/** compute URL for a background image based on current time and index
  * this routine returns a URL to be used as a background image. The
  * URL is different depending on the time of day and the $index parameter.
  * The latter is thought to be the position of the current item in the
  * main navigation (starting at 1) or 0 in case no item in the main
  * navigation is current.
  * Configuration is done via two parameters:
  * the path in $this->config['header_banners_directory'] and
  * the interval in $this->config['header_banners_interval'].
  * The interval is expressed in minutes. It means that a particular page
  * has the same background image for the duration of the interval and
  * another one in the next interval. The banners directory is supposed
  * to contain banner files of the correct dimensions, e.g. 980x170.
  * If the specified directory starts with a '/' it is assumed to start in
  * the data root, e.g. something like /areas/exemplum/banners. This will
  * eventually lead to a URL of the form
  * /file.php/areas/exemplum/banners/mentha-banner.jpg using
  * was_file_url()
  * If the specified directory does NOT start with a '/' it is assumed to
  * be a directory relative to the directory where index.php and friends
  * live, unless it starts with program/ in which case it is a static dir
  * somewhere in the program hierarchy. This is done via was_url().
  * @param int $index indicates current main navigation item or 0 for none
  * @param bool $fully_qualified if TRUE forces the URL to contain a scheme, authority etc.
  * @return string ready to use URL
  * @uses was_file_url()
  * @uses was_url()
 function cornelia_get_background_url($index, $fully_qualified = FALSE)
     global $CFG;
     // 0 -- sanity checks
     $path = trim($this->config['header_banners_directory']);
     $interval = intval($this->config['header_banners_interval']);
     if (empty($path) || $interval <= 0) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!utf8_validate($path) || strpos('/' . $path . '/', '/../') !== FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf("%s.%s(): invalid path '%s'; bailing out", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $path));
         return FALSE;
     // 1 -- where to find the files?
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
         $full_path = $CFG->datadir . $path;
     } elseif (substr($path, 0, 8) == 'program/') {
         $full_path = $CFG->progdir . substr($path, 7);
     } else {
         $full_path = $CFG->dir . '/' . $path;
     // get rid of trailing slash if any
     if (substr($full_path, -1) == '/') {
         $full_path = substr($full_path, 0, -1);
     if (($handle = @opendir($full_path)) === FALSE) {
         logger(sprintf("%s.%s(): cannot open directory '%s'", __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $path));
         return FALSE;
     // 2 -- scan the directory for graphics files (skip the thumbnails)
     $prefix_len = strlen(THUMBNAIL_PREFIX);
     $extensions = explode(',', str_replace(array('.', ' '), '', $CFG->filemanager_images));
     $files = array();
     while (($entryname = readdir($handle)) !== FALSE) {
         $full_entryname = $full_path . '/' . $entryname;
         if ($entryname == '.' || $entryname == '..' || $entryname == 'index.html' || is_link($full_entryname) || !is_file($full_entryname)) {
         // we are now fairly sure $entryname is a genuine file. check extension (if any)
         if (strpos($entryname, '.') === FALSE) {
             $ext = '';
         } else {
             $components = explode('.', $entryname);
             $ext = utf8_strtolower(array_pop($components));
         if (array_search($ext, $extensions) === FALSE) {
             // not an image file, next please
         if (substr($entryname, 0, $prefix_len) == THUMBNAIL_PREFIX) {
             // thumbnail, next please
         if (($image_info = @getimagesize($full_entryname)) === FALSE) {
             // not an image, next please
         $files[] = $entryname;
     // 3 -- is there any image at all?
     if (($n = sizeof($files)) <= 0) {
         return FALSE;
     if ($n == 1) {
         $entryname = $files[0];
         // Looks like Ford T: choice of 1
     } else {
         // use a different image every $interval minutes
         $entryname = $files[($index + time() / (60 * $interval)) % $n];
     if (substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') {
         return was_file_url($path . '/' . $entryname, $fully_qualified);
     } else {
         return was_url($path . '/' . $entryname, $fully_qualified);
 /** construct an image tag with the area logo
  * This constructs HTML-code that displays the logo,
  * maybe in the form of a clickable map.
