Пример #1
 // Can be DONE JUST ONCE AFTER write results to DB
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Results to DB
 // 20130917 - this implementation regarding save_results is confusing.
 // why ?
 // because in some situations args->save_results is a number (0) an in other is an array
 // with just one element with key => test case version ID executed.
 if ($args->save_results || $args->do_bulk_save || $args->save_and_next || $args->save_and_exit || $args->doMoveNext || $args->doMovePrevious) {
     // this has to be done to do not break logic present on write_execution()
     $args->save_results = $args->save_and_next ? $args->save_and_next : ($args->save_results ? $args->save_results : $args->save_and_exit);
     if ($args->save_results || $args->do_bulk_save) {
         $_REQUEST['save_results'] = $args->save_results;
         write_execution($db, $args, $_REQUEST);
     // Need to re-read to update test case status
     if ($args->save_and_next || $args->doMoveNext || $args->doMovePrevious) {
         // Normally this script is called from the tree.
         // Filters and other conditions (example display test cases just assigned to me,etc)
         // can be applied, creating a set of test cases that can be used.
         // Due to size restrictions on POST variables this info is transfered via $_SESSION.
         // But because we have choosen to add access to this script from other features
         // we have forgot to populate this info.
         // This is the reason for several issues.
         // The approach will be to understand who is the caller and apply different logics
         // instead of recreate the logic to populate $_SESSION (I think this approach
         // will be simpler).
Пример #2
     list($tcase_id, $tcversion_id) = processTestCase($tcase, $gui, $args, $cfg, $linked_tcversions, $tree_mgr, $tcase_mgr, $attachmentRepository);
 } else {
     list($tcase_id, $tcversion_id) = processTestSuite($db, $gui, $args, $linked_tcversions, $tree_mgr, $tcase_mgr, $attachmentRepository);
 // 20100927 - asimon - check if value is an array before calling implode
 // to avoid warnings in event log
 $gui->tcversionSet = is_array($tcversion_id) ? implode(',', $tcversion_id) : $tcversion_id;
 // will create a record even if the testcase version has not been executed (GET_NO_EXEC)
 $gui->map_last_exec = getLastExecution($db, $tcase_id, $tcversion_id, $gui, $args, $tcase_mgr);
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // Results to DB
 if ($args->save_results || $args->do_bulk_save || $args->save_and_next) {
     // this has to be done to do not break logic present on write_execution()
     $args->save_results = $args->save_and_next ? $args->save_and_next : $args->save_results;
     $_REQUEST['save_results'] = $args->save_results;
     $submitResult = write_execution($db, $args, $_REQUEST, $gui->map_last_exec);
     // Need to re-read to update test case status
     if ($args->save_and_next) {
         $nextItem = $tplan_mgr->getTestCaseNextSibling($args->tplan_id, $tcversion_id, $args->platform_id);
         if (!is_null($nextItem)) {
             $tcase_id = $nextItem['tcase_id'];
             $tcversion_id = $nextItem['tcversion_id'];
             // BUGID 3478
             processTestCase($nextItem, $gui, $args, $cfg, $linked_tcversions, $tree_mgr, $tcase_mgr, $attachmentRepository);
     $gui->map_last_exec = getLastExecution($db, $tcase_id, $tcversion_id, $gui, $args, $tcase_mgr);
 if ($args->doDelete) {
     delete_execution($db, $args->exec_to_delete);
Пример #3
 // 20130917 - this implementation regarding save_results is confusing.
 // why ?
 // because in some situations args->save_results is a number (0) an in other is an array
 // with just one element with key => test case version ID executed.
 if ($args->save_results || $args->do_bulk_save || $args->save_and_next || $args->save_and_exit || $args->doMoveNext || $args->doMovePrevious) {
     // this has to be done to do not break logic present on write_execution()
     $args->save_results = $args->save_and_next ? $args->save_and_next : ($args->save_results ? $args->save_results : $args->save_and_exit);
     if ($args->save_results || $args->do_bulk_save) {
         // Need to get Latest execution ID before writing
         $lexid = 0;
         if ($args->copyIssues && $args->level == 'testcase') {
             $lexid = $tcase_mgr->getSystemWideLastestExecutionID($args->version_id);
         $_REQUEST['save_results'] = $args->save_results;
         list($execSet, $gui->addIssueOp) = write_execution($db, $args, $_REQUEST, $its);
         if ($args->assignTask) {
             $fid = $tplan_mgr->getFeatureID($args->tplan_id, $args->platform_id, $args->version_id);
             $taskMgr = new assignment_mgr($db);
             $taskDomain = $taskMgr->get_available_types();
             $taskStatusDomain = $taskMgr->get_available_status();
             $fmap[$fid]['user_id'] = $fmap[$fid]['assigner_id'] = $args->user_id;
             $fmap[$fid]['build_id'] = $args->build_id;
             $fmap[$fid]['type'] = $taskDomain['testcase_execution']['id'];
             $fmap[$fid]['status'] = $taskStatusDomain['open']['id'];
         if ($lexid > 0 && $args->copyIssues && $args->level == 'testcase') {
             copyIssues($db, $lexid, $execSet[$args->version_id]);