function getTrading($values) { write_my_log_path('Bravo-log', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' function_name getTrading AccountNo ' . $values["AccountNo"] . ' previewDate ' . $values["TradingDate"] . ' TypeDataSet P' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), VCB_PATH); if ($this->chk == 1) { $params["key"] = BRAVO_KEY; $params["previewDate"] = $values["TradingDate"]; $params["TypeDataSet"] = "P"; $params["customerCode"] = $values["AccountNo"]; $this->soap_client->NewDataSet($params); $data = $this->soap_client->__getLastResponse(); $xml = new XML_Unserializer(array("complexType" => "array", "parseAttributes" => TRUE)); $xml->unserialize($data, FALSE); $ret = $xml->getUnserializedData(); return $ret["soap:Body"]["NewDataSetResponse"]["NewDataSetResult"]['DS']; } else { $ret['table1']['Id'] = 0; $ret['table0']['Result'] = 1; return $ret; } }
/** * Function DeleteDividendPrivilege : SendSMS_BuyingStockForDividend * Input : 'EventID' * OutPut : error code. Return 0 if success else return error code (number >0). */ function DeleteDividendPrivilege($EventID, $AccountNo, $UpdatedBy) { try { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'DeleteDividendPrivilege'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if ($EventID == '' || $EventID <= 0) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22114; } else { if ($AccountNo == '') { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22115; } } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_DeleteDividendPrivilege('%s', '%s', '%s')", $EventID, $AccountNo, $UpdatedBy); $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); //Can not update if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22127; write_my_log_path('ErrorCallStore', $query . ' ' . $result->backtrace[0]['args'][4], EVENT_PATH); } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { if ($result[0]['varerror'] < 0) { switch ($result[0]['varerror']) { case '0': //sucess $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; break; case '-1': //exception $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22128; break; case '-2': // ko ton tai EventId $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22129; break; case '-3': // ko ton tai AccountID $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22130; break; case '-4': // ko ton tai (event, account) trong dividend_privilege ; hoac (event, account) da cat tien roi $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22131; break; case '-5': // ngay hien tai nho hon ngay dang ky cuoi cung $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22148; break; default: //deafulr error $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22132; write_my_log_path($function_name, $query . ' VarError ' . $result[0]['varerror'], EVENT_PATH); break; } } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('PHP-Exception', $function_name . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DEBUG_PATH); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23022; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
/** Function: executeStockTTBTPrivateAccount Description: Input: 'AccountID', 'StockID', 'T3Quantity', 'TradingDate' Output: ID or vaerror */ function executeStockTTBTPrivateAccount($AccountID, $StockID, $T3Quantity, $TradingDate) { $function_name = 'executeStockTTBTPrivateAccount'; $class_name = $this->class_name; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($TradingDate)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34518; } else { if (!required($AccountID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34519; } else { if (!required($StockID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34520; } else { if (!required($T3Quantity)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34521; } else { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_executeStockTTBTPrivateAccount(%u, %u, '%s', '%s')", $AccountID, $StockID, $T3Quantity, $TradingDate); $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); //Can not add if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34522; write_my_log_path('ErrorCallStore', $query . ' ' . $result->backtrace[0]['args'][4], DEBUG_PATH); } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { //success if ($result[0]['varerror'] > 0) { $this->items[0] = new SOAP_Value('items', '{urn:' . $class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct', array('ID' => new SOAP_Value("ID", "string", $result[0]['varerror']))); } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] < 0) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 34523; write_my_log_path($function_name, $query . ' VarError ' . $result[0]['varerror'], DEBUG_PATH); } } } } } } } } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