  * This routine honours the preview_mode by replacing the
  * URLs with a bare "#" in order to prevent the visiter
  * to actually surf away from a preview
  * @param string $m left margin for increased readability
  * @return string constructed image tag
  * @todo should we take path_info into account here too???? how about /area/aaa/node/nnn instead of /aaa/nnn???
 function get_logo($m = '')
     global $WAS_SCRIPT_NAME, $USER;
     if (!isset($this->config['logo_image'])) {
         return '';
     // 1 -- prepare common attributes for logo image (alt height title width and also src
     $attributes = array('title' => isset($this->config['logo_title']) ? $this->config['logo_title'] : $this->area_record['title'], 'alt' => isset($this->config['logo_alt']) ? $this->config['logo_alt'] : t('alt_logo', $this->domain));
     if (isset($this->config['logo_width'])) {
         $attributes['width'] = $this->config['logo_width'];
     if (isset($this->config['logo_height'])) {
         $attributes['height'] = $this->config['logo_height'];
     $src = was_url($this->config['logo_image']);
     // apply some heuristics to perhaps qualify the src path
     // 2 -- maybe build one or more hotspots or otherwise create a simple clickable logo
     $hotspots = $this->config['logo_hotspots'];
     if ($hotspots > 0) {
         // logo is a clickable map with at least 1 hotspot
         $mapname = "logo_hotspots";
         $attributes['usemap'] = '#' . $mapname;
         $logo = $this->rosalina_hotspot_map($USER->is_logged_in, $mapname, $hotspots, $this->config, $m) . $m . html_img($src, $attributes);
     } else {
         $title = $this->area_record['title'];
         $params = array('area' => $this->area_id);
         $href = was_node_url(NULL, $params, $title, $this->preview_mode);
         $logo = $m . html_a($href, NULL, NULL, html_img($src, $attributes));
     return $logo;
 /** construct an anchor from a node record
  * This constructs an array with key-value-pairs that can be used to
  * construct an HTML anchor tag. At least the following keys are created
  * in the resulting array: 'href', 'title' and 'anchor'. The latter is either
  * the text or a referenct to an image that is supposed to go between the
  * opening A-tag and closing A-tag. Furtermore an optional key is created: target.
  * The contents of the input array $attributes is merged into the result.
  * If the parameter $textonly is TRUE the key 'anchor' is always text.
  * If $textonly is NOT TRUE, the 'anchor' may refer to an image.
  * Note that the link text is always non-empty. If the node record has an
  * empty link_text, the word 'node' followed by the node_id is returned.
  * (Otherwise it will be hard to make an actual clickable link).
  * Note that we attempt to create 'friendly' URLs, ie. URLs that look very
  * much like a plain path, e.g.
  * http://www.exemplum.eu/index.php/3/Information_about_the_school.html rather than
  * http://www.exemplum.eu/index.php?node=3
  * When bookmarking a page, the part 'Information_about_the_school.html' makes it
  * easier to recognise the bookmark than when it is just some number.
  * Choice for friendly URLs is made in the global (site) configuration.
  * @param array $node_record the node record to convert
  * @param array $attributes optional attributes to add to the HTML A-tag
  * @param bool $textonly if TRUE, no clickable images will be returned
  * @return string an HTML A-tag that links to the node OR to the external link (if any)
  * @uses was_node_url()
 function node2anchor($node_record, $attributes = NULL, $textonly = FALSE)
     $node_id = intval($node_record['node_id']);
     $title = $node_record['title'];
     $link_text = $node_record['link_text'];
     if (empty($link_text)) {
         $link_text = "[ " . strval($node_id) . " ]";
     $params = NULL;
     $href = was_node_url($node_record, $params, $title, $this->preview_mode);
     if (!is_array($attributes)) {
         $attributes = array();
     $attributes['title'] = $title;
     if (!empty($node_record['link_target'])) {
         $attributes['target'] = $node_record['link_target'];
     if ($textonly || empty($node_record['link_image'])) {
         $anchor = $link_text;
     } else {
         $img_attr = array('width' => intval($node_record['link_image_width']), 'height' => intval($node_record['link_image_height']), 'alt' => $link_text);
         $anchor = html_img(was_url($node_record['link_image']), $img_attr);
     return html_a($href, $params, $attributes, $anchor);
 /** add a navigation bar / tool bar for a snapshot
  * this bar contains the following elements:
  *  - double arrow left links to the first snapshot in the series
  *  - left arrow links to the previous snapshot in the series
  *  - up arrow links to the thumbnails overview
