //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-11-23 - Make the print preview clickable, i.e. change mouse cursor to hand symbol $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE', xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CHECKOUT_START_PAGE)); //$smarty->assign('BUTTON_PRINT', '<img src="'.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/buttons/'.$_SESSION['language'].'/button_print.gif" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="\''.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID='.$orders['orders_id']).'\', \'popup\', \'toolbar=0, width=640, height=600\')" />'); //BOF - Tomcraft - 2010-04-03 - unified popups with scrollbars and make them resizable //$smarty->assign('BUTTON_PRINT', '<a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="\''.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID='.$orders['orders_id']).'\', \'popup\', \'toolbar=0, width=640, height=600\')"><img src="'.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/buttons/'.$_SESSION['language'].'/button_print.gif" alt="'.TEXT_PRINT.'" /></a>'); //BOF - GTB - 2010-09-15 - change Print Button to Form for Guests //$smarty->assign('BUTTON_PRINT', '<a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="\''.xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID='.$orders['orders_id']).'\', \'popup\', \'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no, width=640, height=600\')"><img src="'.'templates/'.CURRENT_TEMPLATE.'/buttons/'.$_SESSION['language'].'/button_print.gif" alt="'.TEXT_PRINT.'" /></a>'); $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION_PRINT', xtc_draw_form('print_order', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID=' . $orders['orders_id'], 'SSL'), 'post', 'target="popup" onsubmit="\'' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID=' . $orders['orders_id'], 'SSL') . '\', \'popup\', \'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no, ' . POPUP_PRINT_ORDER_SIZE . '\')"') . xtc_draw_hidden_field('customer_id', $_SESSION['customer_id'])); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_PRINT', xtc_image_submit('print.gif', TEXT_PRINT)); //EOF - GTB - 2010-09-15 - change Print Button to Form for Guests //EOF - Tomcraft - 2010-04-03 - unified popups with scrollbars and make them resizable //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-11-23 - Make the print preview clickable, i.e. change mouse cursor to hand symbol $smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>'); // GV Code Start $gv_query = xtc_db_query("select amount from " . TABLE_COUPON_GV_CUSTOMER . " where customer_id='" . $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "'"); if ($gv_result = xtc_db_fetch_array($gv_query)) { if ($gv_result['amount'] > 0) { $smarty->assign('GV_SEND_LINK', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_GV_SEND)); } } // GV Code End // Google Conversion tracking if (GOOGLE_CONVERSION == 'true') {
echo TEXT_PAYPAL_CAPTURE_SUBMIT; ?> "> </form> </div> <?php } if ((in_array('captured', $status_array) || in_array('completed', $status_array)) && $admin_info_array['total'] > $amount_array['refund']) { ?> <div class="pp_capture pp_box"> <div class="pp_boxheading"><?php echo TEXT_PAYPAL_REFUND; ?> </div> <?php echo xtc_draw_form('capture', FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params()); echo xtc_draw_hidden_field('cmd', 'refund'); echo '<div class="refund_row">'; echo '<div class="' . (10 - $count['refund'] > 0 ? 'info_message' : 'error_message') . '">' . TEXT_PAYPAL_REFUND_LEFT . ' ' . (10 - $count['refund']) . '</div>'; echo '<br/>'; echo '<label for="refund_comment" style="vertical-align: top; margin-top: 5px;">' . TEXT_PAYPAL_REFUND_COMMENT . '</label>'; echo xtc_draw_textarea_field('refund_comment', '', '60', '8', '', 'id="refund_comment"'); echo '<br/>'; echo '<label for="refund_price">' . TEXT_PAYPAL_REFUND_AMOUNT . '</label>'; echo xtc_draw_input_field('refund_price', '', 'id="refund_price" style="width: 135px"'); echo '</div>'; ?> <br /> <input type="submit" class="button" name="refund_submit" value="<?php echo TEXT_PAYPAL_REFUND_SUBMIT; ?>
// for $query_string = ''; if (!empty($languages_id)) { $query_string = 'languages_id=' . $languages_id . ' AND'; } $categories_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT\n content_id,\n content_title\n FROM " . TABLE_CONTENT_MANAGER . "\n WHERE " . $query_string . " parent_id='0'\n AND content_id!='" . $g_coID . "'"); while ($categories_data = xtc_db_fetch_array($categories_query)) { $categories_array[] = array('id' => $categories_data['content_id'], 'text' => $categories_data['content_title']); } ?> <div class="col-xs-12"> <?php if ($action != 'new') { echo xtc_draw_form('edit_content', FILENAME_CONTENT_MANAGER, 'action=edit&id=update&coID=' . $g_coID, 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"') . xtc_draw_hidden_field('coID', $g_coID); } else { echo xtc_draw_form('edit_content', FILENAME_CONTENT_MANAGER, 'action=edit&id=insert', 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"') . xtc_draw_hidden_field('coID', $g_coID); } ?> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div class="col-sm-2 col-xs-12" ><?php echo TEXT_LANGUAGE; ?> </div> <div class="col-sm-10 col-xs-12" ><?php echo xtc_draw_pull_down_menu('language', $languages_array, $languages_selected); ?> </div> </div> <?php if ($content['content_delete'] != 0 or $action == 'new') { ?>
