Пример #1
 * Add tracking JS to all pages for all users that are not members of excluded
 * groups (the group listed in $wgQuantcastTrackingExcludedGroups).
 * @param $skin Object: Skin object
 * @param $text String: bottomScripts text
 * @return Boolean: true
function wfAddQuantcastTrackingCode( $skin, &$text ) {
	global $wgUser, $wgQuantcastTrackingExcludedGroups;

	$groups = $wgUser->getEffectiveGroups();
	if ( !in_array( $wgQuantcastTrackingExcludedGroups, $groups ) ) {
		$message = trim( wfMsgForContent( 'quantcast-tracking-number' ) );
		// We have a custom tracking code, use it!
		if( !wfEmptyMsg( 'quantcast-tracking-number', $message ) ) {
			$trackingCode = $message;
		} else { // use ShoutWiki's default code
			$trackingCode = wfMsgForContent( 'shoutwiki-quantcast-tracking-number' );
		$safeCode = htmlspecialchars( $trackingCode, ENT_QUOTES );
		$text .= "\t\t" . '<!-- Start Quantcast tag -->
		<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
		_qoptions = {
			qacct: "' . $safeCode . '"
		<script type="text/javascript" src="http://edge.quantserve.com/quant.js"></script>
		<img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/' . $safeCode . '.gif" style="display: none;" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast" />
		<!-- End Quantcast tag -->' . "\n\n";

	return true;
Пример #2
function makePhp($messages)
    global $wgLang;
    $txt = "\n\n\$messages = array(\n";
    foreach ($messages as $key => $m) {
        if ($wgLang->getCode() != 'en' and $m['msg'] == $m['enmsg']) {
            //if (strstr($m['msg'],"\n")) {
            //	$txt.='/* ';
            //	$comment=' */';
            //} else {
            //	$txt .= '#';
            //	$comment = '';
        } elseif (wfEmptyMsg($key, $m['msg'])) {
            $m['msg'] = '';
            $comment = ' #empty';
        } else {
            $comment = '';
        $txt .= "'{$key}' => '" . preg_replace("/(?<!\\\\)'/", "\\'", $m['msg']) . "',{$comment}\n";
    $txt .= ');';
    return $txt;
Пример #3
 * @param OutputPage $out
 * @param string $text
 * @return bool
function wfArticleMetaDescription(&$out, &$text)
    global $wgTitle;
    $sMessage = null;
    $sMainPage = wfMsgForContent('Mainpage');
    if (strpos($sMainPage, ':') !== false) {
        $sTitle = $wgTitle->getFullText();
    } else {
        $sTitle = $wgTitle->getText();
    if (strcmp($sTitle, $sMainPage) == 0) {
        // we're on Main Page, check MediaWiki:Description message
        $sMessage = wfMsg("Description");
    if ($sMessage == null || wfEmptyMsg("Description", $sMessage)) {
        $DESC_LENGTH = 100;
        $articleId = $wgTitle->getArticleID();
        $articleService = new ArticleService($articleId);
        $description = $articleService->getTextSnippet($DESC_LENGTH);
    } else {
        // MediaWiki:Description message found, use it
        $description = $sMessage;
    if (!empty($description)) {
        $out->addMeta('description', htmlspecialchars($description));
    return true;
function wfWhitelistPages() {
	global $wgWhitelistRead, $wgGroupPermissions;

	$message = wfMsgForContent( 'public read whitelist' );

	// If MediaWiki:Public read whitelist is empty, bail out
	if ( wfEmptyMsg( 'public read whitelist', $message ) ) {

	// If anonymous users can read the wiki, then it's not a private one
	// and we don't need this feature for non-private wikis
	if ( $wgGroupPermissions['*']['read'] ) {

	// $wgWhitelistRead is *false* by default instead of being an empty array
	if ( $wgWhitelistRead === false ) {
		$wgWhitelistRead = array();

	// Explode along newlines
	$whitelistedPages = explode( "\n", trim( $message ) );

	// Merge with current list
	$wgWhitelistRead = array_merge( $wgWhitelistRead, $whitelistedPages );
 function constructCreateForm()
     global $wgOut, $wgScript;
     global $wgUserProperties, $wgActivityModes;
     $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('form', array('action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL(), 'method' => 'post')));
     $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', null, wfMsg('nss-create-account-header')) . "\n");
     $wgOut->addHTML("<table border=\"1\" id=\"newuser\">\n");
     $props = array_merge(array('username', 'email'), $wgUserProperties);
     foreach ($props as $i) {
