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"/" . $file)) { $dirlist[] = $file; } else { $filelist[] = $file; } } closedir($directory); $strname = get_string("name"); $strsize = get_string("size"); $strmodified = get_string("modified"); $straction = get_string("action"); $strmakeafolder = get_string("makeafolder"); $struploadafile = get_string("uploadafile"); $strwithchosenfiles = get_string("withchosenfiles"); $strmovetoanotherfolder = get_string("movetoanotherfolder"); $strmovefilestohere = get_string("movefilestohere"); $strdeletecompletely = get_string("deletecompletely"); $strcreateziparchive = get_string("createziparchive"); $strrename = get_string("rename"); $stredit = get_string("edit"); $strunzip = get_string("unzip"); $strlist = get_string("list"); $strrestore = get_string("restore"); $strchoose = get_string("choose"); $prop = null; $prop->action = "index.php"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->id = "dirform"; wiki_form_start($prop); wiki_div_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = "choose"; $prop->value = $choose; wiki_input_hidden($prop); wiki_hr(); $prop = null; $prop->border = "0"; $prop->spacing = "2"; $prop->padding = "2"; $prop->width = "640"; $prop->class = "files"; $prop->header = true; $prop->styleth = "width:5%"; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->header = true; $prop->align = "left"; $prop->class = "header name"; wiki_change_column($prop); echo $strname; $prop = null; $prop->header = true; $prop->align = "right"; $prop->class = "header size"; wiki_change_column($prop); echo $strsize; $prop = null; $prop->header = true; $prop->align = "right"; $prop->class = "header date"; wiki_change_column($prop); echo $strmodified; $prop = null; $prop->header = true; $prop->align = "right"; $prop->class = "header commands"; wiki_change_column($prop); echo $straction; if ($wdir == "/") { $wdir = ""; } if (!empty($wdir)) { $dirlist[] = '..'; } $count = 0; $header = true; if (!empty($dirlist)) { asort($dirlist); foreach ($dirlist as $dir) { if ($header) { $header = false; $prop = null; $prop->header = true; } else { $prop = null; } if ($dir == '..') { $fileurl = rawurlencode(dirname($wdir)); $prop->style = "white-space: nowrap;"; $prop->align = "center"; $prop->classtr = "folder"; wiki_change_row($prop); echo ' '; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'name'; $prop->align = 'left'; $prop->style = "white-space: nowrap;"; wiki_change_column($prop); $prop = null; $prop->src = $CFG->pixpath . 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function wiki_print_menu_teachers($listteachers, $cm) { //this function prints the list of theachers in the wiki's student if (empty($listteachers)) { return; } wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->border = "0"; $prop->class = "boxalignright"; $prop->classtd = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_table_start($prop); print_string('anotherteacher', 'wiki'); wiki_change_column(); $prop = null; $prop->id = "selectteacher"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'view.php?id=' . $cm->id; wiki_form_start($prop); wiki_div_start(); $opt = null; foreach ($listteachers as $lteacher) { $prop = null; $prop->value = $lteacher->id; $opt .= wiki_option($lteacher->lastname . ', ' . $lteacher->firstname, $prop, true); } $prop = null; $prop->name = "dfformselectteacher"; wiki_select($opt, $prop); $prop = null; $prop->value = get_string("continue"); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_div_end(); wiki_form_end(); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_change_row($prop); echo " "; wiki_table_end(); }
function wiki_grade_print_edition_evaluation_box(&$WS) { $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $WS->cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/wiki:evaluateawiki', $context)) { print_box_start(); $prop = null; $prop->id = "form_grades"; $prop->method = "post"; $prop->action = 'view.php?id=' . $WS->linkid . '&page=' . urlencode($WS->pageaction . '/' . stripslashes_safe($WS->page)) . '&dfcontent=11&ver=' . $WS->ver . '&gid=' . $WS->groupmember->groupid . '&uid=' . $WS->member->id; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->padding = "2"; $prop->aligntd = "right"; wiki_table_start($prop); echo '<b>' . get_string('grade') . '</b>: '; wiki_change_column(); /// 1 -> "+", 2 -> "=", 3 -> "-" $prop = null; $prop->value = '1'; $opt = wiki_option('+', $prop, true); $prop = null; $prop->value = '2'; $opt .= wiki_option('=', $prop, true); $prop = null; $prop->value = '3'; $opt .= wiki_option('-', $prop, true); $prop = null; $prop->name = "grade_edition"; wiki_select($opt, $prop); echo ' '; $prop = null; $prop->name = 'grade_edition_confirm'; $prop->value = get_string('set', 'wiki'); wiki_input_submit($prop); unset($prop); $prop->name = 'oldversion'; $prop->value = $WS->pageolddata->version; wiki_input_hidden($prop); unset($prop); $prop->name = 'currentversion'; $prop->value = $WS->pageverdata->version; wiki_input_hidden($prop); wiki_change_row(); echo '<b>' . get_string('eval_feedback', 'wiki') . '</b>: '; wiki_change_column(); unset($prop); $prop->size = 60; $prop->value = ''; $prop->name = 'feedback'; wiki_input_text($prop); $prop->align = 'right'; wiki_change_row($prop); echo '<i>' . get_string('note', 'wiki') . '</i>: '; wiki_change_column(); $oldversion = $WS->pageolddata->version; $currentversion = $WS->pageverdata->version; if ($currentversion < $oldversion) { $tmp = $currentversion; $currentversion = $oldversion; $oldversion = $tmp; } $version = $oldversion + 1; $count = $version - $currentversion; if ($count == 1) { echo get_string('evaluate_hist_edition', 'wiki') . ' ' . $version; } else { echo '<i>' . get_string('evaluate_hist_editions', 'wiki') . ': '; for ($i = $version; $i <= $currentversion; $i++) { echo $i; if ($i < $currentversion) { echo ', '; } } echo '</i>'; } wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); print_box_end(); } }