case 'edit': $keys = ''; reset($mInfo->keys); while (list($key, $value) = each($mInfo->keys)) { $keys .= '<b>' . $value['title'] . '</b><br />' . $value['description'] . '<br />'; if ($value['set_function']) { eval('$keys .= ' . $value['set_function'] . "'" . $value['value'] . "', '" . $key . "');"); } else { $keys .= xtc_draw_input_field('configuration[' . $key . ']', $value['value'], 'class="inputModule"'); //web28- 2010-05-17 - set css definition } $keys .= '<br /><br />'; } $keys = substr($keys, 0, strrpos($keys, '<br /><br />')); $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $mInfo->title . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('modules', FILENAME_MODULES, 'set=' . $set . '&module=' . $_GET['module'] . '&action=save')); $contents[] = array('text' => $keys); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_MODULES, 'set=' . $set . '&module=' . $_GET['module']) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; default: if (isset($mInfo) && is_object($mInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $mInfo->title . '</b>'); if ($mInfo->status == '1') { $keys = ''; reset($mInfo->keys); while (list(, $value) = each($mInfo->keys)) { $keys .= '<b>' . (isset($value['title']) ? $value['title'] : '') . '</b><br />'; if ($value['use_function']) { $use_function = $value['use_function']; if (preg_match('/->/', $use_function)) { // Hetfield - 2009-08-19 - replaced deprecated function ereg with preg_match to be ready for PHP >= 5.3
} if (!empty($_GET['question'])) { $products_question = trim($_GET['question']) . "\n"; } if ($products_info != '') { $products_info = $products_question . $products_info . "\n"; } // EOF - web28 - 2010-07-14 - false clamp fixing if (!$error) { $message_body = $products_info . "\n"; } // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-05 - Advanced contact form (product question) $smarty->assign('CONTACT_CONTENT', $contact_content); //BOF - Dokuman - 2009-12-23 - send contact form information with SSL //$smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('contact_us', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONTENT, 'action=send&coID='.(int) $_GET['coID']))); $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('contact_us', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CONTENT, 'action=send&coID=' . (int) $_GET['coID'], 'SSL'))); //EOF - Dokuman - 2009-12-23 - send contact form information with SSL $smarty->assign('INPUT_NAME', xtc_draw_input_field('name', $error ? $_POST['name'] : $customers_name, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_EMAIL', xtc_draw_input_field('email', $error ? $_POST['email'] : $email_address, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_HONEYPOT', xtc_draw_input_field('email2_FT7ughj521dfdf', $error ? $_POST['email2_FT7ughj521dfdf'] : '', 'size="30"')); // BOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-05 - Advanced contact form (additional fields) $smarty->assign('INPUT_PHONE', xtc_draw_input_field('phone', $error ? $_POST['phone'] : $phone, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_COMPANY', xtc_draw_input_field('company', $error ? $_POST['company'] : $company, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_STREET', xtc_draw_input_field('street', $error ? $_POST['street'] : $street, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_POSTCODE', xtc_draw_input_field('postcode', $error ? $_POST['postcode'] : $postcode, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_CITY', xtc_draw_input_field('city', $error ? $_POST['city'] : $city, 'size="30"')); $smarty->assign('INPUT_FAX', xtc_draw_input_field('fax', $error ? $_POST['fax'] : $fax, 'size="30"')); if (CONTACT_FORM_CONSENT == 'true') { $smarty->assign('CHECKBOX', xtc_draw_checkbox_field('checkbox')); } // EOF - Tomcraft - 2009-11-05 - Advanced contact form (additional fields)
