 * wpmlm_change_tax function, used through ajax and in normal page loading.
 * No parameters, returns nothing
function wpmlm_change_tax()
    global $wpdb, $wpmlm_cart;
    $form_id = absint($_POST['form_id']);
    $wpmlm_selected_country = $wpmlm_cart->selected_country;
    $wpmlm_selected_region = $wpmlm_cart->selected_region;
    $wpmlm_delivery_country = $wpmlm_cart->delivery_country;
    $wpmlm_delivery_region = $wpmlm_cart->delivery_region;
    $previous_country = $_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_country'];
    if (isset($_POST['billing_country'])) {
        $wpmlm_selected_country = $_POST['billing_country'];
        $_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_country'] = $wpmlm_selected_country;
    if (isset($_POST['billing_region'])) {
        $wpmlm_selected_region = absint($_POST['billing_region']);
        $_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_region'] = $wpmlm_selected_region;
    $check_country_code = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `country`.`isocode` FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "` AS `region` INNER JOIN `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` AS `country` ON `region`.`country_id` = `country`.`id` WHERE `region`.`id` = %d LIMIT 1", $_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_region']));
    if ($_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_country'] != $check_country_code) {
        $wpmlm_selected_region = null;
    if (isset($_POST['shipping_country'])) {
        $wpmlm_delivery_country = $_POST['shipping_country'];
        $_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_country'] = $wpmlm_delivery_country;
    if (isset($_POST['shipping_region'])) {
        $wpmlm_delivery_region = absint($_POST['shipping_region']);
        $_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_region'] = $wpmlm_delivery_region;
    $check_country_code = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `country`.`isocode` FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "` AS `region` INNER JOIN `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` AS `country` ON `region`.`country_id` = `country`.`id` WHERE `region`.`id` = %d LIMIT 1", $wpmlm_delivery_region));
    if ($wpmlm_delivery_country != $check_country_code) {
        $wpmlm_delivery_region = null;
    if ($wpmlm_cart->selected_shipping_method != '') {
        $wpmlm_cart->update_shipping($wpmlm_cart->selected_shipping_method, $wpmlm_cart->selected_shipping_option);
    $tax = $wpmlm_cart->calculate_total_tax();
    $total = wpmlm_cart_total();
    $total_input = wpmlm_cart_total(false);
    if ($wpmlm_cart->coupons_amount >= wpmlm_cart_total(false) && !empty($wpmlm_cart->coupons_amount)) {
        $total = 0;
    if ($wpmlm_cart->total_price < 0) {
        $wpmlm_cart->coupons_amount += $wpmlm_cart->total_price;
        $wpmlm_cart->total_price = null;
    include_once wpmlm_get_template_file_path('wpmlm-cart_widget.php');
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    $output = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("\\n", "\\r"), addslashes($output));
    if (get_option('lock_tax') == 1) {
        echo "jQuery('#current_country').val('" . esc_js($_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_country']) . "'); \n";
        if ($_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_country'] == 'US' && get_option('lock_tax') == 1) {
            $output = wpmlm_shipping_region_list($_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_country'], $_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_region']);
            $output = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("\\n", "\\r"), addslashes($output));
            echo "jQuery('#region').remove();\n\r";
            echo "jQuery('#change_country').append(\"" . $output . "\");\n\r";
    foreach ($wpmlm_cart->cart_items as $key => $cart_item) {
        echo "jQuery('#shipping_{$key}').html(\"" . wpmlm_currency_display($cart_item->shipping) . "\");\n\r";
    echo "jQuery('#checkout_shipping').html(\"" . wpmlm_cart_shipping() . "\");\n\r";
    echo "jQuery('div.shopping-cart-wrapper').html('{$output}');\n";
    if (get_option('lock_tax') == 1) {
        echo "jQuery('.shipping_country').val('" . esc_js($_SESSION['wpmlm_delivery_country']) . "') \n";
        $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT `country` FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` WHERE `isocode`= '%s'", $_SESSION['wpmlm_selected_country']);
        $country_name = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
