Пример #1
 *	Replicate compare function of the theme since I can't implement it in my own template
function build_compare_table($atts)
    $defaults = array('id' => get_the_ID(), 'before' => '', 'after' => '', 'empty' => 'true', 'wrap' => 'div');
    extract(shortcode_atts($defaults, $atts));
    // Open table
    $details = '<table class="table table-striped table-compare">';
    // Add listing ID first
    $details .= '<tr class="listing-details-sc-detail table-compare-id">';
    $details .= '<td class="table-compare-label">' . __('ID', 'wpsight') . ':</td>';
    $details .= '<td class="table-compare-value">' . wpsight_get_listing_id() . '</td>';
    $details .= '</tr><!-- .table-compare-id -->';
    // Loop through standard details
    foreach (wpsight_standard_details() as $detail => $v) {
        // Don't show detail if label is emtpy in options
        $standard_details_option = wpsight_get_option($detail);
        if (empty($standard_details_option['label'])) {
        // Apply filter to optionally deactivate single detail
        if (apply_filters('wpsight_listing_details_table_' . $detail, true) != true) {
        $detail_meta = get_post_meta($id, '_' . $detail, true);
        if (!$detail_meta && $empty != 'true') {
        $detail_value = $detail_meta ? $detail_meta . ' ' . wpsight_get_measurement_units($v['unit']) : __('n/d', 'wpsight');
        $details .= '<tr class="listing-details-sc-detail ' . $detail . '">';
        $details .= '<td class="table-compare-label">' . $v['label'] . ':</td>';
        $details .= '<td class="table-compare-value">' . $detail_value . '</td>';
        $details .= '</tr><!-- .listing-details-sc-' . $detail . ' -->';
    // Add listing price at the end
    $details .= '<tr class="listing-details-sc-detail table-compare-price">';
    $details .= '<td class="table-compare-value" colspan="2">' . wpsight_get_price() . '</td>';
    $details .= '</tr><!-- .table-compare-price -->';
    // Close table
    $details .= '</table><!-- .table-compare -->';
    // $output = sprintf( '%1$s%3$s%2$s', $before, $after, $details );
    // // Optionally wrap shortcode in HTML tags
    // if( ! empty( $wrap ) && $wrap != 'false' && in_array( $wrap, array_keys( wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' ) ) ) )
    // $output = sprintf( '<%2$s class="listing-details-table-sc">%1$s</%2$s>', $output, $wrap );
    // return apply_filters( 'wpsight_listing_details_table_shortcode', $output, $atts );
    return $details;
Пример #2
    function widget($args, $instance)
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $listing_type = isset($instance['listing_type']) ? $instance['listing_type'] : true;
        $listing_location = isset($instance['listing_location']) ? $instance['listing_location'] : true;
        $listing_id = isset($instance['listing_id']) ? $instance['listing_id'] : true;
        // Loop through standard details
        foreach (wpsight_standard_details() as $key => $values) {
            $key = isset($instance[$key]) ? $instance[$key] : true;
        if (is_single() && get_post_type() == wpsight_listing_post_type()) {
        	<div id="<?php 
            echo wpsight_dashes($this->id);
" class="listing-details section clearfix clear">
        		<div class="title clearfix">
	        		<div class="title-price listing-price">
            // Action hook listing details title inside
            do_action('wpsight_listing_details_title_inside', $args, $instance);
				</div><!-- .title -->
            // Display details
            $standard_details = wpsight_standard_details();
            $listing_details = '';
            // Loop through standard details
            if (!empty($standard_details)) {
                $i = 0;
                $listing_details .= '<div class="row">' . "\n";
                foreach ($standard_details as $feature => $value) {
                    $standard_details_option = wpsight_get_option($feature);
                    // If details hasn't been set before, display default
                    if (!isset($standard_details_option['label'])) {
                        $standard_details_option = wpsight_get_option($feature, true);
                    // Don't show detail if label is emtpy in options
                    if (empty($standard_details_option['label'])) {
                    // Append listing ID to details
                    if ($i == 0 && $listing_id) {
                        $listing_details_id = '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                        $listing_details_id .= '<span class="listing-details-label">' . __('Listing ID', 'wpsight') . ':</span>' . "\n";
                        $listing_details_id .= '<span class="listing-details-value">' . wpsight_get_listing_id(get_the_ID()) . '</span><!-- .listing-id-value -->' . "\n";
                        $listing_details_id .= '</div><!-- .listing-details-id -->' . "\n";
                        $listing_details .= apply_filters('wpsight_listing_details_id', $listing_details_id, $args, $instance);
                    $listing_details_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_' . $feature, true);
                    // Check if value is data key
                    if (!empty($value['data'])) {
                        $listing_details_value = $value['data'][$listing_details_value];
                    $listing_details_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_' . $feature, true);
                    if (!empty($listing_details_meta) && $instance[$feature]) {
                        $listing_details .= '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                        $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-details-label">' . $value['label'] . ':</span><!-- .listing-' . $feature . '-label -->' . "\n";
                        $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-details-value">' . $listing_details_value . ' ' . wpsight_get_measurement_units($value['unit']) . '</span><!-- .listing-' . $feature . '-value -->' . "\n";
                        $listing_details .= '</div><!-- .listing-' . $feature . ' -->' . "\n";
                // endforeach
                // Add date - will be hidden by CSS display:none
                $listing_details .= '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-date updated">' . get_the_date() . '</span>' . "\n";
                $listing_details .= '</div>' . "\n";
                $listing_details .= '</div><!-- .row -->' . "\n";
            // endif
            echo apply_filters('wpsight_widget_listing_details', $listing_details, $args, $instance);
