Пример #1
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('DATE') . ':' . str_replace("d", substr($row->date, 8, 2), str_replace("m", substr($row->date, 5, 2), str_replace("y", substr($row->date, 0, 4), $date_format1))) . '&nbsp;' . $row->time . '</div>';
     } else {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->time . '</div>';
 if ($show_repeat == 1) {
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'daily') {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('DAY') . '</div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'weekly') {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('WEEK') . ' : ';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($weekdays); $i++) {
             if ($weekdays[$i] != '') {
                 if ($i != count($weekdays) - 2) {
                     echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]) . ',';
                 } else {
                     echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]);
         echo '</div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('MONTH') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('MONTH') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
         echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('YEAR') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . JText::_('ON_THE') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
function spiderbigcalendar()
    require_once "front_end/frontend_functions.php";
    $calendar_id = isset($_GET['calendar_id']) ? (int) $_GET['calendar_id'] : 0;
    $date = isset($_GET['date']) && IsDate_inputed(esc_html($_GET['date'])) ? esc_html($_GET['date']) : date("Y") . '-' . php_Month_num(date("F")) . '-' . date("d");
    $ev_ids_inline = isset($_GET['ev_ids']) ? esc_html($_GET['ev_ids']) : '';
    $eventID = isset($_GET['eventID']) ? (int) $_GET['eventID'] : '';
    $widget = isset($_GET['widget']) && (int) $_GET['widget'] ? (int) $_GET['widget'] : 0;
    $theme_id = isset($_GET['theme_id']) ? (int) $_GET['theme_id'] : 1;
    global $wpdb;
    if ($widget) {
        $theme = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spidercalendar_widget_theme WHERE id=%d', $theme_id));
    } else {
        $theme = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spidercalendar_theme WHERE id=%d', $theme_id));
    $title_color = '#' . str_replace('#', '', $theme->title_color);
    $title_size = $theme->title_font_size;
    $title_font = $theme->title_font;
    $title_style = $theme->title_style;
    $date_color = '#' . str_replace('#', '', $theme->date_color);
    $date_size = $theme->date_size;
    $date_font = $theme->date_font;
    $date_style = $theme->date_style;
    $next_prev_event_bgcolor = '#' . str_replace('#', '', $theme->next_prev_event_bgcolor);
    $next_prev_event_arrowcolor = '#' . str_replace('#', '', $theme->next_prev_event_arrowcolor);
    $show_event_bgcolor = '#' . str_replace('#', '', $theme->show_event_bgcolor);
    $popup_width = $theme->popup_width;
    $popup_height = $theme->popup_height;
    $date_format = $theme->date_format;
    $show_repeat = $theme->show_repeat;
    $date_format_array = explode('/', $date_format);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($date_format_array); $i++) {
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'w') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'l';
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'm') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'F';
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'y') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'Y';
    $all_files_cal = php_showevent($calendar_id, $date, $eventID);
    $row = $all_files_cal[0]['row'];
    $datte = isset($_GET['date']) && IsDate_inputed(esc_html($_GET['date'])) ? esc_html($_GET['date']) : date("Y-m-d");
    $activedate = explode('-', $datte);
    $activedatetimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $activedate[1], $activedate[2], $activedate[0]);
    $activedatestr = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($date_format_array); $i++) {
        $activedatestr .= __(date("" . $date_format_array[$i] . "", $activedatetimestamp), 'sp_calendar') . ' ';
    $date = $datte;
    $day = substr($date, 8);
    $ev_id = explode(',', $ev_ids_inline);
  <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
    function next(day_events, ev_id, theme_id, calendar_id, date, day, ev_ids) {
      var p = 0;
      for (var key in day_events) {
        p = p + 1;
        if (day_events[key] == ev_id && day_events[parseInt(key) + 1]) {
          window.location = '<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=spidercalendarbig');
&theme_id=' + theme_id + '&calendar_id=' + calendar_id + '&ev_ids=' + ev_ids + '&eventID=' + day_events[parseInt(key) + 1] + '&date=' + date + '&day=' + day + '&widget=<?php 
    echo $widget;
    function change() {
      jQuery('#dayevent').ready(function () {
        }, 1000, function () {
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    // window.onload = change();
    function prev(array1, ev_id, theme_id, calendar_id, date, day, ev_ids) {
      var day_events = array1;
      for (var key in day_events) {
        if (day_events[key] == ev_id && day_events[parseInt(key) - 1]) {
          window.location = '<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=spidercalendarbig');
&theme_id=' + theme_id + '&calendar_id=' + calendar_id + '&ev_ids=' + ev_ids + '&eventID=' + day_events[parseInt(key) - 1] + '&date=' + date + '&day=' + day + '&widget=<?php 
    echo $widget;
    document.onkeydown = function (evt) {
      evt = evt || window.event;
      if (evt.keyCode == 27) {
    $color = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event.* , " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event_category.color\r\nFROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event\r\nJOIN " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event_category ON " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event.category = " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event_category.id\r\nWHERE " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event_category.published=1 AND " . $wpdb->prefix . "spidercalendar_event.id='" . $row->id . "'");
