</th> <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Duration'); ?> </th> <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Start'); ?> </th> <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('End'); ?> </th> <?php if ($display_week_hours) { echo weekDates($sss, $sse); } ?> <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Current Assignees'); ?> </th> <th nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $AppUI->_('Possible Assignees'); ?> </th> </tr> <?php foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { // count tasks per user; $z = 0;
if ($display_week_hours and !$use_period) { foreach ($task_list as $t) { if ($sss == -1) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; $sse = $t->task_end_date; } else { if ($t->task_start_date < $sss) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; } if ($t->task_end_date > $sse) { $sse = $t->task_end_date; } } } } $table_header = "<tr>" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" ></th>" . "<!--ina<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("P") . "</th>-->" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("Task") . "</th>" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("Proj.") . "</th>" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\">" . $AppUI->_("Duration") . "</th>" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("Start Date") . "</th>" . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("End[d]") . "</th>" . weekDates($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse) . "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("Current Assignees") . "</th>"; if ($canEditINA) { $table_header .= "<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >" . $AppUI->_("Possible Assignees") . "</th>"; } //if ($perms->checkModule('admin','edit')) { $table_header.="<th nowrap=\"nowrap\" >".$AppUI->_("Possible Assignees")."</th>"; } $table_header .= "</tr>"; $table_rows = ""; foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { // count tasks per user; $z = 0; foreach ($task_list as $task) { if (isMemberOfTask($task_list, $Ntasks, $user_id, $task)) { $z++; } } $tmpuser = "******"assFrm{$user_id}\" action=\"index.php?m=tasks&a=tasksperuser\" method=\"post\">\n\t\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"chUTP\" value=\"0\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"del\" value=\"1\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rm\" value=\"0\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"store\" value=\"0\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dosql\" value=\"do_task_assign_aed\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"user_id\" value=\"{$user_id}\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hassign\" />\n <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"htasks\" />\n <tr>\n <td bgcolor='#D0D0D0'><input onclick=\"javascript:checkAll({$user_id});\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"master\" value=\"true\"/></td>\n <td colspan='2' align='left' nowrap='nowrap' bgcolor='#D0D0D0'>\n <font color='black'>\n <B>" . $userAlloc[$user_id]['userFC'] . "</B></font></td>";
if ($display_week_hours and !$use_period) { foreach ($task_list as $t) { if ($sss == -1) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; $sse = $t->task_end_date; } else { if ($t->task_start_date < $sss) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; } if ($t->task_end_date > $sse) { $sse = $t->task_end_date; } } } } $table_header = '<tr>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap"></th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('P') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Task') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Proj.') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Duration') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Start Date') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('End[d]') . '</th>' . weekDates($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse) . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Current Assignees') . '</th>' . '<th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Possible Assignees') . '</th></tr>'; $table_rows = ''; foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { if ($log_userfilter == -1 || $user_id == $log_userfilter) { $z = 0; foreach ($task_list as $task) { if (isMemberOfTask($task_list, $Ntasks, $user_id, $task)) { $z++; } } $tmpuser = '******' . $user_id . '" action="index.php?m=tasks&a=tasksperuser" method="post" accept-charset="utf-8"> <input type="hidden" name="chUTP" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="del" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="store" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="dosql" value="do_task_assign_aed" />