function insertCoSellOrder($CoAccountNo, $AccountNo, $StockID, $OrderQuantity, $OrderPrice, $Session, $FromTypeID, $Note, $OrderDate, $IsAssigner, $IsGotPaper, $CreatedBy, $AccountNoContra, $CompanyNameContra) { $function_name = 'insertCoSellOrder'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; $log[] = sprintf('insertCoSellOrder - CoAccountNo:%s;AccountNo:%s;StockID:%s;OrderQuantity:%s;OrderPrice:%s;Session:%s;FromTypeID:%s;Note:%s;OrderDate:%s;IsAssigner:%s;IsGotPaper:%s;CreatedBy:%s;AccountNoContra:%s;CompanyNameContra:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $CoAccountNo, $AccountNo, $StockID, $OrderQuantity, $OrderPrice, $Session, $FromTypeID, $Note, $OrderDate, $IsAssigner, $IsGotPaper, $CreatedBy, $AccountNoContra, $CompanyNameContra, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { $log[] = sprintf('authenUser: ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); write_my_log_path("insertCoSellOrder", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/otc/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } $log[] = sprintf('authenUser: ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); // checking account is active / not if (!checkAccountIsActive($AccountNo) || !checkAccountIsActive($CoAccountNo)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30275; $log[] = sprintf('checkAccountIsActive: ERROR_CODE: %s; AccountNo:%s,%s;CoAccountNo: %s,%s', $this->_ERROR_CODE, $AccountNo, checkAccountIsActive($AccountNo) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE', $CoAccountNo, checkAccountIsActive($CoAccountNo) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'); write_my_log_path("insertCoSellOrder", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/otc/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, 30275, $this->items, $this); } $log[] = sprintf('checkAccountIsActive: ERROR_CODE: %s; AccountNo:%s,%s;CoAccountNo: %s,%s', $this->_ERROR_CODE, $AccountNo, checkAccountIsActive($AccountNo) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE', $CoAccountNo, checkAccountIsActive($CoAccountNo) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'); if (!required($CoAccountNo) || !required($AccountNo) || !required($OrderDate) || !required($StockID) || !required($OrderQuantity) || !required($OrderPrice) || !required($Session) || !unsigned($OrderQuantity) || !unsigned($StockID)) { if (!required($AccountNo) || !required($CoAccountNo)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30051; } if (!required($OrderDate)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30052; } if (!required($StockID) || !unsigned($StockID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30053; } if (!required($OrderQuantity) || !unsigned($OrderQuantity)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30054; } if (!required($Session)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30055; } if (!required($OrderPrice)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30056; } $log[] = sprintf('check require: ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); } else { $vip = checkVIPAccount($AccountNo); // 1: exist 0: not exist $vipCo = checkVIPAccount($CoAccountNo); // 1: exist 0: not exist if (($vip == 1 || $vipCo == 1) && $FromTypeID == 5) { // web $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30602; $log[] = sprintf('Vip on web: Fail; AccountNo: %s;CoAccountNo: %s', $vip == 0 ? 'not vip' : 'vip', $vipCo == 0 ? 'not vip' : 'vip'); write_my_log_path("insertCoSellOrder", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/otc/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if ((strpos(EOT_PROHIBITION_ACCOUNT, $AccountNo) !== false || strpos(EOT_PROHIBITION_ACCOUNT, $CoAccountNo) !== false) && $FromTypeID == 5) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30602; $log[] = sprintf('check EOT_PROHIBITION_ACCOUNT: ERROR_CODE: %s;AccountNo:%s,%s;CoAccountNo:%s,%s', $this->_ERROR_CODE, $AccountNo, strpos(EOT_PROHIBITION_ACCOUNT, $AccountNo), $CoAccountNo, strpos(EOT_PROHIBITION_ACCOUNT, $CoAccountNo)); write_my_log_path("insertCoSellOrder", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/otc/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!checkStockPrice($StockID, $OrderPrice, $OrderDate)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30057; } $log[] = sprintf('checkStockPrice: ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $sellingOrderID = ''; $buyingOrderID = ''; try { if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Insert sell order for $CoAccountNo // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $query = sprintf("CALL sp_upcom_insertSellingOrder('%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, '%u', '%s', '%s', '%u', '%u', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $CoAccountNo, $StockID, $OrderQuantity, $OrderPrice, $Session, $FromTypeID, $Note, $OrderDate, $IsAssigner, $IsGotPaper, $CreatedBy, $AccountNoContra, $CompanyNameContra); $log[] = sprintf('%s', $query); $mdb = initWriteDB(); $rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); if (empty($rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30060; } else { $result = $rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19010; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19011; break; case '-3': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19012; break; case '-4': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19013; break; case '-5': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19014; break; case '-6': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19015; break; default: $this->_ERROR_CODE = $result; } } else { $sellingOrderID = $result; } } $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $log[] = sprintf('SellingOrderID: %s', $sellingOrderID); } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Insert buy order for $AccountNo // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // $query = sprintf("CALL sp_upcom_insertBuyingOrder('%s', %u, %u, %u, %u, %u, '%s', '%s', '%u', '%u', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $AccountNo, $StockID, $OrderQuantity, $OrderPrice, $Session, $FromTypeID, $Note, $OrderDate, $IsAssigner, $IsGotPaper, $CreatedBy, $AccountNoContra, $CompanyNameContra); $log[] = sprintf('%s', $query); $rs = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getRow($query); if (empty($rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30015; $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); } else { $result = $rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19001; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19002; break; case '-3': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19003; break; case '-4': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19004; break; case '-5': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 19005; break; default: $this->_ERROR_CODE = $result; } $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); } else { $isQuotaAccount = CheckIsQuotaAccount($AccountNo); $vip = checkVIPAccount($AccountNo); // 1: exist 0: not exist $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $log[] = sprintf('BuyingOrderID: %s', $result); $buyingOrderID = $result; //block money in bank $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM vw_ListAccountBank_Detail WHERE AccountNo='%s' ORDER BY Priority ", $AccountNo); $log[] = sprintf('%s', $query); $mdb = initWriteDB(); $bank_rs = $mdb->extended->getAll($query); $log[] = sprintf('PAGODA_ACCOUNT: %s', strpos(PAGODA_ACCOUNT, $AccountNo) === false ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'); $log[] = sprintf('VIP_ACCOUNT: %s', $vip == 0 ? 'FALSE' : 'TRUE'); if (strpos(PAGODA_ACCOUNT, $AccountNo) === false && $vip == 0) { $dab_rs = 999; if ($isQuotaAccount != 0) { $BankID = NHHM; $mdb = initWriteDB(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_Lock('%s', %u, %u, %f, '%s', '%s')", $AccountNo, NHHM, $result, $rs['varordervalue'], $OrderDate, $CreatedBy); $off_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); $dab_rs = $off_rs['varerror']; $log[] = sprintf('block_money: bankid:NHHM;result:%s', $dab_rs); } else { for ($i = 0; $i < count($bank_rs); $i++) { switch ($bank_rs[$i]['bankid']) { case DAB_ID: $dab =& new CDAB(); $dab_rs = $dab->blockMoney($bank_rs[$i]['bankaccount'], $bank_rs[$i]['cardno'], $AccountNo, $result, $rs['varordervalue'], $OrderDate); $log[] = sprintf('block_money: bankid:DAB_ID;result:%s', $dab_rs); break; case VCB_ID: $dab =& new CVCB(); $OrderID = $result . $rs['varunitcode']; if (!killStupidBank()) { // VCB is stupid $dab_rs = $dab->blockMoney($AccountNo, $OrderID, $rs['varordervalue']); } else { $dab_rs = 30999; } $log[] = sprintf('block_money: bankid:VCB_ID;result:%s', $dab_rs); break; case ANZ_ID: $OrderID = $result; $query = sprintf("CALL sp_anz_money_request_lock( %u, '%s', '%s', '%s' )", $OrderID, $AccountNo, $rs['varordervalue'], $CreatedBy); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->connect(); $rs1 = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getRow($query); $this->_MDB2_WRITE->disconnect(); switch ($rs1['varerror']) { case -1: $dab_rs = 34511; //database error break; case -2: $dab_rs = 34512; //not enough money to unlock break; case -3: $dab_rs = 34513; //account does not exist break; default: $dab_rs = $rs1['varerror']; } $log[] = sprintf('block_money: bankid:ANZ_ID;result:%s', $dab_rs); // added by Quang, 20100407 ------------------------------------ break; case OFFLINE: //inAccountNo varchar(20),inBankID int,inOrderID bigint,inOrderAmount double,inOrderDate date,inCreatedBy $mdb = initWriteDB(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_Lock('%s', %u, %u, %f, '%s', '%s')", $AccountNo, OFFLINE, $result, $rs['varordervalue'], $OrderDate, $CreatedBy); $off_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); $dab_rs = $off_rs['varerror']; $log[] = sprintf('block_money: bankid:OFFLINE;result:%s', $dab_rs); break; // end add ----------------------------------------------------- } if ($dab_rs == 0) { $BankID = $bank_rs[$i]['bankid']; break; } } } } else { $dab_rs = 0; } if ($dab_rs == 0) { //Successfully $log[] = sprintf('successded_block_money'); $mdb = initWriteDB(); if ($Session <= 3) { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_updateBuyingOrderFromPendingToApproved(%u, %u) ", $result, $BankID); } else { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_updateBuyingOrderFromPendingToTransfered(%u, %u) ", $result, $BankID); } $log[] = sprintf('%s', $query); $status_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); if (empty($status_rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30143; } else { $result = $status_rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { //update Order Status fail switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30141; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30142; break; } //switch } // if } // if WS $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); } else { // bank fail $log[] = sprintf('failed_block_money'); switch ($dab_rs) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41020; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41021; break; case '-3': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41022; break; case '-4': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41023; break; case '-5': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41024; break; case '1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41025; break; case '2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41026; break; case '3': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41027; break; case '4': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41028; break; case '5': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41030; break; case '99': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 41029; break; default: $this->_ERROR_CODE = $dab_rs; } $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); $mdb = initWriteDB(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_updateBuyingOrderFromPendingToDenied(%u, '%s') ", $result, $dab_rs); $log[] = sprintf('%s', $query); $status_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); if (empty($status_rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30144; } else { $result = $status_rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { //update Order Status fail switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30145; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30146; break; } //switch } // if } // if WS $log[] = sprintf('ERROR_CODE: %s', $this->_ERROR_CODE); } } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // End Insert buy order for $AccountNo // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // } $this->items[0] = new SOAP_Value('item', $struct, array("BuyingOrderID" => new SOAP_Value("BuyingOrderID", "string", $buyingOrderID), "SellingOrderID" => new SOAP_Value("SellingOrderID", "string", $sellingOrderID))); } catch (Exception $e) { $log[] = sprintf('Exception: %s', $e->getMessage()); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 30060; } } write_my_log_path("insertCoSellOrder", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/otc/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
function getAdvanceAmountforBankAndDate($AdvanceDate, $TDate, $BankID) { try { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'getAdvanceAmountforBankAndDate'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } $this->items = array(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_getAdvanceAmountforBankAndDate('%s','%s','%s')", $AdvanceDate, $TDate, $BankID); $result = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $num_row = count($result); if ($num_row > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $num_row; $i++) { $this->items[$i] = new SOAP_Value('items', '{urn:' . $class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct', array('AdvanceAmount' => new SOAP_Value("AdvanceAmount", "string", $result[$i]['advanceamount']), 'Numday' => new SOAP_Value("Numday", "string", $result[$i]['numday']), 'Val' => new SOAP_Value("Val", "string", $result[$i]['val']))); } } } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('PHP-Exception', $function_name . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DEBUG_PATH); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23022; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