    #dayevent {
      opacity: 0;
    #next {
      cursor: pointer;
      height: <?php 
    echo $popup_height - 51;
      width: 5%;
    .arrow {
      color: <?php 
    echo $next_prev_event_arrowcolor;
      font-size: 50px;
      text-decoration: none;
  <table style="height:100%;width:100%;background-color:<?php 
    echo $show_event_bgcolor;
; border-spacing:0" align="center" id="pop_table">
      <td id="previous"
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    echo $eventID;
    echo $theme_id;
    echo $calendar_id;
    echo $date;
    echo $day;
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    if (count($ev_id) == 1 or $eventID == $ev_id[0]) {
        echo 'display:none';
    echo $next_prev_event_bgcolor;
        <span class="arrow">&lt;</span>
      <td style="vertical-align:top; width:45%">
    echo '<div id="dayevent" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 7px ;line-height:30px; padding-top:0px;">
    if ($date_style == "bold" or $date_style == "bold/italic") {
        $date_font_weight = "font-weight:bold";
    } else {
        $date_font_weight = "font-weight:normal";
    if ($date_style == "italic" or $date_style == "bold/italic") {
        $date_font_style = "font-style:italic";
    } else {
        $date_font_style = "";
    echo '<div style="text-align:center;border-bottom:1px solid #F3F3F3;color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . $activedatestr . '</div>';
    if ($title_style == "bold" or $title_style == "bold/italic") {
        $font_weight = "font-weight:bold";
    } else {
        $font_weight = "font-weight:normal";
    if ($title_style == "italic" or $title_style == "bold/italic") {
        $font_style = "font-style:italic";
    } else {
        $font_style = "";
    $weekdays = explode(',', $row->week);
    $date_format1 = 'd/m/y';
    if ($row->repeat == '1') {
        $repeat = '';
    } else {
        $repeat = $row->repeat;
    if ($row->date_end == '2035-12-12') {
        $row->date_end = '';
    if ($row->date_end and $row->date_end != '0000-00-00') {
        echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Date', 'sp_calendar') . ':' . str_replace("d", substr($row->date, 8, 2), str_replace("m", substr($row->date, 5, 2), str_replace("y", substr($row->date, 0, 4), $date_format1))) . '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' . str_replace("d", substr($row->date_end, 8, 2), str_replace("m", substr($row->date_end, 5, 2), str_replace("y", substr($row->date_end, 0, 4), $date_format1))) . '&nbsp;' . $row->time . '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->time . '</div>';
    if ($show_repeat == 1) {
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'daily') {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Day', 'sp_calendar') . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'weekly') {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Week(s) on', 'sp_calendar') . ' : ';
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($weekdays); $i++) {
                if ($weekdays[$i] != '') {
                    if ($i != count($weekdays) - 2) {
                        echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]) . ', ';
                    } else {
                        echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]);
            echo '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
    if (isset($row->title)) {
        $row_title = $row->title;
    } else {
        $row_title = "";
    if (isset($color[0]->color)) {
        $row_color = $color[0]->color;
    } else {
        $row_color = "";
    echo '<div style="border-left: 7px solid #' . str_replace('#', '', $row_color) . ';color:' . $title_color . ';font-size:' . $title_size . 'px; font-family:' . $title_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row_title . '</div>';
    if ($row->text_for_date != '') {
        echo '<div style="line-height:20px">' . wpautop($row->text_for_date) . '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<p style="text-align:center">' . __('There Is No Text For This Event', 'sp_calendar') . '</p>';
    echo '</div>';
        <div style="height:50px;width:98%;text-align:right;<?php 
    if (count($ev_id) == 1) {
        echo 'display:none;';
          <a class="back_cal" style="color:<?php 
    echo $title_color;
;font-size:15px; font-family:<?php 
    echo $title_font;
    echo $font_weight;
    echo $font_style;
    echo add_query_arg(array('action' => 'spiderseemore', 'theme_id' => $theme_id, 'calendar_id' => $calendar_id, 'ev_ids' => $ev_ids_inline, 'date' => $date, 'widget' => $widget, 'TB_iframe' => 1, 'tbWidth' => $popup_width, 'tbHeight' => $popup_height), admin_url('admin-ajax.php'));
    echo __('Back to event list', 'sp_calendar');
      <td id="next"
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    echo $eventID;
    echo $theme_id;
    echo $calendar_id;
    echo $date;
    echo $day;
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    if (count($ev_id) == 1 or $eventID == end($ev_id)) {
        echo 'display:none';
    echo $next_prev_event_bgcolor;
        <span class="arrow">&gt;</span>
    $url_for_page = isset($_GET['cur_page_url']) ? esc_html($_GET['cur_page_url']) : '';
    $url_for_page_de = urldecode($url_for_page);
    if (!strpos($url_for_page_de, '?')) {
        $cuery_string = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    } else {
        $cuery_string = '&' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    $url_for_page_de .= $cuery_string;
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('theme_id=', 'frst_theme_id=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('calendar_id=', 'frst_calendar_id=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('ev_ids=', 'frst_ev_ids=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('eventID=', 'frst_eventID=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('date=', 'frst_date=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('day=', 'frst_day=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    if (substr($url_for_page_de, -1) == '&') {