function wiki_import_wiki(&$WS) { global $file; //if the form is complete $sure = optional_param('dfformsure', NULL, PARAM_ALPHA); if (isset($sure)) { //import to xml wiki_import_wiki_XML($WS); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; $info = wiki_size_text(get_string("importcorrectly", 'wiki'), 2, '', true); wiki_div($info, $prop); $prop = null; $prop->action = '../view.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->border = '0'; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; $prop->classtd = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcontinue'; $prop->value = get_string('continue'); $input = wiki_input_submit($prop, true); wiki_div($input); wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); } else { if (isset($WS->dfform['import'])) { $extension = explode("/", $WS->path); $num = count($extension) - 1; $name = $extension[$num]; $info = wiki_b(get_string("importcheckwarning", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); switch ($WS->dfform['incase']) { case 0: $name = get_string("always", 'diki'); break; case 1: $name = get_string("never", 'wiki'); break; case 2: $name = get_string("before", 'wiki'); break; case 3: $name = get_string("after", 'wiki'); break; default: break; } $info = wiki_b(get_string("incase", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); switch ($WS->dfform['incaseatach']) { case 0: $name = get_string("alwaysatach", 'wiki'); break; case 1: $name = get_string("neveratach", 'wiki'); break; case 2: $name = get_string("beforeatach", 'wiki'); break; case 3: $name = get_string("afteratach", 'wiki'); break; case 4: $name = get_string("bigeratach", 'wiki'); break; case 5: $name = get_string("smalleratach", 'wiki'); break; default: break; } $info = wiki_b(get_string("incaseatach", 'wiki'), '', true); $info .= ' ' . $name; $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph($info, $prop); wiki_br(); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'textcenter'; wiki_paragraph(get_string("importcheckfiles", 'wiki'), $prop); $prop = null; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; wiki_table_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importxml&path=' . $WS->path; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form1'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = $WS->dfform['incase']; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = $WS->dfform['incaseatach']; wiki_input_hidden($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformsure'; $prop->value = get_string('yes'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_form_end(); wiki_change_column(); $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importewiki&path=' . $WS->path . '&file=' . $file; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form2'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformcancel'; $prop->value = get_string('no'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_form_end(); wiki_table_end(); } else { //create the form to import $prop = null; $prop->action = 'exportxml.php?id=' . $WS->cm->id . '&pageaction=importewiki&type=' . $WS->type . '&path=' . $WS->path . '&file=' . $file; $prop->method = 'post'; $prop->id = 'form'; wiki_form_start($prop); $prop = null; $prop->border = '0'; $prop->class = 'boxaligncenter'; $prop->classtd = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_table_start($prop); wiki_b(get_string('incase', 'wiki')); wiki_table_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '0'; $prop->checked = 'checked'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('always', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '1'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('never', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '2'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('before', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincase'; $prop->value = '3'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('after', 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikileftnow"; wiki_change_row($prop); wiki_b(get_string('incaseatach', 'wiki')); wiki_table_start(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '0'; $prop->checked = 'checked'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('alwaysatach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '1'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('neveratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '2'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('beforeatach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '3'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('afteratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '4'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('bigeratach', 'wiki'); wiki_change_row(); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformincaseatach'; $prop->value = '5'; wiki_input_radio($prop); print_string('smalleratach', 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_br(2); $prop = null; $prop->class = "nwikicenternow"; wiki_change_row($prop); $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformimport'; $prop->value = get_string('import', 'wiki'); wiki_input_submit($prop); wiki_table_end(); wiki_form_end(); } } }
