function spyview($from_date = "", $to_date = "", $rows = "999", $spytype = "") { global $wpdb; $whereis = ""; if ($spytype == 'spider') { $whereis = " AND spider!=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'nospider') { $whereis = " AND spider=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'spam') { $whereis = " AND spam>0"; } elseif ($spytype == 'nospam') { $whereis = " AND spam=0"; } elseif ($spytype == 'nospamspider') { $whereis = " AND spam=0 AND spider=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'searchengine') { $whereis = " AND searchengine!='' AND search!=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'referrer') { $whereis = " AND referrer!='' AND referrer NOT LIKE '%{$wpurl}%' AND searchengine='' AND search=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'comauthor') { $whereis = " AND comment_author!=''"; } elseif ($spytype == 'loggedin') { $whereis = " AND username!=''"; } //check for arguments... if (empty($to_date)) { $to_date = wassup_get_time(); } if (empty($from_date)) { $from_date = $to_date - 5; } $table_tmp_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wassup_tmp"; if (function_exists('get_option')) { $wassup_settings = get_option('wassup_settings'); } if (!empty($wassup_settings['wassup_screen_res'])) { $screen_res_size = (int) $wassup_settings['wassup_screen_res']; } else { $screen_res_size = 670; } $max_char_len = $screen_res_size / 10; if (function_exists('get_bloginfo')) { $wpurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); $siteurl = get_bloginfo('siteurl'); } $qryC = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, wassup_id, max(timestamp) as max_timestamp, ip, hostname, searchengine, urlrequested, agent, referrer, spider, username, comment_author FROM {$table_tmp_name} WHERE timestamp BETWEEN {$from_date} AND {$to_date} {$whereis} GROUP BY id ORDER BY max_timestamp DESC"); if (!empty($qryC)) { //restrict # of rows to display when needed... $row_count = 0; //display the rows... foreach ($qryC as $cv) { if ($row_count < (int) $rows) { $timestamp = $cv->max_timestamp; $ip = @explode(",", $cv->ip); if ($cv->referrer != '') { if (!eregi($wpurl, $cv->referrer) or $cv->searchengine != "") { if (!eregi($wpurl, $cv->referrer) and $cv->searchengine == "") { $referrer = '<a href="' . $cv->referrer . '" target=_"BLANK"><span style="font-weight: bold;">' . stringShortener($cv->referrer, round($max_char_len * 0.8, 0)) . '</span></a>'; } else { $referrer = '<a href="' . $cv->referrer . '" target=_"BLANK">' . stringShortener($cv->referrer, round($max_char_len * 0.9, 0)) . '</a>'; } } else { $referrer = __('From your blog', 'wassup'); } } else { $referrer = __('Direct hit', 'wassup'); } // User is logged in or is a comment's author if ($cv->username != "") { $unclass = "-log"; $map_icon = "marker_loggedin.png"; } elseif ($cv->comment_author != "" and $cv->username == "") { $unclass = "-aut"; $map_icon = "marker_author.png"; } elseif ($cv->spider != "") { $unclass = "-spider"; $map_icon = "marker_bot.png"; } else { $map_icon = "marker_user.png"; } // Start getting GEOIP info $geo_url = "" . $ip[0] . "&position=true"; $data = file($geo_url); if (eregi("unknown", $data[0])) { $loc_country = eregi_replace("country: ", "", $data[0]); } if (eregi("unknown", $data[1])) { $loc_city = eregi_replace("city: ", "", $data[1]); } $geoloc = $loc_country . " " . $loc_city; if ($wassup_settings['wassup_geoip_map'] == 1) { $gkey = $wassup_settings['wassup_googlemaps_key']; if ($geoloc != "") { $geocode = geocode($geoloc, $gkey); if ($geocode[0] != 200) { $lat = explode(":", $data[2]); $lat = $lat[1]; $lon = explode(":", $data[3]); $lon = $lon[1]; } else { $lat = $geocode[2]; $lon = $geocode[3]; } } else { $lat = 0; $lon = 0; } } $location = $data[0] . " - " . $data[1]; ?> <div class="sum-spy"> <span class="sum-box<?php print $unclass; ?> "> <?php print $ip[0]; ?> </span> <div class="sum-det-spy"><span class="det1"> <?php print '<a href="' . wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested))) . '" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested), round($max_char_len * 0.9, 0)); ?> </a></span><br /> <span class="det2"><strong><?php print gmdate("H:i:s", $timestamp); ?> - </strong> <?php print $referrer; ?> <?php print "<br />" . $location; //DEBUG ."$geocode[0]." / ".$lat." / ".$lon; ?