        $url_for_page_de = substr_replace($url_for_page_de, "", -1);
    $zzzzzzzzz = 0;
    if ($zzzzzzzzz == 1) {
  <iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=<?php 
        echo urlencode($url_for_page_de);
" scrolling="no"
          frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;"
Пример #3
     $color = '';
 if ($row->id == $ev_id[$i]) {
     echo '<div ><div style="display: table-cell;background-color: #E8E8E8;border-right:1px solid #' . $color . ';width: 30px;text-align:center;border-top:1px solid white;font-size: 34px;font-weight: bold;color: white;">' . ($i + 1) . '</div> <div  style="display: table-cell;vertical-align: middle;padding-left:10px;width: 96%;"><a  style="font-size:' . $title_size . 'px;color:' . $title_color . '; line-height:30px;text-decoration:none" href="index.php?option=com_spidercalendar&view=spidercalendarbig&theme_id=' . $theme_id . '&calendar_id=' . $calendar_id . '&ev_ids=' . $ev_ids . '&eventID=' . $row->id . '&date=' . $date . '&day=' . $day . '&tmpl=component"><p style="font-size: 20px;"> ' . $row->title . '</p></a>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'daily') {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%;padding: 3px;background-color: #F8F8F8;    "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div><div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('DAY') . ')</div></div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'weekly') {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%;padding: 3px;background-color: #F8F8F8;     "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div> <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('WEEK') . ' : ';
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($weekdays); $i++) {
             if ($weekdays[$i] != '') {
                 if ($i != count($weekdays) - 2) {
                     echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]) . ',';
                 } else {
                     echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]);
         echo ')</div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%;padding: 3px;background-color: #F8F8F8;    "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div> <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('MONTH') . ' ' . $row->month . ')</div></div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%;padding: 3px;background-color: #F8F8F8;  "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div> <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('MONTH') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . ')</div></div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%; padding: 3px; background-color: #F8F8F8; "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div> <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('YEAR') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . JText::_('ON_THE') . ' ' . $row->month . ')</div></div>';
     if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
         echo '<div style="color:#6B696A;font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . ';width: 100%;padding: 3px;background-color: #F8F8F8;   "><div style="display:table-cell"><img src="administrator/components/com_spidercalendar/elements/calendar.png" /></div> <div style="display:table-cell;vertical-align:middle;padding-left:5px">Date: ' . $row->date . $d_end . ' (' . JText::_('REPEAT_EVERY') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . JText::_('YEAR') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . JText::_('ON_THE') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . ')</div></div>';
Пример #4
function print_date_entries($date, $user, $hide_icons, $ssi)
    global $events, $readonly, $is_admin, $public_access, $public_access_can_add;
    $cnt = 0;
    $get_unapproved = $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED"] == "Y";
    // public access events always must be approved before being displayed
    if ($user == "__public__") {
        $get_unapproved = false;
    $year = substr($date, 0, 4);
    $month = substr($date, 4, 2);
    $day = substr($date, 6, 2);
    $dateu = mktime(3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    $can_add = $readonly == "N" || $is_admin;
    if ($public_access == "Y" && $public_access_can_add != "Y" && $user == "__public__") {
        $can_add = false;
    if (!$hide_icons && !$ssi && $can_add) {
        print "<A HREF=\"edit_entry.php?";
        if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
            print "user={$user}&";
        print "date={$date}\">" . "<IMG SRC=\"new.gif\" WIDTH=\"10\" HEIGHT=\"10\" ALT=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" BORDER=\"0\" ALIGN=\"right\">" . "</A>";
    if (!$ssi) {
        echo "<FONT SIZE=\"-1\"><A CLASS=\"dayofmonth\" HREF=\"day.php?";
        if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
            echo "user={$user}&";
        echo "date={$date}\">{$day}</A></FONT>";
        if ($GLOBALS["DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER"] == "Y" && date("w", $dateu) == $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"]) {
            echo "<A HREF=\"week.php?date={$date}";
            if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
                echo "&user={$user}";
            echo "\" CLASS=\"weeknumber\">";
            echo "<FONT SIZE=\"-2\" CLASS=\"weeknumber\">(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number($dateu) . ")</FONT></A>";
        print "<BR>\n";
    // get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep
    $rep = get_repeating_entries($user, $date);
    $cur_rep = 0;
    // get all the non-repeating events for this date and store in $ev
    $ev = get_entries($user, $date);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ev); $i++) {
        // print out any repeating events that are before this one...