</td> <td class="smallText" align="right"><?php echo $orders_split->display_links($orders_query_numrows, '20', MAX_DISPLAY_PAGE_LINKS, $_GET['page'], xtc_get_all_get_params(array('page', 'oID', 'action'))); ?> </td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> </table></td> <?php $heading = array(); $contents = array(); switch ($_GET['action']) { case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_ORDER . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('orders', FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO . '<br /><br /><b>' . $cInfo->customers_firstname . ' ' . $cInfo->customers_lastname . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . xtc_draw_checkbox_field('restock') . ' ' . TEXT_INFO_RESTOCK_PRODUCT_QUANTITY); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="button" value="' . BUTTON_DELETE . '"><a class="button" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; default: if (is_object($oInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>[' . $oInfo->orders_id . '] ' . xtc_datetime_short($oInfo->date_purchased) . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="button" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="button" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>'); if (AFTERBUY_ACTIVATED == 'true') { $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="button" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('oID', 'action')) . 'oID=' . $oInfo->orders_id . '&action=afterbuy_send') . '">' . BUTTON_AFTERBUY_SEND . '</a>'); } // RATEPAY START include 'includes/ratepay_order_buttons.php'; // RATEPAY END //$contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '');
$contents[] = array('text' => '<table style="font-size:11px; margin-left:20px;"><tr><td>' . xtc_address_format($format_id, $addresses, true, ' ', '<br />') . '</td></tr></table>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br/>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'left', 'text' => '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'edit')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id . '&action=edit&edit=' . $addresses['address_book_id']) . '">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'delete', 'edit')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id . '&action=address_book&delete=' . $addresses['address_book_id']) . '">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>' . ($cInfo->customers_default_address_id != $addresses['address_book_id'] ? ' <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'delete', 'default')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id . '&action=update_default_adressbook&default=' . $addresses['address_book_id']) . '">' . TEXT_SET_DEFAULT . '</a>' : '')); $contents[] = array('text' => '<hr size="1"/>'); } } if (!isset($_GET['delete'])) { $contents[] = array('align' => 'right', 'text' => xtc_count_customer_address_book_entries() < MAX_ADDRESS_BOOK_ENTRIES ? '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'edit')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id . '&action=edit&edit=0') . '">' . BUTTON_INSERT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'delete')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>' : '<a class="btn btn-default" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action', 'delete')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br/>'); } break; case 'editstatus': if ($_GET['cID'] != 1) { $customers_history_query = xtc_db_query("SELECT new_value, old_value, date_added, customer_notified FROM " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " WHERE customers_id = '" . xtc_db_input($_GET['cID']) . "' order by customers_status_history_id desc"); $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_STATUS_CUSTOMER . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('customers', FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id . '&action=statusconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . xtc_draw_pull_down_menu('status', $customers_statuses_array, $cInfo->customers_status)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<table nowrap border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td style="border-bottom: 1px solid; border-color: #000000;" nowrap class="smallText" align="center"><b>' . TABLE_HEADING_NEW_VALUE . ' </b></td><td style="border-bottom: 1px solid; border-color: #000000;" nowrap class="smallText" align="center"><b>' . TABLE_HEADING_DATE_ADDED . '</b></td></tr>'); if (xtc_db_num_rows($customers_history_query)) { while ($customers_history = xtc_db_fetch_array($customers_history_query)) { $contents[] = array('text' => '<tr>' . "\n" . '<td class="smallText">' . $customers_statuses_id_array[$customers_history['new_value']]['text'] . '</td>' . "\n" . '<td class="smallText" align="center">' . xtc_datetime_short($customers_history['date_added']) . '</td>' . "\n" . '<td class="smallText" align="center">'); // web28 - 2011-10-31 - change $customers_statuses_array to $customers_statuses_id_array $contents[] = array('text' => '</tr>' . "\n"); } } else { $contents[] = array('text' => '<tr>' . "\n" . ' <td class="smallText" colspan="2">' . TEXT_NO_CUSTOMER_HISTORY . '</td>' . "\n" . ' </tr>' . "\n"); } $contents[] = array('text' => '</table>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"><a class="btn btn-default" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CUSTOMERS, xtc_get_all_get_params(array('cID', 'action')) . 'cID=' . $cInfo->customers_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); $status = isset($_POST['status']) ? xtc_db_prepare_input($_POST['status']) : ''; // maybe this line not needed to recheck...