         $msg = 'am-' . $i;
         $wgOut->addHTML("\t<tr><th>" . (wfEmptyMsg($msg, wfMsg($msg)) ? $i : wfMsgHtml($msg)) . "</th><td>" . Xml::input("am-" . str_replace(' ', '_', $i), 40) . "</td></tr>\n");
     global $wgActivityModes;
     $select = new XmlSelect("am-active");
     $select->setAttribute('width', '100%');
     foreach ($wgActivityModes as $key) {
     $wgOut->addHTML("\t<tr><th>" . wfMsgHtml('am-active') . "</th><td>" . $select->getHTML() . "</td></tr>\n");
     $wgOut->addHTML("<div id=\"newaccount-submit\">\n" . Html::Hidden('action', 'create') . Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('nss-no-mail'), 'nss-no-mail', 'nss-no-mail') . "<br />\n" . Xml::element('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => wfMsg('nss-create-account'))) . "</div>\n</form>\n");
     $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('form', array('action' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL(), 'method' => 'post')));
     $wgOut->addHTML("<div id=\"newaccount-raw\">\n" . Xml::textarea('nss-create-account-raw', '') . "\n" . Html::Hidden('action', 'create-raw') . Xml::checkLabel(wfMsg('nss-no-mail'), 'nss-no-mail', 'nss-no-mail') . "<br />\n" . Xml::element('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => wfMsg('nss-create-account'))) . "</div>\n</form>\n");
Пример #6
 public function getSummary()
     if ($this->summary === false) {
         if ($this->messageId) {
             $id = $this->messageId;
             if (is_array($id)) {
                 $id = array_shift($id);
             if (substr($id, 0, 3) == 'mw-') {
                 $id = substr($id, 3);
             if (isset(self::$messagesMap[$id])) {
                 $id = self::$messagesMap[$id];
             $messageId = $id . '-notice';
             $message = wfMsg($messageId);
             if (!wfEmptyMsg($messageId, $message)) {
                 $this->summary = wfMsgExt($messageId, array('parseinline'));
         if ($this->summary === false) {
             $this->summary = $this->getHtmlSnippet();
     return (string) $this->summary;
 * Send the message if the UserBoard class exists (duh!) and the welcome
 * message has some content.
 * @param $user User: the new User object being created
 * @param $byEmail Boolean: true if the account was created by e-mail
 * @return Boolean: true
function wfSendUserBoardMessageOnRegistration($user, $byEmail)
    if (class_exists('UserBoard') && $user instanceof User) {
        $message = trim(wfMsgForContent('user-board-welcome-message'));
        // If the welcome message is empty, short-circuit right away.
        if (wfEmptyMsg('user-board-welcome-message', $message)) {
            return true;
        // Just quit if we're in read-only mode
        if (wfReadOnly()) {
            return true;
        $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
        // Get all users who are in the 'sysop' group and aren't blocked from
        // the database
        $res = $dbr->select(array('user_groups', 'ipblocks'), array('ug_group', 'ug_user'), array('ug_group' => 'sysop', 'ipb_user' => null), __METHOD__, array(), array('ipblocks' => array('LEFT JOIN', 'ipb_user = ug_user')));
        $adminUids = array();
        foreach ($res as $row) {
            $adminUids[] = $row->ug_user;
        // Pick one UID from the array of admin user IDs
        $random = array_rand(array_flip($adminUids), 1);
        $sender = User::newFromId($random);
        $senderUid = $sender->getId();
        $senderName = $sender->getName();
        // Send the message
        $b = new UserBoard();
        $b->sendBoardMessage($senderUid, $senderName, $user->getId(), $user->getName(), wfMsgForContent('user-board-welcome-message', $senderName));
    return true;
Пример #8
function efGPManagerCustomToolboxAppend(&$skin)
    global $wgOut, $wgUser;
    $tb = explode("\n", wfMsg('toolbox_append'));
    $new = array();
    foreach ($tb as &$nt) {
        if (strpos($nt, '*') === 0) {
            $nt = trim($nt, '*');
            $parts = explode('|', $nt);
            foreach ($parts as &$part) {
                $part = trim($part);
            $href = wfMsgForContent($parts[0]);
            $text = wfMsgForContent($parts[1]);
            $perm = array_key_exists(2, $parts) ? $parts[2] : 'read';