> </span> </div></div> <?php // Print the JS code to add marker on the map if ($wassup_settings['wassup_geoip_map'] == 1) { if ($lat != 0 && $lon != 0) { $item_id = $cv->id; $img_dir = $wpurl . '/wp-content/plugins/' . WASSUPFOLDER . '/img'; echo "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var icon{$item_id} = new GIcon();\n icon{$item_id}.image = '" . $img_dir . "/" . $map_icon . "';\n icon{$item_id}.shadow = '{$img_dir}/shadow.png';\n icon{$item_id}.iconSize = new GSize(20.0, 34.0);\n icon{$item_id}.shadowSize = new GSize(38.0, 34.0);\n icon{$item_id}.iconAnchor = new GPoint(10.0, 17.0);\n icon{$item_id}.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(10.0, 17.0);\n var point = new GLatLng({$lat},{$lon});\n var marker{$item_id} = new GMarker(point, icon{$item_id});\n map.addOverlay(marker{$item_id});\n GEvent.addListener(marker{$item_id}, 'click', function() {\n marker{$item_id}.openInfoWindowHtml('<div style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><div class=\"bubble\">Ip: " . $ip[0] . "<br />Hour: " . gmdate('H:i:s', $timestamp) . "<br />Request: <a href=" . wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested))) . " target=\"_BLANK\">" . stringShortener(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested), round($max_char_len * 0.9, 0)) . "</a><br />" . "</div></div>');\n });\n map.panTo(new GLatLng({$lat},{$lon}),3);\n </script>"; } } } //end if row_count $row_count = $row_count + 1; } //end foreach } else { //display "no activity" periodically so we know spy is running... if ((int) $to_date % 7 == 0) { echo '<div class="sum-spy"><span class="det3">' . gmdate("H:i:s", $to_date) . ' - ' . __("No visitor activity", "wassup") . ' :-( </span></div>'; } } //end if !empty($qryC) }
function WassUp() { global $wpdb, $wp_version, $version, $wpurl, $wassup_options, $whash; // Start getting time of execution to debug SQL query $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $starttime = $mtime; // This could be commented out //#debug... //error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); //debug, E_STRICT=php5 only //ini_set('display_errors','On'); //debug //$wpdb->show_errors(); //debug $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wassup"; $table_tmp_name = $wpdb->prefix . "wassup_tmp"; $wassup_options->loadSettings(); //needed in case "update_option is run elsewhere in wassup (widget) // RUN THE SAVE/RESET OPTIONS $admin_message=""; if (isset($_POST['submit-options']) || isset($_POST['submit-options2']) || isset($_POST['submit-options3'])) { if ($_POST['wassup_remind_flag'] == 1 AND $_POST['wassup_remind_mb'] == "") { $wassup_options->wassup_remind_flag = $_POST['wassup_remind_flag']; $wassup_options->wassup_remind_mb = 10; } else { $wassup_options->wassup_remind_flag = $_POST['wassup_remind_flag']; $wassup_options->wassup_remind_mb = $_POST['wassup_remind_mb']; } $wassup_options->wassup_active = $_POST['wassup_active']; $wassup_options->wassup_chart_type = $_POST['wassup_chart_type']; $wassup_options->wassup_loggedin = $_POST['wassup_loggedin']; $wassup_options->wassup_spider = $_POST['wassup_spider']; $wassup_options->wassup_attack = $_POST['wassup_attack']; $wassup_options->wassup_hack = $_POST['wassup_hack']; $wassup_options->wassup_spamcheck = $_POST['wassup_spamcheck']; $wassup_options->wassup_spam = $_POST['wassup_spam']; $wassup_options->wassup_refspam = $_POST['wassup_refspam']; $wassup_options->wassup_exclude = $_POST['wassup_exclude']; $wassup_options->wassup_exclude_url = $_POST['wassup_exclude_url']; $wassup_options->delete_auto = $_POST['delete_auto']; $wassup_options->delete_auto_size = $_POST['delete_auto_size']; $wassup_options->wassup_screen_res = $_POST['wassup_screen_res']; $wassup_options->wassup_refresh = $_POST['wassup_refresh']; $wassup_options->wassup_userlevel = $_POST['wassup_userlevel']; $wassup_options->wassup_dashboard_chart = $_POST['wassup_dashboard_chart']; $wassup_options->wassup_geoip_map = $_POST['wassup_geoip_map']; $wassup_options->wassup_googlemaps_key = $_POST['wassup_googlemaps_key']; $wassup_options->wassup_time_format = $_POST['wassup_time_format']; $wassup_options->wassup_default_type = $_POST['wassup_default_type']; $wassup_options->wassup_default_limit = $_POST['wassup_default_limit']; $top_ten = array("topsearch" => $_POST['topsearch'], "topreferrer" => $_POST['topreferrer'], "toprequest" => $_POST['toprequest'], "topbrowser" => $_POST['topbrowser'], "topos" => $_POST['topos'], "toplocale" => $_POST['toplocale'], "topvisitor" => $_POST['topvisitor'], "topfeed" => "0", "topcrawler" => "0", "topreferrer_exclude" => $_POST['topreferrer_exclude']); $wassup_options->wassup_top10 = serialize($top_ten); /* if ( $_POST['wassup_savepath'] != $wassup_options->wassup_savepath ) { if (empty($_POST['wassup_savepath']) || rtrim($_POST['wassup_savepath'],"/") == getSessionpath()) { $wassup_options->wassup_savepath = NULL; } else { $wassup_options->setSavepath($_POST['wassup_savepath']); } } */ if ($wassup_options->saveSettings()) { $admin_message = __("Wassup options updated successfully","wassup")."