function wp_cache_manager() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $cache_path, $cache_enabled, $cache_compression, $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_hello_world; global $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit, $cache_rebuild_files, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers; global $wp_cache_cron_check, $wp_cache_debug, $wp_cache_not_logged_in, $wp_cache_make_known_anon, $wp_supercache_cache_list, $cache_page_secret, $cache_home_path; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_cache_object_cache, $_wp_using_ext_object_cache, $wp_cache_refresh_single_only, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes; global $wpmu_version, $cache_max_time, $wp_cache_mod_rewrite, $wp_supercache_304, $wp_super_cache_late_init, $wp_cache_front_page_checks; if (!wpsupercache_site_admin()) { return false; } // used by mod_rewrite rules and config file if (function_exists("cfmobi_default_browsers")) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = cfmobi_default_browsers("mobile"); $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array_merge($wp_cache_mobile_browsers, cfmobi_default_browsers("touch")); } elseif (function_exists('lite_detection_ua_contains')) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = explode('|', lite_detection_ua_contains()); } else { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array('2.0 MMP', '240x320', '400X240', 'AvantGo', 'BlackBerry', 'Blazer', 'Cellphone', 'Danger', 'DoCoMo', 'Elaine/3.0', 'EudoraWeb', 'Googlebot-Mobile', 'hiptop', 'IEMobile', 'KYOCERA/WX310K', 'LG/U990', 'MIDP-2.', 'MMEF20', 'MOT-V', 'NetFront', 'Newt', 'Nintendo Wii', 'Nitro', 'Nokia', 'Opera Mini', 'Palm', 'PlayStation Portable', 'portalmmm', 'Proxinet', 'ProxiNet', 'SHARP-TQ-GX10', 'SHG-i900', 'Small', 'SonyEricsson', 'Symbian OS', 'SymbianOS', 'TS21i-10', 'UP.Browser', 'UP.Link', 'webOS', 'Windows CE', 'WinWAP', 'YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2', 'iPhone', 'iPod', 'Android', 'BlackBerry9530', 'LG-TU915 Obigo', 'LGE VX', 'webOS', 'Nokia5800'); } if (function_exists("lite_detection_ua_prefixes")) { $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = lite_detection_ua_prefixes(); } else { $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = array('w3c ', 'w3c-', 'acs-', 'alav', 'alca', 'amoi', 'audi', 'avan', 'benq', 'bird', 'blac', 'blaz', 'brew', 'cell', 'cldc', 'cmd-', 'dang', 'doco', 'eric', 'hipt', 'htc_', 'inno', 'ipaq', 'ipod', 'jigs', 'kddi', 'keji', 'leno', 'lg-c', 'lg-d', 'lg-g', 'lge-', 'lg/u', 'maui', 'maxo', 'midp', 'mits', 'mmef', 'mobi', 'mot-', 'moto', 'mwbp', 'nec-', 'newt', 'noki', 'palm', 'pana', 'pant', 'phil', 'play', 'port', 'prox', 'qwap', 'sage', 'sams', 'sany', 'sch-', 'sec-', 'send', 'seri', 'sgh-', 'shar', 'sie-', 'siem', 'smal', 'smar', 'sony', 'sph-', 'symb', 't-mo', 'teli', 'tim-', 'tosh', 'tsm-', 'upg1', 'upsi', 'vk-v', 'voda', 'wap-', 'wapa', 'wapi', 'wapp', 'wapr', 'webc', 'winw', 'winw', 'xda ', 'xda-'); // from } $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = apply_filters('cached_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA list $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = apply_filters('cached_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA prefix list $mobile_groups = apply_filters('cached_mobile_groups', array()); // Group mobile user agents by capabilities. Lump them all together by default // mobile_groups = array( 'apple' => array( 'ipod', 'iphone' ), 'nokia' => array( 'nokia5800', 'symbianos' ) ); if (false == apply_filters('wp_super_cache_error_checking', true)) { return false; } $supercachedir = $cache_path . 'supercache/' . preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if (get_option('gzipcompression') == 1) { update_option('gzipcompression', 0); } if (!isset($cache_rebuild_files)) { $cache_rebuild_files = 0; } $valid_nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'wp-cache') : false; /* */ ?> <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- function toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works elem = document.layers[whichLayer]; vis =; // if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here if(vis.display==''&&elem.offsetWidth!=undefined&&elem.offsetHeight!=undefined) vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none'; vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block'; } // --> //Clicking header opens fieldset options jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("fieldset h3").css("cursor","pointer").click(function(){ jQuery(this).parent("fieldset").find("p,form,ul,blockquote").toggle("slow"); }); }); </script> <style type='text/css'> #nav h2 { border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; padding-bottom: 0; } </style> <?php echo '<a name="top"></a>'; echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>' . __('WP Super Cache Settings', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h2>'; // set a default if ($cache_enabled == false && isset($wp_cache_mod_rewrite) == false) { $wp_cache_mod_rewrite = 0; } elseif (!isset($wp_cache_mod_rewrite) && $cache_enabled && $super_cache_enabled) { $wp_cache_mod_rewrite = 1; } if (!isset($_GET['tab']) && $cache_enabled && ($wp_cache_mod_rewrite || $super_cache_enabled == false)) { $_GET['tab'] = 'settings'; echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Notice: <em>Mod_rewrite or Legacy caching enabled</em>. Showing Advanced Settings Page by default.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p></div>'; } wpsc_admin_tabs(); if (isset($wp_super_cache_front_page_check) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 1 && !wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_check_site_hook')) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 360, 'wp_cache_check_site_hook'); if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) && $GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) { wp_cache_debug('scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.', 2); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['wp_restore_config']) && $valid_nonce) { unlink($wp_cache_config_file); echo '<strong>' . __('Configuration file changed, some values might be wrong. Load the page again from the "Settings" menu to reset them.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; } if (substr(get_option('permalink_structure'), -1) == '/') { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 0;", $wp_cache_config_file); } $home_path = parse_url(site_url()); $home_path = trailingslashit($home_path['path']); if ("{$home_path}" != "{$wp_cache_home_path}") { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_home_path', "\$wp_cache_home_path = '{$home_path}';", $wp_cache_config_file); } if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled == 1) { update_cached_mobile_ua_list($wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $mobile_groups); } ?> <table><td valign='top'><?php switch ($_GET['tab']) { case "cdn": scossdl_off_options(); break; case "tester": case "contents": echo '<a name="test"></a>'; wp_cache_files(); break; case "preload": if (!$cache_enabled) { wp_die(__('Caching must be enabled to use this feature', 'wp-super-cache')); } echo '<a name="preload"></a>'; if ($super_cache_enabled == true && false == defined('DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING')) { global $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_on, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wpdb; $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'publish'"); if ($count > 1000) { $min_refresh_interval = 720; } else { $min_refresh_interval = 30; } if (array_key_exists('action', $_POST) && $_POST['action'] == 'preload' && $valid_nonce) { if ($_POST['posts_to_cache'] == 'all') { $wp_cache_preload_posts = 'all'; } else { $wp_cache_preload_posts = (int) $_POST['posts_to_cache']; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_posts', "\$wp_cache_preload_posts = '{$wp_cache_preload_posts}';", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload']) && $_POST['preload'] == __('Cancel Cache Preload', 'wp-super-cache')) { $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_preload_hook'); if ($next_preload) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', array('c' => 0, 't' => time())); wp_unschedule_event($next_preload, 'wp_cache_preload_hook'); } $fp = @fopen($cache_path . "stop_preload.txt", 'w'); @fclose($fp); echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache almost cancelled. It may take up to a minute for it to cancel completely.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</strong></p>"; } elseif (isset($_POST['custom_preload_interval']) && ($_POST['custom_preload_interval'] == 0 || $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] >= $min_refresh_interval)) { // if preload interval changes than unschedule any preload jobs and schedule any new one. $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] = (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']; if ($wp_cache_preload_interval != $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) { $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); if ($next_preload) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', array('c' => 0, 't' => time())); add_option('preload_cache_stop', 1); wp_unschedule_event($next_preload, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); if ($wp_cache_preload_interval == 0) { echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache cancelled.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</strong></p>"; } } if ($_POST['custom_preload_interval'] != 0) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] * 60, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); } } $wp_cache_preload_interval = (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_interval', "\$wp_cache_preload_interval = {$wp_cache_preload_interval};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload_email_me'])) { $wp_cache_preload_email_me = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_me = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_email_me', "\$wp_cache_preload_email_me = {$wp_cache_preload_email_me};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume']) && in_array($_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume'], array('less', 'medium', 'many'))) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = $_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume']; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'medium'; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_email_volume', "\$wp_cache_preload_email_volume = '{$wp_cache_preload_email_volume}';", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload_on'])) { $wp_cache_preload_on = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_on = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_on', "\$wp_cache_preload_on = {$wp_cache_preload_on};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload']) && $_POST['preload'] == __('Preload Cache Now', 'wp-super-cache')) { @unlink($cache_path . "preload_mutex.tmp"); update_option('preload_cache_counter', array('c' => 0, 't' => time())); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 10, 'wp_cache_preload_hook'); echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache in 10 seconds.') . "</strong></p>"; } elseif ((int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) { @unlink($cache_path . "preload_mutex.tmp"); update_option('preload_cache_counter', array('c' => 0, 't' => time())); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] * 60, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); echo "<p><strong>" . sprintf(__('Scheduled preloading of cache in %d minutes', 'wp-super-cache'), (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) . "</strong></p>"; } } } echo '<p>' . __('This will cache every published post and page on your site. It will create supercache static files so unknown visitors (including bots) will hit a cached page. This will probably help your Google ranking as they are using speed as a metric when judging websites now.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('Preloading creates lots of files however. Caching is done from the newest post to the oldest so please consider only caching the newest if you have lots (10,000+) of posts. This is especially important on shared hosting.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('In ’Preload Mode’ regular garbage collection will only clean out old legacy files for known users, not the preloaded supercache files. This is a recommended setting when the cache is preloaded.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<form name="cache_filler" action="" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="preload" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="wpsupercache" />'; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Refresh preloaded cache files every %s minutes. (0 to disable, minimum %d minutes.)', 'wp-super-cache'), "<input type='text' size=4 name='custom_preload_interval' value='" . (int) $wp_cache_preload_interval . "' />", $min_refresh_interval) . '</p>'; if ($count > 100) { $step = (int) ($count / 10); $select = "<select name='posts_to_cache' size=1>"; $select .= "<option value='all' "; if (!isset($wp_cache_preload_posts) || $wp_cache_preload_posts == 'all') { $checked = 'selectect=1 '; $best = 'all'; } else { $checked = ' '; $best = $wp_cache_preload_posts; } $select .