Пример #1
* wpsc category loop function
* This function recursively loops through the categories to display the category tree.
* This function also generates a tree of categories at the same time
* WARNING: as this function is recursive, be careful what you do with it.
* @param array the category query
* @param string the category html
* @param array the category array branch, is an internal value, leave it alone.
* @return string - the finished category html
function wpsc_display_category_loop($query, $category_html, &$category_branch = null)
    static $category_count_data = array();
    // the array tree is stored in this
    if (isset($query['parent_category_id'])) {
        $category_id = absint($query['parent_category_id']);
    } else {
        $category_id = 0;
    $category_data = get_terms('wpsc_product_category', 'hide_empty=0&parent=' . $category_id, OBJECT, 'display');
    $output = '';
    // if the category branch is identical to null, make it a reference to $category_count_data
    if ($category_branch === null) {
        $category_branch =& $category_count_data;
    $allowed_tags = array('a' => array('href' => array(), 'title' => array()), 'abbr' => array('title' => array()), 'acronym' => array('title' => array()), 'code' => array(), 'em' => array(), 'strong' => array(), 'b' => array());
    $allowedtags = apply_filters('wpsc_category_description_allowed_tags', $allowed_tags);
    foreach ((array) $category_data as $category_row) {
        // modifys the query for the next round
        $modified_query = $query;
        $modified_query['parent_category_id'] = $category_row->term_id;
        // gets the count of products associated with this category
        $category_count = $category_row->count;
        // Sticks the category description in
        $category_description = '';
        if ($category_row->description != '' && !empty($query['description_container'])) {
            $start_element = $query['description_container']['start_element'];
            $end_element = $query['description_container']['end_element'];
            $category_description = $start_element . wpautop(wptexturize(wp_kses($category_row->description, $allowedtags))) . $end_element;
        // Creates the list of classes on the category item
        $category_classes = wpsc_print_category_classes((array) $category_row, false);
        // Set the variables for this category
        $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['children'] = array();
        $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['count'] = (int) $category_count;
        // Recurse into the next level of categories
        $sub_categories = wpsc_display_category_loop($modified_query, $category_html, $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['children']);
        // grab the product count from the subcategories
        foreach ((array) $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['children'] as $child_category) {
            $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['count'] += (int) $child_category['count'];
        // stick the category count array together here
        // this must run after the subcategories and the count of products belonging to them has been obtained
        $category_count = $category_branch[$category_row->term_id]['count'];
        $start_element = '';
        $end_element = '';
        if (isset($query['products_count']['start_element'])) {
            $start_element = $query['products_count']['start_element'];
        if (isset($query['products_count']['end_element'])) {
            $end_element = $query['products_count']['end_element'];
        $category_count_html = $start_element . $category_count . $end_element;
        if (isset($query['subcategory_container']) && !empty($sub_categories)) {
            $start_element = $query['subcategory_container']['start_element'];
            $end_element = $query['subcategory_container']['end_element'];
            $sub_categories = $start_element . $sub_categories . $end_element;
        // get the category images
        $category_image = wpsc_place_category_image($category_row->term_id, $modified_query);
        if (empty($query['image_size']['width'])) {
            if (!wpsc_category_grid_view()) {
                $width = wpsc_get_categorymeta($category_row->term_id, 'image_width');
            if (empty($width)) {
                $width = get_option('category_image_width');
        } else {
            $width = $query['image_size']['width'];
        if (empty($query['image_size']['height'])) {
            if (!wpsc_category_grid_view()) {
                $height = wpsc_get_categorymeta($category_row->term_id, 'image_height');
            if (empty($height)) {
                $height = get_option('category_image_height');
        } else {
            $height = $query['image_size']['height'];
        $category_image = wpsc_get_categorymeta($category_row->term_id, 'image');
        $category_image_html = '';
        if ($query['show_thumbnails'] == 1) {
            if (!empty($category_image) && is_file(WPSC_CATEGORY_DIR . $category_image)) {
                $category_image_html = "<img src='" . WPSC_CATEGORY_URL . "{$category_image}' alt='{$category_row->name}' title='{$category_row->name}' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px;' class='wpsc_category_image' />";
            } elseif (isset($query['show_name']) && 1 == $query['show_name']) {
                $category_image_html .= "<span class='wpsc_category_image item_no_image ' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px;'>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t<span class='link_substitute' >\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t<span>" . __('N/A', 'wpsc') . "</span>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t</span>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "</span>\n\r";
        // get the list of products associated with this category.
        $tags_to_replace = array('[wpsc_category_name]', '[wpsc_category_description]', '[wpsc_category_url]', '[wpsc_category_id]', '[wpsc_category_classes]', '[wpsc_category_image]', '[wpsc_subcategory]', '[wpsc_category_products_count]');
        $content_to_place = array(esc_html($category_row->name), $category_description, esc_url(get_term_link($category_row->slug, 'wpsc_product_category')), $category_row->term_id, $category_classes, $category_image_html, $sub_categories, $category_count_html);
        // Stick all the category html together and concatenate it to the previously generated HTML
        $output .= str_replace($tags_to_replace, $content_to_place, $category_html);
    return $output;
Пример #2
* wpsc category loop function
* This function recursively loops throuh the categories to display the category tree.
