private function tab_generalinfo() { $upgrades_api = wpbdp_listing_upgrades_api(); echo '<strong>' . _x('General Info', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM') . '</strong>'; echo '<dl>'; echo '<dt>' . _x('Total Listing Cost', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM') . '</dt>'; echo '<dd>' . wpbdp_format_currency($this->listing->get_total_cost()) . '</dd>'; echo '<dt>' . _x('Payment Status', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM') . '</dt>'; echo '<dd>'; echo sprintf('<span class="tag paymentstatus %1$s">%1$s</span>', $this->listing->get_payment_status()); echo '</dd>'; echo '<dt>' . _x('Featured (Sticky) Status', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM') . '</dt>'; echo '<dd>'; // sticky information $sticky_info = $upgrades_api->get_info($this->listing->get_id()); echo '<span><b>'; if ($sticky_info->pending) { echo _x('Pending Upgrade', 'admin metabox', 'WPBDM'); } else { echo esc_attr($sticky_info->level->name); } echo '</b> </span><br />'; if (current_user_can('administrator')) { if ($sticky_info->upgradeable) { echo sprintf('<span><a href="%s">%s</a></span>', esc_url(add_query_arg(array('wpbdmaction' => 'changesticky', 'u' => $sticky_info->upgrade->id, 'post' => $this->listing->get_id()))), '<b>↑</b> ' . sprintf(__('Upgrade to %s', 'WPBDM'), esc_attr($sticky_info->upgrade->name))); } if ($sticky_info->downgradeable) { echo '<br />'; echo sprintf('<span><a href="%s">%s</a></span>', esc_url(add_query_arg(array('wpbdmaction' => 'changesticky', 'u' => $sticky_info->downgrade->id, 'post' => $this->listing->get_id()))), '<b>↓</b> ' . sprintf(__('Downgrade to %s', 'WPBDM'), esc_attr($sticky_info->downgrade->name))); } } $import_id = get_post_meta($this->listing->get_id(), '_wpbdp[import_sequence_id]', true); if (current_user_can('administrator') && $import_id) { echo '<dt>' . _x('CSV Import Sequence ID', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM') . '</dt>'; echo '<dd>' . $import_id . '</dd>'; } echo '</dd>'; do_action('wpbdp_admin_metabox_generalinfo_list', $this->listing->get_id()); echo '</dl>'; if (current_user_can('administrator') && 'ok' != $this->listing->get_payment_status()) { echo sprintf('<a href="%s" class="button-primary">%s</a> ', esc_url(add_query_arg('wpbdmaction', 'setaspaid')), _x('Mark listing as Paid', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM')); } echo wpbdp_render_page(WPBDP_PATH . 'admin/templates/listing-metabox-feesummary.tpl.php', array('categories' => $this->listing->get_categories('all'), 'listing' => $this->listing)); }
<dl> <dt><?php echo _ex('Created on', 'admin payments', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo $payment->get_created_on(); ?> </dd> <dt><?php _ex('Amount', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo wpbdp_format_currency($payment->get_total(), 2, $payment->get_currency_code()); ?> </dd> <dt><?php _ex('Gateway', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd><?php echo $payment->get_gateway() ? $payment->get_gateway() : '–'; ?> </dd> <?php if ($payment->has_been_processed()) { ?>
foreach ($payment->get_items() as $item) { ?> <tr class="item <?php echo $item->item_type; ?> "> <td><?php print esc_html($item->description); ?> </td> <td><?php echo wpbdp_format_currency($item->amount); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <th><?php _ex('Total', 'payment_items', 'WPBDM'); ?> </th> <td class="total"><?php echo wpbdp_format_currency($payment->get_total()); ?> </tr> </tfoot> </table>
_ex('Name:', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd> <?php echo $subscription->fee->label; ?> </dd> <dt> <?php _ex('Cost:', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd> <?php printf(_x('%s every %s days.', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'), wpbdp_format_currency($subscription->fee->amount), $subscription->fee_days); ?> </dd> <!--<dt> <?php _ex('Number of images:', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'); ?> </dt> <dd> <?php echo $subscription->fee_images; ?> </dd>--> <dt> <?php _ex('Expires on:', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM');
" class="button choose-this"> <?php _ex('Use this fee', 'admin listing fee', 'WPBDM'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> <strong><?php echo $f->label; ?> </strong><br /> <div class="details"> <?php echo wpbdp_format_currency($f->amount); ?> • <?php echo sprintf(_nx('%d image', '%d images', $f->images, 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'), $f->images); ?> • <?php if ($f->days == 0) { ?> <?php _ex('Listing never expires', 'admin infometabox', 'WPBDM'); ?> <?php } else { ?>
protected function column_amount($item) { return wpbdp_format_currency($item->amount); }
?> <?php } ?> </b> </td> <td class="subscription-details"> <?php foreach ($subscriptions as $s) { ?> <b><?php echo $s->fee->label; ?> :</b><br /> <?php printf(_x('%s each %s days. Next renewal is on %s.', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'), wpbdp_format_currency($s->fee->amount), '<i>' . $s->fee_days . '</i>', '<i>' . date_i18n(get_option('date_format'), strtotime($s->expires_on)) . '</i>'); ?> <br /> <a href="<?php echo esc_url(add_query_arg('cancel', $listing->get_renewal_hash($s->term_id))); ?> " class="cancel-subscription"><?php _ex('Cancel recurring payment', 'manage recurring', 'WPBDM'); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php