foreach ($edit_fields as $edit_field) { $id = $edited_ids[$i]; foreach ($edit_field as $key => $value) { if ($field_update_table[$key] == "posts") { $post = array('ID' => $id, $key => $value); wp_update_post($post); } elseif ($field_update_table[$key] == "postmeta") { update_post_meta($id, $key, $value); } } $i++; } $result['updated'] = 1; $result['updateCnt'] = sizeof($edited_ids); } else { $result = woo_insert_update_data($_POST); } if ($result['updated'] && $result['inserted']) { if ($result['updateCnt'] == 1 && $result['insertCnt'] == 1) { $encoded['msg'] = "<b>" . $result['updateCnt'] . "</b> " . __('Record Updated and', 'smart-manager') . "<br><b>" . $result['insertCnt'] . "</b> " . __('New Record Inserted Successfully', 'smart-manager'); } elseif ($result['updateCnt'] == 1 && $result['insertCnt'] != 1) { $encoded['msg'] = "<b>" . $result['updateCnt'] . "</b> " . __('Record Updated and', 'smart-manager') . "<br><b>" . $result['insertCnt'] . "</b> " . __('New Records Inserted Successfully', 'smart-manager'); } elseif ($result['updateCnt'] != 1 && $result['insertCnt'] == 1) { $encoded['msg'] = "<b>" . $result['updateCnt'] . "</b> " . __('Records Updated and', 'smart-manager') . "<br><b>" . $result['insertCnt'] . "</b> " . __('New Record Inserted Successfully', 'smart-manager'); } else { $encoded['msg'] = "<b>" . $result['updateCnt'] . "</b> " . __('Records Updated and', 'smart-manager') . "<br><b>" . $result['insertCnt'] . "</b> " . __('New Records Inserted Successfully', 'smart-manager'); } } else { if ($result['updated'] == 1) { if ($result['updateCnt'] == 1) { $encoded['msg'] = "<b>" . $result['updateCnt'] . "</b> " . __('Record Updated Successfully', 'smart-manager');
function batchUpdateWoo($post) { global $post_status_update, $table_prefix, $wpdb, $sql_results, $woocommerce; $_POST = $post; // Fix: PHP 5.4 if (!empty($wpdb->prefix)) { $wp_table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; } if (isset($_POST['edited'])) { $_POST['active_module'] = $_POST['activeModule']; $result = woo_insert_update_data($_POST); } $ids = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['ids'])); $radioData = ''; // For WP_Debug $flag = ''; // For WP_Debug if ($_POST['activeModule'] == 'Products') { $active_module = 'Products'; $actions = json_decode($_POST['updateDetails']); $sel_records = json_decode($_POST['selected']); $radioData = $wpdb->_real_escape($_POST['radio']); $flag = $wpdb->_real_escape($_POST['flag']); // create an array of ids (newly added products & modified products) $count = isset($result['updateCnt']) ? $result['updateCnt'] : 0; //to skip updated & unselected records from batch update for ($i = 0; $i < count($ids); $i++) { if (strstr($ids[$i], 'ext-record') != '') { $ids_temp[$i] = $result['productId'][$count]; $count++; } } if (isset($sel_records) && $sel_records != null) { //collectin the variation product's id foreach ($sel_records as $record) { if (isset($record->id) && !empty($record->id) && $record->id != '') { if ($record->post_parent != 0) { $children_ids[] = $record->id; } else { $parent_ids[] = $record->id; } } else { $parent_ids = $result['productId']; } } } } else { if ($_POST['activeModule'] == 'Customers') { $active_module = 'Customers'; } else { $active_module = 'Orders'; } $actions = json_decode($_POST['values']); } //$idLength = count ( $ids ); $idLength = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['fupdatecnt'])); // code to handle the message for different number of max. records $length = count($actions); $all_ids = get_all_ids($sql_results); $_POST['actions_count'] = $length; // For distributing ids based on product type, will help in reducing number of queries if ($active_module == 'Products') { $variation_parent_id = array(); $selected_id = array(); $selected_id_variation = array(); $all_id = array(); $all_id_variation = array(); foreach ($sel_records as $sel_record) { $terms = wp_get_object_terms($sel_record->id, 'product_type', array('fields' => 'names')); // woocommerce gets product_type using this method $post_parent = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE ID = {$sel_record->id};"); if (sanitize_title($terms[0]) == 'variable' && $post_parent == 0) { $variation_parent_id[] = $sel_record->id; } else { if ($post_parent > 0 && sanitize_title($terms[0]) == 'simple') { $selected_id[] = $sel_record->id; } elseif ($post_parent > 0) { $selected_id_variation[] = $sel_record->id; } else { $selected_id[] = $sel_record->id; } } } $all_ids_grouped = array(); // Array used for passing