function woof_draw_radio_childs($taxonomy_info, $tax_slug, $childs, $show_count, $show_count_dynamic, $hide_dynamic_empty_pos) { global $WOOF; $request = $WOOF->get_request_data(); $current_request = array(); if ($WOOF->is_isset_in_request_data($tax_slug)) { $current_request = $request[$tax_slug]; $current_request = explode(',', urldecode($current_request)); } //*** static $hide_childs = -1; if ($hide_childs == -1) { $hide_childs = (int) get_option('woof_checkboxes_slide'); } //excluding hidden terms $hidden_terms = array(); if (isset($WOOF->settings['excluded_terms'][$tax_slug])) { $hidden_terms = explode(',', $WOOF->settings['excluded_terms'][$tax_slug]); } $childs = apply_filters('woof_sort_terms_before_out', $childs, 'radio'); ?> <ul class="woof_childs_list" <?php if ($hide_childs == 1) { ?> style="display: none;"<?php } ?> > <?php foreach ($childs as $term) { $inique_id = uniqid(); ?> <?php $count_string = ""; $count = 0; if (!in_array($term['slug'], $current_request)) { if ($show_count) { if ($show_count_dynamic) { $count = $WOOF->dynamic_count($term, 'radio', $_REQUEST['additional_taxes']); } else { $count = $term['count']; } $count_string = '<span>(' . $count . ')</span>'; } //+++ if ($hide_dynamic_empty_pos and $count == 0) { continue; } } if ($_REQUEST['hide_terms_count_txt']) { $count_string = ""; } //excluding hidden terms if (in_array($term['term_id'], $hidden_terms)) { continue; } ?> <li <?php if ($WOOF->settings['dispay_in_row'][$tax_slug] and empty($term['childs'])) { ?> style="display: inline-block !important;"<?php } ?> > <input type="radio" <?php if (!$count and !in_array($term['slug'], $current_request) and $show_count) { ?> disabled=""<?php } ?> id="<?php echo 'woof_' . $term['term_id'] . '_' . $inique_id; ?> " class="woof_radio_term" data-slug="<?php echo $term['slug']; ?> " name="<?php echo $tax_slug; ?> " value="<?php echo $term['term_id']; ?> " <?php echo checked(in_array($term['slug'], $current_request)); ?> /> <label for="<?php echo 'woof_' . $term['term_id'] . '_' . $inique_id; ?> " <?php if (checked(in_array($term['slug'], $current_request))) { ?> style="font-weight: bold;"<?php } ?> ><?php if (has_filter('woof_before_term_name')) { echo apply_filters('woof_before_term_name', $term, $taxonomy_info); } else { echo $term['name']; } ?> <?php echo $count_string; ?> </label> <a href="#" name="<?php echo $tax_slug; ?> " style="<?php if (!in_array($term['slug'], $current_request)) { ?> display: none;<?php } ?> " class="woof_radio_term_reset"><img src="<?php echo WOOF_LINK; ?> /img/delete.png" height="12" width="12" /></a> <?php if (!empty($term['childs'])) { woof_draw_radio_childs($taxonomy_info, $tax_slug, $term['childs'], $show_count, $show_count_dynamic, $hide_dynamic_empty_pos); } ?> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $term['name']; ?> " class="woof_n_<?php echo $tax_slug; ?> _<?php echo $term['slug']; ?> " /> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php }
function woof_draw_radio_childs($tax_slug, $childs, $show_count, $show_count_dynamic, $hide_dynamic_empty_pos) { $current_request = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST[$tax_slug])) { $current_request = $_REQUEST[$tax_slug]; $current_request = explode(',', $current_request); } ?> <ul class="woof_childs_list"> <?php foreach ($childs as $term) { $inique_id = uniqid(); ?> <?php $count_string = ""; if ($show_count) { if ($show_count_dynamic) { $count = WOOF::dynamic_count($term, 'radio'); } else { $count = $term['count']; } $count_string = '<span class="count">(' . $count . ')</span>'; } //+++ if ($hide_dynamic_empty_pos and $count == 0) { continue; } $thumb = woof_get_tax_thumb($term['term_id'], $tax_slug); ?> <li> <div class="iw"> <label for="<?php echo 'woof_' . $inique_id; ?> "> <?php echo $thumb; ?> <input type="radio" id="<?php echo 'woof_' . $inique_id; ?> " class="woof_radio_term" data-slug="<?php echo $term['slug']; ?> " name="<?php echo $tax_slug; ?> " value="<?php echo $term['term_id']; ?> " <?php echo checked(in_array($term['slug'], $current_request)); ?> /> <?php echo $term['name']; ?> <?php echo $count_string; ?> </label> <a href="#" data-name="<?php echo $tax_slug; ?> " class="woof_radio_term_reset"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a> </div> <?php if (!empty($term['childs'])) { woof_draw_radio_childs($tax_slug, $term['childs'], $show_count, $show_count_dynamic, $hide_dynamic_empty_pos); } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php }