?> "><?php echo BUTTON_CANCEL; ?> </a> <input type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="<?php echo BUTTON_UPDATE; ?> "> </td> </tr> <?php } elseif (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'new') { $list = $paypal->available_webhooks(); if (is_array($list) && count($list) > 0) { echo xtc_draw_form('config', basename($PHP_SELF), xtc_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=insert'); for ($i = 0, $t = count($list); $i < $t; $i++) { ?> <tr> <td class="dataTableConfig col-left"><?php echo $list[$i]['name']; ?> </td> <td class="dataTableConfig col-middle"> <?php echo xtc_draw_checkbox_field('config[data][' . $i . '][name]', $list[$i]['name'], 'checked="checked"'); echo xtc_draw_pull_down_menu('config[data][' . $i . '][orders_status]', $orders_statuses, '-1', 'style="width: 300px;"'); ?> </td> <td class="dataTableConfig col-right"><?php echo $list[$i]['description'];
$contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_INSERT_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_TITLE . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_class_title')); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_DESCRIPTION . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_class_description')); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_INSERT . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page']) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'edit': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_TAX_CLASS . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('classes', FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id . '&action=save')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_TITLE . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_class_title', $tcInfo->tax_class_title)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_DESCRIPTION . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('tax_class_description', $tcInfo->tax_class_description)); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_TAX_CLASS . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('classes', FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br /><b>' . $tcInfo->tax_class_title . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_DELETE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; default: if (is_object($tcInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $tcInfo->tax_class_title . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_TAX_CLASSES, 'page=' . $_GET['page'] . '&tID=' . $tcInfo->tax_class_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($tcInfo->date_added)); $contents[] = array('text' => '' . TEXT_INFO_LAST_MODIFIED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($tcInfo->last_modified)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CLASS_DESCRIPTION . '<br />' . $tcInfo->tax_class_description); } break; } if (xtc_not_null($heading) && xtc_not_null($contents)) {
$contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_TRACKING_LINK . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('carrier_tracking_link', '', 'style="width:300px;"')); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_SORT_ORDER . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('carrier_sort_order', $carriersInfo->carrier_sort_order)); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_INSERT . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'edit': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_CARRIER . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('carrier', FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id . '&action=save')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_EDIT_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_NAME . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('carrier_name', $carriersInfo->carrier_name)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_TRACKING_LINK . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('carrier_tracking_link', $carriersInfo->carrier_tracking_link, 'style="width:300px;"')); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_SORT_ORDER . '<br />' . xtc_draw_input_field('carrier_sort_order', $carriersInfo->carrier_sort_order)); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_UPDATE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; case 'delete': $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_DELETE_CARRIER . '</b>'); $contents = array('form' => xtc_draw_form('carrier', FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id . '&action=deleteconfirm')); $contents[] = array('text' => TEXT_INFO_DELETE_INTRO); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br /><b>' . $carriersInfo->carrier_name . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<br /><input type="submit" class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" value="' . BUTTON_DELETE . '"/> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id) . '">' . BUTTON_CANCEL . '</a>'); break; default: if (isset($carriersInfo) && is_object($carriersInfo)) { $heading[] = array('text' => '<b>' . $carriersInfo->carrier_name . '</b>'); $contents[] = array('align' => 'center', 'text' => '<a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id . '&action=edit') . '">' . BUTTON_EDIT . '</a> <a class="btn btn-default" onclick="this.blur();" href="' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PARCEL_CARRIERS, 'page=' . $page_parcel . '&carrierID=' . $carriersInfo->carrier_id . '&action=delete') . '">' . BUTTON_DELETE . '</a>'); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_DATE_ADDED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($carriersInfo->carrier_date_added)); $contents[] = array('text' => '' . TEXT_INFO_LAST_MODIFIED . ' ' . xtc_date_short($carriersInfo->carrier_last_modified)); $contents[] = array('text' => '<br />' . TEXT_INFO_CARRIER_NAME . '<br />' . $carriersInfo->carrier_name); } break; } if (xtc_not_null($heading) && xtc_not_null($contents)) {