= "{$checked}>" . __('all', 'wp-super-cache') . "</option>"; for ($c = $step; $c < $count; $c += $step) { $checked = ' '; if ($best == $c) { $checked = 'selected=1 '; } $select .= "<option value='{$c}'{$checked}>{$c}</option>"; } $checked = ' '; if ($best == $count) { $checked = 'selected=1 '; } $select .= "<option value='{$count}'{$checked}>{$count}</option>"; $select .= "</select>"; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Preload %s posts.', 'wp-super-cache'), $select) . '</p>'; } else { echo '<input type="hidden" name="posts_to_cache" value="' . $count . '" />'; } echo '<input type="checkbox" name="preload_on" value="1" '; echo $wp_cache_preload_on == 1 ? 'checked=1' : ''; echo ' /> ' . __('Preload mode (garbage collection only on legacy cache files. Recommended.)', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br />'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="preload_email_me" value="1" '; echo $wp_cache_preload_email_me == 1 ? 'checked=1' : ''; echo ' /> ' . __('Send me status emails when files are refreshed.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br />'; if (!isset($wp_cache_preload_email_volume)) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'many'; } echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="many" class="tog" '; checked('many', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Many emails, 2 emails per 100 posts.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br >'; echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="medium" class="tog" '; checked('medium', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Medium, 1 email per 100 posts.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br >'; echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="less" class="tog" '; checked('less', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Less emails, 1 at the start and 1 at the end of preloading all posts.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br >'; $currently_preloading = false; next_preload_message('wp_cache_preload_hook', __('Refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.', 'wp-super-cache'), 60); next_preload_message('wp_cache_full_preload_hook', __('Full refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.', 'wp-super-cache')); $preload_counter = get_option('preload_cache_counter'); if (isset($preload_counter['first'])) { // converted from int to array update_option('preload_cache_counter', array('c' => $preload_counter['c'], 't' => time())); } if (is_array($preload_counter) && $preload_counter['c'] > 0) { echo '<p><strong>' . sprintf(__('Currently caching from post %d to %d.', 'wp-super-cache'), $preload_counter['c'] - 100, $preload_counter['c']) . '</strong></p>'; $currently_preloading = true; if (@file_exists($cache_path . "preload_permalink.txt")) { $url = file_get_contents($cache_path . "preload_permalink.txt"); echo "<p>" . sprintf(__("<strong>Page last cached:</strong> %s", 'wp-super-cache'), $url) . "</p>"; } } echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Update Settings', 'wp-super-cache') . '" /> <input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Preload Cache Now', 'wp-super-cache') . '" />'; if ($currently_preloading) { echo ' <input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Cancel Cache Preload', 'wp-super-cache') . '" />'; } echo '</div>'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '</form>'; } else { echo '<p>' . __('Preloading of cache disabled. Please disable legacy page caching or talk to your host administrator.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; } break; case 'plugins': wpsc_plugins_tab(); break; case 'debug': wp_cache_debug_settings(); break; case 'settings': if (isset($wp_cache_front_page_checks) == false) { $wp_cache_front_page_checks = true; } echo '<form name="wp_manager" action="' . add_query_arg(array('page' => 'wpsupercache', 'tab' => 'settings')) . '" method="post">'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="scupdates" />'; ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_cache_status"><?php _e('Caching', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></th> <td> <fieldset> <legend class="hidden">Caching</legend> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_status' value='all' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <?php _e('Cache hits to this website for quick access.', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='super_cache_enabled' <?php if ($super_cache_enabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php printf(__('Use mod_rewrite to serve cache files.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='super_cache_enabled' <?php if ($wp_cache_mod_rewrite == 0) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='2'> <?php printf(__('Use PHP to serve cache files.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='super_cache_enabled' <?php if ($super_cache_enabled == false) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='0'> <?php _e('Legacy page caching.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <em><?php _e('Mod_rewrite is fastest, PHP is almost as fast and easier to get working, while legacy caching is slower again, but more flexible and also easy to get working. New users should use PHP caching.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </em><br /> </legend> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_cache_status"><?php _e('Miscellaneous', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></th> <td> <fieldset> <legend class="hidden">Miscellaneous</legend> <?php if (false == defined('WPSC_DISABLE_COMPRESSION')) { ?> <?php if (false == function_exists('gzencode')) { ?> <em><?php _e('Warning! Compression is disabled as gzencode() function not found.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </em><br /> <?php } else { ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='cache_compression' <?php if ($cache_compression) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors.', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <em><?php _e('Compression is disabled by default because some hosts have problems with compressed files. Switching it on and off clears the cache.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </em><br /> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (0 == $wp_cache_mod_rewrite) { ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_supercache_304' <?php if ($wp_supercache_304) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('304 Not Modified browser caching. Indicate when a page has not been modified since last requested.', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <em><?php _e('304 support is disabled by default because in the past GoDaddy had problems with some of the headers used.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </em><br /> <?php } ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_not_logged_in' <?php if ($wp_cache_not_logged_in) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Don’t cache pages for <acronym title="Logged in users and those that comment">known users</acronym>.', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_make_known_anon' <?php if ($wp_cache_make_known_anon) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Make known users anonymous so they’re served supercached static files.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='cache_rebuild_files' <?php if ($cache_rebuild_files) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated.', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_hello_world' <?php if ($wp_cache_hello_world) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php printf(__('Proudly tell the world your server is <a href="%s">Stephen Fry proof</a>! (places a message in your blog’s footer)', 'wp-super-cache'), '!/HibbsLupusTrust/statuses/136429993059291136'); ?> </label><br /> </legend> </fieldset> </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_cache_status"><?php _e('Advanced', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></th> <td> <fieldset> <legend class="hidden">Advanced</legend> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mobile_enabled' <?php if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Mobile device support. (External plugin or theme required. See the <a href="">FAQ</a> for further details.)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit' <?php if ($wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_front_page_checks' <?php if ($wp_cache_front_page_checks) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Extra homepage checks. (Very occasionally stops homepage caching)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><?php echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> <br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_refresh_single_only' <?php if ($wp_cache_refresh_single_only) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Only refresh current page when comments made.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_supercache_cache_list' <?php if ($wp_supercache_cache_list) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('List the newest cached pages on this page.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <?php if (false == defined('WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING')) { ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mutex_disabled' <?php if (!$wp_cache_mutex_disabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='0'> <?php _e('Coarse file locking. You probably don’t need this but it may help if your server is underpowered. Warning! <em>May cause your server to lock up in very rare cases!</em>', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <?php } ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_super_cache_late_init' <?php if ($wp_super_cache_late_init) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Late init. Display cached files after WordPress has loaded. Most useful in legacy mode.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <?php if ($_wp_using_ext_object_cache) { ?> <label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_object_cache' <?php if ($wp_cache_object_cache) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php echo __('Use object cache to store cached files.', 'wp-super-cache') . ' ' . __('(Experimental)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><?php } ?> <?php printf(__('<strong>DO NOT CACHE PAGE</strong> secret key: <a href="%s">%s</a>', 'wp-super-cache'), trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('wpurl')) . "?donotcachepage={$cache_page_secret}", $cache_page_secret); ?> </legend> </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> <h3><?php _e('Note:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <ol> <li><?php _e('Uninstall this plugin on the plugins page. It will automatically clean up after itself. If manual intervention is required then simple instructions are provided.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('If uninstalling this plugin, make sure the directory <em>%s</em> is writeable by the webserver so the files <em>advanced-cache.php</em> and <em>cache-config.php</em> can be deleted automatically. (Making sure those files are writeable too is probably a good idea!)', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('Please see the <a href="%1$s/wp-super-cache/readme.txt">readme.txt</a> for instructions on uninstalling this script. Look for the heading, "How to uninstall WP Super Cache".', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_PLUGIN_URL); ?> </li><?php echo "<li><em>" . sprintf(__('Need help? Check the <a href="%1$s">Super Cache readme file</a>. It includes installation documentation, a FAQ and Troubleshooting tips. The <a href="%2$s">support forum</a> is also available. Your question may already have been answered.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', '') . "</em></li>"; echo "</ol>"; echo "<div class='submit'><input class='button-primary' type='submit' " . SUBMITDISABLED . " value='" . __('Update Status', 'wp-super-cache') . " »' /></div>"; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> </form> <?php wsc_mod_rewrite(); wp_cache_edit_max_time(); echo '<a name="files"></a><fieldset class="options"><h3>' . __('Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h3>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_pages(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_rejected(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_accepted(); echo '</fieldset>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua(); wp_lock_down(); wp_cache_restore(); break; case "easy": default: echo '<form name="wp_manager" action="" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="easysetup" />'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> <table class="form-table"> <tr valign="top"> <th scope="row"><label for="wp_cache_status"><?php _e('Caching', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></th> <td> <fieldset> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_easy_on' value='1' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <?php _e('Caching On', 'wp-super-cache'); echo " <em>(" . __("Recommended", "wp-super-cache") . ")</em>"; ?> </label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_easy_on' value='0' <?php if ($cache_enabled == false) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <?php _e('Caching Off', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label><br /> <em><?php _e('Note: enables PHP caching, cache rebuild, and mobile support', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </em><br /> </legend> </fieldset> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($cache_enabled && !