function wp_statistics_get_top_pages() { global $wpdb; // Get every unique URI from the pages database. $result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT uri FROM {$wpdb->prefix}statistics_pages", ARRAY_N); $total = 0; $uris = array(); // Now get the total page visit count for each unique URI. foreach ($result as $out) { // Increment the total number of results. $total++; // Retreive the post ID for the URI. $id = wp_statistics_uri_to_id($out[0]); // Lookup the post title. $post = get_post($id); if (is_object($post)) { $title = $post->post_title; } else { if ($out[0] == '/') { $title = get_bloginfo(); } else { $title = ''; } } // Add the current post to the array. $uris[] = array($out[0], wp_statistics_pages('total', $out[0]), $id, $title); } // If we have more than one result, let's sort them using usort. if (count($uris) > 1) { // Sort the URI's based on their hit count. usort($uris, 'wp_stats_compare_uri_hits'); } return array($total, $uris); }
function wp_statistics_post_init() { global $post; $id = $post->ID; echo "<div class='misc-pub-section'>" . __('WP Statistics - Hits', 'wp_statistics') . ': <b>' . wp_statistics_pages('total', '', $id) . '</b></div>'; }
function wp_statistics_post_init() { global $post; $id = $post->ID; echo "<div class='misc-pub-section'>" . __('WP Statistics - Hits', 'wp_statistics') . ": <b><a href='" . get_admin_url() . "admin.php?page=" . WP_STATISTICS_PAGES_PAGE . "&page-id={$id}'>" . wp_statistics_pages('total', "", $id) . "</a></b></div>"; }
function wp_statistics_shortcodes($atts) { /* WP Statitics shortcode is in the format of: [wpstatistics stat=xxx time=xxxx provider=xxxx format=xxxxxx] Where: stat = the statistic you want. time = is the timeframe, strtotime() ( will be used to calculate it. provider = the search provider to get stats on. format = i18n, english, none */ if (!is_array($atts)) { return; } $formatnumber = array_key_exists('format', $atts); switch ($atts['stat']) { case 'usersonline': $result = wp_statistics_useronline(); break; case 'visits': $result = wp_statistics_visit($atts['time']); break; case 'visitors': $result = wp_statistics_visitor($atts['time'], null, true); break; case 'pagevisits': $result = wp_statistics_pages($atts['time']); break; case 'searches': $result = wp_statistics_searchengine($atts['provider']); break; case 'postcount': $result = wp_statistics_countposts(); break; case 'pagecount': $result = wp_statistics_countpages(); break; case 'commentcount': $result = wp_statistics_countcomment(); break; case 'spamcount': $result = wp_statistics_countspam(); break; case 'usercount': $result = wp_statistics_countusers(); break; case 'postaverage': $result = wp_statistics_average_post(); break; case 'commentaverage': $result = wp_statistics_average_comment(); break; case 'useraverage': $result = wp_statistics_average_registeruser(); break; case 'lpd': $result = wp_statistics_lastpostdate(); $formatnumber = false; break; } if ($formatnumber) { switch (strtolower($atts['format'])) { case 'i18n': $result = number_format_i18n($result); break; case 'english': $result = number_format($result); break; } } return $result; }
function wp_statistics_generate_page_postbox_content($pageuri, $pageid, $days = 20, $chart_title = null, $rangestart = '', $rangeend = '') { global $WP_Statistics; if (!$WP_Statistics->get_option('pages')) { return; } if ($chart_title == null) { $chart_title = __('Page Trending Stats', 'wp_statistics'); } if ($pageuri && !$pageid) { $pageid = wp_statistics_uri_to_id($pageuri); } $post = get_post($pageid); if (is_object($post)) { $title = $post->post_title; } else { $title = ""; } $urlfields = "&page-id={$pageid}"; if ($pageuri) { $urlfields .= "&page-uri={$pageuri}"; } list($daysToDisplay, $rangestart_utime, $rangeend_utime) = wp_statistics_date_range_calculator($days, $rangestart, $rangeend); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var pages_chart; jQuery(document).ready(function() { <?php echo "var page_data_line = ["; for ($i = $daysToDisplay; $i >= 0; $i--) { $stat = wp_statistics_pages('-' . $i, $pageuri, $pageid); echo "['" . $WP_Statistics->Real_Current_Date('Y-m-d', '-' . $i, $rangeend_utime) . "'," . $stat . "], "; } echo "];\n"; $tickInterval = $daysToDisplay / 20; if ($tickInterval < 1) { $tickInterval = 1; } ?> pages_jqchart = jQuery.jqplot('page-stats', [page_data_line], { title: { text: '<b>' + <?php echo json_encode(__($chart_title, 'wp_statistics')); ?> + '</b>', fontSize: '12px', fontFamily: 'Tahoma', textColor: '#000000', }, axes: { xaxis: { min: '<?php echo $WP_Statistics->Real_Current_Date('Y-m-d', '-' . $daysToDisplay, $rangeend_utime); ?> ', max: '<?php echo $WP_Statistics->Real_Current_Date('Y-m-d', '-0', $rangeend_utime); ?> ', tickInterval: '<?php echo $tickInterval; ?> day', renderer:jQuery.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, tickRenderer: jQuery.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer, tickOptions: { angle: -45, formatString:'%b %#d', showGridline: false, }, }, yaxis: { min: 0, padMin: 1.0, label: <?php echo json_encode(__('Number of Hits', 'wp_statistics')); ?> , labelRenderer: jQuery.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer, labelOptions: { angle: -90, fontSize: '12px', fontFamily: 'Tahoma', fontWeight: 'bold', }, } }, legend: { show: true, location: 's', placement: 'outsideGrid', labels: [ '<?php echo $pageid . ' - ' . $title; ?> ' ], renderer: jQuery.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer, rendererOptions: { numberColumns: 5, disableIEFading: false, border: 'none', }, }, highlighter: { show: true, bringSeriesToFront: true, tooltipAxes: 'xy', formatString: '%s: <b>%i</b> ', tooltipContentEditor: tooltipContentEditor, }, grid: { drawGridlines: true, borderColor: 'transparent', shadow: false, drawBorder: false, shadowColor: 'transparent' }, } ); function tooltipContentEditor(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) { // display series_label, x-axis_tick, y-axis value return plot.legend.labels[seriesIndex] + ", " + str;; } jQuery(window).resize(function() { JQPlotPagesChartLengendClickRedraw() }); function JQPlotPagesChartLengendClickRedraw() { pages_jqchart.replot( {resetAxes: ['yaxis'] } ); jQuery('div[id="page-stats"] .jqplot-table-legend').click(function() { JQPlotPagesChartLengendClickRedraw(); }); } jQuery('div[id="page-stats"] .jqplot-table-legend').click(function() { JQPlotPagesChartLengendClickRedraw() }); }); </script> <div id="page-stats" style="height:500px;"></div> <?php }
