function callback($path = '', $blog_id = 0)
     $blog_id = $this->api->switch_to_blog_and_validate_user($this->api->get_blog_id($blog_id));
     if (is_wp_error($blog_id)) {
         return $blog_id;
     if (!current_user_can('edit_posts')) {
         return new WP_Error('unauthorized', 'Your token must have permission to post on this blog.', 403);
     $args = $this->query_args();
     $shortcode = trim($args['shortcode']);
     // Quick validation - shortcodes should always be enclosed in brackets []
     if (!wp_startswith($shortcode, '[') || !wp_endswith($shortcode, ']')) {
         return new WP_Error('invalid_shortcode', 'The shortcode parameter must begin and end with square brackets.', 400);
     // Make sure only one shortcode is being rendered at a time
     $pattern = get_shortcode_regex();
     preg_match_all("/{$pattern}/s", $shortcode, $matches);
     if (count($matches[0]) > 1) {
         return new WP_Error('invalid_shortcode', 'Only one shortcode can be rendered at a time.', 400);
     $render = $this->process_render(array($this, 'do_shortcode'), $shortcode);
     // if nothing happened, then the shortcode does not exist.
     if ($shortcode == $render['result']) {
         return new WP_Error('invalid_shortcode', 'The requested shortcode does not exist.', 400);
     // our output for this endpoint..
     $return['shortcode'] = $shortcode;
     $return['result'] = $render['result'];
     $return = $this->add_assets($return, $render['loaded_scripts'], $render['loaded_styles']);
     return $return;
 protected function validate_themes()
     if (empty($this->themes) || !is_array($this->themes)) {
         return new WP_Error('missing_themes', __('No themes found.', 'jetpack'));
     foreach ($this->themes as $index => $theme) {
         if (self::is_installed_theme($theme)) {
             return new WP_Error('theme_already_installed', __('The theme is already installed', 'jetpack'));
         if (wp_endswith($theme, '-wpcom')) {
             $file = self::download_wpcom_theme_to_file($theme);
             if (is_wp_error($file)) {
                 return $file;
             $this->download_links[$theme] = $file;
         $params = (object) array('slug' => $theme);
         $url = '';
         $args = array('body' => array('action' => 'theme_information', 'request' => serialize($params)));
         $response = wp_remote_post($url, $args);
         $theme_data = unserialize($response['body']);
         if (is_wp_error($theme_data)) {
             return $theme_data;
         if (!is_object($theme_data) && !isset($theme_data->download_link)) {
             return new WP_Error('theme_not_found', __('This theme does not exist', 'jetpack'), 404);
         $this->download_links[$theme] = $theme_data->download_link;
     return true;
Пример #3
function wpcom_amp_extract_image_dimensions_from_querystring($dimensions, $url)
    if (is_array($dimensions)) {
        return $dimensions;
    $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
    if (!wp_endswith($host, '') || !wp_endswith($host, '')) {
        return false;
    $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
    $w = isset($query['w']) ? absint($query['w']) : false;
    $h = isset($query['h']) ? absint($query['h']) : false;
    if (false !== $w && false !== $h) {
        return array($w, $h);
    return false;
Пример #4
function wpcom_amp_extract_image_dimensions_from_querystring($dimensions)
    foreach ($dimensions as $url => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
        $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
        if (!wp_endswith($host, '') || !wp_endswith($host, '')) {
        $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY);
        $w = isset($query['w']) ? absint($query['w']) : false;
        $h = isset($query['h']) ? absint($query['h']) : false;
        if (false !== $w && false !== $h) {
            $dimensions[$url] = array('width' => $w, 'height' => $h);
    return $dimensions;
  * Try to find the closest supported version of an endpoint to the current endpoint
  * For example, if we were looking at the path /animals/panda:
  * - if the current endpoint is v1.3 and there is a v1.3 of /animals/%s available, we return 1.3
  * - if the current endpoint is v1.3 and there is no v1.3 of /animals/%s known, we fall back to the
  *   maximum available version of /animals/%s, e.g. 1.1
  * This method is used in get_link() to construct meta links for API responses.