            if (!$wgUser->isAllowed($perm)) {
            if (wfEmptyMsg($parts[0], $href)) {
                $href = $parts[0];
            if (wfEmptyMsg($parts[1], $text)) {
                $text = $parts[1];
            $id = Sanitizer::escapeId($parts[1], 'noninitial');
            $new[] = array($href, $text, $id);
    foreach ($new as $t) {
        echo '<li id="t-' . $t[2] . '"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($t[0]) . '">' . $t[1] . '</a></li>';
    return true;
Пример #9
 function doTagRow($tag, $hitcount)
     static $sk = null, $doneTags = array();
     if (!$sk) {
         global $wgUser;
         $sk = $wgUser->getSkin();
     if (in_array($tag, $doneTags)) {
         return '';
     $newRow = '';
     $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, Xml::element('tt', null, $tag));
     $disp = ChangeTags::tagDescription($tag);
     $disp .= ' (' . $sk->link(Title::makeTitle(NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Tag-{$tag}"), wfMsg('tags-edit')) . ')';
     $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $disp);
     $desc = wfMsgExt("tag-{$tag}-description", 'parseinline');
     $desc = wfEmptyMsg("tag-{$tag}-description", $desc) ? '' : $desc;
     $desc .= ' (' . $sk->link(Title::makeTitle(NS_MEDIAWIKI, "Tag-{$tag}-description"), wfMsg('tags-edit')) . ')';
     $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $desc);
     $hitcount = wfMsg('tags-hitcount', $hitcount);
     $hitcount = $sk->link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('RecentChanges'), $hitcount, array(), array('tagfilter' => $tag));
     $newRow .= Xml::tags('td', null, $hitcount);
     $doneTags[] = $tag;
     return Xml::tags('tr', null, $newRow) . "\n";
Пример #10
  * Gets a message from the NS_MEDIAWIKI namespace
 protected function getMsg($msgId)
     $msgText = wfMsgExt($msgId);
     if (wfEmptyMsg($msgId, $msgText)) {
         return null;
     return $msgText;
Пример #11
 static function tagDescription($tag)
     $msg = wfMsgExt("tag-{$tag}", 'parseinline');
     if (wfEmptyMsg("tag-{$tag}", $msg)) {
         return htmlspecialchars($tag);
     return $msg;
  * Show a message asking the user to enter a captcha on edit
  * The result will be treated as wiki text
  * @param $action Action being performed
  * @return string
 function getMessage($action)
     $name = 'recaptcha-' . $action;
     $text = wfMsg($name);
     # Obtain a more tailored message, if possible, otherwise, fall back to
     # the default for edits
     return wfEmptyMsg($name, $text) ? wfMsg('recaptcha-edit') : $text;
Пример #13
  * GETS a message from the MediaWiki namespace
 protected function getMessage(&$key)
     $source = wfMsgGetKey($key, true, true, false);
     if (wfEmptyMsg($key, $source)) {
         return null;
     return $source;
Пример #14
  * Gets a message from the NS_MEDIAWIKI namespace
 protected function getMsg($msgId)
     $msgText = wfMsgExt($msgId, array('parseinline'));
     if (wfEmptyMsg($msgId, $msgText)) {
         return null;
     return $msgText;
Пример #15
  * Show a message asking the user to enter a captcha on edit
  * The result will be treated as wiki text
  * @param string $action Action being performed
  * @return string
 public function getMessage($action)
     // Possible keys for easy grepping: captcha-edit, captcha-addurl, captcha-createaccount, captcha-create
     $name = 'captcha-' . $action;
     $text = wfMessage($name)->escaped();
     # Obtain a more tailored message, if possible, otherwise, fall back to
     # the default for edits
     return wfEmptyMsg($name, $text) ? wfMessage('captcha-edit')->escaped() : $text;
Пример #16
function WidgetTipsGetTips()
    // use content language (thx to Uberfuzzy)
    $tips = wfMsgForContent('tips');
    if (wfEmptyMsg('tips', $tips)) {
        return false;
    } else {
        return $tips != '' ? explode("\n\n", trim($tips)) : false;
Пример #17
function wfMetaKeywordInput($type)
    global $wgContLang, $wgMemc, $wgDBname;
    $params = wfMsgForContentNoTrans("meta{$type}");
    $opts = array(0);
    if (!wfEmptyMsg("meta{$type}", $params)) {
        $opts = wfMetaKeywordParse($params);
    return $opts;
Пример #18
 * Get message for ConfirmEdit - FancyCaptcha (code come from FancyCaptcha::getMessage()).