        while ($cur_rep < count($rep) && $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'] < $ev[$i]['cal_time']) {
            if ($get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
                if (!empty($rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                    $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                    $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
                } else {
                    $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'];
                    $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'];
                print_entry($viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $hide_icons);
        if ($get_unapproved || $ev[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
            if (!empty($ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
            } else {
                $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_id'];
                $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'];
            print_entry($viewid, $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'], $ev[$i]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $ev[$i]['cal_description'], $ev[$i]['cal_status'], $ev[$i]['cal_priority'], $ev[$i]['cal_access'], $ev[$i]['cal_login'], $hide_icons);
    // print out any remaining repeating events
    while ($cur_rep < count($rep)) {
        if ($get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
            if (!empty($rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
            } else {
                $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'];
                $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'];
            print_entry($viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $hide_icons);
    if ($cnt == 0) {
        echo "&nbsp;";
    // so the table cell has at least something
Пример #5
"><img src="leftarrow.gif" alt="Previous" /></a>
<a title="Next" class="next" href="week_details.php?<?php 
echo $u_url;
echo date("Ymd", $next) . $caturl;
"><img src="rightarrow.gif" alt="Next" /></a>
<span class="date"><?php 
echo date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkstart), "", false) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkend), "", false);
    echo "<br />\n<span class=\"weeknumber\">(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number($wkstart) . ")</span>";
<span class="user"><?php 
if ($single_user == "N") {
    echo "<br />{$user_fullname}\n";
if ($is_nonuser_admin) {
    echo "<br />-- " . translate("Admin mode") . " --";
if ($is_assistant) {
    echo "<br />-- " . translate("Assistant mode") . " --";
Пример #6
$d_time = mktime(3, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y);
$thisdate = date("Ymd", $d_time);
$wday = date("w", $d_time);
// $WEEK_START equals 1 or 0
$wkstart = mktime(3, 0, 0, $m, $d - ($wday - $WEEK_START), $y);
for ($i = -7; $i <= 7; $i++) {
    $twkstart = $wkstart + 3600 * 24 * 7 * $i;
    $twkend = $twkstart + 3600 * 24 * 6;
    echo "<option value=\"" . date("Ymd", $twkstart) . "\"";
    if (date("Ymd", $twkstart) <= $thisdate && date("Ymd", $twkend) >= $thisdate) {
        echo " selected=\"selected\"";
    echo ">";
        echo "(" . week_number($twkstart) . ")&nbsp;&nbsp;";
    printf("%s - %s", date_to_str(date("Ymd", $twkstart), $DATE_FORMAT_MD, false, true), date_to_str(date("Ymd", $twkend), $DATE_FORMAT_MD, false, true));
    echo "</option>\n";
<input type="submit" value="<?php 
" />

<form action="year.php" method="get" name="SelectYear" id="yearform">
if (!empty($user) && $user != $login) {
Пример #7
"><IMG SRC="leftarrow.gif" WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="32" BORDER="0"></A></TD>
<TD ALIGN="middle"><FONT SIZE="+2" COLOR="<?php 
echo $H2COLOR;
"><B CLASS="pagetitle">
echo date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkstart), "", false) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkend), "", false);
    echo "<BR>\n<FONT SIZE=\"-2\" COLOR=\"{$H2COLOR}\">(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number($wkstart) . ")</FONT>";
<FONT SIZE="+1" COLOR="<?php 
echo $H2COLOR;
if ($single_user == "N") {
    echo "<BR>{$user_fullname}\n";
if ($is_assistant) {
    echo "<B><BR>-- " . translate("Assistant mode") . " --</B>";
if ($categories_enabled == "Y") {
    echo "<BR>\n<BR>\n";
Пример #8
            echo $make_booking_link;
            echo $count;
            if (weekday_short_name($wday_ind) == $wdays['0']) {
                // if start of the week, add week link
				<td align="center" nowrap="nowrap" width="100%"><span class="FontSoftSmall"><a href="<?php 
                echo href_link(FILENAME_WEEK_VIEW, 'date=' . $date . '&view=week&' . make_hidden_fields_workstring(array('loc')), 'NONSSL');
				(Week <?php 
                echo week_number(SELECTED_DATE_YEAR, SELECTED_DATE_MONTH, $count);
				<td align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="FontSoftSmall"><a href="<?php 
            //Modified by MJ on 10/03/05 - commented out the original line below and replaced it with the following one.