  * @param $template_path The generic endpoint path, e.g. /sites/%s
  * @param $path string The current endpoint path, relative to the version, e.g. /sites/12345
  * @param $method string Request method used to access the endpoint path
  * @return string The current version, or otherwise the maximum version available
 function get_closest_version_of_endpoint($template_path, $path, $request_method = 'GET')
     static $closest_endpoint_cache;
     if (!$closest_endpoint_cache) {
         $closest_endpoint_cache = array();
     if (!isset($closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path])) {
         $closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path] = array();
     } elseif (isset($closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path][$request_method])) {
         return $closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path][$request_method];
     $path = untrailingslashit($path);
     // /help is a special case - always use the current request version
     if (wp_endswith($path, '/help')) {
         return $closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path][$request_method] = $this->api->version;
     static $matches;
     if (empty($matches)) {
         $matches = array();
     } else {
         // try to match out of saved matches
         foreach ($matches as $match) {
             $regex = $match->regex;
             if (preg_match("#^{$regex}\$#", $path)) {
                 return $closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path][$request_method] = $match->version;
     $endpoint_path_versions = $this->get_endpoint_path_versions();
     $last_path_segment = $this->get_last_segment_of_relative_path($path);
     $max_version_found = null;
     foreach ($endpoint_path_versions as $endpoint_last_path_segment => $endpoints) {
         // Does the last part of the path match the path key? (e.g. 'posts')
         // If the last part contains a placeholder (e.g. %s), we want to carry on
         if ($last_path_segment != $endpoint_last_path_segment && !strstr($endpoint_last_path_segment, '%')) {
         foreach ($endpoints as $endpoint) {
             // Does the request method match?
             if (!in_array($request_method, $endpoint['request_methods'])) {
             $endpoint_path = untrailingslashit($endpoint['path']);
             $endpoint_path_regex = str_replace(array('%s', '%d'), array('([^/?&]+)', '(\\d+)'), $endpoint_path);
             if (!preg_match("#^{$endpoint_path_regex}\$#", $path)) {
             // Make sure the endpoint exists at the same version
             if (version_compare($this->api->version, $endpoint['min_version'], '>=') && version_compare($this->api->version, $endpoint['max_version'], '<=')) {
                 array_push($matches, (object) array('version' => $this->api->version, 'regex' => $endpoint_path_regex));
                 return $closest_endpoint_cache[$template_path][$request_method] = $this->api->version;
             // If the endpoint doesn't exist at the same version, record the max version we found
             if (empty($max_version_found) || version_compare($max_version_found['version'], $endpoint['max_version'], '<')) {
                 $max_version_found = array('version' => $endpoint['max_version'], 'regex' => $endpoint_path_regex);
     // If the endpoint version is less than the requested endpoint version, return the max version found
     if (!empty($max_version_found)) {
         array_push($matches, (object) $max_version_found);
         return $max_version_found['version'];
     // Otherwise, use the API version of the current request
     return $this->api->version;
 protected function validate_themes()
     if (empty($this->themes) || !is_array($this->themes)) {
         return new WP_Error('missing_themes', __('No themes found.', 'jetpack'));
     foreach ($this->themes as $index => $theme) {
         if (self::is_installed_theme($theme)) {
             return new WP_Error('theme_already_installed', __('The theme is already installed', 'jetpack'));
          * Filters whether to skip the standard method of downloading and validating a
          * theme. An alternative method of WPCom theme download and validation can be
          * executed during the filter.
          * The filter can also return an instance of WP_Error; in which case the endpoint response will
          * contain this error.
          * @module json-api
          * @since 4.4.2
          * @param bool   $skip_download_filter_result Whether to skip the standard method of downloading
          *                                            and validating a WPCom theme.
          * @param string $theme_slug                  Theme name (slug). If it is a WPCom theme,
          *                                            it should be suffixed with `-wpcom`.
         $skip_download_filter_result = apply_filters('jetpack_wpcom_theme_skip_download', false, $theme);
         if (is_wp_error($skip_download_filter_result)) {
             return $skip_download_filter_result;
         } elseif ($skip_download_filter_result) {
         if (wp_endswith($theme, '-wpcom')) {
             $file = self::download_wpcom_theme_to_file($theme);
             if (is_wp_error($file)) {
                 return $file;
             $this->download_links[$theme] = $file;
         $params = (object) array('slug' => $theme);
         $url = '';
         $args = array('body' => array('action' => 'theme_information', 'request' => serialize($params)));
         $response = wp_remote_post($url, $args);
         $theme_data = unserialize($response['body']);
         if (is_wp_error($theme_data)) {
             return $theme_data;
         if (!is_object($theme_data) && !isset($theme_data->download_link)) {
             return new WP_Error('theme_not_found', __('This theme does not exist', 'jetpack'), 404);
         $this->download_links[$theme] = $theme_data->download_link;
     return true;