        echo "jQuery('.shipping_country_name').html('" . $country_name . "') \n";
    $form_selected_country = null;
    $form_selected_region = null;
    $onchange_function = null;
    if (!empty($_POST['billing_country']) && $_POST['billing_country'] != 'undefined' && !isset($_POST['shipping_country'])) {
        $form_selected_country = $wpmlm_selected_country;
        $form_selected_region = $wpmlm_selected_region;
        $onchange_function = 'set_billing_country';
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST['shipping_country']) && $_POST['shipping_country'] != 'undefined' && !isset($_POST['billing_country'])) {
            $form_selected_country = $wpmlm_delivery_country;
            $form_selected_region = $wpmlm_delivery_region;
            $onchange_function = 'set_shipping_country';
    if ($form_selected_country != null && $onchange_function != null) {
        $region_list = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`.* FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`, `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`  WHERE `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`isocode` IN('%s') AND `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "`.`id` = `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "`.`country_id`", $form_selected_country), ARRAY_A);
        if ($region_list != null) {
            $title = empty($_POST['billing_country']) ? 'shippingstate' : 'billingstate';
            $output = "<select name='collected_data[" . $form_id . "][1]' class='current_region' onchange='{$onchange_function}(\"region_country_form_{$form_id}\", \"{$form_id}\");' title='" . $title . "'>\n\r";
            foreach ($region_list as $region) {
                if ($form_selected_region == $region['id']) {
                    $selected = "selected='selected'";
                } else {
                    $selected = "";
                $output .= "   <option value='" . $region['id'] . "' {$selected}>" . htmlspecialchars($region['name']) . "</option>\n\r";
            $output .= "</select>\n\r";
            $output = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("\\n", "\\r"), addslashes($output));
            echo "jQuery('#region_select_{$form_id}').html(\"" . $output . "\");\n\r";
            echo "\n\t\t\t\tvar wpmlm_checkout_table_selector = jQuery('#region_select_{$form_id}').parents('.wpmlm_checkout_table').attr('class');\n\t\t\t\twpmlm_checkout_table_selector = wpmlm_checkout_table_selector.replace(' ','.');\n\t\t\t\twpmlm_checkout_table_selector = '.'+wpmlm_checkout_table_selector;\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' input.billing_region').attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' input.shipping_region').attr('disabled', 'disabled');\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' .billing_region').parent().parent().hide();\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' .shipping_region').parent().parent().hide();\n\t\t\t";
        } else {
            if (get_option('lock_tax') == 1) {
                echo "jQuery('#region').hide();";
            echo "jQuery('#region_select_{$form_id}').html('');\n\r";
            echo "\n\t\t\t\tvar wpmlm_checkout_table_selector = jQuery('#region_select_{$form_id}').parents('.wpmlm_checkout_table').attr('class');\n\t\t\t\twpmlm_checkout_table_selector = wpmlm_checkout_table_selector.replace(' ','.');\n\t\t\t\twpmlm_checkout_table_selector = '.'+wpmlm_checkout_table_selector;\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' input.billing_region').removeAttr('disabled');\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' input.shipping_region').removeAttr('disabled');\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' .billing_region').parent().parent().show();\n\t\t\t\tjQuery(wpmlm_checkout_table_selector + ' .shipping_region').parent().parent().show();\n\t\t\t";
    if ($tax > 0) {
        echo "jQuery(\"tr.total_tax\").show();\n\r";
    } else {
        echo "jQuery(\"tr.total_tax\").hide();\n\r";
    echo "jQuery('#checkout_tax').html(\"<span class='pricedisplay'>" . wpmlm_cart_tax() . "</span>\");\n\r";
    echo "jQuery('#checkout_total').html(\"{$total}<input id='shopping_cart_total_price' type='hidden' value='{$total_input}' />\");\n\r";
function wpmlm_also_bought($product_id)
     * Displays products that were bought aling with the product defined by $product_id
     * most of it scarcely needs describing
    global $wpdb;
    if (get_option('wpmlm_also_bought') == 0) {
        //returns nothing if this is off
        return '';
    // to be made customiseable in a future release
    $also_bought_limit = 3;
