function wr2x_generate_images($meta) { require 'wr2x_vt_resize.php'; global $_wp_additional_image_sizes; $sizes = wr2x_get_image_sizes(); if (!isset($meta['file'])) { return; } $originalfile = $meta['file']; $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $pathinfo = pathinfo($originalfile); $original_basename = $pathinfo['basename']; $basepath = trailingslashit($uploads['basedir']) . $pathinfo['dirname']; $ignore = wr2x_getoption("ignore_sizes", "wr2x_basics", array()); $issue = false; $id = wr2x_get_attachment_id($meta['file']); wr2x_log("* GENERATE RETINA FOR ATTACHMENT '{$meta['file']}'"); wr2x_log("Full-Size is {$original_basename}."); foreach ($sizes as $name => $attr) { $normal_file = ""; if (in_array($name, $ignore)) { wr2x_log("Retina for {$name} ignored (settings)."); continue; } // Is the file related to this size there? $pathinfo = null; $retina_file = null; if (isset($meta['sizes'][$name]) && isset($meta['sizes'][$name]['file'])) { $normal_file = trailingslashit($basepath) . $meta['sizes'][$name]['file']; $pathinfo = pathinfo($normal_file); $retina_file = trailingslashit($pathinfo['dirname']) . $pathinfo['filename'] . wr2x_retina_extension() . $pathinfo['extension']; } if ($retina_file && file_exists($retina_file)) { wr2x_log("Base for {$name} is '{$normal_file}'."); wr2x_log("Retina for {$name} already exists: '{$retina_file}'."); continue; } if ($retina_file) { $originalfile = trailingslashit($pathinfo['dirname']) . $original_basename; if (!file_exists($originalfile)) { wr2x_log("[ERROR] Original file '{$originalfile}' cannot be found."); return $meta; } // Maybe that new image is exactly the size of the original image. // In that case, let's make a copy of it. if ($meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2 == $meta['width'] && $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2 == $meta['height']) { copy($originalfile, $retina_file); wr2x_log("Retina for {$name} created: '{$retina_file}' (as a copy of the full-size)."); } else { if (wr2x_are_dimensions_ok($meta['width'], $meta['height'], $meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2, $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2)) { // Change proposed by Nicscott01, slighlty modified by Jordy (+isset) // ( $crop = isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$name]) ? $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$name]['crop'] : true; $customCrop = null; // Support for Manual Image Crop // If the size of the image was manually cropped, let's keep it. if (class_exists('ManualImageCrop') && isset($meta['micSelectedArea']) && isset($meta['micSelectedArea'][$name]) && isset($meta['micSelectedArea'][$name]['scale'])) { $customCrop = $meta['micSelectedArea'][$name]; } $image = wr2x_vt_resize($originalfile, $meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2, $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2, $crop, $retina_file, $customCrop); } } if (!file_exists($retina_file)) { wr2x_log("[ERROR] Retina for {$name} could not be created. Full-Size is " . $meta['width'] . "x" . $meta['height'] . " but Retina requires a file of at least " . $meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2 . "x" . $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2 . "."); $issue = true; } else { do_action('wr2x_retina_file_added', $id, $retina_file); wr2x_log("Retina for {$name} created: '{$retina_file}'."); } } else { if (empty($normal_file)) { wr2x_log("[ERROR] Base file for '{$name}' does not exist."); } else { wr2x_log("[ERROR] Base file for '{$name}' cannot be found here: '{$normal_file}'."); } } } // Checks attachment ID + issues if (!$id) { return $meta; } if ($issue) { wr2x_add_issue($id); } else { wr2x_remove_issue($id); } return $meta; }
function wr2x_generate_images($meta) { require 'wr2x_vt_resize.php'; $sizes = wr2x_get_image_sizes(); $originalfile = $meta['file']; $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $pathinfo = pathinfo($originalfile); $original_basename = $pathinfo['basename']; $basepath = trailingslashit($uploads['basedir']) . $pathinfo['dirname']; $ignore = wr2x_getoption("ignore_sizes", "wr2x_basics", array()); $issue = false; $id = wr2x_get_attachment_id($meta['file']); wr2x_log("** RETINA INFO FOR ATTACHMENT '{$meta['file']}' **"); wr2x_log("- Original: {$original_basename}"); foreach ($sizes as $name => $attr) { if (in_array($name, $ignore)) { wr2x_log("- {$name} => IGNORED"); continue; } // Is the file related to this size there? $pathinfo = null; $retina_file = null; if (isset($meta['sizes'][$name]) && isset($meta['sizes'][$name]['file'])) { $normal_file = trailingslashit($basepath) . $meta['sizes'][$name]['file']; $pathinfo = pathinfo($normal_file); $retina_file = trailingslashit($pathinfo['dirname']) . $pathinfo['filename'] . wr2x_retina_extension() . $pathinfo['extension']; } if ($retina_file && file_exists($retina_file)) { wr2x_log("- {$name}: {$normal_file} -> {$retina_file} => EXISTS"); continue; } if ($retina_file) { $originalfile = trailingslashit($pathinfo['dirname']) . $original_basename; if (!file_exists($originalfile)) { wr2x_log("- The Original File '{$originalfile}' cannot be found."); return $meta; } // Maybe that new image is exactly the size of the original image. // In that case, let's make a copy of it. if ($meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2 == $meta['width'] && $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2 == $meta['height']) { wr2x_log("- {$name}: {$originalfile} -> {$retina_file} => COPY"); copy($originalfile, $retina_file); } else { if ($meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2 <= $meta['width'] && $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2 <= $meta['height']) { $image = wr2x_vt_resize($originalfile, $meta['sizes'][$name]['width'] * 2, $meta['sizes'][$name]['height'] * 2, $retina_file); } } if (!file_exists($retina_file)) { wr2x_log("- {$name}: {$normal_file} -> {$retina_file} => FAIL"); $issue = true; } else { do_action('wr2x_retina_file_added', $id, $retina_file); wr2x_log("- {$name}: {$normal_file} -> {$retina_file} => RESIZE"); } } else { wr2x_log("- {$name} => MISSING"); } } // Checks attachment ID + issues if (!$id) { return $meta; } if ($issue) { wr2x_add_issue($id); } else { wr2x_remove_issue($id); } return $meta; }