$wp_cache_mod_rewrite) { $scrules = trim(implode("\n", extract_from_markers(trailingslashit(get_home_path()) . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache'))); if ($scrules != '') { echo "<p><strong>" . __('Notice: PHP caching enabled but Supercache mod_rewrite rules detected. Cached files will be served using those rules. If your site is working ok please ignore this message or you can edit the .htaccess file in the root of your install and remove the SuperCache rules.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong></p>'; } } echo "<div class='submit'><input class='button-primary' type='submit' " . SUBMITDISABLED . " value='" . __('Update Status', 'wp-super-cache') . " »' /></div></form>"; if ($cache_enabled) { echo "<h3>" . __('Cache Tester', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo '<p>' . __('Test your cached website by clicking the test button below.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; if (array_key_exists('action', $_POST) && $_POST['action'] == 'test' && $valid_nonce) { $url = trailingslashit(get_bloginfo('url')); if (isset($_POST['httponly'])) { $url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url); } // Prime the cache echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('Fetching %s to prime cache: ', 'wp-super-cache'), $url); $page = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); echo '<span style="color: #0a0; font-weight: bold;">' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong></p>'; sleep(1); // Get the first copy echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('Fetching first copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache'), $url); $page = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); if (!is_wp_error($page)) { $fp = fopen($cache_path . "1.html", "w"); fwrite($fp, $page['body']); fclose($fp); echo '<span style="color: #0a0; font-weight: bold;">' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . "</span> (<a href='" . WP_CONTENT_URL . "/cache/1.html'>1.html</a>)</p>"; sleep(1); } else { echo '<span style="color: #a00; font-weight: bold;">' . __('FAILED', 'wp-super-cache') . "</span></p>"; } // Get the second copy echo "<p>" . sprintf(__('Fetching second copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache'), $url); $page2 = wp_remote_get($url, array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); if (!is_wp_error($page2)) { $fp = fopen($cache_path . "2.html", "w"); fwrite($fp, $page2['body']); fclose($fp); echo '<span style="color: #0a0; font-weight: bold;">' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . "</span> (<a href='" . WP_CONTENT_URL . "/cache/2.html'>2.html</a>)</p>"; } else { echo '<span style="color: #a00; font-weight: bold;">' . __('FAILED', 'wp-super-cache') . "</span></p>"; } if (is_wp_error($page) || is_wp_error($page2) || $page['response']['code'] != 200 || $page2['response']['code'] != 200) { echo '<p><span style="color: #a00; font-weight: bold;">' . __('One or more page requests failed:', 'wp-super-cache') . '</span></p>'; $error = false; if (is_wp_error($page)) { $error = $page; } elseif (is_wp_error($page2)) { $error = $page2; } if ($error) { $errors = ''; $messages = ''; foreach ($error->get_error_codes() as $code) { $severity = $error->get_error_data($code); foreach ($error->get_error_messages($code) as $err) { $errors .= ' ' . $err . "<br />\n"; } } if (!empty($err)) { echo '<div class="updated fade">' . $errors . "</div>\n"; } } else { echo '<ul><li>' . sprintf(__('Page %d: %d (%s)', 'wp-super-cache'), 1, $page['response']['code'], $page['response']['message']) . '</li>'; echo '<li>' . sprintf(__('Page %d: %d (%s)', 'wp-super-cache'), 2, $page2['response']['code'], $page2['response']['message']) . '</li></ul>'; } } if (preg_match('/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page['body'], $matches1) && preg_match('/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page2['body'], $matches2) && $matches1[2] == $matches2[2]) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Page 1: %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $matches1[2]) . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Page 2: %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $matches2[2]) . '</p>'; echo '<p><span style="color: #0a0; font-weight: bold;">' . __('The timestamps on both pages match!', 'wp-super-cache') . '</span></p>'; } else { echo '<p><strong>' . __('The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong></p>'; echo '<p>' . __('Things you can do:', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<ol><li>' . __('Load your homepage in a logged out browser, check the timestamp at the end of the html source. Load the page again and compare the timestamp. Caching is working if the timestamps match.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</li>'; echo '<li>' . __('Enable logging on the Debug page here. That should help you track down the problem.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</li>'; echo '<li>' . __('You should check Page 1 and Page 2 above for errors. Your local server configuration may not allow your website to access itself.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</li>'; echo "</ol>"; } } echo '<form name="cache_tester" action="" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="test" />'; if ('on' == strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) { echo "<input type='checkbox' name='httponly' checked='checked' value='1' /> " . __('Send non-secure (non https) request for homepage', 'wp-super-cache'); } echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="test" value="' . __('Test Cache', 'wp-super-cache') . '" /></div>'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '</form>'; } echo "<h3>" . __("Delete Cached Pages", 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo "<p>" . __("Cached pages are stored on your server as html and PHP files. If you need to delete them use the button below.", 'wp-super-cache') . "</p>"; echo '<form name="wp_cache_content_delete" action="?page=wpsupercache&tab=contents" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="wp_delete_cache" />'; echo '<div class="submit" style="float:left;margin-left:10px"><input id="deletepost" type="submit" ' . SUBMITDISABLED . 'value="' . __('Delete Cache', 'wp-super-cache') . ' »" /></div>'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "</form>\n"; if (defined('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE') && wpsupercache_site_admin()) { echo '<form name="wp_cache_content_delete" action="#listfiles" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="wp_delete_all_cache" />'; echo '<div class="submit" style="float:left;margin-left:10px"><input id="deleteallpost" type="submit" ' . SUBMITDISABLED . 'value="' . __('Delete Cache On All Blogs', 'wp-super-cache') . ' »" />'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo "</form><br />\n"; } ?> <h3><?php _e('Recommended Links and Plugins', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <p><?php _e('Caching is only one part of making a website faster. Here are some other plugins that will help:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p> <ol><li><?php printf(__('<a href="%s">WP Minify</a> reduces the number of files served by your web server by joining Javascript and CSS files together. Alternatively you can use <a href="%s">WPSCMin</a>, a Supercache plugin that minifies cached pages. It does not however join JS/CSS files together.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<a href="%s">Yahoo! Yslow</a> is an extension for the Firefox add-on Firebug. It analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web pages. Also try the performance tools online at <a href="%s">GTMetrix</a>.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<a href="%s">Use Google Libraries</a> allows you to load some commonly used Javascript libraries from Google webservers. Ironically it may reduce your Yslow score.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('The <a href="%1$s">CDN Sync Tool</a> plugin will help upload files to Amazon S3/Cloudfront if you would rather not depend on origin pull. See the <a href="%2$s">plugin support forum</a> if you have any queries about this plugin.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<strong>Advanced users only:</strong> <a href="%s">Speed up your site with Caching and cache-control</a> explains how to make your site more cacheable with .htaccess rules.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<strong>Advanced users only:</strong> Install an object cache. Choose from <a href="%s">Memcached</a>, <a href="%s">XCache</a>, <a href="%s">eAcccelerator</a> and others.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', '', ''); ?> </li> </ol> <?php break; } ?> </fieldset> </td><td valign='top' style='width: 300px'> <div style='background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #333; margin: 2px; padding: 5px'> <h3 align='center'><?php _e('Make WordPress Faster', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <p><?php printf(__('%1$s is maintained and developed by %2$s with contributions from many others.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">WP Super Cache</a>', '<a href="">Donncha O Caoimh</a>'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('He blogs at %1$s and posts photos at %2$s.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Holy Shmoly</a>', '<a href="">In</a>'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please say hi to him on %s too!', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Twitter</a>'); ?> </p> <h3 align='center'><?php _e('Need Help?', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <ol> <li><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Installation Help</a>', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Frequently Asked Questions</a>', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </li> <li><?php printf(__('<a href="%1$s">Support Forum</a>', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </li> </ol> <h3 align='center'><?php _e('Rate This Plugin!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <p><?php printf(__('Please <a href="%s">rate</a> this plugin and tell me if it works for you or not. It really helps development.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> <?php if (isset($wp_supercache_cache_list) && $wp_supercache_cache_list) { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if (!$start_date) { $start_date = time(); } ?> <p><?php printf(__('Cached pages since %1$s : <strong>%2$s</strong>', 'wp-super-cache'), date('M j, Y', $start_date), number_format(get_option('wpsupercache_count'))); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Newest Cached Pages:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <ol> <?php foreach (array_reverse((array) get_option('supercache_last_cached')) as $url) { $since = time() - strtotime($url['date']); echo "<li><a title='" . sprintf(__('Cached %s seconds ago', 'wp-super-cache'), $since) . "' href='" . site_url($url['url']) . "'>" . substr($url['url'], 0, 20) . "</a></li>\n"; } ?> </ol> <small><?php _e('(may not always be accurate on busy sites)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </small> </p><?php } else { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if ($start_date) { update_option('wpsupercache_start', $start_date); update_option('wpsupercache_count', 0); } } ?> </div> </td></table> <?php echo "</div>\n"; }