function onGetConfirmEditMessage($captcha, &$message)
    if (!$captcha instanceof FancyCaptcha) {
        return true;
    $name = 'fancycaptcha-createaccount';
    $text = wfMsgExt($name, array('parseinline'));
    $message = wfEmptyMsg($name, $text) ? wfMsgExt('fancycaptcha-edit', array('parseinline')) : $text;
    return true;
* constructor
function wfSpecialStatistics()
    global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest;
    $fname = 'wfSpecialStatistics';
    $action = $wgRequest->getVal('action');
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
    $views = SiteStats::views();
    $edits = SiteStats::edits();
    $good = SiteStats::articles();
    $images = SiteStats::images();
    $total = SiteStats::pages();
    $users = SiteStats::users();
    $admins = $dbr->selectField('user_groups', 'COUNT(*)', array('ug_group' => 'sysop'), $fname);
    $numJobs = $dbr->estimateRowCount('job');
    if ($action == 'raw') {
        header('Pragma: nocache');
        echo "total={$total};good={$good};views={$views};edits={$edits};users={$users};admins={$admins};images={$images};jobs={$numJobs}\n";
    } else {
        $text = '==' . wfMsg('sitestats') . "==\n";
        $text .= wfMsgExt('sitestatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($total), $wgLang->formatNum($good), $wgLang->formatNum($views), $wgLang->formatNum($edits), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $total ? $edits / $total : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $edits ? $views / $edits : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum($numJobs), $wgLang->formatNum($images));
        $text .= "\n==" . wfMsg('userstats') . "==\n";
        $text .= wfMsgExt('userstatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($users), $wgLang->formatNum($admins), '[[' . wfMsgForContent('grouppage-sysop') . ']]', $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $admins / $users * 100)), User::makeGroupLinkWiki('sysop'));
        global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang;
        if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) {
            $page = $dbr->tableName('page');
            $sql = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, page_counter FROM {$page} WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_counter > 0 ORDER BY page_counter DESC";
            $sql = $dbr->limitResult($sql, 10, 0);
            $res = $dbr->query($sql, $fname);
            if ($res) {
                $wgOut->addHtml('<h2>' . wfMsgHtml('statistics-mostpopular') . '</h2>');
                $skin = $wgUser->getSkin();
                while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
                    // BizzWiki begin {{
                    if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('browse', $row->page_namespace)) {
                    // BizzWiki end }}
                    $link = $skin->makeKnownLinkObj(Title::makeTitleSafe($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title));
                    $dirmark = $wgContLang->getDirMark();
                    $wgOut->addHtml('<li>' . $link . $dirmark . ' [' . $wgLang->formatNum($row->page_counter) . ']</li>');
        $footer = wfMsg('statistics-footer');
        if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') {
Пример #20
 * @param $siteNotice String: existing site notice (if any) to manipulate or
 * append to
 * @return Boolean: true
function wfGlobalNotice(&$siteNotice)
    global $wgLang, $wgUser;
    // It is possible that there is a global notice (for example, for all
    // French-speaking users) *and* a forced global notice (for everyone,
    // informing them of planned server maintenance etc.)
    // We append whatever we have to this variable and if right before
    // returning this variable is non-empty, we wrap the local site-notice in
    // a div with id="localSiteNotice" because users may want to hide global
    // notices (or forced global notices...that'd be quite dumb though)
    // Come to think of it...on ShoutWiki, the $siteNotice variable will never
    // be empty because SendToAFriend hooks into SiteNoticeAfter hook, too, and
    // appends its HTML to it.
    $ourSiteNotice = '';
    // "Forced" globalnotice -- a site-wide notice shown for *all* users,
    // no matter what their language is
    // Used only for things like server migration notices etc.