    $element_widths = 96;
    $image_display_height = 96;
    $image_display_width = 96;
    $output = '';
    $also_bought = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT `" . $wpdb->posts . "`.* FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_ALSO_BOUGHT . "`, `" . $wpdb->posts . "` WHERE `selected_product`= %d AND `" . WPMLM_TABLE_ALSO_BOUGHT . "`.`associated_product` = `" . $wpdb->posts . "`.`id` AND `" . $wpdb->posts . "`.`post_status` IN('publish','protected') ORDER BY `" . WPMLM_TABLE_ALSO_BOUGHT . "`.`quantity` DESC LIMIT {$also_bought_limit}", $product_id), ARRAY_A);
    if (count($also_bought) > 0) {
        $output .= "<h2 class='prodtitles wpmlm_also_bought' >" . __('People who bought this item also bought', 'wpmlm') . "</h2>";
        $output .= "<div class='wpmlm_also_bought'>";
        foreach ((array) $also_bought as $also_bought_data) {
            $output .= "<div class='wpmlm_also_bought_item' style='width: " . $element_widths . "px;'>";
            if (get_option('show_thumbnails') == 1) {
                $image_path = wpmlm_the_product_thumbnail($image_display_width, $image_display_height, $also_bought_data['ID']);
                if ($image_path) {
                    $output .= "<a href='" . get_permalink($also_bought_data['ID']) . "' class='preview_link'  rel='" . str_replace(" ", "_", get_the_title($also_bought_data['ID'])) . "'>";
                    $image_path = "index.php?productid=" . $also_bought_data['ID'] . "&amp;width=" . $image_display_width . "&amp;height=" . $image_display_height . "";
                    $output .= "<img src='{$image_path}' id='product_image_" . $also_bought_data['ID'] . "' class='product_image' style='margin-top: " . $margin_top . "px'/>";
                    $output .= "</a>";
                } else {
                    if (get_option('product_image_width') != '') {
                        $output .= "<img src='" . WPMLM_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/no-image-uploaded.gif' title='" . get_the_title($also_bought_data['ID']) . "' alt='" . $also_bought_data['name'] . "' width='{$image_display_height}' height='{$image_display_height}' id='product_image_" . $also_bought_data['ID'] . "' class='product_image' />";
                    } else {
                        $output .= "<img src='" . WPMLM_CORE_IMAGES_URL . "/no-image-uploaded.gif' title='" . get_the_title($also_bought_data['ID']) . "' alt='" . htmlentities(stripslashes(get_the_title($also_bought_data['ID'])), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "' id='product_image_" . $also_bought_data['ID'] . "' class='product_image' />";
            $output .= "<a class='wpmlm_product_name' href='" . get_permalink($also_bought_data['ID']) . "'>" . get_the_title($also_bought_data['ID']) . "</a>";
            $price = get_product_meta($also_bought_data['ID'], 'price', true);
            $special_price = get_product_meta($also_bought_data['ID'], 'special_price', true);
            if (!empty($special_price)) {
                $output .= '<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">' . wpmlm_currency_display($price) . '</span>';
                $output .= wpmlm_currency_display($special_price);
            } else {
                $output .= wpmlm_currency_display($price);
            $output .= "</div>";
        $output .= "</div>";
        $output .= "<br clear='all' />";
    return $output;
Пример #3
 * wpmlm_ajax_ie_save save changes made using inline edit
 * @public
 * @3.8
 * @returns nothing
function wpmlm_ajax_ie_save()
    $product_post_type = get_post_type_object('wpmlm-product');
    if (!current_user_can($product_post_type->cap->edit_posts)) {
        echo '({"error":"' . __('Error: you don\'t have required permissions to edit this product', 'wpmlm') . '", "id": "' . esc_js($_POST['id']) . '"})';
    $id = absint($_POST['id']);
    $post = get_post($_POST['id']);
    $parent = get_post($post->post_parent);
    $terms = wp_get_object_terms($id, 'wpmlm-variation', array('fields' => 'names'));
    $product = array('ID' => $_POST['id'], 'post_title' => $parent->post_title . ' (' . implode(', ', $terms) . ')');
    $id = wp_update_post($product);
    if ($id > 0) {
        //need parent meta to know which weight unit we are using
        $parent_meta = get_product_meta($post->post_parent, 'product_metadata', true);
        $product_meta = get_product_meta($product['ID'], 'product_metadata', true);
        if (is_numeric($_POST['weight']) || empty($_POST['weight'])) {
            $product_meta['weight'] = wpmlm_convert_weight($_POST['weight'], $parent_meta['weight_unit'], 'pound', true);