} if (isset($checkout_payment_modules->modules) && is_array($checkout_payment_modules->modules)) { //Dokuman - 2012-05-31 - fix paypal_checkout notices if ($confirmation = $checkout_payment_modules->confirmation()) { for ($i = 0, $n = sizeof($confirmation['fields']); $i < $n; $i++) { $payment_info[] = array('TITLE' => $confirmation['fields'][$i]['title'], 'FIELD' => stripslashes($confirmation['fields'][$i]['field'])); } $smarty->assign('PAYMENT_INFORMATION', $payment_info); } } if (isset(${$_SESSION}['payment']->form_action_url) && !${$_SESSION}['payment']->tmpOrders) { $form_action_url = ${$_SESSION}['payment']->form_action_url; } else { $form_action_url = xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, '', 'SSL'); } $smarty->assign('CHECKOUT_FORM', xtc_draw_form('checkout_confirmation', $form_action_url, 'post')); $checkout_payment_button = ''; if (isset($checkout_payment_modules->modules) && is_array($checkout_payment_modules->modules)) { $checkout_payment_button .= $checkout_payment_modules->process_button(); } $smarty->assign('MODULE_BUTTONS', $checkout_payment_button); $smarty->assign('CHECKOUT_BUTTON', xtc_image_submit('button_confirm_order.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONFIRM_ORDER) . "\n"); if ($order->info['shipping_method']) { $smarty->assign('SHIPPING_METHOD', $order->info['shipping_method']); //$smarty->assign('SHIPPING_EDIT', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PAYPAL_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL')); $smarty->assign('SHIPPING_EDIT', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING, '', 'SSL')); //DokuMan - 2012-05-29 - assume FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SHIPPING here } $smarty->assign('COMMENTS', xtc_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '60', '5', isset($_SESSION['comments']) ? $_SESSION['comments'] : '') . xtc_draw_hidden_field('comments_added', 'YES')); //Dokuman - 2012-05-31 - fix paypal_checkout notices $smarty->assign('ADR_checkbox', '<input type="checkbox" value="address" name="check_address" />');
include 'includes/application_top.php'; require_once DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'callback/sofort/helperFunctions.php'; $language = HelperFunctions::getSofortLanguage($_SESSION['language']); include DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/payment/sofort_sofortvorkasse.php'; // create smarty elements $smarty = new Smarty(); // include boxes require_once DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'templates/' . CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/source/boxes.php'; // if the customer is not logged on, redirect them to the shopping cart page if (!isset($_SESSION['customer_id'])) { xtc_redirect(xtc_href_link(FILENAME_SHOPPING_CART)); } $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_1_CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION); $breadcrumb->add(NAVBAR_TITLE_2_CHECKOUT_CONFIRMATION); require_once DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header.php'; $smarty->assign('FORM_ACTION', xtc_draw_form('order', xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_SUCCESS, '', 'SSL'))); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_CONTINUE', xtc_image_submit('button_continue.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_CONTINUE)); $smarty->assign('BUTTON_PRINT', '<img src="' . 'templates/' . CURRENT_TEMPLATE . '/buttons/' . $_SESSION['language'] . '/button_print.gif" style="cursor:hand" onclick="\'' . xtc_href_link(FILENAME_PRINT_ORDER, 'oID=' . $orders['orders_id']) . '\', \'popup\', \'toolbar=0, width=640, height=600\')" />'); $smarty->assign('FORM_END', '</form>'); $smarty->assign('HEADING', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_HEADING_TEXT); $smarty->assign('TEXT', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_TEXT); $smarty->assign('HOLDER', HelperFunctions::htmlMask($_GET['holder'])); $smarty->assign('HOLDER_TEXT', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_HOLDER_TEXT); $smarty->assign('ACCOUNT_NUMBER', HelperFunctions::htmlMask($_GET['account_number'])); $smarty->assign('ACCOUNT_NUMBER_TEXT', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_TEXT); $smarty->assign('IBAN', HelperFunctions::htmlMask($_GET['iban'])); $smarty->assign('IBAN_TEXT', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_IBAN_TEXT); $smarty->assign('BANK_CODE', HelperFunctions::htmlMask($_GET['bank_code'])); $smarty->assign('BANK_CODE_TEXT', MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_SV_CHECKOUT_BANK_CODE_TEXT); $smarty->assign('BIC', HelperFunctions::htmlMask($_GET['bic']));