  *  - right arrow links to the next snapshot in the series
  *  - double right arrow links to the last snapshot in the series
  *  - position indicator (snapshot i from n snapshots) in the form: i/n
  * @param int $snapshot_index indicates which element of $snapshots contains the current snapshot
  * @return void navigation bar added to output
  * @todo clean up this ugly code
 function add_snapshot_navbar($snapshot_index, $m = '      ')
     $images = array(0 => array('black' => 'llb.png', 'gray' => 'llg.png', 'title' => t('move_first_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('move_first_alt', $this->domain)), 1 => array('black' => 'lb.png', 'gray' => 'lg.png', 'title' => t('move_prev_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('move_prev_alt', $this->domain)), 2 => array('black' => 'ub.png', 'gray' => 'ug.png', 'title' => t('move_up_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('move_up_alt', $this->domain)), 3 => array('black' => 'rb.png', 'gray' => 'rg.png', 'title' => t('move_next_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('move_next_alt', $this->domain)), 4 => array('black' => 'rrb.png', 'gray' => 'rrg.png', 'title' => t('move_last_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('move_last_alt', $this->domain)));
     $current = $snapshot_index - 1;
     // array is 0-based, index is 1-based
     $last = sizeof($this->snapshots) - 1;
     $nav[0] = 0;
     $nav[1] = $current > 0 ? $current - 1 : ($current < 0 ? $last : $current);
     $nav[2] = NULL;
     $nav[3] = $current < $last ? $current + 1 : $current;
     $nav[4] = $last;
     $this->theme->add_content($m . html_tag('div', array('class' => 'snapshot_toolbar')));
     foreach ($nav as $id => $index) {
         $attributes = array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16, 'title' => $images[$id]['title'], 'alt' => $images[$id]['alt']);
         if ($current < 0) {
             if ($id == 1) {
                 $attributes['title'] = t('move_last_title', $this->domain);
                 $attributes['alt'] = t('move_last_alt', $this->domain);
             } elseif ($id == 3) {
                 $attributes['title'] = t('move_first_title', $this->domain);
                 $attributes['alt'] = t('move_first_alt', $this->domain);
         if (is_null($index)) {
             // special case: this yields the snapshots overview (thumbnails)
             if ($current < 0) {
                 // and thsi IS the snapshots overview (thumbnails): use gray icon
                 $img = html_img(was_url('program/modules/snapshots/' . $images[$id]['gray']), $attributes);
             } else {
                 $img = html_img(was_url('program/modules/snapshots/' . $images[$id]['black']), $attributes);
             $params = array('variant' => '1');
             $caption = '';
         } elseif ($index === $current) {
             $params = array('snapshot' => $index + 1);
             $attributes['alt'] = t('move_current_alt', $this->domain);
             $attributes['title'] = t('move_current_title', $this->domain);
             $img = html_img(was_url('program/modules/snapshots/' . $images[$id]['gray']), $attributes);
             $caption = $this->snapshots[$index]['key'];
         } else {
             $params = array('snapshot' => $index + 1);
             $img = html_img(was_url('program/modules/snapshots/' . $images[$id]['black']), $attributes);
             $caption = $this->snapshots[$index]['key'];
         $href = was_node_url($this->theme->node_record, $params, $caption, $this->theme->preview_mode);
         $this->theme->add_content($m . '  ' . html_a($href, NULL, NULL, $img));
     // at this point we add another button with a link to the slideshow code
     $attributes = array('width' => 16, 'height' => 16, 'title' => t('slideshow_title', $this->domain), 'alt' => t('slideshow_alt', $this->domain));
     $img = html_img(was_url('program/modules/snapshots/sb.png'), $attributes);
     $href = sprintf('javascript:show_start(%d);', max(0, $current));
     $slideshow = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', html_a($href, NULL, NULL, $img));
     $this->theme->add_content($m . '  <script type="text/javascript"><!--');
     $this->theme->add_content($m . '    ' . sprintf('document.write(\'%s\');', $slideshow));
     $this->theme->add_content($m . '  //--></script>');
     if ($current >= 0) {
         // not in thumbnails overview
         $params = array('{SNAPSHOT}' => $current + 1, '{SNAPSHOTS}' => sizeof($this->snapshots), '{CAPTION}' => $this->snapshots[$current]['key']);
         $this->theme->add_content($m . '  ' . html_tag('span', array('class' => 'snapshot_status'), t('snapshot_status', $this->domain, $params)));
     $this->theme->add_content($m . '</div>');