            //this change forces the user to go to the day view to select a time slot rather than just take the 7:00am slot on this day as the orig link did
            //echo href_link(FILENAME_ADD_EVENT, 'date='.$date.'&view=week&'.make_hidden_fields_workstring(array('loc')), 'NONSSL') ;
            echo $make_booking_link;
        } else {
function spiderbigcalendar()
    function php_Month_num($month_name)
        for ($month_num = 1; $month_num <= 12; $month_num++) {
            if (date("F", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month_num, 1, 0)) == $month_name) {
                return $month_num;
    function php_showevent()
        global $wpdb;
        if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
            if (IsDate_inputed($_GET['date'])) {
                $date = $_GET['date'];
            } else {
                $date = date("Y") . '-' . php_Month_num(date("F")) . '-' . date("d");
        } else {
            $date = date("Y") . '-' . php_Month_num(date("F")) . '-' . date("d");
        if (isset($_GET['calendar_id'])) {
            $calendar = (int) $_GET['calendar_id'];
        } else {
            $calendar = 0;
        $year = substr($date, 0, 4);
        $month = substr($date, 5, 2);
        $eventID = (int) $_GET['eventID'];
        $row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spidercalendar_event WHERE id=%d', $eventID));
        $all_files_spider_cal['row'] = $row;
        $all_files_spider_cal['option'] = $option;
        return array($all_files_spider_cal);
    global $wpdb;
    function IsDate_inputed($str)
        if (is_array($str)) {
        $stamp = strtotime($str);
        if (!is_numeric($stamp)) {
            return FALSE;
        $month = date('m', $stamp);
        $day = date('d', $stamp);
        $year = date('Y', $stamp);
        if (checkdate($month, $day, $year)) {
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
    if (isset($_GET['widget'])) {
        $widget = 1;
    } else {
        $widget = 0;
    $theme_id = (int) $_GET['theme_id'];
    if ($widget) {
        $theme = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spidercalendar_widget_theme WHERE id=%d', $theme_id));
    } else {
        $theme = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $wpdb->prefix . 'spidercalendar_theme WHERE id=%d', $theme_id));
    function week_number($x)
        if ($x == 1) {
            return __('First', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 7) {
            return __('Second', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 14) {
            return __('Third', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 21) {
            return __('Fourth', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'last') {
            return __('Last', 'sp_calendar');
    function week_convert($x)
        if ($x == 'Mon') {
            return __('Monday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Tue') {
            return __('Tuesday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Wed') {
            return __('Wednesday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Thu') {
            return __('Thursday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Fri') {
            return __('Friday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Sat') {
            return __('Saturday', 'sp_calendar');
        if ($x == 'Sun') {
            return __('Sunday', 'sp_calendar');
    function do_nothing()
        return false;
    $title_color = '#' . $theme->title_color;
    $title_size = $theme->title_font_size;
    $title_font = $theme->title_font;
    $title_style = $theme->title_style;
    $date_color = '#' . $theme->date_color;
    $date_size = $theme->date_size;
    $date_font = $theme->date_font;
    $date_style = $theme->date_style;
    $next_prev_event_bgcolor = '#' . $theme->next_prev_event_bgcolor;
    $next_prev_event_arrowcolor = '#' . $theme->next_prev_event_arrowcolor;
    $show_event_bgcolor = '#' . $theme->show_event_bgcolor;
    $popup_width = $theme->popup_width;
    $popup_height = $theme->popup_height;
    $date_format = $theme->date_format;
    $show_repeat = $theme->show_repeat;
    $date_format_array = explode('/', $date_format);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($date_format_array); $i++) {
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'w') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'l';
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'm') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'F';
        if ($date_format_array[$i] == 'y') {
            $date_format_array[$i] = 'Y';
    $all_files_cal = php_showevent();
    $row = $all_files_cal[0]['row'];
    $option = $all_files_cal[0]['option'];
    if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
        if (IsDate_inputed($_GET['date'])) {
            $datte = $_GET['date'];
        } else {
            $datte = date("Y-m-d");
    } else {
        $datte = date("Y-m-d");
    $activedate = explode('-', $datte);
    $activedatetimestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $activedate[1], $activedate[2], $activedate[0]);
    $activedatestr = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($date_format_array); $i++) {
        $activedatestr .= __(date("" . $date_format_array[$i] . "", $activedatetimestamp)) . ' ';