function wiki_hist_actions(&$WS) { //print page title switch ($WS->pageaction) { case 'oldversion': wiki_table_start(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver("<", 1, 'oldversion')); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(get_string('oldversion', 'wiki') . ': ' . stripslashes_safe($WS->page) . ' v.' . $WS->pageolddata->version); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver(">", -1, 'oldversion')); wiki_table_end(); print_box_start(); wiki_hist_old($WS); break; case 'diff': wiki_table_start(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver("<", 1)); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(get_string('oldversion', 'wiki') . ': ' . stripslashes_safe($WS->page) . ' v.' . $WS->pageolddata->version); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver(">", -1)); wiki_table_end(); ///// WIKI EVALUATION EDITION ///// wiki_grade_print_edition_evaluation_box($WS); print_box_start(); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textright"; //wiki_paragraph(helpbutton('differences', get_string('version'), 'wiki',true,false,'',true), $prop); echo '<div align="right">' . helpbutton('differences', get_string('version'), 'wiki', true, false, '', true) . '</div>'; wiki_hist_diff($WS); break; case 'newdiff': wiki_table_start(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver("<", 1, 'newdiff')); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(get_string('oldversion', 'wiki') . ': ' . stripslashes_safe($WS->page) . ' v.' . $WS->pageolddata->version); wiki_change_column(); wiki_size_text(wiki_hist_move_ver(">", -1, 'newdiff')); wiki_table_end(); ///// WIKI EVALUATION EDITION ///// wiki_grade_print_edition_evaluation_box($WS); print_box_start(); $prop = null; $prop->class = "textright"; wiki_paragraph('', $prop); wiki_hist_newdiff($WS); break; } print_box_end(); }
function wiki_print_view_uploaded(&$WS) { global $CFG; //initiates images array $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $WS->cm->id); $pl->src = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki' . '/images/plus.gif'; if (isset($WS->dfcourse)) { $pl->class = 'wiki_folding_co'; } else { $pl->class = 'wiki_folding'; } $mi->src = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki' . '/images/minus.gif'; if (isset($WS->dfcourse)) { $mi->class = 'wiki_folding_co'; } else { $mi->class = 'wiki_folding'; } $sq->src = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki' . '/images/weather-clear.png'; $images = array('plus' => wiki_img($pl, true), 'minus' => wiki_img($mi, true), 'square' => wiki_img($sq, true)); //get www path: if (has_capability('mod/wiki:uploadfiles', $context) || $WS->dfperms['attach']) { $prop = null; $prop->width = '30%'; $prop->valigntd = 'top'; $prop->classtd = 'nwikileftnow'; echo '<hr>'; wiki_table_start($prop); if ($WS->dfperms['attach']) { print_string('insertedfiles', 'wiki'); $prop = null; $prop->valign = 'top'; $prop->class = 'nwikileftnow'; wiki_change_column($prop); } if ($WS->dfperms['attach']) { if (count($WS->dfdir->content) != 0) { $prop = null; $prop->class = 'wiki_listme'; $prop->classli = 'wiki_listme'; wiki_start_ul($prop); echo $images['plus']; $prop = null; $prop->href = '#'; if (isset($WS->dfcourse)) { $prop->class = 'wiki_folding_co'; } else { $prop->class = 'wiki_folding'; } $button = wiki_a(get_string('uploaded', 'wiki'), $prop); $numm = 0; //generate tree content. foreach ($WS->dfdir->content as $file) { if ($numm == 0) { $prop = null; $prop->class = 'wiki_listme'; $prop->style = 'margin:auto auto auto 15px;display:none'; $prop->classli = 'wiki_listme'; wiki_start_ul($prop); $numm++; } else { $prop = null; $prop->class = 'wiki_listme'; wiki_change_li($prop); } //image url: $url = $WS->dfdir->www . '/' . $file; $url = substr($url, strlen($CFG->wwwroot)); echo $images['square']; $prop = null; $prop->href = 'javascript:insertTags(\'[[attach:' . $file . ']]\',\'\',\'\');'; $button = wiki_a($file, $prop); $prop = null; $prop->src = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki/editor/images/file_view.gif'; link_to_popup_window($url, get_string('view'), wiki_img($prop, true), $height = 400, $width = 500, get_string('view')); if (has_capability('mod/wiki:deletefiles', $context)) { $prop = null; $prop->name = 'dfformdelfile'; $prop->value = $file; $prop->src = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki/images/delete.gif'; wiki_input_image($prop); } } wiki_end_ul(); wiki_end_ul(); } else { //no files where uploaded print_string('nofiles', 'wiki'); } } // //print upload form // $prop = null; // $prop->valign = 'top'; // $prop->class = 'nwikiuptam'; // wiki_change_column($prop); // // if (has_capability('mod/wiki:uploadfiles', $context)){ // $prop = null; // $prop->name = 'MAX_FILE_SIZE'; // $prop->value = get_max_upload_file_size(); // wiki_input_hidden($prop); // // $prop = null; // $prop->name = 'dfformfile'; // $prop->size = '20'; // wiki_input_file($prop); // // $prop = null; // $prop->name = 'dfformupload'; // $prop->value = get_string('upload'); // wiki_input_submit($prop); // } // //print help // $prop = null; // $prop->valign = 'top'; // $prop->class = 'nwikileftnow'; // wiki_change_column($prop); // // helpbutton('attach', get_string('help'), 'wiki'); wiki_table_end(); wiki_hr(); } }