Пример #1
                if ($dump['speed'] > $config['maxspeed']) {
                    $dump['speed'] = $config['maxspeed'];
            } else {
                $dump['speed'] *= $config['tuning_sub'];
                if ($dump['speed'] < $config['minspeed']) {
                    $dump['speed'] = $config['minspeed'];
            $dump['speed'] = (int) $dump['speed'];
        } else {
            //Backup for all databases is done
            $dump['data'] = "\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;";
            $dump['data'] .= "\n" . '-- EOB' . "\n\n";
            chmod($config['paths']['backup'] . $dump['backupdatei'], 0777);
            $logMsg = sprintf($lang['L_DUMP_OF_DB_FINISHED'], $dump['db_actual']);
            $log->write(Log::PHP, $logMsg);
// everything is dumped -> check for e-mail and ftp-actions
if ($dump['backup_done'] == 1) {
    if (count($_SESSION['log']['files_created']) > 0) {
        if (!isset($_SESSION['log']['email'])) {
            // first call after backup is finished -> create todo-list
            $_SESSION['log']['email'] = array();
            $_SESSION['email']['filelist'] = array();
 * Read records from table, build query-strings and write them to dump file
 * @param string $db    The database to read from
 * @param string $table The table to read from
 * @return void
function getContent($db, $table)
    global $dbo, $config, $dump, $lang, $log;
    $content = '';
    $fields = $dbo->getTableColumns($table, $db);
    // TODO decide if the type of field needs to be escaped and placed between quotes
    // also handle NULL-values very strict for MySQL-servers running with sql-mod=STRICT
    $fieldNames = array_keys($fields);
    $fieldList = '`' . implode('`,`', $fieldNames) . '`';
    // indicator if the actual table is fully dumped in this call
    $tableDone = 0;
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `' . $db . '`.`' . $table . '` LIMIT ' . $dump['table_record_offset'] . ',' . ($dump['restzeilen'] + 1);
    $result = $dbo->query($sql, MsdDbFactory::ARRAY_NUMERIC);
    $numRows = @count($result);
    if ($numRows > 0) {
        // we've got records - get fields
        $numfields = count($result[0]);
        if ($numRows > $dump['restzeilen']) {
            // there are more records to get - table is not fully dumped
            $dump['table_record_offset'] += $dump['restzeilen'];
            //set table record offset for next call
            // correct counter - we only used the last record to find out if there is more to fetch
        } else {
            // table is done -> increase table offset
            $recordsSaved = $dump['table_record_offset'] + $numRows;
            $log->write(Log::PHP, sprintf($lang['L_BACKUP_TABLE_DONE'], $table, String::formatNumber($recordsSaved)));
            $dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
            $tableDone = 1;
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $insert = 'INSERT INTO `' . $table . '` (' . $fieldList . ') VALUES (';
            //TODO implement REPLACE INTO for expert mode
            //	}
            //$insert='REPLACE INTO `'.$table.'` '.$complete.' VALUES (';
            //	}
            foreach ($row as $field => $val) {
                if ($val != '') {
                    $insert .= '\'' . $dbo->escape($val) . '\',';
                } else {
                    $insert .= '\'\',';
            $insert = substr($insert, 0, -1) . ');' . "\n";
            $dump['data'] .= $insert;
            if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit'] || $config['multi_part'] == 1 && strlen($dump['data']) + MULTIPART_FILESIZE_BUFFER > $config['multipart_groesse']) {
        if ($tableDone == 1) {
            // check if records have been saved and add "enable keys"
            $tables = $dump['databases'][$dump['db_actual']]['tables'];
            if ($tables[$table]['dump_records'] == 1) {
                $dump['data'] .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `{$table}`" . " ENABLE KEYS */;";
    } else {
        // table corrupt -> skip it
        $dump['table_record_offset'] = 0;
        $dump['restzeilen'] = $dump['restzeilen'] - $numRows;
        $dump['data'] .= "/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `{$table}` ENABLE KEYS */;\n";
        if (strlen($dump['data']) > $config['memory_limit'] || $config['multi_part'] == 1 && strlen($dump['data']) + MULTIPART_FILESIZE_BUFFER > $config['multipart_groesse']) {