function wp_cache_manager() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $cache_path, $cache_enabled, $cache_compression, $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_hello_world; global $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit, $cache_rebuild_files, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mobile_whitelist, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers; global $wp_cache_cron_check, $wp_cache_debug, $wp_cache_hide_donation, $wp_cache_not_logged_in, $wp_supercache_cache_list; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check; if (function_exists('is_site_admin')) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return; } } $supercachedir = $cache_path . 'supercache/' . preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if (get_option('gzipcompression') == 1) { update_option('gzipcompression', 0); } if (!isset($cache_rebuild_files)) { $cache_rebuild_files = 0; } $valid_nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'wp-cache') : false; /* */ ?> <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- function toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works elem = document.layers[whichLayer]; vis =; // if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here if(vis.display==''&&elem.offsetWidth!=undefined&&elem.offsetHeight!=undefined) vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none'; vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block'; } // --> //Clicking header opens fieldset options jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("fieldset h3").css("cursor","pointer").click(function(){ jQuery(this).parent("fieldset").find("p,form,ul,blockquote").toggle("slow"); }); }); </script> <?php echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo "<h2><a href='?page=wpsupercache'>" . __('WP Super Cache Manager', 'wp-super-cache') . "</a></h2>\n"; if (1 == ini_get('safe_mode') || "on" == strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode'))) { ?> <h3><?php _e('Warning! PHP Safe Mode Enabled!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <p><?php _e('You may experience problems running this plugin because SAFE MODE is enabled.', 'wp-super-cache'); if (!ini_get('safe_mode_gid')) { echo __('Your server is set up to check the owner of PHP scripts before allowing them to read and write files.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p><p>"; echo sprintf(__('You or an administrator may be able to make it work by changing the group owner of the plugin scripts to match that of the web server user. The group owner of the %s/cache/ directory must also be changed. See the <a href="">safe mode manual page</a> for further details.', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR) . "</p>"; } else { echo __('You or an administrator must disable this. See the <a href="">safe mode manual page</a> for further details. This cannot be disabled in a .htaccess file unfortunately. It must be done in the php.ini config file.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p>"; } } if (isset($wp_super_cache_front_page_check) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 1 && !wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_check_site_hook')) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 360, 'wp_cache_check_site_hook'); if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) && $GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) { wp_cache_debug('scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.', 2); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['wp_restore_config']) && $valid_nonce) { unlink($wp_cache_config_file); echo '<strong>' . __('Configuration file changed, some values might be wrong. Load the page again from the "Settings" menu to reset them.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; } if (!wp_cache_check_link() || !wp_cache_verify_config_file() || !wp_cache_verify_cache_dir()) { echo '<p>' . __("Cannot continue... fix previous problems and retry.", 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo "</div>\n"; return; } if (!wp_cache_check_global_config()) { echo "</div>\n"; return; } if ($wp_cache_debug || !$wp_cache_cron_check) { if (function_exists("wp_remote_get") == false) { $hostname = str_replace('http://', '', str_replace('https://', '', get_option('siteurl'))); if (strpos($hostname, '/')) { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, '/')); } $ip = gethostbyname($hostname); if (substr($ip, 0, 3) == '127' || substr($ip, 0, 7) == '192.168') { ?> <h3><?php printf(__('Warning! Your hostname "%s" resolves to %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $hostname, $ip); ?> </h3> <div style='padding:0 8px;color:#9f6000;background-color:#feefb3;border:1px solid #9f6000;'> <p><?php printf(__('Your server thinks your hostname resolves to %s. Some services such as garbage collection by this plugin, and WordPress scheduled posts may not operate correctly.', 'wp-super-cache'), $ip); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please see entry 16 in the <a href="%s">Troubleshooting section</a> of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> </div> <?php } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_cron_check', "\$wp_cache_cron_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } else { $cron_url = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-cron.php?check=' . wp_hash('187425'); $cron = wp_remote_get($cron_url, array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => true)); if (is_array($cron)) { if ($cron['response']['code'] == '404') { ?> <h3>Warning! wp-cron.php not found!</h3> <div style='padding:0 8px;color:#9f6000;background-color:#feefb3;border:1px solid #9f6000;'> <p><?php _e('Unfortunately WordPress cannot find the file wp-cron.php. This script is required for the the correct operation of garbage collection by this plugin, WordPress scheduled posts as well as other critical activities.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please see entry 16 in the <a href="%s">Troubleshooting section</a> of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> </div> <?php } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_cron_check', "\$wp_cache_cron_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } } } if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == true && !got_mod_rewrite()) { ?> <h4 style='color: #a00'><?php _e('Mod rewrite may not be installed!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h4> <p><?php _e('It appears that mod_rewrite is not installed. Sometimes this check isn’t 100% reliable, especially if you are not using Apache. Please verify that the mod_rewrite module is loaded. It is required for serving Super Cache static files. You will still be able to use half-on mode.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p><?php } if (!is_writeable_ACLSafe($wp_cache_config_file)) { define("SUBMITDISABLED", 'disabled style="color: #aaa" '); ?> <h4 style='text-align:center; color: #a00'><?php _e('Read Only Mode. Configuration cannot be changed.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <a href="javascript:toggleLayer('readonlywarning');" title="<?php _e('Why your configuration may not be changed', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> "><?php _e('Why', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </a></h4> <div id='readonlywarning' style='border: 1px solid #aaa; margin: 2px; padding: 2px; display: none;'> <p><?php printf(__('The WP Super Cache configuration file is <code>%s/wp-cache-config.php</code> and cannot be modified. That file must be writeable by the webserver to make any changes.', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> <?php _e('A simple way of doing that is by changing the permissions temporarily using the CHMOD command or through your ftp client. Make sure it’s globally writeable and it should be fine.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p> <?php _e('Writeable:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <code>chmod 666 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /wp-cache-config.php</code> <?php _e('Readonly:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <code>chmod 644 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /wp-cache-config.php</code></p> </div><?php } else { define("SUBMITDISABLED", ' '); } // Server could be running as the owner of the wp-content directory. Therefore, if it's // writable, issue a warning only if the permissions aren't 755. if (is_writeable_ACLSafe(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/')) { $wp_content_stat = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/'); $wp_content_mode = $wp_content_stat['mode'] & 0777; if ($wp_content_mode != 0755) { ?> <h4 style='text-align:center; color: #a00'><?php printf(__('Warning! %s is writeable!', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> </h4> <p><?php printf(__('You should change the permissions on %s and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things:', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> <code>chmod 755 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /</code></p><?php } } if ($valid_nonce) { if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_status'])) { if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_mobile_enabled'])) { $wp_cache_mobile_enabled = 1; } else { $wp_cache_mobile_enabled = 0; } if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled == 1) { if (!isset($wp_cache_mobile_whitelist)) { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mobile_whitelist', "\$wp_cache_mobile_whitelist = 'Stand Alone/QNws';", $wp_cache_config_file); } if (false == isset($wp_cache_mobile_browsers)) { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mobile_browsers', "\$wp_cache_mobile_browsers = 'Android, 2.0 MMP, 240x320, AvantGo, BlackBerry, Blazer, Cellphone, Danger, DoCoMo, Elaine/3.0, EudoraWeb, hiptop, IEMobile, iPhone, iPod, KYOCERA/WX310K, LG/U990, MIDP-2.0, MMEF20, MOT-V, NetFront, Newt, Nintendo Wii, Nitro, Nokia, Opera Mini, Palm, Playstation Portable, portalmmm, Proxinet, ProxiNet, SHARP-TQ-GX10, Small, SonyEricsson, Symbian OS, SymbianOS, TS21i-10, UP.Browser, UP.Link, Windows CE, WinWAP';", $wp_cache_config_file); } } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mobile_enabled', "\$wp_cache_mobile_enabled = " . $wp_cache_mobile_enabled . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); $wp_supercache_cache_list = $_POST['wp_supercache_cache_list'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_supercache_cache_list', "\$wp_supercache_cache_list = " . $wp_supercache_cache_list . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); switch ($_POST['wp_cache_status']) { case 'all': wp_cache_enable(); break; case 'none': wp_cache_disable(); break; case 'wpcache': wp_cache_enable(); wp_super_cache_disable(); break; } if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_hello_world'])) { $wp_cache_hello_world = 1; } else { $wp_cache_hello_world = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_hello_world', '$wp_cache_hello_world = ' . (int) $wp_cache_hello_world . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit'])) { $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = 1; } else { $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit', "\$wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = " . $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['cache_rebuild_files'])) { $cache_rebuild_files = 1; } else { $cache_rebuild_files = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_rebuild_files', "\$cache_rebuild_files = " . $cache_rebuild_files . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_mutex_disabled'])) { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 0; } else { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 1; } if (defined('WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING')) { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 1; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mutex_disabled', "\$wp_cache_mutex_disabled = " . $wp_cache_mutex_disabled . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_not_logged_in'])) { if ($wp_cache_not_logged_in == 0 && function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } $wp_cache_not_logged_in = 1; } else { $wp_cache_not_logged_in = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_not_logged_in', "\$wp_cache_not_logged_in = " . $wp_cache_not_logged_in . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); } if (defined('WPSC_DISABLE_COMPRESSION')) { $cache_compression_changed = false; $cache_compression = 0; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_compression', "\$cache_compression = " . $cache_compression . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); } elseif (isset($_POST['cache_compression']) && $_POST['cache_compression'] != $cache_compression) { $cache_compression_changed = true; $cache_compression = intval($_POST['cache_compression']); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_compression', "\$cache_compression = " . $cache_compression . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } delete_option('super_cache_meta'); } if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation']) && $_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation'] != $wp_cache_hide_donation) { $wp_cache_hide_donation = intval($_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation']); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_hide_donation', "\$wp_cache_hide_donation = " . $wp_cache_hide_donation . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); } } echo '<a name="top"></a>'; ?> <table><td><fieldset class="options" id="show-this-fieldset"> <h3><?php _e('WP Super Cache Status', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3><?php echo '<form name="wp_manager" action="#top" method="post">'; ?> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='all' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == true) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('ON', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('WP Cache and Super Cache enabled', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='wpcache' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == false) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('HALF ON', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('Super Cache Disabled, only legacy WP-Cache caching.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='none' <?php if ($cache_enabled == false) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('OFF', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('WP Cache and Super Cache disabled', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_not_logged_in' <?php if ($wp_cache_not_logged_in) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Don’t cache pages for logged in users.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_hello_world' <?php if ($wp_cache_hello_world) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Proudly tell the world your server is Digg proof! (places a message in your blog’s footer)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit' <?php if ($wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Clear all cache files when a post or page is published. (This may significantly slow down saving of posts.)