/** * Outputs the content of the widget * * @param array $args * @param array $instance */ public function widget($args, $instance) { global $WP_Statistics; extract($args); $widget_options = $WP_Statistics->get_option('widget'); echo $before_widget; echo $before_title . $widget_options['name_widget'] . $after_title; echo "<ul>"; if ($widget_options['useronline_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('User Online', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_useronline()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Today Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('today')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tvisitor_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Today Visitor', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visitor('today', null, true)); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['yvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Yesterday Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('yesterday')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['yvisitor_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Yesterday Visitor', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visitor('yesterday', null, true)); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['wvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Week Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('week')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['mvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Month Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('month')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ysvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Years Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('year')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ttvisit_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Visit', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visit('total')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ttvisitor_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Visitor', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_visitor('total', null, true)); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tpviews_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Page Views', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_pages('total')); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ser_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Search Engine referred', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_searchengine($widget_options['select_se'])); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tp_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Posts', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_countposts()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tpg_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Pages', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_countpages()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tc_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Comments', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_countcomment()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ts_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Spams', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo wp_statistics_countspam(); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['tu_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Total Users', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_countusers()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ap_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Average Posts', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_average_post()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['ac_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Average Comments', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_average_comment()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['au_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Average Users', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo number_format_i18n(wp_statistics_average_registeruser()); echo "</li>"; } if ($widget_options['lpd_widget']) { echo "<li>"; echo __('Last Post Date', 'wp_statistics') . ": "; echo wp_statistics_lastpostdate(); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; echo $after_widget; }
"><br /></div> <h3 class="hndle"><span><?php _e('Top 5 Pages Trends', 'wp_statistics'); ?> </span></h3> <div class="inside"> <script type="text/javascript"> var pages_jqchart; jQuery(document).ready(function() { <?php $count = 0; foreach ($uris as $uri) { $count++; echo "var pages_data_line" . $count . " = ["; for ($i = $daysToDisplay; $i >= 0; $i--) { $stat = wp_statistics_pages('-' . $i, $uri[0]); echo "['" . $WP_Statistics->Real_Current_Date('Y-m-d', '-' . $i, $rangeend_utime) . "'," . $stat . "], "; } echo "];\n"; if ($count > 4) { break; } } $tickInterval = $daysToDisplay / 20; if ($tickInterval < 1) { $tickInterval = 1; } ?> pages_jqchart = jQuery.jqplot('jqpage-stats', [pages_data_line1, pages_data_line2, pages_data_line3, pages_data_line4, pages_data_line5], { title: {