ids to function for processing variations $all_ids_grouped['selected_id'] = $selected_id; $all_ids_grouped['variation_parent_id'] = $variation_parent_id; $all_ids_grouped['selected_id_variation'] = $selected_id_variation; $all_ids_grouped['all_id'] = $all_id; $all_ids_grouped['all_id_variation'] = $all_id_variation; $parent_ids = array_merge($all_ids_grouped['selected_id'], $all_ids_grouped['variation_parent_id']); $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT attribute_name FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies", 'ARRAY_A'); $attribute_names = array(); $count = 0; foreach ($results as $result) { $attribute_names[] = $result['attribute_name']; $count++; } // For handling modification in attributes of parent product foreach ($parent_ids as $parent_id) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($actions); $i++) { $actions_colfilter = property_exists($actions[$i], 'colFilter') === true ? $actions[$i]->colFilter : ''; // For WP_Debug if ($actions_colfilter == 'AttributeAdd') { $action = $actions_colfilter; $attribute_name = $actions[$i]->action; $attribute_type = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT attribute_type FROM {$wpdb->prefix}woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies WHERE attribute_name LIKE '{$attribute_name}'"); if ($attribute_name == 'custom') { $custom_attribute_name = $actions[$i]->colValue; $custom_attribute_terms = $actions[$i]->unit; process_custom_add_attribute($parent_id, $custom_attribute_name, $custom_attribute_terms, $action, $attribute_names); } else { if ($attribute_type == 'text') { $terms = explode('|', $actions[$i]->unit); if (is_array($terms) && count($terms) > 0) { foreach ($terms as $term) { $term_details = term_exists($term, 'pa_' . $attribute_name); if (!is_array($term_details) && $term_details == 0) { $term_details = wp_insert_term($term, 'pa_' . $attribute_name); } $term_taxonomy_id = $term_details['term_taxonomy_id']; process_add_attribute($parent_id, $attribute_name, $term_taxonomy_id, $action, $attribute_names); } } } else { $term_taxonomy_id = $actions[$i]->colValue; process_add_attribute($parent_id, $attribute_name, $term_taxonomy_id, $action, $attribute_names); } } } elseif ($actions_colfilter == 'AttributeRemove') { $attribute_name = $actions[$i]->action; $term_taxonomy_id = $actions[$i]->colValue; process_remove_attribute($parent_id, $attribute_name, $term_taxonomy_id); } } } // For handling changes in attributes of product variation foreach ($all_ids_grouped['selected_id_variation'] as $c_id) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($actions); $i++) { $actions_colfilter = property_exists($actions[$i], 'colFilter') === true ? $actions[$i]->colFilter : ''; // For WP_Debug if ($actions_colfilter == 'AttributeChange') { $attribute_name = $actions[$i]->action; $term_taxonomy_id = $actions[$i]->colValue; $taxonomy = "pa_" . $attribute_name; $select = "select t.slug from {$wpdb->prefix}terms as t join {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy as tt on (t.term_id = tt.term_id) where tt.taxonomy = '{$taxonomy}' and t.term_id in ( "; $select .= "select term_id from {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy where term_taxonomy_id = '{$term_taxonomy_id}' ) "; $results = $wpdb->get_results($select, 'ARRAY_A'); $term_name = array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $term_name[] = $result['slug']; } process_change_attribute($c_id, $attribute_name, $term_taxonomy_id, $term_name); } } } // generating string of comma separated ids $variation_parent_id = $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $variation_parent_id)); $selected_id = $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $selected_id)); $selected_id_variation = $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $selected_id_variation)); $all_id = $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $all_id)); //This is commented as the implode function dosent work properly with very long list of ids. $product_type_grouped = ""; $product_type = ""; $no_product_type = ""; $price_variation = ""; //$all_id_variation = $wpdb->_real_escape ( implode ( ',', $all_id_variation ) ); //Query for handling the grouped products updation $query_grouped = "SELECT id FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts`\n WHERE post_parent IN (SELECT as id\n FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` AS posts\n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n ON term_relationships.object_id =\n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy \n ON term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id \n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms \n ON term_taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id \n WHERE posts.post_parent = 0 \n AND posts.post_type IN ('product')\n AND posts.post_status IN ('publish', 'draft')\n AND terms.slug IN ('grouped'))\n AND id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")\n GROUP BY id\n ORDER BY id desc "; $product_type_grouped = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_grouped)); //Query to get the post_id type of all the simple products $query = "SELECT as id\n FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` AS posts\n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships AS term_relationships \n ON term_relationships.object_id =\n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy \n ON term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id = term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id \n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms \n ON term_taxonomy.term_id = terms.term_id \n WHERE posts.post_parent = 0 \n AND posts.post_type IN ('product')\n AND posts.post_status IN ('publish', 'draft')\n AND terms.slug NOT IN ('variable','grouped','external')\n AND IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY desc "; $product_type_result = $wpdb->get_col($query); //Query to handle the products which have no type $query = "SELECT object_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships\n WHERE object_id IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")"; $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); $no_product_type = array_values(array_diff($ids, $result)); for ($i = 0, $j = sizeof($product_type_result); $i < sizeof($no_product_type); $i++, $j++) { //Code to exclude variations from the product type update $post_parent = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_parent FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE ID = {$no_product_type[$i]}"); if ($post_parent == 0) { $product_type_result[$j] = $no_product_type[$i]; //Code for adding the product type as simple for products having no type $terms = wp_set_object_terms($no_product_type[$i], 'simple', 'product_type'); } } $product_type = implode(",", array_filter($product_type_result)); //Query to get the post_id of all the variations for price updation $query_variation = "SELECT as id\n FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` AS posts\n WHERE posts.post_parent > 0 \n AND posts.post_type IN ('product_variation')\n AND posts.post_status IN ('publish', 'draft')\n AND IN (" . implode(",", $ids) . ")\n GROUP BY\n ORDER BY desc "; $price_variation = implode(",", $wpdb->get_col($query_variation)); } //Code to get all the term_names along with the term_taxonomy_id in an array $query_terms = "SELECT,term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id \n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy AS term_taxonomy\n JOIN {$wpdb->prefix}terms AS terms ON terms.term_id = term_taxonomy.term_id\n WHERE taxonomy LIKE 'shop_order_status'"; $terms = $wpdb->get_results($query_terms, 'ARRAY_A'); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($terms); $i++) { $terms_name[$terms[$i]['name']] = $terms[$i]['term_taxonomy_id']; } // Building queries for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $selected_ids = ""; if ($active_module == 'Products') { $actions_colfilter = property_exists($actions[$i], 'colFilter') === true ? $actions[$i]->colFilter : ''; // For WP_Debug $actions_updatecolname = property_exists($actions[$i], 'updateColName') === true ? $actions[$i]->updateColName : ''; // For WP_Debug $actions_colname = property_exists($actions[$i], 'colName') === true ? $actions[$i]->colName : ''; // For WP_Debug if (substr($actions_colfilter, 0, 8) == 'Attribute') { continue; } $table_name = "`{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i]->tableName)}`"; $col_id = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i]->colId); $is_category = strstr($col_id, 'group') != '' ? true : false; $column_name = "{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions_colname)}"; $action_name = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i]->action); $column_filter = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions_colfilter); if ($column_name == 'thumbnail') { for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($ids); $j++) { update_post_meta($ids[$j], '_thumbnail_id', $actions[$i]->colValue); } } // populating all ids based on column to be updated if ($column_name == "_regular_price" || $column_name == "_sale_price") { $all_ids = $all_id; } elseif ($column_name == "post_title" || $column_name == "post_status" || $column_name == "post_content" || $column_name == "post_excerpt" || $is_category == true || $column_name == "_tax_status") { $all_ids = $variation_parent_id; $all_ids .