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='cache_rebuild_files' <?php if ($cache_rebuild_files) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. Recommended for <em>very</em> busy websites with lots of comments. Makes "directly cached pages" and "Lockdown mode" obsolete.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <?php if (false == defined('WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING')) { ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mutex_disabled' <?php if (!$wp_cache_mutex_disabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='0'> <?php _e('Coarse file locking. You probably don’t need this but it may help if your server is underpowered. Warning! <em>May cause your server to lock up in very rare cases!</em>', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <?php } ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_supercache_cache_list' <?php if ($wp_supercache_cache_list) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('List the newest cached pages (may be expensive to run on busy sites, use with caution.)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mobile_enabled' <?php if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Mobile device support.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label> <?php $home_path = trailingslashit(get_home_path()); $scrules = implode("\n", extract_from_markers($home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache')); if (!$wp_cache_mobile_enabled && strpos($scrules, '240x320|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo')) { echo "<blockquote style='background-color:#feefb3; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;'><h4>" . __('Mobile rewrite rules detected', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h4>"; echo "<p>" . __('For best performance you should enable "Mobile device support" or delete the mobile rewrite rules in your .htaccess. Look for the 2 lines with the text "Android|2.0\\ MMP|240x320|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone" and delete those.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p><p>" . __('This will have no affect on ordinary users but mobile users will see uncached pages.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p></blockquote>"; } elseif ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled && $scrules != '' && false === strpos($scrules, '240x320|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo')) { ?> <blockquote style='background-color:#fefeb3; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;'><p><?php _e('Mobile support requires extra rules in your .htaccess file, or you can set the plugin to half-on mode. Here are your options (in order of difficulty):', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <ol><li> 1. <?php _e('Set the plugin to half on mode and enable mobile support.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </li> <li> 2. <?php printf(__('Delete the plugin mod_rewrite rules in %s.htaccess enclosed by <code># BEGIN WPSuperCache</code> and <code># END WPSuperCache</code> and let the plugin regenerate them by reloading this page.', 'wp-super-cache'), $home_path); ?> </li> <li> 3. <?php printf(__('Add the rules yourself. Edit %s.htaccess and find the block of code enclosed by the lines <code># BEGIN WPSuperCache</code> and <code># END WPSuperCache</code>. There are two sections that look very similar. Just below the line <code>%{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$</code> add this line: (do it twice, once for each section)', 'wp-super-cache'), $home_path); ?> </p> <div style='padding: 2px; margin: 2px; border: 1px solid #333; width:400px; overflow: scroll'><pre>RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^.*(Android|2.0\ MMP|240x320|AvantGo|BlackBerry|Blazer|Cellphone|Danger|DoCoMo|Elaine/3.0|EudoraWeb|hiptop|IEMobile|iPhone|iPod|KYOCERA/WX310K|LG/U990|MIDP-2.0|MMEF20|MOT-V|NetFront|Newt|Nintendo\ Wii|Nitro|Nokia|Opera\ Mini|Palm|Playstation\ Portable|portalmmm|Proxinet|ProxiNet|SHARP-TQ-GX10|Small|SonyEricsson|Symbian\ OS|SymbianOS|TS21i-10|UP.Browser|UP.Link|Windows\ CE|WinWAP).*</pre></div></li></ol></blockquote> <?php } ?> <p><strong><?php _e('Note:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <?php printf(__('If uninstalling this plugin, make sure the directory <em>%s</em> is writeable by the webserver so the files <em>advanced-cache.php</em> and <em>cache-config.php</em> can be deleted automatically. (Making sure those files are writeable too is probably a good idea!)', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Uninstall using the <a href="%1$s/wp-super-cache/uninstall.php">uninstall script</a> to remove files and directories created by the plugin. (Please see <a href="%1$s/wp-super-cache/readme.txt">readme.txt</a> for instructions on uninstalling this script.)', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_PLUGIN_URL); ?> </p> <?php echo "<div class='submit'><input type='submit' " . SUBMITDISABLED . " value='" . __('Update Status', 'wp-super-cache') . " »' /></div>"; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> </form> <?php if ($super_cache_enabled && function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { $mods = apache_get_modules(); $required_modules = array('mod_mime' => __('Required to serve compressed supercache files properly.', 'wp-super-cache'), 'mod_headers' => __('Required to set caching information on supercache pages. IE7 users will see old pages without this module.', 'wp-super-cache'), 'mod_expires' => __('Set the expiry date on supercached pages. Visitors may not see new pages when they refresh or leave comments without this module.', 'wp-super-cache')); foreach ($required_modules as $req => $desc) { if (!in_array($req, $mods)) { $missing_mods[$req] = $desc; } } if (isset($missing_mods) && is_array($missing_mods)) { echo "<h3>" . __('Missing Apache Modules', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo "<p>" . __('The following Apache modules are missing. The plugin will work in half-on mode without them. In full Supercache mode, your visitors may see corrupted pages or out of date content however.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($missing_mods as $req => $desc) { echo "<li> {$req} - {$desc}</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } } ?> </fieldset> </td><td valign='top'> <div style='background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #333; margin: 2px; padding: 5px'> <h3 align='center'><?php _e('Make WordPress Faster', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <?php if ($wp_cache_hide_donation != 1) { ?> <p><?php printf(__('%1$s really makes your blog go faster. Make it go faster<sup>*</sup> by buying me an <a href="%2$s">Amazon gift card</a>! Make it out to "%3$s" for whatever amount you want. Every penny helps!', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">WP Super Cache</a>', '', '*****@*****.**'); ?> ;</p> <p><?php printf(__('If Amazon isn’t your thing, there’s also PayPal. Click the "Donate" button below or take a quick peek at my <a href="%s">wishlist</a>.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Thanks in advance!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <br />Donncha<br /> <small>* <?php _e('Ok, it won’t go any faster but you’ll make this plugin author very happy!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </small></p> <div align='center'> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3244504"/> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt=""/> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"/><br /> </form> <p><?php _e('Don’t show me this again.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <form action="#top" method="post"><input type='hidden' name='wp_cache_hide_donation' value='1' /><input type='submit' value='<?php _e('Hide', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> ' /><?php wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> </form></p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php printf(__('%1$s is maintained and developed by %2$s with contributions from many others.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">WP Super Cache</a>', '<a href="">Donncha O Caoimh</a>'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('He blogs at %1$s, posts photos at %2$s and <a href="%3$s">wishes</a> he had more time to read and relax.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Holy Shmoly</a>', '<a href="">In</a>', ''); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please say hi to him on %s too!', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Twitter</a>'); ?> </p> <?php } if (isset($wp_supercache_cache_list) && $wp_supercache_cache_list) { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if (!$start_date) { $start_date = time(); } ?> <p><?php printf(__('Cached pages since %1$s : <strong>%2$s</strong>', 'wp-super-cache'), date('M j, Y', $start_date), number_format(get_option('wpsupercache_count'))); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Newest Cached Pages:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <ol> <?php foreach (array_reverse((array) get_option('supercache_last_cached')) as $url) { $since = time() - strtotime($url['date']); echo "<li><a title='" . sprintf(__('Cached %s seconds ago', 'wp-super-cache'), $since) . "' href='" . site_url($url['url']) . "'>{$url['url']}</a></li>\n"; } ?> </ol> <small><?php _e('(may not always be accurate on busy sites)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </small> </p><?php } else { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if ($start_date) { update_option('wpsupercache_start', $start_date); update_option('wpsupercache_count', 0); } } ?> </div> </td></table> <?php wp_cache_files(); wsc_mod_rewrite(); wp_cache_edit_max_time(); echo '<a name="files"></a><fieldset class="options"><h3>' . __('Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h3>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_pages(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_rejected(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_accepted(); echo '</fieldset>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua(); wp_cache_debug_settings(); wp_lock_down(); wp_cache_restore(); ob_start(); if (defined('WP_CACHE')) { if (function_exists('do_cacheaction')) { do_cacheaction('cache_admin_page'); } } $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (SUBMITDISABLED == ' ' && $out != '') { echo '<fieldset class="options"><h3>' . __('Cache Plugins', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h3>'; echo $out; echo '</fieldset>'; } echo "</div>\n"; }
function wp_cache_manager() { global $wp_cache_config_file, $valid_nonce, $supercachedir, $cache_path, $cache_enabled, $cache_compression, $super_cache_enabled, $wp_cache_hello_world; global $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit, $cache_rebuild_files, $wp_cache_mutex_disabled, $wp_cache_mobile_enabled, $wp_cache_mobile_browsers; global $wp_cache_cron_check, $wp_cache_debug, $wp_cache_hide_donation, $wp_cache_not_logged_in, $wp_supercache_cache_list; global $wp_super_cache_front_page_check, $wp_cache_object_cache, $_wp_using_ext_object_cache, $wp_cache_refresh_single_only, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes; if (function_exists('is_site_admin')) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return; } } $supercachedir = $cache_path . 'supercache/' . preg_replace('/:.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); if (get_option('gzipcompression') == 1) { update_option('gzipcompression', 0); } if (!isset($cache_rebuild_files)) { $cache_rebuild_files = 0; } $valid_nonce = isset($_REQUEST['_wpnonce']) ? wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], 'wp-cache') : false; /* */ ?> <script type='text/javascript'> <!-- function toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) // this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) // this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if( document.layers ) // this is the way nn4 works elem = document.layers[whichLayer]; vis =; // if the style.display value is blank we try to figure it out here if(vis.display==''&&elem.offsetWidth!=undefined&&elem.offsetHeight!=undefined) vis.display = (elem.offsetWidth!=0&&elem.offsetHeight!=0)?'block':'none'; vis.display = (vis.display==''||vis.display=='block')?'none':'block'; } // --> //Clicking header opens fieldset options jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery("fieldset h3").css("cursor","pointer").click(function(){ jQuery(this).parent("fieldset").find("p,form,ul,blockquote").toggle("slow"); }); }); </script> <?php echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo "<h2><a href='?page=wpsupercache'>" . __('WP Super Cache Manager', 'wp-super-cache') . "</a></h2>\n"; if (1 == ini_get('safe_mode') || "on" == strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode'))) { ?> <h3><?php _e('Warning! PHP Safe Mode Enabled!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <p><?php _e('You may experience problems running this plugin because SAFE MODE is enabled.', 'wp-super-cache'); if (!ini_get('safe_mode_gid')) { echo __('Your server is set up to check the owner of PHP scripts before allowing them to read and write files.