Пример #1
            $value['fullname'] = "N" . str_pad($value['id'], 7, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
            $value['fullname_'] = $value['fullname'];
        } elseif ($value['display_name'] == "3") {
            if ($value['sex'] == 1) {
                $value['fullname'] = cut_str($value['fullname'], 1, 0, "先生");
            } elseif ($value['sex'] == 2) {
                $value['fullname'] = cut_str($value['fullname'], 1, 0, "女士");
            $value['fullname_'] = $value['fullname'];
        } else {
            $value['fullname_'] = $value['fullname'];
            $value['fullname'] = $value['fullname'];
        $resume[$key]['url'] = wap_url_rewrite("resume-show", array("id" => $value["id"]));
        $resume[$key]['fullname_'] = $value['fullname_'];
        $resume[$key]['fullname'] = $value['fullname'];
        $resume[$key]['refreshtime_cn'] = daterange(time(), $value['refreshtime'], 'Y-m-d', "#FF3300");
        $user_info = $db->getone("SELECT mobile_audit FROM " . table('members') . " WHERE uid=" . $value['uid']);
        $resume[$key]['mobile_audit'] = $user_info['mobile_audit'];
} else {
    $resume = array();
$smarty->assign('resume', $resume);
$smarty->assign('pagehtml', wapmulti($count, $perpage, $page, $theurl));
$sql = "select w_word,w_hot from " . table("hotword") . " order by w_hot desc limit 15 ";
$hotword_list = $db->getall($sql);
$smarty->assign('hotword', $hotword_list);
Пример #2
                $breaked = 0;
            $post['author'] = !$post['anonymous'] ? $post['author'] : $lang['anonymous'];
            $threadposts .= nl2br(trim($post['message']));
        } else {
            $postlist[] = $post;
    echo $threadposts . (!$breaked ? '' : "<br /><a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$tid}&amp;offset={$offset_next}\">{$lang['next_page']}</a> ") . (!$offset ? '' : "<a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$tid}&amp;offset={$offset_last}\">{$lang['last_page']}</a>") . "<br />\n" . "<br /><a href=\"index.php?action=post&amp;do=reply&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}&amp;tid={$thread['tid']}\">{$lang['post_reply']}</a>|<a href=\"index.php?action=post&amp;do=newthread&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}\">{$lang['post_new']}</a>\n";
    if (!empty($postlist)) {
        echo "<br /><br />{$lang['thread_replylist']} ({$thread['replies']})<br />";
        foreach ($postlist as $post) {
            $waptlength = 30;
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;do=reply&amp;tid={$post['tid']}&amp;pid={$post['pid']}\">#" . ++$number . " " . wapcutstr(trim($post['message']), $waptlength) . "</a>" . "<br />[" . (!$post['anonymous'] ? $post['author'] . ' ' : $lang['anonymous'] . ' ') . gmdate("{$wapdateformat} {$timeformat}", $post['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600) . "]<br />";
        echo wapmulti($thread['replies'], $wapppp, $page, "index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$thread['tid']}");
} elseif ($do == 'reply') {
    echo "<p>{$lang['thread_reply']}<a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$thread['tid']}\">{$thread['subject']}</a><br />";
    $post = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}posts WHERE pid='{$pid}' AND invisible='0'");
    if ($offset > 0) {
        $post['message'] = '..' . substr($post['message'], $offset - 4);
    if (strlen($threadposts) + strlen($post['message']) - $wapmps > 0) {
        $length = $wapmps - strlen($threadposts);
        $post['message'] = wapcutstr($post['message'], $length);
        $offset += $length;
        $breaked = 1;
    $post['author'] = !$post['anonymous'] ? $post['author'] : $lang['anonymous'];
    $post['message'] = wapcode($post['message']);
Пример #3
    echo "<p><a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=list&amp;unread=yes\">{$lang['pm_unread']}({$num_unread})</a><br />\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=list\">{$lang['pm_all']}(" . ($num_read + $num_unread) . ")</a><br />\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=send\">{$lang['pm_send']}</a><br />\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=delete\">{$lang['pm_delete_all']}</a></p>";