= isset($all_id) && $all_id != '' ? ',' . $all_id : ''; } else { $all_ids = $variation_parent_id; // $all_ids .= ( isset($all_id_variation) && $all_id_variation != '' ) ? ',' . $all_id_variation : ''; $all_ids .= !empty($all_id_variation) ? ',' . implode(",", $all_id_variation) : ''; // For WP_Debug $all_ids .= isset($all_id) && $all_id != '' ? ',' . $all_id : ''; } $all_ids = trim($all_ids, ','); $update_column = $actions_updatecolname != '' ? "{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions_updatecolname)}" : "{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions_colname)}"; $col_filter = "{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions_colfilter)}"; $drop_down3_value = "{$wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i]->unit)}"; //@todo for state code for customers $row_filter = ''; $filter_col = ''; if ($col_filter != '') { $col_filter_arr = explode(':', $col_filter); $filter_col = "{$col_filter_arr['0']}"; $row_filter = $col_filter_arr[1]; } $text_cmp_value = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i]->colValue); $selected_ids = implode(',', $ids); //Added by Tarun to cater the function to update only for ids passed } else { $actions[$i][0] = explode(',', $actions[$i][0]); $action_index = 0; foreach ($actions[$i][0] as $action) { // trimming the field names & table names $actions[$i][0][$action_index] = trim($actions[$i][0][$action_index]); $action_index++; } // getting values from POST $action_name = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][1]); $column_name = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][0][0]); $table_name = $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][0][1]); $drop_down3_value = isset($actions[$i][3]) ? $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][3]) : ''; $selected_ids = $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $ids)); if ($active_module == 'Customers') { //Query for getting the email id and the customer_user for the selected ids $query_email = "SELECT DISTINCT(GROUP_CONCAT( meta_value\n ORDER BY meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) )AS meta_value,\n GROUP_CONCAT(distinct meta_key\n ORDER BY meta_id SEPARATOR '###' ) AS meta_key\n FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta \n WHERE meta_key in ('_billing_email','_customer_user') \n AND post_id IN ({$selected_ids})\n GROUP BY post_id"; $result_email = $wpdb->get_results($query_email, 'ARRAY_A'); $email = ""; $users = ""; $index = 0; $index1 = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($result_email); $j++) { $meta_key = explode("###", $result_email[$j]['meta_key']); $meta_value = explode("###", $result_email[$j]['meta_value']); $postmeta[$j] = array_combine($meta_key, $meta_value); if ($postmeta[$j]['_customer_user'] == 0) { $email[$index] = $postmeta[$j]['_billing_email']; $index++; } elseif ($postmeta[$j]['_customer_user'] > 0) { $users[$index1] = $postmeta[$j]['_customer_user']; $index1++; } unset($meta_key); unset($meta_value); } //For Guest Customers if ($email != "") { $email = "'" . implode("','", $email) . "'"; //Query for getting all the post_ids the email id of the edited customer record $query_ids = "SELECT DISTINCT(post_id) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_key='_billing_email' AND meta_value IN ({$email})"; $id = implode(", ", $wpdb->get_col($query_ids)); $selected_ids = $id; } //For Registered Customers if ($users != "") { $users = implode(",", $users); } } $text_cmp_value = ''; if ($column_name == '_billing_country' || $column_name == '_shipping_country') { $region = !empty($actions[$i][4]) ? $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][4]) : $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][2]); // For WP_Debug $text_cmp_value = $drop_down3_value; $state_column = $column_name == '_billing_country' ? '_billing_state' : '_shipping_state'; $region_query = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->_real_escape($table_name) . " SET meta_value = '" . $wpdb->_real_escape($region) . "' WHERE post_id IN ( " . $wpdb->_real_escape($selected_ids) . " ) AND meta_key = '{$state_column}'"; $result = $wpdb->query($region_query); // if ( $result < 1 ) { // $updated_rows_cnt = _e('Batch Updation of Region not successful','smart-manager'); // } } else { if ($table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships`" && $actions[$i][4] != '') { $term_id = $terms_name[$actions[$i][4]]; $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships` SET term_taxonomy_id = {$term_id} \n WHERE object_id IN ( " . $wpdb->_real_escape($selected_ids) . " )"; $result = $wpdb->query($query); continue; } else { $text_cmp_value = $actions[$i][2] == '' ? $drop_down3_value : $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][2]); } } } if ($table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}usermeta`") { $update_column = 'meta_value'; $reference_column = 'meta_key'; } $flag_query = 0; //Flag for handling the 'Set To Sales Price' and 'Set To Regular Price' batch update actions switch ($action_name) { case 'SET_TO': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}posts" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}usermeta`") { //version 3.8 //condition for handling the decimal places if (!empty($text_cmp_value) && ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price')) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ROUND(' . $text_cmp_value . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')'; } else { if (!empty($text_cmp_value)) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'' . $text_cmp_value . '\''; //is array for weight } else { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ""'; } } } else { if ($is_category) { $delete_query = "DELETE FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE `object_id` in ("; $insert_query = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name . " (object_id,`" . $update_column . "`) VALUES "; $delete_query .= $selected_ids; $sub_query = array(); $category_selected_ids = explode(',', $selected_ids); foreach ($category_selected_ids as $category_selected_id) { $sub_query[] = "(" . $category_selected_id . "," . $text_cmp_value . ")"; } $insert_query .= implode(',', $sub_query); $delete_query .= ") AND `term_taxonomy_id` IN ( SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM {$wpdb->prefix}term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'product_cat' )"; $delete_sql_result = $wpdb->query($delete_query); $insert_sql_result = $wpdb->query($insert_query); } } break; case 'PREPEND': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}posts" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}usermeta`") { //version 3.8 $update_value = $update_column . ' = concat(\'' . $text_cmp_value . '\',' . $update_column . ')'; } break; case 'APPEND': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}posts" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`" || $table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}usermeta`") { //version 3.8 $update_value = $update_column . ' = concat(' . $update_column . ',\'' . $text_cmp_value . '\')'; } break; case 'INCREASE_BY_NUMBER': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { //condition for handling the decimal places if (!empty($text_cmp_value) && ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price')) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ROUND(' . $update_column . '+' . $text_cmp_value . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')'; } else { if (!empty($text_cmp_value)) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ' . $update_column . '+' . $text_cmp_value; } else { $text_cmp_value = "0"; $update_value = $update_column . ' = ' . $update_column . '+' . $text_cmp_value; } } } break; case 'DECREASE_BY_NUMBER': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { //condition for handling the decimal places if (!empty($text_cmp_value) && ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price')) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ROUND(' . $update_column . '-' . $text_cmp_value . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')'; } else { if (!empty($text_cmp_value)) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ' . $update_column . '-' . $text_cmp_value; } else { $text_cmp_value = "0"; $update_value = $update_column . ' = ' . $update_column . '-' . $text_cmp_value; } } } break; case 'INCREASE_BY_%': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { //condition for handling the decimal places if (!empty($text_cmp_value) && ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price')) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ROUND(' . $update_column . '+' . ($update_column . '*' . $text_cmp_value / 100) . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')'; } else { if (!empty($text_cmp_value)) { $update_value = $update_column . ' =' . $update_column . '+' . ($update_column . '*' . $text_cmp_value / 100); } else { $update_value = $update_column . ' =' . $update_column; } } } break; case 'DECREASE_BY_%': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { //condition for handling the decimal places if (!empty($text_cmp_value) && ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price')) { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ROUND(' . $update_column . '-' . ($update_column . '*' . $text_cmp_value / 100) . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')'; } else { if (!empty($text_cmp_value)) { $update_value = $update_column . ' =' . $update_column . '-' . ($update_column . '*' . $text_cmp_value / 100); } else { $update_value = $update_column . ' =' . $update_column; } } } break; case 'YES': if ($column_name == 'post_status') { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'publish\''; } elseif ($column_name == '_stock') { $update_value = $update_column . ' = 0'; } else { $update_value = $update_column . ' = 1'; } break; case 'NO': if ($column_name == 'post_status') { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'draft\''; } elseif ($column_name == '_stock') { $update_value = $update_column . ' = ""'; } else { $update_value = $update_column . ' = 0'; } break; case 'ADD_TO': $sub_query = array(); if (!$is_category) { // Need to be reworked for ($j = 0; $j < count($ids); $j++) { $sub_query[] = "( " . $wpdb->_real_escape($ids[$j]) . "," . $text_cmp_value . ")"; } $sub_query = implode(',', $sub_query); $query = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name . " (object_id,`" . $update_column . "`) VALUES " . $sub_query; $sql_result = $wpdb->query($query); } else { $delete_query = "DELETE FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE `object_id` in ("; $insert_query = "INSERT INTO " . $table_name . " (`object_id`,`" . $update_column . "`) VALUES "; $delete_query .= $selected_ids; $sub_query = array(); $category_selected_ids = explode(',', $selected_ids); foreach ($category_selected_ids as $category_selected_id) { $sub_query[] = "(" . $category_selected_id . "," . $text_cmp_value . ")"; } $insert_query .= implode(',', $sub_query); $delete_query .= ") AND `term_taxonomy_id`=" . $text_cmp_value; $delete_sql_result = $wpdb->query($delete_query); $insert_sql_result = $wpdb->query($insert_query); } break; case 'REMOVE_FROM': if (!$is_category) { // Need to be reworked $query = "DELETE FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE object_id in (" . $wpdb->_real_escape(implode(',', $ids)) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t AND `" . $update_column . "` = " . $text_cmp_value; $sql_result = $wpdb->query($query); } else { $delete_query = "DELETE FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE `object_id` in ("; $delete_query .= $selected_ids; $delete_query .= ") AND `term_taxonomy_id` = {$text_cmp_value}"; $delete_sql_result = $wpdb->query($delete_query); } break; case 'CATALOG & SEARCH': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'visible\''; } break; case 'CATALOG': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'catalog\''; } break; case 'SEARCH': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'search\''; } break; case 'HIDDEN': if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta") { $update_value = $update_column . ' = \'hidden\''; } break; case 'SET_TO_SALES_PRICE': for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($ids); $j++) { $type = wp_get_object_terms($ids[$j], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs')); $query = "SELECT post_parent FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` WHERE ID =" . $ids[$j]; $result_parent = $wpdb->get_col($query); if (!empty($result_parent)) { $product_type_parent = wp_get_object_terms($result_parent, 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs')); } if ($type[0] == 'simple' && $result_parent[0] == 0 || $product_type_parent[0] == "grouped" || $_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") { $flag_success = 1; $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`\n WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); $result[0] = trim($result[0]); // For handling when both price and sales price are null if (!empty($result[0])) { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = ROUND(" . $result[0] . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')' . " WHERE meta_key = '_regular_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } else { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = '' WHERE meta_key = '_regular_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } $result1 = $wpdb->query($query); } else { if ($result_parent[0] > 0 && $_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") { $flag_success = 1; $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`\n WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); $result[0] = trim($result[0]); // For handling when both price and sales price are null if (!empty($result[0])) { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = ROUND(" . $result[0] . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')' . " WHERE meta_key = '_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } else { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = '' WHERE meta_key = '_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } $result1 = $wpdb->query($query); } } } $flag_query = 1; break; case 'SET_TO_REGULAR_PRICE': for ($j = 0; $j < sizeof($ids); $j++) { $type = wp_get_object_terms($ids[$j], 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs')); $query = "SELECT post_parent FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}posts` WHERE ID =" . $ids[$j]; $result_parent = $wpdb->get_col($query); if (!empty($result_parent)) { $product_type_parent = wp_get_object_terms($result_parent, 'product_type', array('fields' => 'slugs')); } if ($type[0] == 'simple' && $result_parent[0] == 0 || $product_type_parent[0] == "grouped" || $_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") { $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`\n WHERE meta_key = '_regular_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); $result[0] = trim($result[0]); // For handling when both price and sales price are null if (!empty($result[0])) { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = ROUND(" . $result[0] . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')' . " WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } else { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = '' WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } $result1 = $wpdb->query($query); } else { if ($result_parent[0] > 0 && $_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") { $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`\n WHERE meta_key = '_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; $result = $wpdb->get_col($query); $result[0] = trim($result[0]); // For handling when both price and sales price are null if (!empty($result[0])) { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = ROUND(" . $result[0] . ',' . get_option('woocommerce_price_num_decimals') . ')' . " WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } else { $query = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta` SET meta_value = '' WHERE meta_key = '_sale_price' AND post_id = " . $ids[$j]; } $result1 = $wpdb->query($query); } } } $flag_query = 1; break; } if ($table_name != "`{$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships`") { if ($flag_query == 0) { if (is_array($update_value)) { $update_value = implode(',', $update_value); } $update_price_meta = false; $query = "UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET " . $update_value; if ($table_name == "{$wpdb->prefix}posts") { if ($active_module == 'Products' && $update_column == 'post_status') { $query .= " WHERE `post_type` IN ('product') AND `ID` in (" . $selected_ids . ")"; } else { $query .= ' WHERE `ID` in (' . $selected_ids . ')'; } } else { if ($table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}postmeta`") { if ($column_name == '_regular_price') { //Query for updating the price for the simple products if (!empty($product_type)) { sm_insert_metakey($product_type, '_regular_price'); // Code for inserting the meta_key if not present $query_simple = $query; $query_simple = $query_simple . " WHERE meta_key LIKE '_regular_price' AND post_id IN ({$product_type})"; $result = $wpdb->query($query_simple); if (empty($price_variation)) { $query = ""; } } // $query = "INSERT INTO ". $table_name . "VALUES" //Query for updating the price for the grouped products if (!empty($product_type_grouped)) { sm_insert_metakey($product_type_grouped, '_regular_price'); // Code for inserting the meta_key if not present $query_grouped = $query; $query_grouped = $query_grouped . " WHERE meta_key LIKE '_regular_price' AND post_id IN ({$product_type_grouped})"; $result_grouped = $wpdb->query($query_grouped); if (empty($price_variation)) { $query = ""; } } // $query .