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p><p>"; echo sprintf(__('You or an administrator may be able to make it work by changing the group owner of the plugin scripts to match that of the web server user. The group owner of the %s/cache/ directory must also be changed. See the <a href="">safe mode manual page</a> for further details.', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR) . "</p>"; } else { echo __('You or an administrator must disable this. See the <a href="">safe mode manual page</a> for further details. This cannot be disabled in a .htaccess file unfortunately. It must be done in the php.ini config file.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p>"; } } if ('' == get_option('permalink_structure')) { echo "<h3>" . __('Permlink Structure Error', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo "<p>" . __('A custom url or permalink structure is required for this plugin to work correctly. Please go to the <a href="options-permalink.php">Permalinks Options Page</a> to configure your permalinks.') . "</p>"; } if (isset($wp_super_cache_front_page_check) && $wp_super_cache_front_page_check == 1 && !wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_check_site_hook')) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 360, 'wp_cache_check_site_hook'); if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) && $GLOBALS['wp_super_cache_debug']) { wp_cache_debug('scheduled wp_cache_check_site_hook for 360 seconds time.', 2); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['wp_restore_config']) && $valid_nonce) { unlink($wp_cache_config_file); echo '<strong>' . __('Configuration file changed, some values might be wrong. Load the page again from the "Settings" menu to reset them.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; } if (!wp_cache_check_link() || !wp_cache_verify_config_file() || !wp_cache_verify_cache_dir()) { echo '<p>' . __("Cannot continue... fix previous problems and retry.", 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo "</div>\n"; return; } if (!wp_cache_check_global_config()) { echo "</div>\n"; return; } if ($wp_cache_debug || !$wp_cache_cron_check) { if (function_exists("wp_remote_get") == false) { $hostname = str_replace('http://', '', str_replace('https://', '', get_option('siteurl'))); if (strpos($hostname, '/')) { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strpos($hostname, '/')); } $ip = gethostbyname($hostname); if (substr($ip, 0, 3) == '127' || substr($ip, 0, 7) == '192.168') { ?> <h3><?php printf(__('Warning! Your hostname "%s" resolves to %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $hostname, $ip); ?> </h3> <div style='padding:0 8px;color:#9f6000;background-color:#feefb3;border:1px solid #9f6000;'> <p><?php printf(__('Your server thinks your hostname resolves to %s. Some services such as garbage collection by this plugin, and WordPress scheduled posts may not operate correctly.', 'wp-super-cache'), $ip); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please see entry 16 in the <a href="%s">Troubleshooting section</a> of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> </div> <?php } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_cron_check', "\$wp_cache_cron_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } else { $cron_url = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-cron.php?check=' . wp_hash('187425'); $cron = wp_remote_get($cron_url, array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => true)); if (is_array($cron)) { if ($cron['response']['code'] == '404') { ?> <h3>Warning! wp-cron.php not found!</h3> <div style='padding:0 8px;color:#9f6000;background-color:#feefb3;border:1px solid #9f6000;'> <p><?php _e('Unfortunately WordPress cannot find the file wp-cron.php. This script is required for the the correct operation of garbage collection by this plugin, WordPress scheduled posts as well as other critical activities.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please see entry 16 in the <a href="%s">Troubleshooting section</a> of the readme.txt', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> </div> <?php } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_cron_check', "\$wp_cache_cron_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } } } } if (substr(get_option('permalink_structure'), -1) == '/') { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 1;", $wp_cache_config_file); } else { wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_slash_check', "\$wp_cache_slash_check = 0;", $wp_cache_config_file); } if (1 == ini_get('zlib.output_compression') || "on" == strtolower(ini_get('zlib.output_compression'))) { ?> <h4 style='color: #a00'><?php _e('Zlib Output Compression Enabled!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h4> <p><?php _e('PHP is compressing the data sent to the visitors of your site. Disabling this is recommended as the plugin caches the compressed output once instead of compressing the same page over and over again. Also see #21 in the Troubleshooting section. See <a href="">this page</a> for instructions on modifying your php.ini.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p><?php } if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == true && !got_mod_rewrite()) { ?> <h4 style='color: #a00'><?php _e('Mod rewrite may not be installed!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h4> <p><?php _e('It appears that mod_rewrite is not installed. Sometimes this check isn’t 100% reliable, especially if you are not using Apache. Please verify that the mod_rewrite module is loaded. It is required for serving Super Cache static files. You will still be able to use half-on mode.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p><?php } if (!is_writeable_ACLSafe($wp_cache_config_file)) { define("SUBMITDISABLED", 'disabled style="color: #aaa" '); ?> <h4 style='text-align:center; color: #a00'><?php _e('Read Only Mode. Configuration cannot be changed.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <a href="javascript:toggleLayer('readonlywarning');" title="<?php _e('Why your configuration may not be changed', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> "><?php _e('Why', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </a></h4> <div id='readonlywarning' style='border: 1px solid #aaa; margin: 2px; padding: 2px; display: none;'> <p><?php printf(__('The WP Super Cache configuration file is <code>%s/wp-cache-config.php</code> and cannot be modified. That file must be writeable by the webserver to make any changes.', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> <?php _e('A simple way of doing that is by changing the permissions temporarily using the CHMOD command or through your ftp client. Make sure it’s globally writeable and it should be fine.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </p> <?php _e('Writeable:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <code>chmod 666 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /wp-cache-config.php</code> <?php _e('Readonly:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <code>chmod 644 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /wp-cache-config.php</code></p> </div><?php } else { define("SUBMITDISABLED", ' '); } // Server could be running as the owner of the wp-content directory. Therefore, if it's // writable, issue a warning only if the permissions aren't 755. if (is_writeable_ACLSafe(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/')) { $wp_content_stat = stat(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/'); $wp_content_mode = $wp_content_stat['mode'] & 0777; if ($wp_content_mode != 0755) { ?> <h4 style='text-align:center; color: #a00'><?php printf(__('Warning! %s is writeable!', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> </h4> <p><?php printf(__('You should change the permissions on %s and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things:', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> <code>chmod 755 <?php echo WP_CONTENT_DIR; ?> /</code></p><?php } } // used by mod_rewrite rules and config file if (function_exists("cfmobi_default_browsers")) { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = cfmobi_default_browsers("mobile"); $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array_merge($wp_cache_mobile_browsers, cfmobi_default_browsers("touch")); } else { $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = array('2.0 MMP', '240x320', '400X240', 'AvantGo', 'BlackBerry', 'Blazer', 'Cellphone', 'Danger', 'DoCoMo', 'Elaine/3.0', 'EudoraWeb', 'Googlebot-Mobile', 'hiptop', 'IEMobile', 'KYOCERA/WX310K', 'LG/U990', 'MIDP-2.', 'MMEF20', 'MOT-V', 'NetFront', 'Newt', 'Nintendo Wii', 'Nitro', 'Nokia', 'Opera Mini', 'Palm', 'PlayStation Portable', 'portalmmm', 'Proxinet', 'ProxiNet', 'SHARP-TQ-GX10', 'SHG-i900', 'Small', 'SonyEricsson', 'Symbian OS', 'SymbianOS', 'TS21i-10', 'UP.Browser', 'UP.Link', 'webOS', 'Windows CE', 'WinWAP', 'YahooSeeker/M1A1-R2D2', 'iPhone', 'iPod', 'Android', 'BlackBerry9530', 'LG-TU915 Obigo', 'LGE VX', 'webOS', 'Nokia5800'); } $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = array('w3c ', 'w3c-', 'acs-', 'alav', 'alca', 'amoi', 'audi', 'avan', 'benq', 'bird', 'blac', 'blaz', 'brew', 'cell', 'cldc', 'cmd-', 'dang', 'doco', 'eric', 'hipt', 'htc_', 'inno', 'ipaq', 'ipod', 'jigs', 'kddi', 'keji', 'leno', 'lg-c', 'lg-d', 'lg-g', 'lge-', 'lg/u', 'maui', 'maxo', 'midp', 'mits', 'mmef', 'mobi', 'mot-', 'moto', 'mwbp', 'nec-', 'newt', 'noki', 'palm', 'pana', 'pant', 'phil', 'play', 'port', 'prox', 'qwap', 'sage', 'sams', 'sany', 'sch-', 'sec-', 'send', 'seri', 'sgh-', 'shar', 'sie-', 'siem', 'smal', 'smar', 'sony', 'sph-', 'symb', 't-mo', 'teli', 'tim-', 'tosh', 'tsm-', 'upg1', 'upsi', 'vk-v', 'voda', 'wap-', 'wapa', 'wapi', 'wapp', 'wapr', 'webc', 'winw', 'winw', 'xda ', 'xda-'); // from $wp_cache_mobile_browsers = apply_filters('cached_mobile_browsers', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA list $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes = apply_filters('cached_mobile_prefixes', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes); // Allow mobile plugins access to modify the mobile UA prefix list $mobile_groups = apply_filters('cached_mobile_groups', array()); // Group mobile user agents by capabilities. Lump them all together by default // mobile_groups = array( 'apple' => array( 'ipod', 'iphone' ), 'nokia' => array( 'nokia5800', 'symbianos' ) ); if ($valid_nonce) { if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_status'])) { if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_mobile_enabled'])) { $wp_cache_mobile_enabled = 1; } else { $wp_cache_mobile_enabled = 0; } if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled == 1) { update_cached_mobile_ua_list($wp_cache_mobile_browsers, $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes, $mobile_groups); } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mobile_enabled', "\$wp_cache_mobile_enabled = " . $wp_cache_mobile_enabled . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); $wp_supercache_cache_list = $_POST['wp_supercache_cache_list'] == 1 ? 1 : 0; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_supercache_cache_list', "\$wp_supercache_cache_list = " . $wp_supercache_cache_list . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); switch ($_POST['wp_cache_status']) { case 'all': wp_cache_enable(); break; case 'none': wp_cache_disable(); break; case 'wpcache': wp_cache_enable(); wp_super_cache_disable(); break; } if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_hello_world'])) { $wp_cache_hello_world = 1; } else { $wp_cache_hello_world = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_hello_world', '$wp_cache_hello_world = ' . (int) $wp_cache_hello_world . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit'])) { $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = 1; } else { $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit', "\$wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit = " . $wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['cache_rebuild_files'])) { $cache_rebuild_files = 1; } else { $cache_rebuild_files = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_rebuild_files', "\$cache_rebuild_files = " . $cache_rebuild_files . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_mutex_disabled'])) { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 0; } else { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 1; } if (defined('WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING')) { $wp_cache_mutex_disabled = 1; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_mutex_disabled', "\$wp_cache_mutex_disabled = " . $wp_cache_mutex_disabled . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_not_logged_in'])) { if ($wp_cache_not_logged_in == 0 && function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } $wp_cache_not_logged_in = 1; } else { $wp_cache_not_logged_in = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_not_logged_in', "\$wp_cache_not_logged_in = " . $wp_cache_not_logged_in . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if ($_wp_using_ext_object_cache && isset($_POST['wp_cache_object_cache'])) { if ($wp_cache_object_cache == 0 && function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } $wp_cache_object_cache = 1; } else { $wp_cache_object_cache = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_object_cache', "\$wp_cache_object_cache = " . $wp_cache_object_cache . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_refresh_single_only'])) { $wp_cache_refresh_single_only = 1; } else { $wp_cache_refresh_single_only = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_refresh_single_only', "\$wp_cache_refresh_single_only = '" . $wp_cache_refresh_single_only . "';", $wp_cache_config_file); } if (defined('WPSC_DISABLE_COMPRESSION')) { $cache_compression_changed = false; $cache_compression = 0; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_compression', "\$cache_compression = " . $cache_compression . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); } elseif (isset($_POST['cache_compression']) && $_POST['cache_compression'] != $cache_compression) { if ($_POST['cache_compression'] && 1 == ini_get('zlib.output_compression') || "on" == strtolower(ini_get('zlib.output_compression'))) { _e("<strong>Warning!</strong> You attempted to enable compression but <code>zlib.output_compression</code> is enabled. See #21 in the Troubleshooting section of the readme file.", 'wp-super-cache'); } else { $cache_compression = intval($_POST['cache_compression']); $cache_compression_changed = true; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$cache_compression', "\$cache_compression = " . $cache_compression . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); if (function_exists('prune_super_cache')) { prune_super_cache($cache_path, true); } delete_option('super_cache_meta'); } } if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation']) && $_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation'] != $wp_cache_hide_donation) { $wp_cache_hide_donation = intval($_POST['wp_cache_hide_donation']); wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_hide_donation', "\$wp_cache_hide_donation = " . $wp_cache_hide_donation . ";", $wp_cache_config_file); } } echo '<a name="top"></a>'; ?> <table><td><fieldset class="options" id="show-this-fieldset"> <h3><?php _e('WP Super Cache Status', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3><?php echo '<form name="wp_manager" action="#top" method="post">'; ?> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='all' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == true) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('ON', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('WP Cache and Super Cache enabled', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='wpcache' <?php if ($cache_enabled == true && $super_cache_enabled == false) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('HALF ON', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('Super Cache Disabled, only legacy WP-Cache caching.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <label><input type='radio' name='wp_cache_status' value='none' <?php if ($cache_enabled == false) { echo 'checked=checked'; } ?> > <strong><?php _e('OFF', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <span class="setting-description"><?php _e('WP Cache and Super Cache disabled', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </span></label><br /> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_not_logged_in' <?php if ($wp_cache_not_logged_in) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Don’t cache pages for known users. (Logged in users and those that comment)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_hello_world' <?php if ($wp_cache_hello_world) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Proudly tell the world your server is Digg proof! (places a message in your blog’s footer)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit' <?php if ($wp_cache_clear_on_post_edit) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Clear all cache files when a post or page is published. (This may significantly slow down saving of posts.)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='cache_rebuild_files' <?php if ($cache_rebuild_files) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. Recommended for <em>very</em> busy websites with lots of comments. Makes "directly cached pages" and "Lockdown mode" obsolete.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <?php if (false == defined('WPSC_DISABLE_LOCKING')) { ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mutex_disabled' <?php if (!$wp_cache_mutex_disabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='0'> <?php _e('Coarse file locking. You probably don’t need this but it may help if your server is underpowered. Warning! <em>May cause your server to lock up in very rare cases!</em>', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <?php } ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_supercache_cache_list' <?php if ($wp_supercache_cache_list) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php _e('List the newest cached pages (may be expensive to run on busy sites, use with caution.)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_mobile_enabled' <?php if ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php printf(__('Mobile device support.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </label> <?php $home_path = trailingslashit(get_home_path()); $scrules = implode("\n", extract_from_markers($home_path . '.htaccess', 'WPSuperCache')); if (!$wp_cache_mobile_enabled && strpos($scrules, addcslashes(implode('|', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers), ' '))) { echo "<blockquote style='background-color:#feefb3; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;'><h4>" . __('Mobile rewrite rules detected', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h4>"; echo "<p>" . __('For best performance you should enable "Mobile device support" or delete the mobile rewrite rules in your .htaccess. Look for the 2 lines with the text "2.0\\ MMP|240x320" and delete those.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p><p>" . __('This will have no affect on ordinary users but mobile users will see uncached pages.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p></blockquote>"; } elseif ($wp_cache_mobile_enabled && $scrules != '' && (false === strpos($scrules, addcslashes(implode('|', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes), ' ')) || false === strpos($scrules, addcslashes(implode('|', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers), ' ')))) { ?> <blockquote style='background-color:#fefeb3; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;'><h4><?php _e('Rewrite rules must be updated', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h4> <p><?php _e('The rewrite rules required by this plugin have changed or are missing. ', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <?php _e('Mobile support requires extra rules in your .htaccess file, or you can set the plugin to half-on mode. Here are your options (in order of difficulty):', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <ol><li> <?php _e('Set the plugin to half on mode and enable mobile support.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </li> <li> <?php _e('Scroll down this page and click the <strong>Update Mod_Rewrite Rules</strong> button.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </li> <li> <?php printf(__('Delete the plugin mod_rewrite rules in %s.htaccess enclosed by <code># BEGIN WPSuperCache</code> and <code># END WPSuperCache</code> and let the plugin regenerate them by reloading this page.', 'wp-super-cache'), $home_path); ?> </li> <li> <?php printf(__('Add the rules yourself. Edit %s.htaccess and find the block of code enclosed by the lines <code># BEGIN WPSuperCache</code> and <code># END WPSuperCache</code>. There are two sections that look very similar. Just below the line <code>%%{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress_logged_in|wp-postpass_).*$</code> add these lines: (do it twice, once for each section)', 'wp-super-cache'), $home_path); ?> </p> <div style='padding: 2px; margin: 2px; border: 1px solid #333; width:400px; overflow: scroll'><pre>RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^.*(<?php echo addcslashes(implode('|', $wp_cache_mobile_browsers), ' '); ?> ).* RewriteCond %{HTTP_user_agent} !^(<?php echo addcslashes(implode('|', $wp_cache_mobile_prefixes), ' '); ?> ).*</pre></div></li></ol></blockquote> <?php } ?> <?php if ($_wp_using_ext_object_cache) { ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_object_cache' <?php if ($wp_cache_object_cache) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php echo __('Use object cache to store cached files.', 'wp-super-cache') . ' ' . __('(Experimental)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p><?php } ?> <p><label><input type='checkbox' name='wp_cache_refresh_single_only' <?php if ($wp_cache_refresh_single_only) { echo "checked"; } ?> value='1'> <?php echo __('Only refresh current page when comments made.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </label></p> <p><strong><?php _e('Note:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </strong> <?php printf(__('If uninstalling this plugin, make sure the directory <em>%s</em> is writeable by the webserver so the files <em>advanced-cache.php</em> and <em>cache-config.php</em> can be deleted automatically. (Making sure those files are writeable too is probably a good idea!)', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_CONTENT_DIR); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please see the <a href="%1$s/wp-super-cache/readme.txt">readme.txt</a> for instructions on uninstalling this script. Look for the heading, "How to uninstall WP Super Cache".', 'wp-super-cache'), WP_PLUGIN_URL); ?> </p><?php echo "<p><em>" . sprintf(__('Need help? Check the <a href="%1$s">Super Cache readme file</a>. It includes installation documentation, a FAQ and Troubleshooting tips. The <a href="%2$s">support forum</a> is also available. Your question may already have been answered.', 'wp-super-cache'), '', '') . "</em></p>"; echo "<div class='submit'><input type='submit' " . SUBMITDISABLED . " value='" . __('Update Status', 'wp-super-cache') . " »' /></div>"; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> </form> <?php if ($cache_enabled) { echo '<a name="test"></a>'; echo "<h3>" . __('Cache Tester', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo '<p>' . __('Test your cached website by clicking the test button below.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; if ($_POST['action'] == 'test' && $valid_nonce) { // Prime the cache echo "<p>"; printf(__('Fetching %s to prime cache: ', 'wp-super-cache'), site_url()); $page = wp_remote_get(site_url(), array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); echo '<strong>' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; echo "</p>"; sleep(1); // Get the first copy echo "<p>"; printf(__('Fetching first copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache'), site_url()); $page = wp_remote_get(site_url(), array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); echo '<strong>' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; echo "</p>"; sleep(1); // Get the second copy echo "<p>"; printf(__('Fetching second copy of %s: ', 'wp-super-cache'), site_url()); $page2 = wp_remote_get(site_url(), array('timeout' => 60, 'blocking' => true)); echo '<strong>' . __('OK', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong>'; echo "</p>"; if (preg_match('/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page['body'], $matches1) && preg_match('/(Cached page generated by WP-Super-Cache on) ([0-9]*-[0-9]*-[0-9]* [0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)/', $page2['body'], $matches2) && $matches1[2] == $matches2[2]) { echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Page 1: %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $matches1[2]) . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Page 2: %s', 'wp-super-cache'), $matches2[2]) . '</p>'; echo '<p><strong>' . __('The timestamps on both pages match!', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong></p>'; } else { echo '<p><strong>' . __('The pages do not match! Timestamps differ or were not found!', 'wp-super-cache') . '</strong></p>'; } } echo '<form name="cache_tester" action="#test" method="post">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="test" />'; echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="test" value="' . __('Test Cache', 'wp-super-cache') . '" /></div>'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '</form>'; echo '<a name="preload"></a>'; echo "<h3>" . __('Preload Cache', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; if ($super_cache_enabled == true && false == defined('DISABLESUPERCACHEPRELOADING')) { global $wp_cache_preload_interval, $wp_cache_preload_on, $wp_cache_preload_email_me, $wp_cache_preload_email_volume, $wp_cache_preload_posts, $wpdb; $count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT count(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_status = 'publish'"); if ($count > 1000) { $min_refresh_interval = 720; } else { $min_refresh_interval = 30; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'preload' && $valid_nonce) { if ($_POST['posts_to_cache'] == 'all') { $wp_cache_preload_posts = 'all'; } else { $wp_cache_preload_posts = (int) $_POST['posts_to_cache']; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_posts', "\$wp_cache_preload_posts = '{$wp_cache_preload_posts}';", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload']) && $_POST['preload'] == __('Cancel Cache Preload', 'wp-super-cache')) { $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_preload_hook'); if ($next_preload) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', 0); wp_unschedule_event($next_preload, 'wp_cache_preload_hook'); } echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache cancelled. If a job is currently running it will not shutdown until the current 100 pages are complete.