$sse = $t->task_end_date; } else { if ($t->task_start_date < $sss) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; } if ($t->task_end_date > $sse) { $sse = $t->task_end_date; } } } } $table_header = ' <tr> <th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Task') . '</td>' . ($project_id == 0 ? '<td nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Project') . '</td>' : '') . ' <th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('Start Date') . '</th> <th nowrap="nowrap">' . $AppUI->_('End Date') . '</th>' . weekDates($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse) . ' </tr>'; $table_rows = ''; foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { $tmpuser = "******" . $user_data["contact_first_name"] . " " . $user_data['contact_last_name'] . '</td>'; for ($w = 0; $w <= 1 + ($project_id == 0 ? 1 : 0) + weekCells($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse); $w++) { $tmpuser .= '<td bgcolor="#D0D0D0"> </td>'; } $tmpuser .= '</tr>'; $tmptasks = ""; $actual_date = $start_date; foreach ($task_list as $task) { if (!isChildTask($task)) { if (isMemberOfTask($task_list, $task_assigned_users, $Ntasks, $user_id, $task)) { $tmptasks .= displayTask($task_list, $task, 0, $display_week_hours, $sss, $sse, !$project_id); // Get children
} else { if ($t->task_start_date < $sss) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; } if ($t->task_end_date > $sse) { $sse = $t->task_end_date; } } } } $table_header = ' <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#A0A0A0"> <font color="black"><b>' . $AppUI->_('Task') . '</b></font> </td>' . ($project_id == 0 ? '<td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#A0A0A0"><font color="black"><b>' . $AppUI->_('Project') . '</b></font></td>' : '') . ' <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#A0A0A0"><font color="black"><b>' . $AppUI->_('Start Date') . '</b></font></td> <td nowrap="nowrap" bgcolor="#A0A0A0"><font color="black"><b>' . $AppUI->_('End Date') . '</b></font></td>' . weekDates($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse) . ' </tr>'; $table_rows = ''; foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { $tmpuser = "******" . $user_data["contact_first_name"] . ' ' . $user_data['contact_last_name'] . '</b></font></td>'; for ($w = 0, $w_cmp = 1 + ($project_id == 0 ? 1 : 0) + weekCells($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse); $w <= $w_cmp; $w++) { $tmpuser .= '<td bgcolor="#D0D0D0"> </td>'; } $tmpuser .= '</tr>'; $tmptasks = ''; $actual_date = $start_date; foreach ($task_list as $task) { if (!isChildTask($task)) { if (isMemberOfTask($task_list, $task_assigned_users, $Ntasks, $user_id, $task)) { $tmptasks .= displayTask($task_list, $task, 0, $display_week_hours, $sss, $sse, !$project_id); // Get children
if ($display_week_hours and !$use_period) { foreach ($task_list as $t) { if ($sss == -1) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; $sse = $t->task_end_date; } else { if ($t->task_start_date < $sss) { $sss = $t->task_start_date; } if ($t->task_end_date > $sse) { $sse = $t->task_end_date; } } } } $table_header = "<tr>" . "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" bgcolor='#A0A0A0'><font color='black'><B>" . $AppUI->_("Task") . "</B></font></td>" . ($log_all_projects ? "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" bgcolor='#A0A0A0'><font color='black'><B>" . $AppUI->_("Project") . "</B></font></td>" : "") . "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" bgcolor='#A0A0A0'><font color='black'><B>" . $AppUI->_("Start Date") . "</B></font></td>" . "<td nowrap=\"nowrap\" bgcolor='#A0A0A0'><font color='black'><B>" . $AppUI->_("End Date") . "</B></font></td>" . weekDates($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse) . "</tr>"; $table_rows = ""; foreach ($user_list as $user_id => $user_data) { $tmpuser = "******" . $user_data["contact_first_name"] . " " . $user_data["contact_last_name"] . "</B></font></td>"; for ($w = 0; $w <= 1 + ($log_all_projects ? 1 : 0) + weekCells($display_week_hours, $sss, $sse); $w++) { $tmpuser .= "<td bgcolor='#D0D0D0'></td>"; } $tmpuser .= "</tr>"; $tmptasks = ""; $actual_date = $start_date; foreach ($task_list as $task) { if (!isChildTask($task)) { if (isMemberOfTask($task_list, $task_assigned_users, $Ntasks, $user_id, $task)) { $tmptasks .= displayTask($task_list, $task, 0, $display_week_hours, $sss, $sse, $log_all_projects); // Get children $tmptasks .= doChildren($task_list, $task_assigned_users, $Ntasks, $task->task_id, $user_id, 1, $max_levels, $display_week_hours, $sss, $sse, $log_all_projects);