function wpi_post_metaform() { ?> <h2>WP-iStalker Theme options</h2> <?php if (wpi_option('meta_title')) { ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Page Title', WPI_META); $ltitle = __('Title: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'maintitle'); ?> <p> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('maintitle', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('maintitle'); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (wpi_option('meta_description')) { ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Meta Description', WPI_META); $ltitle = __('Descriptions: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'metadescription'); ?> <p> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('meta_description', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('meta_description'); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (wpi_option('meta_keywords')) { ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Meta Keywords', WPI_META); $ltitle = __('Keywords: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'metakeywords'); ?> <p> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('meta_keywords', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('meta_keywords'); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (wpi_option('banner')) { ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Banner Settings', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'banner', true); ?> <p> <?php $ltitle = __('Show banner: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('banner', $ltitle); ?> <select name="wpi_banner" id="wpi_banner" size="2" class="row-4" style="height:36px"> <?php $prop = wpi_get_postmeta('banner'); if (empty($prop)) { $prop = 1; } wpiAdmin::htmlOption(array('Enabled' => 1, 'Disabled' => 0), $prop); ?> </select> </p> <p id="banner-url" style="clear:both"> <?php $ltitle = __('Image URL: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('banner_url', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('banner_url'); ?> </p> <p id="banner-height" style="clear:both"> <?php $ltitle = __('Banner height: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('banner_height', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('banner_height', 'width:10%', '72px'); ?> </p> <p style="clear:both"> <?php $ltitle = __('Background repeat:', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('banner_repeat', $ltitle); ?> <select name="wpi_banner_repeat" id="wpi_banner_repeat" size="2" class="row-4" style="height:68px"> <?php $prop = wpi_get_postmeta('banner_repeat'); if (empty($prop)) { $prop = 'no-repeat'; } wpiAdmin::htmlOption(array('None' => 'no-repeat', 'Tile' => 'repeat', 'Horizontal' => 'repeat-x', 'Vertical' => 'repeat-y'), $prop); ?> </select> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Entry sub title', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'subtitle', true); ?> <p><?php $ltitle = __('Sub title:', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('subtitle', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('subtitle'); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('will also be added to header as Meta Abstract', WPI_META); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php $ptitle = __('hReview', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'hrating', true); ?> <p><?php $ltitle = __('Rating', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('hrating', $ltitle); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_input('hrating', 'style:width:10%', 3); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('hReview rating for this entry. Max is 5', WPI_META); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Header Content', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'header_content', true); ?> <p><?php $ltitle = __('Content: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('header_content', $ltitle); ?> <textarea id="wpi_header_content" name="wpi_header_content" style="width:70%;height:200px"><?php echo stripslashes_deep(wpi_get_postmeta('header_content')); ?> </textarea> </p> <p><?php _e('Content will be added before the </head> tag.', WPI_META); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php $ptitle = __('Footer Content', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_metabox_start($ptitle, 'footer_content', true); ?> <p><?php $ltitle = __('Content: ', WPI_META); ?> <?php wpi_postmeta_label('footer_content', $ltitle); ?> <textarea id="wpi_footer_content" name="wpi_footer_content" style="width:70%"><?php echo stripslashes_deep(wpi_get_postmeta('footer_content')); ?> </textarea> </p> <p><?php _e('Content will be added before the </body> tag.', WPI_META); ?> </p> <?php wpi_metabox_end(); ?> <?php }
function wpi_get_hrating() { $rated = 3; if (($is_rated = wpi_get_postmeta('hrating')) != false) { $rated = $is_rated ? $is_rated : $rated; } $output = _t('span', $rated, array('class' => 'rating rtxt rated-' . $rated)); $output = _t('div', __('Rated ', WPI_META) . $output, array('class' => 'hrating rtxt')); return $output; }
public function bannerIntenalCSS() { if (!self::bannerReady()) { return; } $sc = is_at(); $is_articles = $sc == wpiSection::SINGLE || $sc == wpiSection::PAGE ? true : false; $css = PHP_EOL; $burl = wpi_option('banner_url'); $height = wpi_option('banner_height'); $repeat = wpi_option('banner_repeat'); // global image url $burl = !empty($burl) ? $burl : ''; $height = !empty($height) ? $height : '72px'; $repeat = !empty($repeat) ? $repeat : 'no-repeat'; if ($is_articles) { if (($purl = wpi_get_postmeta('banner_url')) != false) { $burl = !empty($purl) ? $purl : $burl; } if (($pheight = wpi_get_postmeta('banner_height')) != false) { $height = !empty($pheight) ? $pheight : $height; } if (($prepeat = wpi_get_postmeta('banner_repeat')) != false) { $repeat = !empty($prepeat) ? $prepeat : $repeat; } } if ($sc == wpiSection::AUTHOR) { global $wp_query; $puser = $wp_query->queried_object; if (($url = $puser->user_banner_url) != false) { $burl = !empty($url) ? $url : $burl; } if (($uheight = $puser->user_banner_height) != false) { $height = !empty($uheight) ? $uheight : $height; } if (($urepeat = $puser->user_banner_repeat) != false) { $repeat = !empty($urepeat) ? $urepeat : $repeat; } unset($puser); } $css .= PHP_T . '#banner{background-color:#f9f9f9;background-image:url('; $css .= $burl . ');border-bottom:2px solid #ddd;'; $css .= 'border-top:1px solid #999;height:' . $height . ';'; $css .= 'background-position:0% 0%;background-repeat:' . $repeat; $css .= '}' . PHP_EOL; echo $css; }