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</strong></p>"; } elseif (isset($_POST['custom_preload_interval']) && ($_POST['custom_preload_interval'] == 0 || $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] >= $min_refresh_interval)) { // if preload interval changes than unschedule any preload jobs and schedule any new one. $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] = (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']; if ($wp_cache_preload_interval != $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) { $next_preload = wp_next_scheduled('wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); if ($next_preload) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', 0); add_option('preload_cache_stop', 1); wp_unschedule_event($next_preload, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); if ($wp_cache_preload_interval == 0) { echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache cancelled.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</strong></p>"; } } if ($_POST['custom_preload_interval'] != 0) { wp_schedule_single_event(time() + $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] * 60, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); } } $wp_cache_preload_interval = (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']; wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_interval', "\$wp_cache_preload_interval = {$wp_cache_preload_interval};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload_email_me'])) { $wp_cache_preload_email_me = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_me = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_email_me', "\$wp_cache_preload_email_me = {$wp_cache_preload_email_me};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume']) && in_array($_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume'], array('less', 'medium', 'many'))) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = $_POST['wp_cache_preload_email_volume']; } else { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'medium'; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_email_volume', "\$wp_cache_preload_email_volume = '{$wp_cache_preload_email_volume}';", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload_on'])) { $wp_cache_preload_on = 1; } else { $wp_cache_preload_on = 0; } wp_cache_replace_line('^ *\\$wp_cache_preload_on', "\$wp_cache_preload_on = {$wp_cache_preload_on};", $wp_cache_config_file); if (isset($_POST['preload']) && $_POST['preload'] == __('Preload Cache Now', 'wp-super-cache')) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', 0); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + 10, 'wp_cache_preload_hook'); echo "<p><strong>" . __('Scheduled preloading of cache in 10 seconds.') . "</strong></p>"; } elseif ((int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) { update_option('preload_cache_counter', 0); wp_schedule_single_event(time() + (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval'] * 60, 'wp_cache_full_preload_hook'); echo "<p><strong>" . sprintf(__('Scheduled preloading of cache in %d minutes', 'wp-super-cache'), (int) $_POST['custom_preload_interval']) . "</strong></p>"; } } } echo '<p>' . __('This will cache every published post and page on your site. It will create supercache static files so unknown visitors (including bots) will hit a cached page. This will probably help your Google ranking as they are using speed as a metric when judging websites now.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('Preloading creates lots of files however. Caching is done from the newest post to the oldest so please consider only caching the newest if you have lots (10,000+) of posts. This is especially important on shared hosting.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . __('In ’Preload Mode’ regular garbage collection will only clean out old half-on files for known users, not the preloaded supercache files. This is a recommended setting when the cache is preloaded.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; echo '<form name="cache_filler" action="#preload" method="POST">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="preload" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="page" value="wpsupercache" />'; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Refresh preloaded cache files every %s minutes. (0 to disable, minimum %d minutes.)', 'wp-super-cache'), "<input type='text' size=4 name='custom_preload_interval' value='" . (int) $wp_cache_preload_interval . "' />", $min_refresh_interval) . '</p>'; if ($count > 1000) { $step = (int) ($count / 5); $select = "<select name='posts_to_cache' size=1>"; $select .= "<option value='all' "; if (!isset($wp_cache_preload_posts) || $wp_cache_preload_posts == 'all') { $checked = 'selectect=1 '; $best = 'all'; } else { $checked = ' '; $best = $wp_cache_preload_posts; } $select .= "{$checked}>" . __('all', 'wp-super-cache') . "</option>"; for ($c = $step; $c < $count; $c += $step) { $checked = ' '; if ($best == $c) { $checked = 'selected=1 '; } $select .= "<option value='{$c}'{$checked}>{$c}</option>"; } $checked = ' '; if ($best == $count) { $checked = 'selected=1 '; } $select .= "<option value='{$count}'{$checked}>{$count}</option>"; $select .= "</select>"; echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Preload %s posts.', 'wp-super-cache'), $select) . '</p>'; } else { echo '<input type="hidden" name="posts_to_cache" value="' . $count . '" />'; } echo '<input type="checkbox" name="preload_on" value="1" '; echo $wp_cache_preload_on == 1 ? 'checked=1' : ''; echo ' /> ' . __('Preload mode (garbage collection only on half-on cache files. Recommended.)', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br />'; echo '<input type="checkbox" name="preload_email_me" value="1" '; echo $wp_cache_preload_email_me == 1 ? 'checked=1' : ''; echo ' /> ' . __('Send me status emails when files are refreshed.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br />'; if (!isset($wp_cache_preload_email_volume)) { $wp_cache_preload_email_volume = 'many'; } echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="many" class="tog" '; checked('many', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Many emails, 2 emails per 100 posts.') . '<br >'; echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="medium" class="tog" '; checked('medium', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Medium, 1 email per 100 posts.') . '<br >'; echo ' <input name="wp_cache_preload_email_volume" type="radio" value="less" class="tog" '; checked('less', $wp_cache_preload_email_volume); echo '/> ' . __('Less emails, 1 at the start and 1 at the end of preloading all posts.', 'wp-super-cache') . '<br >'; $currently_preloading = false; next_preload_message('wp_cache_preload_hook', 'Refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.', 60); next_preload_message('wp_cache_full_preload_hook', 'Full refresh of cache in %d hours %d minutes and %d seconds.'); if ($preload_counter = get_option('preload_cache_counter')) { echo '<p><strong>' . sprintf(__('Currently caching from post %d to %d.', 'wp-super-cache'), $preload_counter, $preload_counter + 100) . '</strong></p>'; $currently_preloading = true; } echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Update Settings', 'wp-super-cache') . '" /> <input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Preload Cache Now', 'wp-super-cache') . '" />'; if ($currently_preloading) { echo ' <input type="submit" name="preload" value="' . __('Cancel Cache Preload', 'wp-super-cache') . '" />'; } echo '</div>'; wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); echo '</form>'; } else { echo '<p>' . __('Preloading of cache disabled. Please enable supercaching or talk to your host administrator.', 'wp-super-cache') . '</p>'; } } if ($super_cache_enabled && function_exists('apache_get_modules')) { $mods = apache_get_modules(); $required_modules = array('mod_mime' => __('Required to serve compressed supercache files properly.', 'wp-super-cache'), 'mod_headers' => __('Required to set caching information on supercache pages. IE7 users will see old pages without this module.', 'wp-super-cache'), 'mod_expires' => __('Set the expiry date on supercached pages. Visitors may not see new pages when they refresh or leave comments without this module.', 'wp-super-cache')); foreach ($required_modules as $req => $desc) { if (!in_array($req, $mods)) { $missing_mods[$req] = $desc; } } if (isset($missing_mods) && is_array($missing_mods)) { echo "<h3>" . __('Missing Apache Modules', 'wp-super-cache') . "</h3>"; echo "<p>" . __('The following Apache modules are missing. The plugin will work in half-on mode without them. In full Supercache mode, your visitors may see corrupted pages or out of date content however.', 'wp-super-cache') . "</p>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($missing_mods as $req => $desc) { echo "<li> {$req} - {$desc}</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } } ?> </fieldset> </td><td valign='top'> <div style='background: #ffc; border: 1px solid #333; margin: 2px; padding: 5px'> <h3 align='center'><?php _e('Make WordPress Faster', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </h3> <?php if ($wp_cache_hide_donation != 1) { ?> <p><?php printf(__('%1$s really makes your blog go faster. Make it go faster<sup>*</sup> by buying me an <a href="%2$s">Amazon gift card</a>! Make it out to "%3$s" for whatever amount you want. Every penny helps!', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">WP Super Cache</a>', '', '*****@*****.**'); ?> ;</p> <p><?php printf(__('If Amazon isn’t your thing, there’s also PayPal. Click the "Donate" button below or take a quick peek at my <a href="%s">wishlist</a>.', 'wp-super-cache'), ''); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Thanks in advance!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <br />Donncha<br /> <small>* <?php _e('Ok, it won’t go any faster but you’ll make this plugin author very happy!', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </small></p> <div align='center'> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick"/> <input type="hidden" name="hosted_button_id" value="3244504"/> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt=""/> <img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1"/><br /> </form> <p><?php _e('Don’t show me this again.', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <form action="#top" method="post"><input type='hidden' name='wp_cache_hide_donation' value='1' /><input type='submit' value='<?php _e('Hide', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> ' /><?php wp_nonce_field('wp-cache'); ?> </form></p> </div> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php printf(__('%1$s is maintained and developed by %2$s with contributions from many others.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">WP Super Cache</a>', '<a href="">Donncha O Caoimh</a>'); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('He blogs at %1$s and posts photos at %2$s. He would really appreciate a <a href="%3$s">donation</a> to encourage development of this plugin.<br />Even a penny will help.', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Holy Shmoly</a>', '<a href="">In</a>', ''); ?> </p> <p><?php printf(__('Please say hi to him on %s too!', 'wp-super-cache'), '<a href="">Twitter</a>'); ?> </p> <?php } if (isset($wp_supercache_cache_list) && $wp_supercache_cache_list) { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if (!$start_date) { $start_date = time(); } ?> <p><?php printf(__('Cached pages since %1$s : <strong>%2$s</strong>', 'wp-super-cache'), date('M j, Y', $start_date), number_format(get_option('wpsupercache_count'))); ?> </p> <p><?php _e('Newest Cached Pages:', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> <ol> <?php foreach (array_reverse((array) get_option('supercache_last_cached')) as $url) { $since = time() - strtotime($url['date']); echo "<li><a title='" . sprintf(__('Cached %s seconds ago', 'wp-super-cache'), $since) . "' href='" . site_url($url['url']) . "'>{$url['url']}</a></li>\n"; } ?> </ol> <small><?php _e('(may not always be accurate on busy sites)', 'wp-super-cache'); ?> </small> </p><?php } else { $start_date = get_option('wpsupercache_start'); if ($start_date) { update_option('wpsupercache_start', $start_date); update_option('wpsupercache_count', 0); } } ?> </div> </td></table> <?php wp_cache_files(); wsc_mod_rewrite(); wp_cache_edit_max_time(); echo '<a name="files"></a><fieldset class="options"><h3>' . __('Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIs', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h3>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_pages(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_rejected(); echo "\n"; wp_cache_edit_accepted(); echo '</fieldset>'; wp_cache_edit_rejected_ua(); wp_cache_debug_settings(); wp_lock_down(); wp_cache_restore(); ob_start(); if (defined('WP_CACHE')) { if (function_exists('do_cacheaction')) { do_cacheaction('cache_admin_page'); } } $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (SUBMITDISABLED == ' ' && $out != '') { echo '<fieldset class="options"><h3>' . __('Cache Plugins', 'wp-super-cache') . '</h3>'; echo $out; echo '</fieldset>'; } echo "</div>\n"; }