    // So, once again I find it that MediaWiki sucks. Adding 'parse' to the
    // options array adds <p> tags around the message, EVEN IF THE MESSAGE IS
    // EMPTY! This causes wfEmptyMsg() to think that the message has some
    // content, when in fact it doesn't.
    $forcedNotice = wfMsgExt('forced-globalnotice', array('language' => 'en'));
    if (!wfEmptyMsg('forced-globalnotice', $forcedNotice)) {
        $ourSiteNotice .= '<div style="text-align: center;" id="forcedGlobalNotice">' . wfMsgExt('forced-globalnotice', array('parse', 'language' => 'en')) . '</div>';
    // Global notice, depending on the user's language
    // This can be used to show language-specific stuff to users with a certain
    // interface language (i.e. "We need more French translators! Pouvez-vous nous aider ?")
    $globalNotice = wfMsgExt('globalnotice', array('language' => $wgLang->getCode()));
    if (!wfEmptyMsg('globalnotice', $globalNotice)) {
        // Give the global notice its own ID and center it
        $ourSiteNotice .= '<div style="text-align: center;" id="globalNotice">' . wfMsgExt('globalnotice', array('parse', 'language' => $wgLang->getCode())) . '</div>';
    // Group-specific global notices
    foreach (array('sysop', 'bureaucrat', 'bot', 'rollback') as $group) {
        $messageName = 'globalnotice-' . $group;
        $globalNoticeForGroup = wfMsgExt($messageName, array('language' => $wgLang->getCode()));
        $isMember = in_array($group, $wgUser->getEffectiveGroups());
        if (!wfEmptyMsg($messageName, $globalNoticeForGroup) && $isMember) {
            // Give the global notice its own ID and center it
            $ourSiteNotice .= '<div style="text-align: center;" id="globalNoticeForGroup">' . wfMsgExt($messageName, array('parse', 'language' => $wgLang->getCode())) . '</div>';
    // If we have something to display, wrap the local sitenotice in a pretty
    // div and copy $ourSiteNotice to $siteNotice
    if (!empty($ourSiteNotice)) {
        $ourSiteNotice .= '<!-- end GlobalNotice --><div id="localSiteNotice">' . $siteNotice . '</div>';
        $siteNotice = $ourSiteNotice;
    return true;
Пример #21
 * @param $key
 * @param $useDB
 * @param $langCode
 * @param $transform
 * @return bool
function wfFakeAnswersMessaging(&$key, &$useDB, &$langCode, &$transform)
    $mask = "-answers2";
    if (!preg_match("/{$mask}\$/", $key, $matches)) {
        $key2 = "{$key}{$mask}";
        $msg2 = wfMsgGetKey($key2, $useDB, $langCode, $transform);
        if (!wfEmptyMsg($key2, $msg2)) {
            $key = $key2;
    return true;
Пример #22
     * Show the special page
    public function execute($par)
        global $wgOut, $wgImplicitGroups, $wgMessageCache;
        global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgRevokePermissions, $wgAddGroups, $wgRemoveGroups;
        global $wgGroupsAddToSelf, $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf;
        $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'wikitable mw-listgrouprights-table')) . '<tr>' . Xml::element('th', null, wfMsg('listgrouprights-group')) . Xml::element('th', null, wfMsg('listgrouprights-rights')) . '</tr>');
        foreach ($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
            $groupname = $group == '*' ? 'all' : $group;
            // Replace * with a more descriptive groupname
            $msg = wfMsg('group-' . $groupname);
            if (wfEmptyMsg('group-' . $groupname, $msg) || $msg == '') {
                $groupnameLocalized = $groupname;
            } else {
                $groupnameLocalized = $msg;
            $msg = wfMsgForContent('grouppage-' . $groupname);
            if (wfEmptyMsg('grouppage-' . $groupname, $msg) || $msg == '') {
                $grouppageLocalized = MWNamespace::getCanonicalName(NS_PROJECT) . ':' . $groupname;
            } else {
                $grouppageLocalized = $msg;
            if ($group == '*') {
                // Do not make a link for the generic * group
                $grouppage = htmlspecialchars($groupnameLocalized);
            } else {
                $grouppage = $this->skin->link(Title::newFromText($grouppageLocalized), htmlspecialchars($groupnameLocalized));
