Пример #1
 * Implements theme_preprocess_webform_confirmation().
 * Generates a download link for the file requested.
function centroid_custom_preprocess_webform_confirmation(&$vars)
    // Lots of checks so things don't error out when everything isn't present,
    // but also don't have a forced nid or something. Note that there /is/ a
    // constant component id, since data fields don't have field names.
    if ($submission = webform_menu_submission_load($vars['sid'], NULL)) {
        if ($referring_nid = $submission->data[CENTROID_RESOURCES_WEBFORM_NID_COMPONENT_ID][0]) {
            try {
                $wnode = entity_metadata_wrapper('node', $referring_nid);
                if (!empty($wnode->field_file) && ($file = $wnode->field_file->value())) {
                    $file_uri = file_create_url($file['uri']);
                    $vars['download_link'] = l(t('Download'), $file_uri, array('attributes' => array('class' => array('btn', 'btn-primary', 'btn-lg'))));
            } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $exc) {
                watchdog('centroid_custom_theme', 'EntityMetadataWrapper exception in %function() <pre>@trace</pre>', array('%function' => __FUNCTION__, '@trace' => $exc->getTraceAsString()), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
Пример #2
 public function __construct($sid)
     $sub = webform_menu_submission_load($sid, 24);
     $this->data = $sub;
Пример #3
 public function __construct($sid)
     $cnodeid = 24;
     // nid of contact-sales form page...
     $sub = webform_menu_submission_load($sid, $cnodeid);
     //if ( function_exists('watchdog') ) watchdog('gating', 'webform_menu_submission_load<br /><pre>'. print_r($sub,true) .'</pre>');
     $wdata = array('C_FirstName' => $sub->data[1]['value'][0], 'C_LastName' => $sub->data[2]['value'][0], 'C_EmailAddress' => $sub->data[3]['value'][0], 'C_BusPhone' => $sub->data[4]['value'][0], 'C_Country' => $sub->data[5]['value'][0], 'C_State_Prov' => $sub->data[20]['value'][0], 'C_Company' => $sub->data[7]['value'][0], 'C_Industry1' => $sub->data[8]['value'][0], 'C_Job_Role1' => $sub->data[9]['value'][0], 'C_Department1' => $sub->data[10]['value'][0], 'C_Company_Type1' => $sub->data[11]['value'][0]);
     $this->data = $wdata;