/** * (Function nay chi khac ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney o cho tham so $Note - Tao ngay 20100712, request ngay 20100709) * Function ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu : Ke toan cat tien -- day dl qua Bravo -- cap nhat bankid khi cat tien thanh cong * Input : $EventID, $AccountID, $Today, $UpdatedBy, $Note * OutPut : error code. Return 0 if success else return error code (number >0). */ function ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu($EventID, $AccountID, $UpdatedBy, $Today, $BankID, $Note) { try { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($EventID) || !numeric($EventID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22042; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($AccountID) || !numeric($AccountID))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22005; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0 && (!required($Today) || !valid_date($Today))) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22056; } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { $Withdrawal = $this->CheckConfirmBuyingStock_CutMoney($EventID, $AccountID, $Today); if ($Withdrawal['ErrorCode'] == '0') { // money in bank $query = sprintf("SELECT BankID, BankAccount, BravoCode FROM vw_ListAccountBank_Detail WHERE AccountID='%s' AND BankID ='%s' ", $AccountID, $BankID); $this->_MDB2->disconnect(); $this->_MDB2->connect(); $bank_rs = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $dab_rs = 999; $BankID = 0; $TransactionType = BRAVO_BUYING_STOCK; // phat hanh them cp if ($Withdrawal['AccountNo'] != PAGODA_ACCOUNT) { if (count($bank_rs) > 0) { $i = 0; $BankID = $bank_rs[$i]['bankid']; $BravoCode = $bank_rs[$i]['bravocode']; switch ($BankID) { case DAB_ID: $dab =& new CDAB(); $dab_rs = $dab->transfertoEPS($bank_rs[$i]['bankaccount'], $Withdrawal['AccountNo'], '3_' . $EventID . '_' . $AccountID, $Withdrawal['Amount'], $Note); write_my_log_path('transfertoEPS', $function_name . ' BankAccount ' . $bank_rs[$i]['bankaccount'] . ' AccountNo ' . $Withdrawal['AccountNo'] . ' Event_AccountID ' . '3_' . $EventID . ' ' . $AccountID . ' Amount ' . $Withdrawal['Amount'] . ' Description ' . $Note . ' Error ' . $dab_rs, EVENT_PATH); break; case OFFLINE: $mdb2 = initWriteDB(); //`sp_VirtualBank_insertBuyingStockDivident`(inAccountID bigint, inBankID int, inAmount double,inTransactionDate date, inNote text(1000), inCreatedBy varchar(100)) $query = sprintf("CALL sp_VirtualBank_insertBuyingStockDivident(%u, %u, %f, '%s', '%s', '%s' )", $AccountID, $BankID, $Withdrawal['Amount'], $Today, $Note, $UpdatedBy); $rs = $mdb2->extended->getRow($query); $mdb2->disconnect(); $dab_rs = $rs["varerror"]; break; default: $dab_rs = 0; } } else { $dab_rs = 9999; $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22155; //TK k co TK Ngan hang nay } } else { $TransactionType = BRAVO_BUYING_STOCK; // phat hanh them cp $dab_rs = 0; $BankID = EXI_ID; } if ($dab_rs == 0) { if ($BankID == OFFLINE) { $query = "SELECT mobilephone,ab.usableamount FROM " . TBL_INVESTOR; $query .= " i INNER JOIN " . TBL_ACCOUNT . " a ON("; $query .= " INNER JOIN " . TBL_ACCOUNT_BANK . " ab ON("; $query .= " WHERE a.accountNo='" . $Withdrawal['AccountNo'] . "' AND ab.bankid=" . OFFLINE; $mdb = initWriteDB(); $acc_rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); $mdb->disconnect(); if (!empty($acc_rs['mobilephone'])) { $message = 'Tai khoan cua quy khach tai KIS da thay doi: -' . number_format($Withdrawal['Amount'], 0, '.', ',') . '. ' . $Note; $message .= '. So du hien tai la: ' . number_format($acc_rs['usableamount'], 0, '.', ','); sendSMS(array('Phone' => $acc_rs['mobilephone'], 'Content' => $message), 'ConfirmBuyingStockForDividend_CutMoney_ForTraiPhieu'); } } $soap =& new Bravo(); $Withdrawal_value = array("TradingDate" => $Today, 'TransactionType' => $TransactionType, "AccountNo" => $Withdrawal['AccountNo'], "Amount" => $Withdrawal['Amount'], "Bank" => $BravoCode, "Branch" => "", "Note" => $Note); //'011C001458' //var_dump($withdraw_value); $ret = $soap->withdraw($Withdrawal_value); if ($ret['table0']['Result'] == 1) { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_UpdateDividendPrivilege_BankID ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", $BankID, $EventID, $AccountID, $UpdatedBy); //echo $query; $result = $this->_MDB2_WRITE->extended->getAll($query); //Can not update if (empty($result) || is_object($result)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22120; write_my_log_path('ErrorCallStore', $query . ' ' . $result->backtrace[0]['args'][4], EVENT_PATH); } else { if (isset($result[0]['varerror'])) { //p_iDividentPrivilege sai hoac dang ky mua chua xac nhan hoac da cat tien roi if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -2) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22121; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -3) { //qua ngay cat tien $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22149; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] == -1) { //Exception $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22122; } else { if ($result[0]['varerror'] < 0) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22134; write_my_log_path($function_name, $query . ' VarError ' . $result[0]['varerror'], EVENT_PATH); } } } } } } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE != 0) { $soap->rollback($ret['table1']['Id'], $Today); } } else { switch ($ret['table0']['Result']) { case 0: $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; break; case -2: //Error - bravo $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23002; break; case -1: //Invalid key $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23003; break; case -13: /*Invalid Transaction Type*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23006; break; case -15: /*Invalid CustomerCode*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23005; break; case -16: /*Invalid DestCustomerCode*/ $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23004; break; default: //Unknown Error $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23009; write_my_log_path($function_name, ' Bravo ' . $ret['table0']['Result'], EVENT_PATH); break; } } } else { switch ($dab_rs) { case '-1': //unauthenticate partner $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22135; break; case '-2': //invalid parameters $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22136; break; case '-3': //invalid date $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22137; break; case '-12': // Tai khoan khong ton tai $this->_ERROR_CODE = 12001; break; case '-4': //no customer found $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22140; break; case '-5': //transfer unsuccessful $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22141; break; case '-13': case '1': //invalid account $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22142; break; case '2': //invalid amount $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22143; break; case '3': //duplicate transfer $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22147; break; case '-14': case '5': //not enough balance $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22144; break; case '6': //duplicate account $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22145; break; case '-15': //can not add history transaction $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22228; break; case '-11': case '99': //unknown error $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22138; break; default: $this->_ERROR_CODE = 22139; } } } else { $this->_ERROR_CODE = $Withdrawal['ErrorCode']; } } } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('PHP-Exception', $function_name . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), DEBUG_PATH); $this->_ERROR_CODE = 23022; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
function deleteSetOfEmployee4Group($GroupID, $SetOfEmployeeID, $UpdatedBy) { $function_name = 'deleteSetOfEmployee4Group'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; $delete_log = array(); $lastest_error = 0; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { $delete_log[] = sprintf('GroupID:%s;SetOfEmployeeID:%s;UpdatedBy:%s;ErrorCode:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $GroupID, $SetOfEmployeeID, $UpdatedBy, $this->_ERROR_CODE, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); write_my_log_path("deleteSetOfEmployee4Group", implode("\n --> ", $delete_log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/employee/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } if (!required($GroupID) || !unsigned($GroupID) || !required($SetOfEmployeeID)) { if (!required($GroupID) || !unsigned($GroupID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = $lastest_error = 32071; } if (!required($SetOfEmployeeID)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = $lastest_error = 32070; } $delete_log[] = sprintf('GroupID:%s;SetOfEmployeeID:%s;UpdatedBy:%s;ErrorCode:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $GroupID, $SetOfEmployeeID, $UpdatedBy, $this->_ERROR_CODE, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); } else { $arr_epm = explode(',', $SetOfEmployeeID); $delete_success = array(); $delete_fail = array(); $delete_log[] = sprintf('GroupID:%s;SetOfEmployeeID:%s;UpdatedBy:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $GroupID, $SetOfEmployeeID, $UpdatedBy, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); foreach ($arr_epm as $emp_id) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; $result = NULL; if (!unsigned($emp_id)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 32070; $delete_fail[] = trim($emp_id); } else { $query = sprintf("CALL sp_deleteEmployeeGroup(%u, %u, '%s')", trim($emp_id), $GroupID, $UpdatedBy); $mdb = initWriteDB(); $rs = $mdb->extended->getRow($query); if (empty($rs)) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 32072; $delete_fail[] = trim($emp_id); } else { $result = $rs['varerror']; if ($result < 0) { $delete_fail[] = trim($emp_id); switch ($result) { case '-1': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 32073; break; case '-2': $this->_ERROR_CODE = 32074; break; } } } } if ($this->_ERROR_CODE == 0) { $delete_success[] = trim($emp_id); } else { $lastest_error = $this->_ERROR_CODE; } $delete_log[] = sprintf('GroupID:%s;EmployeeID:%s;UpdatedBy:%s;ErrorCode:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $GroupID, trim($emp_id), $UpdatedBy, $this->_ERROR_CODE, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); } $this->items[] = new SOAP_Value('item', $struct, array("SuccessdedEmployeeID" => new SOAP_Value("SuccessdedEmployeeID", "string", implode(', ', $delete_success)), "FailedEmployeeID" => new SOAP_Value("FailedEmployeeID", "string", implode(', ', $delete_fail)))); } write_my_log_path("deleteSetOfEmployee4Group", implode("\n --> ", $delete_log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/employee/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $lastest_error, $this->items, $this); }
function InsertListOfQuota4AcountVB($TradingDate) { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'InsertListOfQuota4AcountVB'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; $log[] = sprintf('InsertListOfQuota4AcountVB - TradingDate:%s;BankID:%s;ExecutedTime:%s', $TradingDate, OFFLINE, date('Y-m-d h:i:s')); if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { $log[] = sprintf('ErrorCode:%s(authenUser);', $this->_ERROR_CODE); write_my_log_path("InsertListOfQuota4AcountVB", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/quota/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } $query = sprintf("CALL sp_quota_getQuota4Bravo('%s', %u)", $TradingDate, OFFLINE); $result = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $count = count($result); $log[] = sprintf('Query:%s;Count:%s', $query, $count); $f_args = func_get_args(); $argscount = count($f_args); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $error_code = 0; $query = sprintf("CALL sp_quota_insertQuota4AccountVB(%u, %f, '%s', '%s', %u, '%s')", $result[$i]['accountid'], $result[$i]['debtamount'], 'Nộp hạn mức', $TradingDate, OFFLINE, $f_args[$argscount - 2]); $mdb = initWriteDB(); $result2 = $mdb->extended->getAll($query); $log[] = sprintf('Query:%s; Times:%s', $query, $i); if (!isset($result2[0]['varerror'])) { $error_code = 40001; } else { $varerror = $result2[0]['varerror']; if ($varerror < 0) { switch ($varerror) { case '-1': $error_code = 40002; break; case '-2': $error_code = 40047; break; case '-3': $error_code = 40048; break; case '-4': $error_code = 40049; break; case '-5': $error_code = 40050; break; default: $error_code = $varerror; break; } } } $log[] = sprintf('ErrorCode:%s;', $error_code); if ($error_code == 0) { $deposit = array("TradingDate" => date("Y-m-d"), 'TransactionType' => BRAVO_QUOTA, "AccountNo" => $result[$i]['accountno'], "Amount" => $result[$i]['debtamount'], "Fee" => $result[$i]['debtamount'], "Bank" => VIRTUAL_BANK_BRAVO_BANKCODE, "Branch" => "", "Note" => 'Nop han muc'); $log[] = sprintf('Bravo: TransactionType:%s;AccountNo:%s;Amount:%s;Fee:%s;Bank:%s;', BRAVO_QUOTA, $result[$i]['accountno'], $result[$i]['debtamount'], $result[$i]['debtamount'], VIRTUAL_BANK_BRAVO_BANKCODE); $soap =& new Bravo(); $ret = $soap->deposit($deposit); if ($ret['table0']['Result'] != 1) { switch ($ret['table0']['Result']) { case '-2': $error_code = 23002; break; case '-1': $error_code = 23003; break; case '-13': $error_code = 23006; break; case '-15': $error_code = 23005; break; case '-16': $error_code = 23004; break; default: $error_code = 'Bravo' . $ret['table0']['Result']; } } $log[] = sprintf('ErrorCode:%s;', $error_code); } if ($error_code != 0) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = $error_code; $this->items[] = new SOAP_Value('item', $struct, array("AccountID" => new SOAP_Value("AccountID", "string", $result[$i]['accountid']), "AccountNo" => new SOAP_Value("AccountNo", "string", $result[$i]['accountno']), "DebtAmount" => new SOAP_Value("DebtAmount", "string", $result[$i]['debtamount']), "BravoCode" => new SOAP_Value("BravoCode", "string", $result[$i]['bravocode']), "ErrorCode" => new SOAP_Value("ErrorCode", "string", $error_code))); } } $log[] = "\n\n"; write_my_log_path("InsertListOfQuota4AcountVB", implode("\n --> ", $log), '/home/vhosts/eSMS/htdocs/logs/quota/'); return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }
function getAvailBalance($epsAccount) { $params["Reference_Number"] = ''; $params["Stock_Account"] = $epsAccount; $params["Amount"] = ''; $params["Stock_Code"] = ''; $params["Stock_Price"] = ''; $params["Quantity"] = ''; $params["Reserve_Code"] = ''; $params["Transaction_Date"] = date('dmy'); //'190407';// $params["Command_Code"] = ''; $params["Command_Style"] = ''; $params["Currency_Code"] = 'VND'; $params["Securities_ID"] = 'EPSHCM'; $params["Market_Command"] = ''; $params["Command_Language"] = "V"; $params["Password"] = VCB_P; try { $this->soapClient->BALANCE($params); $data = $this->soapClient->__getLastResponse(); $xml = new XML_Unserializer(array("complexType" => "array", "parseAttributes" => TRUE)); $xml->unserialize($data, FALSE); $ret = $xml->getUnserializedData(); $result = $ret["soap:Body"]["BALANCEResponse"]["BALANCEResult"]; // var_dump($result); $arr = explode("|", $result['DESCRIPT']); //var_dump($arr); // write_my_log_path('VCB-order',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].' function_name getAvailBalance TK'. $epsAccount.' ' .date('Y-m-d h:i:s'),VCB_PATH); settype($arr[1], "double"); return $arr[1]; //return $ret["soap:Body"]["BALANCEResponse"]["BALANCEResult"];//.' '.$ret["soap:Body"]["Khop_LenhResponse"]["Khop_LenhResult"]['DESCRIPT']; } catch (Exception $e) { write_my_log_path('VCB-order', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' function_name getAvailBalance ErrorCode 9876 Exception' . ' Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'), VCB_PATH); return '0'; } }
function UpdateIsCollectedVSDFee() { $class_name = $this->class_name; $function_name = 'UpdateIsCollectedVSDFee'; $struct = '{urn:' . $this->class_name . '}' . $function_name . 'Struct'; if (authenUser(func_get_args(), $this, $function_name) > 0) { return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); } $date_array = getdate(); $csv_dir = $this->path . 'vcb_kq/'; if (!is_dir($csv_dir)) { mkdir($csv_dir, 0755); } $csv_dir = $csv_dir . 'logs/'; if (!is_dir($csv_dir)) { mkdir($csv_dir, 0755); } $csv_dir = $csv_dir . $date_array['year'] . '/'; if (!is_dir($csv_dir)) { mkdir($csv_dir, 0755); } $csv_dir = $csv_dir . $date_array['mon'] . '/'; if (!is_dir($csv_dir)) { mkdir($csv_dir, 0755); } $filename = 'eps' . date('Ymd') . '_buy_log.vcbit'; $filepath = $csv_dir . $filename; $vsdlogfile = 'vsdrefno_' . date('Ymd') . '.txt'; $vsdlogfile = sprintf('%s%s%s/%s/%s', $this->path, 'vcb_kq/', $date_array['year'], $date_array['mon'], $vsdlogfile); if (is_file($vsdlogfile)) { if (!is_file($filepath)) { $conn_id = ftp_connect($this->ftp_server); // login with username and password $login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $this->ftp_user_name, $this->ftp_user_pass); // check connection if (!$conn_id || !$login_result) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 24001; } else { $destination_file = $filepath; // open some file to write to $handle = fopen($destination_file, 'w'); $source_file = 'OUT/' . $filename; // get the size of $file $res = ftp_size($conn_id, $source_file); if ($res != -1) { $upload = ftp_fget($conn_id, $handle, $source_file, FTP_BINARY); // check upload status if (!$upload) { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 24002; } else { $this->_ERROR_CODE = 0; } } else { //echo "couldn't get the size"; $this->_ERROR_CODE = 24005; } // close the FTP stream ftp_close($conn_id); fclose($handle); } } if (file_exists($filepath) === true) { $handle = fopen($vsdlogfile, "r"); $vsdlogcontent = fgets($handle); fclose($handle); $vsdrefarray = explode('_', $vsdlogcontent); $handle = fopen($filepath, "r"); while (!feof($handle)) { $line = fgets($handle); $splited = explode(';', $line); if (in_array($splited[1], $vsdrefarray)) { $orderID = substr($splited[1], 0, strlen($splited[1]) - 6); $unitCode = substr($splited[1], -6); if ($splited[15] == '0000') { $this->_MDB2->connect(); $query = sprintf("CALL sp_FeeForVSD_updateIsCollectedForVCB('%s')", $orderID); $result = $this->_MDB2->extended->getAll($query); $this->_MDB2->disconnect(); } $content = $line . ' ' . $query . ' varerror: ' . $result[0]['varerror']; write_my_log_path('UpdateIsCollectedVSDFee', $content, $csv_dir); $this->items[] = new SOAP_Value('item', $struct, array('Refno' => new SOAP_Value("Refno", "string", $splited[1]), 'OrderID' => new SOAP_Value("OrderID", "string", $orderID), 'UnitCode' => new SOAP_Value("UnitCode", "string", $unitCode), 'AccountNo' => new SOAP_Value("AccountNo", "string", $splited[4]), 'Amount' => new SOAP_Value("Amount", "string", $splited[12]), 'VCBResult' => new SOAP_Value("VCBResult", "string", $splited[15]), 'Note' => new SOAP_Value("Note", "string", substr($splited[16], 0, strlen($splited[16]) - 1)), 'UpdateIsCollectedResult' => new SOAP_Value("UpdateIsCollectedResult", "string", $result[0]['varerror']))); } } fclose($handle); } else { // Chua co log file $this->_ERROR_CODE = 24004; } } else { // Khong tim thay file vsdfee refno log $this->_ERROR_CODE = 43007; } return returnXML(func_get_args(), $this->class_name, $function_name, $this->_ERROR_CODE, $this->items, $this); }