            $product_meta['weight_unit'] = $parent_meta['weight_unit'];
        update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'product_metadata', $product_meta);
        update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'price', (double) $_POST['price']);
        update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'special_price', (double) $_POST['special_price']);
        update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'sku', $_POST['sku']);
        if (!is_numeric($_POST['stock'])) {
            update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'stock', '');
        } else {
            update_product_meta($product['ID'], 'stock', absint($_POST['stock']));
        $meta = get_product_meta($id, 'product_metadata', true);
        $price = get_product_meta($id, 'price', true);
        $special_price = get_product_meta($id, 'special_price', true);
        $sku = get_product_meta($id, 'sku', true);
        $sku = $sku ? $sku : __('N/A', 'wpmlm');
        $stock = get_product_meta($id, 'stock', true);
        $stock = $stock === '' ? __('N/A', 'wpmlm') : $stock;
        $results = array('id' => $id, 'title' => $post->post_title, 'weight' => wpmlm_convert_weight($meta['weight'], 'pound', $parent_meta['weight_unit']), 'price' => wpmlm_currency_display($price), 'special_price' => wpmlm_currency_display($special_price), 'sku' => $sku, 'stock' => $stock);
        echo '(' . json_encode($results) . ')';
    } else {
        echo '({"error":"' . __('Error updating product', 'wpmlm') . '", "id": "' . esc_js($_POST['id']) . '"})';
function wpmlm_packing_slip($purchase_id)
    echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>" . __('Packing Slip', 'wpmlm') . "</title></head><body id='wpmlm-packing-slip'>";
    global $wpdb;
    $purch_sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `id`=%d", $purchase_id);
    $purch_data = $wpdb->get_row($purch_sql, ARRAY_A);
    $cartsql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS . "` WHERE `purchaseid`=%d", $purchase_id);
    $cart_log = $wpdb->get_results($cartsql, ARRAY_A);
    $j = 0;
    if ($cart_log != null) {
        echo "<div class='packing_slip'>\n\r";
        echo apply_filters('wpmlm_packing_slip_header', '<h2>' . __('Packing Slip', 'wpmlm') . "</h2>\n\r");
        echo "<strong>" . __('Order', 'wpmlm') . " #</strong> " . $purchase_id . "<br /><br />\n\r";
        echo "<table>\n\r";
        $form_sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "` WHERE `log_id` = %d", $purchase_id);
        $input_data = $wpdb->get_results($form_sql, ARRAY_A);
        foreach ($input_data as $input_row) {
            $rekeyed_input[$input_row['form_id']] = $input_row;
        if ($input_data != null) {
            $form_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "` WHERE `active` = '1'", ARRAY_A);
            foreach ($form_data as $form_field) {
                switch ($form_field['type']) {
                    case 'country':
                        $region_count_sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`regions`.`id`) FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_REGION_TAX . "` AS `regions` INNER JOIN `" . WPMLM_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST . "` AS `country` ON `country`.`id` = `regions`.`country_id` WHERE `country`.`isocode` IN('%s')", $purch_data['billing_country']);
                        $delivery_region_count = $wpdb->get_var($region_count_sql);
                        if (is_numeric($purch_data['billing_region']) && $delivery_region_count > 0) {
                            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('State', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . wpmlm_get_region($purch_data['billing_region']) . "</td></tr>\n\r";
                        echo "\t<tr><td>" . wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()) . ":</td><td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</td></tr>\n\r";
                    case 'delivery_country':
                        if (is_numeric($purch_data['shipping_region']) && $delivery_region_count > 0) {
                            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('State', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . wpmlm_get_region($purch_data['shipping_region']) . "</td></tr>\n\r";
                        echo "\t<tr><td>" . wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()) . ":</td><td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</td></tr>\n\r";
                    case 'heading':
                        if ($form_field['name'] == "Hidden Fields") {