= " WHERE meta_key LIKE '_price' AND post_id IN (" . $selected_ids . ")"; //Woo 2.0 Compatibility check if ($_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "true") { if (!empty($price_variation)) { sm_insert_metakey($price_variation, '_price'); // Code for inserting the meta_key if not present $query .= " WHERE meta_key LIKE '_price' AND post_id IN ({$price_variation})"; } else { $query = ""; } } else { if (!empty($price_variation)) { sm_insert_metakey($price_variation, '_regular_price'); // Code for inserting the meta_key if not present $query .= " WHERE meta_key LIKE '_regular_price' AND post_id IN ({$price_variation})"; } else { $query = ""; } } } else { if (!empty($selected_ids)) { sm_insert_metakey($selected_ids, $column_name); // Code for inserting the meta_key if not present $query .= " WHERE `post_id` in (" . $selected_ids . ") AND meta_key = '" . $column_name . "'"; } } } } if (!empty($query) && $flag_query == 0) { $result = $wpdb->query($query); } } // Code for Updating the '_price' for All Products if ($column_name == '_regular_price' || $column_name == '_sale_price') { $simple_ids = explode(",", $product_type); $grouped_ids = explode(",", $product_type_grouped); $variation_ids = explode(",", $price_variation); if (!empty($product_type) && !empty($product_type_grouped)) { $final_ids = array_merge($simple_ids, $grouped_ids); } else { if (!empty($product_type)) { $final_ids = $simple_ids; } else { $final_ids = $grouped_ids; } } if (!empty($price_variation) && $_POST['SM_IS_WOO16'] == "false") { if (!empty($final_ids)) { $final_ids = array_merge($final_ids, $variation_ids); } else { $final_ids = $variation_ids; } } update_price_meta(implode(",", array_filter($final_ids))); // For Updating Variable Parent Price if (!empty($price_variation)) { variable_price_sync($variation_ids); } } //Condition for handling the Batch Update for the registered Customers if ($active_module == 'Customers' && $users != "") { $table_name = "`{$wpdb->prefix}usermeta`"; $column_name = substr($column_name, 1); $user_ids = $users; if ($column_name == 'billing_email') { $update_column = 'user_email'; switch ($action_name) { case 'SET_TO': $user_value = $update_column . ' = \'' . $text_cmp_value . '\''; break; case 'PREPEND': $user_value = $update_column . ' = concat(\'' . $text_cmp_value . '\',' . $update_column . ')'; break; case 'APPEND': $user_value = $update_column . ' = concat(' . $update_column . ',\'' . $text_cmp_value . '\')'; break; } $query_users = "UPDATE `{$wpdb->prefix}users` SET " . $user_value . "WHERE `id` in (" . $user_ids . ")"; $result_users = $wpdb->query($query_users); } if ($column_name == 'billing_country') { $region = !empty($actions[$i][4]) ? $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][4]) : $wpdb->_real_escape($actions[$i][2]); $region_query = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->_real_escape($table_name) . " SET meta_value = '" . $wpdb->_real_escape($region) . "' WHERE user_id IN ( " . $wpdb->_real_escape($user_ids) . " ) AND meta_key = 'billing_state'"; $result = $wpdb->query($region_query); if ($result < 1) { $updated_rows_cnt = _e('Batch Updation of Region not successful', 'smart-manager'); } } $query = "UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET " . $update_value . "WHERE `user_id` in (" . $user_ids . ") AND meta_key = '" . $column_name . "'"; $result = $wpdb->query($query); } } elseif ($table_name == "`{$wpdb->prefix}term_relationships`") { if ($active_module != 'Products') { $term_taxonomy_id = get_term_taxonomy_id($text_cmp_value); $query = "UPDATE " . $table_name . " SET term_taxonomy_id = " . $wpdb->_real_escape($term_taxonomy_id) . " WHERE object_id IN (" . $selected_ids . ") "; $result = $wpdb->query($query); $order_ids = explode(',', $selected_ids); if ($text_cmp_value == 'processing' || $text_cmp_value == 'completed') { foreach ($order_ids as $order_id) { $order = new WC_Order($wpdb->_real_escape($order_id)); $order->update_status($text_cmp_value); } } } } $update_value = ''; } // Handled with a different ajax request if ($radioData == 2 && $flag == 1) { $updated_rows_cnt = 'All'; } else { $updated_rows_cnt = $idLength; } //Clearing the transients to handle the proper functioning of the widgets $woocommerce->clear_product_transients(); return $updated_rows_cnt; }