            if ($group === 'user') {
                // Link to Special:listusers for implicit group 'user'
                $grouplink = '<br />' . $this->skin->link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Listusers'), wfMsgHtml('listgrouprights-members'), array(), array(), array('known', 'noclasses'));
            } elseif (!in_array($group, $wgImplicitGroups)) {
                $grouplink = '<br />' . $this->skin->link(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Listusers'), wfMsgHtml('listgrouprights-members'), array(), array('group' => $group), array('known', 'noclasses'));
            } else {
                // No link to Special:listusers for other implicit groups as they are unlistable
                $grouplink = '';
            $revoke = isset($wgRevokePermissions[$group]) ? $wgRevokePermissions[$group] : array();
            $addgroups = isset($wgAddGroups[$group]) ? $wgAddGroups[$group] : array();
            $removegroups = isset($wgRemoveGroups[$group]) ? $wgRemoveGroups[$group] : array();
            $addgroupsSelf = isset($wgGroupsAddToSelf[$group]) ? $wgGroupsAddToSelf[$group] : array();
            $removegroupsSelf = isset($wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf[$group]) ? $wgGroupsRemoveFromSelf[$group] : array();
					<td>' . $grouppage . $grouplink . '</td>
					<td>' . self::formatPermissions($permissions, $revoke, $addgroups, $removegroups, $addgroupsSelf, $removegroupsSelf) . '</td>
        $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('table') . "\n<br /><hr />\n");
        $wgOut->wrapWikiMsg("<div class=\"mw-listgrouprights-key\">\n\$1\n</div>", 'listgrouprights-key');
 static function getCreateplate($category)
     global $wgEnableAnswers;
     if (!empty($wgEnableAnswers)) {
         return Answers::getUnansweredCategory();
     $categoryKey = 'newpagelayout-' . $category;
     $categoryCreateplate = wfMsgForContent($categoryKey);
     if (!wfEmptyMsg($categoryKey, $categoryCreateplate)) {
         return $categoryCreateplate;
     return wfMsgForContent('newpagelayout');
Пример #24
 public function execute()
     global $wgMessageCache;
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     if (!is_null($params['lang'])) {
         global $wgLang;
         $wgLang = Language::factory($params['lang']);
     //Determine which messages should we print
     $messages_target = array();
     if ($params['messages'] == '*') {
         $message_names = array_keys(array_merge(Language::getMessagesFor('en'), $wgMessageCache->getExtensionMessagesFor('en')));
         $messages_target = $message_names;
     } else {
         $messages_target = explode('|', $params['messages']);
     //Filter messages
     if (isset($params['filter'])) {
         $messages_filtered = array();
         foreach ($messages_target as $message) {
             if (strpos($message, $params['filter']) !== false) {
                 //!== is used because filter can be at the beginnig of the string
                 $messages_filtered[] = $message;
         $messages_target = $messages_filtered;
     //Get all requested messages
     $messages = array();
     foreach ($messages_target as $message) {
         $messages[$message] = wfMsg($message);
     //Print the result
     $result = $this->getResult();
     $messages_out = array();
     foreach ($messages as $name => $value) {
         $message = array();
         $message['name'] = $name;
         if (wfEmptyMsg($name, $value)) {
             $message['missing'] = '';
         } else {
             $result->setContent($message, $value);
         $messages_out[] = $message;
     $result->setIndexedTagName($messages_out, 'message');
     $result->addValue('query', $this->getModuleName(), $messages_out);
Пример #25
 function view()
     global $wgOut, $wgShowEXIF, $wgRequest, $wgUser;
     $diff = $wgRequest->getVal('diff');
     $diffOnly = $wgRequest->getBool('diffonly', $wgUser->getOption('diffonly'));
     if ($this->mTitle->getNamespace() != NS_IMAGE || isset($diff) && $diffOnly) {
         return Article::view();
     if ($wgShowEXIF && $this->img->exists()) {
         // FIXME: bad interface, see note on MediaHandler::formatMetadata().