			</div><!-- .listing-details --><?php 
Пример #3
 function wpsight_get_listing_details($post_id = '', $details_nr = '', $details = false)
     // Get post ID from $post_id
     if (empty($post_id)) {
         $post_id = get_the_ID();
     // If still empty, return false
     if (empty($post_id)) {
         return false;
     // Get post custom data
     $post_custom = get_post_custom($post_id);
     // Get standard details
     $standard_details = wpsight_standard_details();
     // Create markup
     $listing_details = '<div class="listing-details-overview clearfix">';
     // Loop through details
     if (empty($details_nr)) {
         $details_nr = apply_filters('wpsight_get_listing_details_nr', 3);
     // Check if specific details
     $details = apply_filters('wpsight_get_listing_details', $details);
     if (is_array($details)) {
         foreach ($details as $detail) {
             $pos = strpos($detail, '_');
             if ($pos !== false && $pos == 0) {
                 $detail = substr_replace($detail, '', $pos, strlen('_'));
             if (!empty($post_custom['_' . $detail][0])) {
                 $i = 1;
                 // Get listing detail
                 $listing_detail = wpsight_get_standard_detail($detail);
                 $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-' . wpsight_dashes($detail) . ' listing-details-detail" title="' . $listing_detail['label'] . '">';
                 $listing_details .= $post_custom['_' . $detail][0] . ' ';
                 $listing_details .= wpsight_get_measurement_units($standard_details[$detail]['unit']);
                 $listing_details .= '</span><!-- .listing-' . wpsight_dashes($detail) . ' -->' . "\n";
     } else {
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $details_nr; $i++) {
             if (!isset($post_custom['_details_' . $i][0])) {
             $listing_detail_value = $post_custom['_details_' . $i][0];
             if (!empty($listing_detail_value)) {
                 // Get listing detail
                 $listing_detail = wpsight_get_standard_detail('details_' . $i);
                 $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-details-' . $i . ' listing-details-detail" title="' . $listing_detail['label'] . '">';
                 // Check if value is data key
                 if (!empty($listing_detail['data'])) {
                     $listing_detail_value = $listing_detail['data'][$listing_detail_value];
                 $listing_details .= $listing_detail_value . ' ';
                 $listing_details .= wpsight_get_measurement_units($standard_details['details_' . $i]['unit']);
                 $listing_details .= '</span><!-- .listing-details-' . $i . ' -->' . "\n";
     // Display formatted listing price
     $listing_details .= '<span class="listing-price">' . wpsight_get_price($post_id) . '</span><!-- .listing-price -->' . "\n";
     // Close markup
     $listing_details .= '</div><!-- .listing-details -->';
     return apply_filters('wpsight_listing_details', $listing_details);
Пример #4
function wpcasa_get_measurement_units($unit)
    return wpsight_get_measurement_units($unit);
Пример #5
    function widget($args, $instance)
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $property_type = isset($instance['property_type']) ? $instance['property_type'] : true;
        $property_location = isset($instance['property_location']) ? $instance['property_location'] : true;
        $property_id = isset($instance['property_id']) ? $instance['property_id'] : true;
        /** Loop through standard details */
        foreach (wpsight_standard_details() as $key => $values) {
            $key = isset($instance[$key]) ? $instance[$key] : true;
        if (is_single() && get_post_type() == 'property') {
        	<div id="<?php 
            echo wpsight_dashes($args['widget_id']);
" class="listing-details listing-details section clearfix clear">
        		<div class="title clearfix">
	        		<div class="title-price property-price listing-price">
            // Action hook property details title inside
            do_action('wpsight_listing_details_title_inside', $args, $instance);
				</div><!-- .title -->
            // Display details
            $standard_details = wpsight_standard_details();
            $property_details = '';
            // Loop through standard details
            if (!empty($standard_details)) {
                $i = 0;
                $property_details .= '<div class="row">' . "\n";
                foreach ($standard_details as $feature => $value) {
                    // Append property ID to details
                    if ($i == 0 && $property_id) {
                        $property_details_id = '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                        $property_details_id .= '<span class="listing-details-label">' . __('Property ID', 'wpsight') . ':</span>' . "\n";
                        $property_details_id .= '<span class="listing-details-value">' . wpsight_get_listing_id(get_the_ID()) . '</span><!-- .listing-id-value -->' . "\n";
                        $property_details_id .= '</div><!-- .listing-details-id -->' . "\n";
                        $property_details .= apply_filters('wpsight_listing_details_id', $property_details_id);
                    $property_details_value = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_' . $feature, true);
                    if (!empty($property_details_value) && $instance[$feature]) {
                        $property_details .= '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                        $property_details .= '<span class="listing-details-label">' . $value['label'] . ':</span><!-- .listing-' . $feature . '-label -->' . "\n";
                        $property_details .= '<span class="listing-details-value">' . $property_details_value . ' ' . wpsight_get_measurement_units($value['unit']) . '</span><!-- .listing-' . $feature . '-value -->' . "\n";
                        $property_details .= '</div><!-- .property-' . $feature . ' -->' . "\n";
                // endforeach
                // Add date - will be hidden by CSS display:none
                $property_details .= '<div class="' . wpsight_get_span('small') . '">' . "\n";
                $property_details .= '<span class="listing-date updated">' . get_the_date() . '</span>' . "\n";
                $property_details .= '</div>' . "\n";
                $property_details .= '</div><!-- .row -->' . "\n";
            // endif
            echo apply_filters('wpsight_widget_listing_details', $property_details);
			</div><!-- .listing-details --><?php 