    //$activedatestr=__(date("".$date_format_array[0]."",$activedatetimestamp)).' '.__(date("".$date_format_array[1]."",$activedatetimestamp)).' '.__(date("".$date_format_array[2]."",$activedatetimestamp)).' '.__(date("".$date_format_array[3]."",$activedatetimestamp));
    $date = $datte;
    $day = substr($date, 8);
    if (isset($_GET['calendar_id'])) {
        $calendar_id = (int) $_GET['calendar_id'];
    } else {
        $calendar_id = 0;
    //$ev_ids =$session->get('ev_ids');
    $ev_ids_inline = esc_html($_GET['ev_ids']);
    $ev_id = explode(',', $ev_ids_inline);
    $eventID = (int) $_GET['eventID'];
 <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
  function next(day_events,ev_id,theme_id,calendar_id,date,day,ev_ids)

	  var p=0;
	   for (var key in day_events)
	   {	  p=p+1;
		   if(day_events[key]==ev_id && day_events[parseInt(key) +1])
    echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=spiderbigcalendarrr');
&theme_id='+theme_id+'&calendar_id='+calendar_id+'&eventID='+day_events[parseInt(key) +1]+'&date='+date+'&day='+day+'&ev_ids='+ev_ids<?php 
    if ($widget) {
        echo "+'&widget=1'";

  function change()
  jQuery('#dayevent').ready(function() {
    opacity: 1,
    marginLeft: "0in",
  }, 1000, function() {


  function prev(array1,ev_id,theme_id,calendar_id,date,day,ev_ids)
   var day_events = array1;
	   for (var key in day_events)
		   if(day_events[key]==ev_id && day_events[parseInt(key) -1] )
    echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=spiderbigcalendarrr');
&theme_id='+theme_id+'&calendar_id='+calendar_id+'&eventID='+day_events[parseInt(key) -1]+'&date='+date+'&ev_ids='+ev_ids+'&day='+day<?php 
    if ($widget) {
        echo "+'&widget=1'";
 document.onkeydown = function(evt) {
    evt = evt || window.event;
    if (evt.keyCode == 27) {


		#previous , #next
    echo $popup_height - 6;
    echo $next_prev_event_arrowcolor;
		<table style="height:<?php 
    echo $popup_height;
    echo $show_event_bgcolor;
; border-spacing:0"  align="center">
		<td  id="previous" onClick="prev([<?php 
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    echo $eventID;
    echo $theme_id;
    echo $calendar_id;
    echo $date;
    echo $day;
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
')"  style="<?php 
    if (count($ev_id) == 1 or $eventID == $ev_id[0]) {
        echo 'display:none';
;text-align:center" onMouseOver="document.getElementById('previous').style.backgroundColor='<?php 
    echo $next_prev_event_bgcolor;
'" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('previous').style.backgroundColor=''" >
		<span class="arrow"  >&lt;</span>
		<td style="vertical-align:top; width:90%">
    echo '<div id="dayevent" style="padding:0px 0px 0px 7px ;line-height:30px; padding-top:0px;">';
    if ($date_style == "bold" or $date_style == "bold/italic") {
        $date_font_weight = "font-weight:bold";
    } else {
        $date_font_weight = "font-weight:normal";
    if ($date_style == "italic" or $date_style == "bold/italic") {
        $date_font_style = "font-style:italic";
    } else {
        $date_font_style = "";
    echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . $activedatestr . '</div>';
    if ($title_style == "bold" or $title_style == "bold/italic") {
        $font_weight = "font-weight:bold";
    } else {
        $font_weight = "font-weight:normal";
    if ($title_style == "italic" or $title_style == "bold/italic") {
        $font_style = "font-style:italic";
    } else {
        $font_style = "";
    $weekdays = explode(',', $row->week);
    $date_format1 = 'd/m/y';
    if ($row->repeat == '1') {
        $repeat = '';
    } else {
        $repeat = $row->repeat;
    if ($row->text_for_date != '') {
        if ($row->date_end and $row->date_end != '0000-00-00') {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Date', 'sp_calendar') . ':' . str_replace("d", substr($row->date, 8, 2), str_replace("m", substr($row->date, 5, 2), str_replace("y", substr($row->date, 0, 4), $date_format1))) . '&nbsp;-&nbsp;' . str_replace("d", substr($row->date_end, 8, 2), str_replace("m", substr($row->date_end, 5, 2), str_replace("y", substr($row->date_end, 0, 4), $date_format1))) . '&nbsp;' . $row->time . '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->time . '</div>';
        if ($show_repeat == 1) {
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'daily') {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Day', 'sp_calendar') . '</div>';
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'weekly') {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Week(s) on', 'sp_calendar') . ' : ';
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($weekdays); $i++) {
                    if ($weekdays[$i] != '') {
                        if ($i != count($weekdays) - 2) {
                            echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]) . ',';
                        } else {
                            echo week_convert($weekdays[$i]);
                echo '</div>';
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
            if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
                echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
        echo '<div style="color:' . $title_color . ';font-size:' . $title_size . 'px; font-family:' . $title_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->title . '</div>';
        echo '<div style="line-height:20px">' . $row->text_for_date . '</div>';