         $formattedMetadata = $this->img->formatMetadata();
         $showmeta = $formattedMetadata !== false;
     } else {
         $showmeta = false;
     if ($this->img->exists()) {
     # No need to display noarticletext, we use our own message, output in openShowImage()
     if ($this->getID()) {
     } else {
         # Just need to set the right headers
     # Show shared description, if needed
     if ($this->mExtraDescription) {
         $fol = wfMsgNoTrans('shareddescriptionfollows');
         if ($fol != '-' && !wfEmptyMsg('shareddescriptionfollows', $fol)) {
         $wgOut->addHTML('<div id="shared-image-desc">' . $this->mExtraDescription . '</div>');
     if ($showmeta) {
         global $wgStylePath, $wgStyleVersion;
         $expand = htmlspecialchars(wfEscapeJsString(wfMsg('metadata-expand')));
         $collapse = htmlspecialchars(wfEscapeJsString(wfMsg('metadata-collapse')));
         $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::element('h2', array('id' => 'metadata'), wfMsg('metadata')) . "\n");
         $wgOut->addHTML("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$wgStylePath}/common/metadata.js?{$wgStyleVersion}\"></script>\n" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">attachMetadataToggle('mw_metadata', '{$expand}', '{$collapse}');</script>\n");
Пример #26
 protected function getContent($title)
     if ($title->getNamespace() === NS_MEDIAWIKI) {
         $dbkey = $title->getDBkey();
         return wfEmptyMsg($dbkey) ? '' : wfMsgExt($dbkey, 'content');
     if (!$title->isCssJsSubpage()) {
         return null;
     $revision = Revision::newFromTitle($title);
     if (!$revision) {
         return null;
     return $revision->getRawText();
  * Produce a (possibly random) signature.
  * @return String
 static function fetchSignature()
     $signatures = wfMsgForContent('newusermessage-signatures');
     $signature = '';
     if (!wfEmptyMsg('newusermessage-signatures', $signatures)) {
         $pattern = '/^\\* ?(.*?)$/m';
         $signatureList = array();
         preg_match_all($pattern, $signatures, $signatureList, PREG_SET_ORDER);
         if (count($signatureList) > 0) {
             $rand = rand(0, count($signatureList) - 1);
             $signature = $signatureList[$rand][1];
     return $signature;
Пример #28
function wfLoadGadgetsStructured($forceNewText = NULL)
    global $wgContLang;
    global $wgMemc, $wgDBname;
    static $gadgets = NULL;
    if ($gadgets !== NULL && $forceNewText !== NULL) {
        return $gadgets;
    $key = "{$wgDBname}:gadgets-definition";
    if ($forceNewText == NULL) {
        $gadgets = $wgMemc->get($key);
        if ($gadgets !== NULL) {
            return $gadgets;
        $g = wfMsgForContentNoTrans("gadgets-definition");
        if (wfEmptyMsg("gadgets-definition", $g)) {
            $gadgets = false;
            return $gadgets;
    } else {
        $g = $forceNewText;
    $g = preg_replace('/<!--.*-->/s', '', $g);
    $g = preg_split('/(\\r\\n|\\r|\\n)+/', $g);
    $gadgets = array();
    $section = '';
    foreach ($g as $line) {
        if (preg_match('/^==+ *([^*:\\s|]+?)\\s*==+\\s*$/', $line, $m)) {
            $section = $m[1];
        } else {
            if (preg_match('/^\\*+ *([a-zA-Z](?:[-_:.\\w\\d ]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?)\\s*((\\|[^|]*)+)\\s*$/', $line, $m)) {
                //NOTE: the gadget name is used as part of the name of a form field,
                //      and must follow the rules defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/types.html#type-cdata
                //      Also, title-normalization applies.