* WARNING: this function is recursive, be careful what you do with it.
* @param array the category query
* @param string the category html
* @return string - the finished category html
function wpsc_display_category_loop($query, $category_html)
    global $wpdb, $wpsc_query;
    $category_sql_segment = array();
    $category_sql_segment[] = "`active`='1'";
    if (is_numeric($query['category_group'])) {
        $category_group = absint($query['category_group']);
        $category_sql_segment[] = "`group_id`='{$category_group}'";
    } else {
        if ($query['category_group'] == 'all' || $query['category_group'] == 'all+list') {
            $category_group = 1;
    /// select by parent category
    $category_sql_segment[] = "`category_parent` = '" . absint($query['parent_category_id']) . "'";
    if (!isset($query['order_by'])) {
        $query['order_by'] = array("column" => 'name', "direction" => 'asc');
    $column = $wpdb->escape($query['order_by']['column']);
    if (strtolower($query['order_by']['direction']) == "desc") {
        $order = "DESC";
    } else {
        $order = "ASC";
    //exit("SELECT  `id`, `name`, `nice-name`, `description`, `image` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES."` WHERE ".implode(" AND ", $category_sql_segment)." ORDER BY `{$column}` $order");
    $category_sql_segment = apply_filters('wpsc_display_category_loop_category_sql_segments', $category_sql_segment);
    $category_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT  `id`, `name`, `nice-name`, `description`, `image` FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_CATEGORIES . "` WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $category_sql_segment) . " ORDER BY `{$column}` {$order}", ARRAY_A);
    //echo "<pre>".print_r($category_sql_segment, true)."</pre>";
    $output = '';
    foreach ((array) $category_data as $category_row) {
        $modified_query = $query;
        $modified_query['parent_category_id'] = $category_row['id'];
        $category_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(`p`.`id`) FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_ITEM_CATEGORY_ASSOC . "` AS `a` JOIN `" . WPSC_TABLE_PRODUCT_LIST . "` AS `p` ON `a`.`product_id` = `p`.`id` WHERE `a`.`category_id` IN ('{$category_row['id']}') AND `p`.`active` IN ('1') AND `p`.`publish` IN('1')");
        $start_element = $query['products_count']['start_element'];
        $end_element = $query['products_count']['end_element'];
        $category_count_html = $start_element . $category_count . $end_element;
        $category_description = '';
        if ($category_row['description'] != '') {
            $start_element = $query['description_container']['start_element'];
            $end_element = $query['description_container']['end_element'];
            $category_description = $start_element . wpautop(wptexturize(wp_kses(stripslashes($category_row['description']), $allowedtags))) . $end_element;
        $category_classes = 'wpsc-cat-item wpsc-cat-item-' . $category_row['id'];
        if ($wpsc_query->query_vars['category_id'] == $category_row['id']) {
            $category_classes .= ' wpsc-current-cat';
        $sub_categories = wpsc_display_category_loop($modified_query, $category_html);
        if ($sub_categories != '') {
            $start_element = $query['subcategory_container']['start_element'];
            $end_element = $query['subcategory_container']['end_element'];
            $sub_categories = $start_element . $sub_categories . $end_element;
        $category_image = wpsc_place_category_image($category_row['id'], $modified_query);
        $width = $query['image_size']['width'] - 4;
        $height = $query['image_size']['height'] - 4;
        $category_image_html = '';
        if ($query['show_thumbnails'] == 1) {
            if ($category_row['image'] != '' && is_file(WPSC_CATEGORY_DIR . $category_row['image'])) {
                $category_image_html = "<img src='{$category_image}' alt='{$category_row['name']}' title='{$category_row['name']}' class='wpsc_category_image' />";
            } else {
                $category_image_html = "";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t\t\t<span class='wpsc_category_image item_no_image ' style='width: {$width}px; height: {$height}px;'>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t\t\t\t<span class='link_substitute' >\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t<span>" . __('N/A', 'wpsc') . "</span>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t\t\t\t</span>\n\r";
                $category_image_html .= "\t\t\t\t</span>\n\r";
        $category_product_list = wpsc_category_product_list($category_row['id']);
        $tags_to_replace = array('[wpsc_category_name]', '[wpsc_category_description]', '[wpsc_category_url]', '[wpsc_category_id]', '[wpsc_category_classes]', '[wpsc_category_image]', '[wpsc_subcategory]', '[wpsc_category_products_count]', '[wpsc_category_product_list]');
        $content_to_place = array(htmlentities($category_row['name'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $category_description, wpsc_category_url($category_row['id']), $category_row['id'], $category_classes, $category_image_html, $sub_categories, $category_count_html, $category_product_list);
        $output .= str_replace($tags_to_replace, $content_to_place, $category_html);
    return $output;