    } else {
        echo '<div style="color:' . $title_color . ';font-size:' . $title_size . 'px; font-family:' . $title_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->title . '</div>';
        echo '<h1 style="text-align:center">There Is No Text For This Event</h1>';
    echo '</div>';
	<div style="width:98%;text-align:right; display:<?php 
    if (count($ev_id) == 1) {
        echo 'none';
"><a style="color:<?php 
    echo $title_color;
;font-size:15px; font-family:<?php 
    echo $title_font;
; <?php 
    echo $font_weight;
; <?php 
    echo $font_style;
" href="<?php 
    echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=spiderseemore') . '&theme_id=' . $theme_id . '&ev_ids=' . $ev_ids_inline . '&calendar_id=' . $calendar_id . '&date=' . $date . '' . ($widget ? '&widget=1' : '');
">Back to event list</a></div>
	<td id="next"  onclick="next([<?php 
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
    echo $eventID;
    echo $theme_id;
    echo $calendar_id;
    echo $date;
    echo $day;
    echo $ev_ids_inline;
')"   style="<?php 
    if (count($ev_id) == 1 or $eventID == end($ev_id)) {
        echo 'display:none';
;text-align:center" onMouseOver="document.getElementById('next').style.backgroundColor='<?php 
    echo $next_prev_event_bgcolor;
'" onMouseOut="document.getElementById('next').style.backgroundColor=''" >
		<span class="arrow"  >&gt;</span>
    $url_for_page = $_GET['cur_page_url'];
    $url_for_page_de = urldecode($url_for_page);
    if (!strpos($url_for_page_de, '?')) {
        $cuery_string = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    } else {
        $cuery_string = '&' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
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    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('theme_id=', 'frst_theme_id=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('calendar_id=', 'frst_calendar_id=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('ev_ids=', 'frst_ev_ids=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('eventID=', 'frst_eventID=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('date=', 'frst_date=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    $url_for_page_de = str_replace('day=', 'frst_day=\'', $url_for_page_de);
    if (substr($url_for_page_de, -1) == '&') {
        $url_for_page_de = substr_replace($url_for_page_de, "", -1);
    $zzzzzzzzz = 0;
    if ($zzzzzzzzz == 1) {
<iframe src="//www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=<?php 
        echo urlencode($url_for_page_de);
" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
Пример #10
 * Prints all the calendar entries for the specified user for the specified date.
 * If we are displaying data from someone other than
 * the logged in user, then check the access permission of the entry.
 * @param string $date Date in YYYYMMDD format
 * @param string $user Username
 * @param bool   $ssi  Is this being called from week_ssi.php?
function print_date_entries($date, $user, $ssi)
    global $events, $readonly, $is_admin, $login, $public_access, $public_access_can_add, $cat_id;
    $cnt = 0;
    $get_unapproved = $GLOBALS["DISPLAY_UNAPPROVED"] == "Y";
    // public access events always must be approved before being displayed
    if ($user == "__public__") {
        $get_unapproved = false;
    $year = substr($date, 0, 4);
    $month = substr($date, 4, 2);
    $day = substr($date, 6, 2);
    $dateu = mktime(3, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    $can_add = $readonly == "N" || $is_admin;
    if ($public_access == "Y" && $public_access_can_add != "Y" && $login == "__public__") {
        $can_add = false;
    if ($readonly == 'Y') {
        $can_add = false;
    if (!$ssi && $can_add) {
        print "<a title=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" href=\"edit_entry.php?";
        if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
            print "user={$user}&amp;";
        if (!empty($cat_id)) {
            print "cat_id={$cat_id}&amp;";
        print "date={$date}\"><img src=\"new.gif\" alt=\"" . translate("New Entry") . "\" class=\"new\" /></a>";
    if (!$ssi) {
        echo "<a class=\"dayofmonth\" href=\"day.php?";
        if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
            echo "user={$user}&amp;";
        if (!empty($cat_id)) {
            echo "cat_id={$cat_id}&amp;";
        echo "date={$date}\">{$day}</a>";
        if ($GLOBALS["DISPLAY_WEEKNUMBER"] == "Y" && date("w", $dateu) == $GLOBALS["WEEK_START"]) {
            echo "&nbsp;<a title=\"" . translate("Week") . "&nbsp;" . week_number($dateu) . "\" href=\"week.php?date={$date}";
            if (strcmp($user, $GLOBALS["login"])) {
                echo "&amp;user={$user}";
            if (!empty($cat_id)) {
                echo "&amp;cat_id={$cat_id}";
            echo "\" class=\"weeknumber\">";
            echo "(" . translate("Week") . "&nbsp;" . week_number($dateu) . ")</a>";
        print "<br />\n";
    // get all the repeating events for this date and store in array $rep
    $rep = get_repeating_entries($user, $date, $get_unapproved);
    $cur_rep = 0;
    // get all the non-repeating events for this date and store in $ev
    $ev = get_entries($user, $date, $get_unapproved);
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($ev); $i++) {
        // print out any repeating events that are before this one...