                        } else {
                            echo "\t<tr class='heading'><td colspan='2'><strong>" . wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()) . ":</strong></td></tr>\n\r";
                        if ($form_field['name'] == "Cupcakes") {
                            parse_str($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value'], $cupcakes);
                            foreach ($cupcakes as $product_id => $quantity) {
                                $product = get_post($product_id);
                                $string .= "(" . $quantity . ") " . $product->post_title . ", ";
                            $string = rtrim($string, ", ");
                            echo "\t<tr><td>" . wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()) . ":</td><td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($string), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</td></tr>\n\r";
                        } else {
                            if ($form_field['name'] == "State" && !empty($purch_data['billing_region']) || $form_field['name'] == "State" && !empty($purch_data['billing_region'])) {
                                echo "";
                            } else {
                                echo "\t<tr><td>" . wp_kses($form_field['name'], array()) . ":</td><td>" . (isset($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]) ? htmlentities(stripslashes($rekeyed_input[$form_field['id']]['value']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : '') . "</td></tr>\n\r";
        } else {
            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('Name', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data['firstname'] . " " . $purch_data['lastname'] . "</td></tr>\n\r";
            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('Address', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data['address'] . "</td></tr>\n\r";
            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('Phone', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data['phone'] . "</td></tr>\n\r";
            echo "\t<tr><td>" . __('Email', 'wpmlm') . ":</td><td>" . $purch_data['email'] . "</td></tr>\n\r";
        if (2 == get_option('payment_method')) {
            $gateway_name = '';
            $nzshpcrt_gateways = nzshpcrt_get_gateways();
            foreach ($nzshpcrt_gateways as $gateway) {
                if ($purch_data['gateway'] != 'testmode') {
                    if ($gateway['internalname'] == $purch_data['gateway']) {
                        $gateway_name = $gateway['name'];
                } else {
                    $gateway_name = __('Manual Payment', 'wpmlm');
        echo "</table>\n\r";
        do_action('wpmlm_packing_slip_extra_info', $purchase_id);
        echo "<table class='packing_slip'>";
        echo "<tr>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Quantity', 'wpmlm') . " </th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Name', 'wpmlm') . "</th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Price', 'wpmlm') . " </th>";
        echo " <th>" . __('Shipping', 'wpmlm') . " </th>";
        echo '<th>' . __('Tax', 'wpmlm') . '</th>';
        echo '</tr>';
        $endtotal = 0;
        $all_donations = true;
        $all_no_shipping = true;
        $file_link_list = array();
        $total_shipping = 0;
        foreach ($cart_log as $cart_row) {
            $alternate = "";
            if ($j % 2 != 0) {
                $alternate = "class='alt'";
            // product ID will be $cart_row['prodid']. need to fetch name and stuff
            $variation_list = '';
            if ($cart_row['donation'] != 1) {
                $all_donations = false;
            if ($cart_row['no_shipping'] != 1) {
                $shipping = $cart_row['pnp'];
                $total_shipping += $shipping;
                $all_no_shipping = false;
            } else {
                $shipping = 0;
            $price = $cart_row['price'] * $cart_row['quantity'];
            $gst = $price - $price / (1 + $cart_row['gst'] / 100);
            if ($gst > 0) {
                $tax_per_item = $gst / $cart_row['quantity'];
            echo "<tr {$alternate}>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo $cart_row['quantity'];
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo $cart_row['name'];
            echo stripslashes($variation_list);
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo wpmlm_currency_display($price);
            echo " </td>";
            echo " <td>";
            echo wpmlm_currency_display($shipping);
            echo " </td>";