} else {
    if ($do == 'list') {
        echo "<p>{$lang['pm_list']}<br />\n";
        $unreadadd = empty($unread) ? '' : 'AND new>\'0\'';
        $pageadd = empty($unread) ? '' : '&amp;unread=yes';
        $page = max(1, intval($page));
        $start_limit = $number = ($page - 1) * $waptpp;
        if (!($totalpms = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}pms WHERE msgtoid='{$discuz_uid}' AND folder='inbox' {$unreadadd}"))) {
        $query = $db->query("SELECT pmid, new, msgfrom, subject, dateline FROM {$tablepre}pms\r\n\t\t\tWHERE msgtoid='{$discuz_uid}' AND folder='inbox' {$unreadadd}\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY dateline DESC\r\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$start_limit}, {$waptpp}");
        while ($pm = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=view&amp;pmid={$pm['pmid']}\">#" . ++$number . ' ' . (empty($unread) && $pm['new'] ? "({$lang['unread']})" : '') . cutstr($pm['subject'], 30) . "</a><br />\n" . " <small>" . gmdate("{$wapdateformat} {$timeformat}", $pm['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600) . "<br />\n" . " {$pm['msgfrom']}</small><br />\n";
        echo wapmulti($totalpms, $waptpp, $page, "index.php?action=pm&amp;do={$do}{$pageadd}");
        echo "<br /><a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=send\">{$lang['pm_send']}</a>\n";
    } elseif ($do == 'view') {
        $pm = $db->fetch_first("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}pms WHERE pmid='{$pmid}' AND msgtoid='{$discuz_uid}' AND folder='inbox'");
        if (!$pm) {
        echo "<p>{$lang['thread']}{$pm['subject']}<br />\n" . $lang['from'] . $pm['msgfrom'] . "<br />\n" . $lang['dateline'] . gmdate("{$wapdateformat} {$timeformat}", $pm['dateline'] + $timeoffset * 3600) . "<br />\n" . "<br />" . nl2br(dhtmlspecialchars(trim($pm['message']))) . "<br /><br />\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=send&amp;pmid={$pmid}\">{$lang['reply']}</a>\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=delete&amp;pmid={$pmid}\">{$lang['delete']}</a><br /><br />\n" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=pm&amp;do=list\">{$lang['pm_all']}</a>";
        $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}pms SET new='0' WHERE pmid='{$pmid}'");
    } elseif ($do == 'send') {
        if (empty($msgto)) {
            if (!empty($pmid)) {
                $pm = $db->fetch_first("SELECT msgfrom, subject FROM {$tablepre}pms WHERE pmid='{$pmid}' AND msgtoid='{$discuz_uid}' AND folder='inbox'");
                $pm['subject'] = 'Re: ' . $pm['subject'];
            } else {
                $pm = array('msgfrom' => '', 'subject' => '');
Пример #4
     $page = max(1, intval($page));
     $start_limit = $number = ($page - 1) * $waptpp;
     $index = $db->fetch_first("SELECT searchstring, keywords, threads, tids FROM {$tablepre}searchindex WHERE searchid='{$searchid}'");
     if (!$index) {
     $index['keywords'] = rawurlencode($index['keywords']);
     $index['searchtype'] = preg_replace("/^([a-z]+)\\|.*/", "\\1", $index['searchstring']);
     $searchnum = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM  {$tablepre}threads WHERE tid IN ({$index['tids']}) AND displayorder>='0'");
     if ($searchnum) {
         echo "<p>{$lang['search_result']}<br />";
         $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}threads WHERE tid IN ({$index['tids']}) AND displayorder>='0' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$waptpp}");
         while ($thread = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
             echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$thread['tid']}\">#" . ++$number . " " . cutstr($thread['subject'], 24) . "</a>({$thread['views']}/{$thread['replies']})<br />\n";
         echo wapmulti($searchnum, $waptpp, $page, "index.php?action=search&amp;searchid={$searchid}&amp;do=submit&amp;sid={$sid}");
         echo '</p>';
     } else {
 } else {
     $srchtxt = trim(wapconvert($srchtxt));
     $srchuname = trim(wapconvert($srchuname));
     $srchuid = intval($srchuid);
     $searchstring = 'title|' . addslashes($srchtxt) . '|' . $srchuid . '|' . $srchuname;
     $searchindex = array('id' => 0, 'dateline' => '0');