                $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $m[1]);
                $code = preg_split('/\\s*\\|\\s*/', $m[2], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                if ($code) {
                    $gadgets[$section][$name] = $code;
    //cache for a while. gets purged automatically when MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition is edited
    $wgMemc->set($key, $gadgets, 900);
    wfDebug("wfLoadGadgetsStructured: MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition parsed, cache entry {$key} updated\n");
    return $gadgets;
     * Show the special page
    public function execute($par)
        global $wgOut, $wgImplicitGroups, $wgMessageCache;
        global $wgGroupPermissions, $wgAddGroups, $wgRemoveGroups;
        $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::openElement('table', array('class' => 'mw-listgrouprights-table')) . '<tr>' . Xml::element('th', null, wfMsg('listgrouprights-group')) . Xml::element('th', null, wfMsg('listgrouprights-rights')) . '</tr>');
        foreach ($wgGroupPermissions as $group => $permissions) {
            $groupname = $group == '*' ? 'all' : htmlspecialchars($group);
            // Replace * with a more descriptive groupname
            $msg = wfMsg('group-' . $groupname);
            if (wfEmptyMsg('group-' . $groupname, $msg) || $msg == '') {
                $groupnameLocalized = $groupname;
            } else {
                $groupnameLocalized = $msg;
            $msg = wfMsgForContent('grouppage-' . $groupname);
            if (wfEmptyMsg('grouppage-' . $groupname, $msg) || $msg == '') {
                $grouppageLocalized = MWNamespace::getCanonicalName(NS_PROJECT) . ':' . $groupname;
            } else {
                $grouppageLocalized = $msg;
            if ($group == '*') {
                // Do not make a link for the generic * group
                $grouppage = $groupnameLocalized;
            } else {
                $grouppage = $this->skin->makeLink($grouppageLocalized, $groupnameLocalized);
            if ($group === 'user') {
                // Link to Special:listusers for implicit group 'user'
                $grouplink = '<br />' . $this->skin->makeKnownLinkObj(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Listusers'), wfMsgHtml('listgrouprights-members'), '');
            } elseif (!in_array($group, $wgImplicitGroups)) {
                $grouplink = '<br />' . $this->skin->makeKnownLinkObj(SpecialPage::getTitleFor('Listusers'), wfMsgHtml('listgrouprights-members'), 'group=' . $group);
            } else {
                // No link to Special:listusers for other implicit groups as they are unlistable
                $grouplink = '';
            $addgroups = isset($wgAddGroups[$group]) ? $wgAddGroups[$group] : array();
            $removegroups = isset($wgRemoveGroups[$group]) ? $wgRemoveGroups[$group] : array();
					<td>' . $grouppage . $grouplink . '</td>
					<td>' . self::formatPermissions($permissions, $addgroups, $removegroups) . '</td>
        $wgOut->addHTML(Xml::closeElement('table') . "\n");
 * Show the special page
 * @param mixed $par (not used)
function wfSpecialStatistics($par = '')
    global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgRequest;
    $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
    $views = SiteStats::views();
    $edits = SiteStats::edits();
    $good = SiteStats::articles();
    $images = SiteStats::images();
    $total = SiteStats::pages();
    $users = SiteStats::users();
    $admins = SiteStats::admins();
    $numJobs = SiteStats::jobs();
    if ($wgRequest->getVal('action') == 'raw') {
        header('Pragma: nocache');
        echo "total={$total};good={$good};views={$views};edits={$edits};users={$users};admins={$admins};images={$images};jobs={$numJobs}\n";
    } else {
        $text = "__NOTOC__\n";
        $text .= '==' . wfMsg('sitestats') . "==\n";
        $text .= wfMsgExt('sitestatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($total), $wgLang->formatNum($good), $wgLang->formatNum($views), $wgLang->formatNum($edits), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $total ? $edits / $total : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $edits ? $views / $edits : 0)), $wgLang->formatNum($numJobs), $wgLang->formatNum($images)) . "\n";
        $text .= "==" . wfMsg('userstats') . "==\n";
        $text .= wfMsgExt('userstatstext', array('parsemag'), $wgLang->formatNum($users), $wgLang->formatNum($admins), '[[' . wfMsgForContent('grouppage-sysop') . ']]', $wgLang->formatNum(sprintf('%.2f', $admins / $users * 100)), User::makeGroupLinkWiki('sysop')) . "\n";
        global $wgDisableCounters, $wgMiserMode, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgContLang;
        if (!$wgDisableCounters && !$wgMiserMode) {
            $res = $dbr->select('page', array('page_namespace', 'page_title', 'page_counter'), array('page_is_redirect' => 0, 'page_counter > 0'), __METHOD__, array('ORDER BY' => 'page_counter DESC', 'LIMIT' => 10));
            if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
                $text .= "==" . wfMsg('statistics-mostpopular') . "==\n";
                while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
                    $title = Title::makeTitleSafe($row->page_namespace, $row->page_title);
                    if ($title instanceof Title) {
                        $text .= '* [[:' . $title->getPrefixedText() . ']] (' . $wgLang->formatNum($row->page_counter) . ")\n";
        $footer = wfMsg('statistics-footer');
        if (!wfEmptyMsg('statistics-footer', $footer) && $footer != '') {
            $text .= "\n" . $footer;