            echo '<td>';
            echo wpmlm_currency_display($cart_row['tax_charged']);
            echo '</td>';
            echo '</tr>';
        echo "</table>";
        echo '<table class="packing-slip-totals">';
        if (floatval($purch_data['discount_value'])) {
            echo '<tr><th>' . __('Discount', 'wpmlm') . '</th><td>(' . wpmlm_currency_display($purch_data['discount_value']) . ')</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Base Shipping', 'wpmlm') . '</th><td>' . wpmlm_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping']) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Total Shipping', 'wpmlm') . '</th><td>' . wpmlm_currency_display($purch_data['base_shipping'] + $total_shipping) . '</td></tr>';
        if ($purch_data['wpec_taxes_total'] != 0.0) {
            echo '<tr><th>' . __('Taxes', 'wpmlm') . '</th><td>' . wpmlm_currency_display($purch_data['wpec_taxes_total']) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '<tr><th>' . __('Total Price', 'wpmlm') . '</th><td>' . wpmlm_currency_display($purch_data['totalprice']) . '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
        echo "</div>\n\r";
    } else {
        echo "<br />" . __('This users cart was empty', 'wpmlm');
function wpmlm_admin_ajax()
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'product-page-order') {
        $current_order = get_option('wpmlm_product_page_order');
        $new_order = $_POST['order'];
        if (isset($new_order["advanced"])) {
            $current_order["advanced"] = array_unique(explode(',', $new_order["advanced"]));
        if (isset($new_order["side"])) {
            $current_order["side"] = array_unique(explode(',', $new_order["side"]));
        update_option('wpmlm_product_page_order', $current_order);
        exit(print_r($order, 1));
    if (isset($_POST['save_image_upload_state']) && $_POST['save_image_upload_state'] == 'true' && is_numeric($_POST['image_upload_state'])) {
        $upload_state = (int) (bool) $_POST['image_upload_state'];
        update_option('wpmlm_use_flash_uploader', $upload_state);
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        $value_id = absint($_GET['variation_value_id']);
        echo wp_delete_term($value_id, 'wpmlm-variation');
    if (isset($_POST['hide_ecom_dashboard']) && $_POST['hide_ecom_dashboard'] == 'true') {
        require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php';
        $rss = fetch_rss('http://www.instinct.co.nz/feed/');
        $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 5);
        $rss_hash = sha1(serialize($rss->items));
        update_option('wpmlm_ecom_news_hash', $rss_hash);
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        $meta_id = (int) $_POST['meta_id'];
        if (delete_meta($meta_id)) {
            echo $meta_id;
        echo 0;
    if (isset($_REQUEST['log_state']) && $_REQUEST['log_state'] == "true" && is_numeric($_POST['id']) && is_numeric($_POST['value'])) {
        $newvalue = $_POST['value'];
        if ($_REQUEST['suspend'] == 'true') {
            if ($_REQUEST['value'] == 1 && function_exists('wpmlm_member_dedeactivate_subscriptions')) {
            } elseif (function_exists('wpmlm_member_deactivate_subscriptions')) {
        } else {
            $log_data = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM `" . WPMLM_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `id` = '%d' LIMIT 1", $_POST['id']), ARRAY_A);
            if ($newvalue == 2 && function_exists('wpmlm_member_activate_subscriptions')) {
            $wpdb->update(WPMLM_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS, array('processed' => $newvalue), array('id' => $_POST['id']), '%d', '%d');
            if ($newvalue > $log_data['processed'] && $log_data['processed'] < 2) {
                transaction_results($log_data['sessionid'], false);
            $status_name = wpmlm_find_purchlog_status_name($purchase['processed']);
            echo "document.getElementById(\"form_group_" . absint($_POST['id']) . "_text\").innerHTML = '" . $status_name . "';\n";
            $year = date("Y");
            $month = date("m");
            $start_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
            $end_timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 0, $year);
            echo "document.getElementById(\"log_total_month\").innerHTML = '" . addslashes(wpmlm_currency_display(admin_display_total_price($start_timestamp, $end_timestamp))) . "';\n";
            echo "document.getElementById(\"log_total_absolute\").innerHTML = '" . addslashes(wpmlm_currency_display(admin_display_total_price())) . "';\n";