        while ($cur_rep < count($rep) && $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'] < $ev[$i]['cal_time']) {
            if ($get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
                if (!empty($rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                    $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                    $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
                } else {
                    $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'];
                    $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'];
                print_entry($viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category']);
        if ($get_unapproved || $ev[$i]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
            if (!empty($ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
            } else {
                $viewid = $ev[$i]['cal_id'];
                $viewname = $ev[$i]['cal_name'];
            print_entry($viewid, $date, $ev[$i]['cal_time'], $ev[$i]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $ev[$i]['cal_description'], $ev[$i]['cal_status'], $ev[$i]['cal_priority'], $ev[$i]['cal_access'], $ev[$i]['cal_login'], $ev[$i]['cal_category']);
    // print out any remaining repeating events
    while ($cur_rep < count($rep)) {
        if ($get_unapproved || $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'] == 'A') {
            if (!empty($rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'])) {
                $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_ext_for_id'];
                $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'] . " (" . translate("cont.") . ")";
            } else {
                $viewid = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_id'];
                $viewname = $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_name'];
            print_entry($viewid, $date, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_time'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_duration'], $viewname, $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_description'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_status'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_priority'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_access'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_login'], $rep[$cur_rep]['cal_category']);
    if ($cnt == 0) {
        echo "&nbsp;";
    // so the table cell has at least something
Пример #11
" class="prev" href="week.php?<?php 
echo $u_url;
echo date("Ymd", $prev) . $caturl;
"><img src="leftarrow.gif" alt="<?php 
" /></a>
<span class="date">&nbsp;&nbsp;Du
echo date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkstart), "", false) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;au&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . date_to_str(date("Ymd", $wkend), "", false);
echo "</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"weeknumber\">(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number($wkstart) . ")</span>";

&nbsp;&nbsp;<a title="<?php 
" class="next" href="week.php?<?php 
echo $u_url;
echo date("Ymd", $next) . $caturl;
"><img src="rightarrow.gif" alt="<?php 
" /></a>
Пример #12
                            <td colspan="2">
                                <div class="msg msg-info"><p><?php 
    echo __('There is no day without bookings');
} else {
    foreach ($no_bookings_pager->getResults() as $booking) {
                                <td class="tl"><a href="<?php 
        echo url_for('timesheet/index?week=' . week_number($booking->day) . '&year=' . date('Y', strtotime($booking->day)));
        echo format_date($booking->day, 'P');
                                <td class="tl"><?php 
        echo $booking->User;
Пример #13
            echo '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'monthly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Month(s) on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 1) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $row->month . '</div>';
        if ($row->repeat_method == 'yearly' and $row->month_type == 2) {
            echo '<div style="color:' . $date_color . ';font-size:' . $date_size . 'px; font-family:' . $date_font . '; ' . $date_font_weight . '; ' . $date_font_style . '  ">' . __('Repeat Every', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . $repeat . ' ' . __('Year(s) in', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->year_month + 1, 0, 0)) . ' ' . __('on the', 'sp_calendar') . ' ' . week_number($row->monthly_list) . ' ' . week_convert($row->month_week) . '</div>';
    echo '<div style="color:' . $title_color . ';font-size:' . $title_size . 'px; font-family:' . $title_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->title . '</div>';
    echo '<div style="line-height:20px">' . $row->text_for_date . '</div>';
} else {
    echo '<div style="color:' . $title_color . ';font-size:' . $title_size . 'px; font-family:' . $title_font . '; ' . $font_weight . '; ' . $font_style . '  ">' . $row->title . '</div>';
    echo '<h1 style="text-align:center">There Is No Text For This Event</h1>';
echo '</div>';
	<div style="width:98%;text-align:right; display:<?php 
if (count($ev_id) == 1) {
    echo 'none';
Пример #14
      month_name ( date ( "m", $wkend ) - 1 ), date ( "d", $wkend ),
      $thisyear );
  } else {
    printf ( "%s %d, %d - %s %d, %d",
      month_name ( date ( "m", $wkstart ) - 1 ), date ( "d", $wkstart ),
      date ( "Y", $wkstart ),
      month_name ( date ( "m", $wkend ) - 1 ), date ( "d", $wkend ),
      date ( "Y", $wkend ) );
    echo "<br>\n<font size=\"-2\" color=\"{$H2COLOR}\">(" . translate("Week") . " " . week_number($wkstart) . ")</font>";
<font size="+1" color="<?php 
echo $H2COLOR;
if ($single_user == "N") {
    echo "<br>{$user_fullname}\n";
if ($categories_enabled == "Y") {
    echo "<br>\n<br>\n";
    print_category_menu('week', sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $thisyear, $thismonth, $thisday), $cat_id, $friendly);
Пример #15
 * Due to php version change older format is no longer valid. So, this function is added as adapter to return value valid for new version
 * Returns a string representation of the day in the particular week.  Example, first Monday.
 * @access	public
 * @param	date
 * @return	string
function week_in_the_month_new($date)
    $week = week_number($date);
    $weekday = date("l", strtotime($date));
    $date_year = date("Y", strtotime($date));
    $month = date("m", strtotime($date));
     *  Find the number of weeks that are in the month and year of the given date
    $num_weeks = num_weeks($date_year, $date_month, 0);
    switch ($week) {
        case 1:
            $week_in_the_month = "this " . $weekday;
        case $num_weeks:
            $week_in_the_month = "last " . $weekday;
        case 2:
            $week_in_the_month = "first " . $weekday;
        case 3:
            $week_in_the_month = "second " . $weekday;
        case 4:
            $week_in_the_month = "third " . $weekday;
        case 5:
            $week_in_the_month = "fourth " . $weekday;
    return $week_in_the_month;