     $query = $db->query("SELECT searchid, dateline,\r\n\t\t\t('{$searchctrl}'<>'0' AND " . (empty($discuz_uid) ? "useip='{$onlineip}'" : "uid='{$discuz_uid}'") . " AND {$timestamp}-dateline<{$searchctrl}) AS flood,\r\n\t\t\t(searchstring='{$searchstring}' AND expiration>'{$timestamp}') AS indexvalid\r\n\t\t\tFROM {$tablepre}searchindex\r\n\t\t\tWHERE ('{$searchctrl}'<>'0' AND " . (empty($discuz_uid) ? "useip='{$onlineip}'" : "uid='{$discuz_uid}'") . " AND {$timestamp}-dateline<{$searchctrl}) OR (searchstring='{$searchstring}' AND expiration>'{$timestamp}')\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY flood");
     while ($index = $db->fetch_array($query)) {
         if ($index['indexvalid'] && $index['dateline'] > $searchindex['dateline']) {
             $searchindex = array('id' => $index['searchid'], 'dateline' => $index['dateline']);
Пример #5
    while ($thread = $sdb->fetch_array($query)) {
        $thread['prefix'] .= $thread['displayorder'] > 0 ? $lang['forum_thread_sticky'] : '';
        $thread['prefix'] .= $thread['digest'] ? $lang['forum_thread_digest'] : '';
        echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=thread&amp;tid={$thread['tid']}\">#" . ++$number . " " . cutstr($thread['subject'], 30) . "</a>{$thread['prefix']}<br />\n" . "<small>[{$thread['author']} {$lang['replies']}{$thread['replies']} {$lang['views']}{$thread['views']}]</small><br />\n";
    echo wapmulti($threadcount, $waptpp, $page, "index.php?action=forum&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}&amp;sid={$sid}");
    if ($do != 'digest') {
        $subforums = '';
        foreach ($_DCACHE['forums'] as $subforum) {
            if ($subforum['type'] == 'sub' && $subforum['fup'] == $fid && (!$forum['viewperm'] || strexists("\t" . trim($forum['viewperm']) . "\t", "\t" . trim($groupid) . "\t"))) {
                $subforums .= "<a href=\"index.php?action=forum&amp;fid={$subforum['fid']}\">" . strip_tags($subforum['name']) . "</a><br />";
        if (!empty($subforums)) {
            echo "<br /><br />{$lang['forum_sublist']}<br />" . $subforums;
    echo (!empty($allowsearch) ? "<br /><br /><a href=\"index.php?action=post&amp;do=newthread&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}\">{$lang['post_new']}</a><br />" . "<a href=\"index.php?action=my&amp;do=fav&amp;favid={$forum['fid']}&amp;type=forum\">{$lang['my_addfav']}</a><br />" . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"srchtxt\" value=\"\" size=\"6\" format=\"M*m\" emptyok=\"true\"/>" . "<anchor title=\"submit\">{$lang['search']}\n" . "<go method=\"post\" href=\"index.php?action=search&amp;srchfid={$forum['fid']}&amp;do=submit&amp;sid={$sid}\">\n" . "<postfield name=\"srchtxt\" value=\"\$(srchtxt)\" />\n" . "</go></anchor><br />" : '') . "</p>";
} else {
    echo "<p>{$lang['home_forums']}<br />";
    $forumcount = $db->result_first("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$tablepre}forums WHERE status>0 AND type='forum'");
    $sql = !empty($accessmasks) ? "SELECT f.fid, f.name, ff.viewperm, a.allowview FROM {$tablepre}forums f\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff ON ff.fid=f.fid\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$tablepre}access a ON a.uid='{$discuz_uid}' AND a.fid=f.fid\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE f.status>0 AND f.type='forum' ORDER BY f.displayorder LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$waptpp}" : "SELECT f.fid, f.name, ff.viewperm FROM {$tablepre}forums f\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$tablepre}forumfields ff USING(fid)\r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE f.status>0 AND f.type='forum' ORDER BY f.displayorder LIMIT {$start_limit}, {$waptpp}";
    $query = $sdb->query($sql);
    while ($forum = $sdb->fetch_array($query)) {
        if (forum($forum) && (!$forum['viewperm'] || strexists("\t" . trim($forum['viewperm']) . "\t", "\t" . trim($groupid) . "\t") && $forum['viewperm'])) {
            echo "<a href=\"index.php?action=forum&amp;fid={$forum['fid']}\">" . strip_tags($forum['name']) . "</a><br/>";
    echo wapmulti($forumcount, $waptpp, $page, "index.php?action=forum&amp;sid={$sid}");
    echo "</p>";