/** * Tweaks the post layouts for WooCommerce archives and single product posts. * * @since 2.0.0 */ public static function layouts($class) { if (wpex_is_woo_shop()) { $class = wpex_get_mod('woo_shop_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (wpex_is_woo_tax()) { $class = wpex_get_mod('woo_shop_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (wpex_is_woo_single()) { $class = wpex_get_mod('woo_product_layout', 'full-width'); } return $class; }
function wpex_get_post_layout_class($post_id = '') { // Define variables $class = 'right-sidebar'; $post_id = $post_id ? $post_id : wpex_get_the_id(); // First check meta then run through all template parts if ($post_id && ($meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wpex_post_layout', true))) { $class = $meta; } elseif (is_singular('page')) { // Blog template if (is_page_template('templates/blog.php')) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } else { $class = get_theme_mod('page_single_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } } elseif (is_singular('post')) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_single_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (is_singular('portfolio')) { $class = get_theme_mod('portfolio_single_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (is_singular('staff')) { $class = get_theme_mod('staff_single_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (is_singular('testimonials')) { $class = get_theme_mod('testimonials_single_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (wpex_is_woo_shop()) { $class = get_theme_mod('woo_shop_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (wpex_is_woo_tax()) { $class = get_theme_mod('woo_shop_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (wpex_is_woo_single()) { $class = get_theme_mod('woo_product_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (is_tax('portfolio_category') || is_tax('portfolio_tag')) { $class = get_theme_mod('portfolio_archive_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (is_tax('staff_category') || is_tax('staff_tag')) { $class = get_theme_mod('staff_archive_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (is_tax('testimonials_category') || is_tax('testimonials_tag')) { $class = get_theme_mod('testimonials_archive_layout', 'full-width'); } elseif (is_home()) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (is_category()) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar'); $term = get_query_var('cat'); $term_data = get_option("category_{$term}"); if ($term_data) { if (!empty($term_data['wpex_term_layout'])) { $class = $term_data['wpex_term_layout']; } } } elseif (is_author()) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (is_archive()) { $class = get_theme_mod('blog_archives_layout', 'right-sidebar'); } elseif (function_exists('tribe_is_month')) { if (tribe_is_month()) { $class = 'full-width'; } elseif (function_exists('tribe_is_event') && function_exists('tribe_is_day') && tribe_is_event() && !tribe_is_day() && !is_single()) { $class = 'full-width'; } elseif (function_exists('tribe_is_day') && tribe_is_day()) { $class = 'full-width'; } if (is_singular('tribe_events') && ($meta = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wpex_post_layout', true))) { $class = $meta; } else { $class = 'full-width'; } } // Fallback so class is never empty if (empty($class)) { $class = 'right-sidebar'; } // Apply filters for child theme editing $class = apply_filters('wpex_post_layout_class', $class); // Return correct classname return $class; }