." ; } } elseif (isset($_POST['submit-options4'])) { //uninstall checkbox $wassup_options->wassup_uninstall = $_POST['wassup_uninstall']; if ($wassup_options->saveSettings()) { $admin_message = __("Wassup uninstall option updated successfully","wassup")."." ; } } elseif (isset($_POST['submit-spam'])) { $wassup_options->wassup_spamcheck = $_POST['wassup_spamcheck']; $wassup_options->wassup_spam = $_POST['wassup_spam']; $wassup_options->wassup_refspam = $_POST['wassup_refspam']; if ($wassup_options->saveSettings()) { $admin_message = __("Wassup spam options updated successfully","wassup")."." ; } } elseif (isset($_POST['reset-to-default'])) { $wassup_options->loadDefaults(); if ($wassup_options->saveSettings()) { $admin_message = __("Wassup options updated successfully","wassup")."." ; } } //#sets current tab style for Wassup admin submenu? if ($_GET['page'] == "wassup-spy") { $class_spy="class='current'"; } elseif ($_GET['page'] == "wassup-options") { $class_opt="class='current'"; } elseif ($_GET['page'] == "wassup-online") { $class_ol="class='current'"; } else { $class_sub="class='current'"; } //for stringShortener calculated values and max-width...-Helene D. 11/27/07, 12/6/07 if (!empty($wassup_options->wassup_screen_res)) { $screen_res_size = (int) $wassup_options->wassup_screen_res; } else { $screen_res_size = 670; } $max_char_len = ($screen_res_size)/10; $screen_res_size = $screen_res_size+20; //for wrap margins... //for generating page link urls.... //$wpurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl'); //global $siteurl = get_bloginfo('siteurl'); //#display an admin message or an alert. This must be above "wrap" //# div. -Helene D. 2/26/08. if (!empty($admin_message)) { $wassup_options->showMessage($admin_message); } elseif (!empty($wassup_options->wassup_alert_message)) { $wassup_options->showMessage(); //#show alert message only once, so remove it here... $wassup_options->wassup_alert_message = ""; $wassup_options->saveSettings(); } //#debug - display MySQL errors/warnings //$mysqlerror = $wpdb->print_error(); //debug //if (!empty($mysqlerror)) { $wassup_options->showMessage($mysqlerror); } //debug //moved max-width to single "wrap" div and removed it from // the individual spans and divs in style.php... ?> <div class="wrap" style="max-width:<?php echo $screen_res_size; ?>px;" > <?php // HERE IS THE VISITORS ONLINE VIEW if ($_GET['page'] == "wassup-online") { ?> <h2><?php _e("Current Visitors Online", "wassup"); ?></h2> <p class="legend"><?php echo __("Legend", "wassup").': <span class="box-log"> </span> '.__("Logged-in Users", "wassup").' <span class="box-aut"> </span> '.__("Comments Authors", "wassup").' <span class="box-spider"> </span> '.__("Spiders/bots", "wassup"); ?></p><br /> <p class="legend"><a href="#" class="toggle-all"><?php _e("Expand All","wassup"); ?></a></p> <?php $to_date = wassup_get_time(); $from_date = strtotime('-3 minutes', $to_date); $currenttot = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT wassup_id) as currenttot FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE `timestamp` BETWEEN $from_date AND $to_date"); $currenttot = $currenttot+0; //set to integer print "<p class='legend'>".__("Visitors online", "wassup").": <strong>".$currenttot."</strong></p><br />"; if ($currenttot > 0) { $qryC = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, wassup_id, max(timestamp) as max_timestamp, ip, hostname, searchengine, urlrequested, agent, referrer, spider, username, comment_author FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE `timestamp` BETWEEN $from_date AND $to_date GROUP BY ip ORDER BY max_timestamp DESC"); foreach ($qryC as $cv) { if ($wassup_options->wassup_time_format == 24) { $timed = gmdate("H:i:s", $cv->max_timestamp); } else { $timed = gmdate("h:i:s a", $cv->max_timestamp); } $ip_proxy = strpos($cv->ip,","); //if proxy, get 2nd ip... if ($ip_proxy !== false) { $ip = substr($cv->ip,(int)$ip_proxy+1); } else { $ip = $cv->ip; } if ($cv->referrer != '') { if (!eregi($wpurl, $cv->referrer) OR $cv->searchengine != "") { if (!eregi($wpurl, $cv->referrer) AND $cv->searchengine == "") { $referrer = '<a href="'.$cv->referrer.'" target=_"BLANK"><span style="font-weight: bold;">'.stringShortener($cv->referrer, round($max_char_len*.8,0)).'</span></a>'; } else { $referrer = '<a href="'.$cv->referrer.'" target=_"BLANK">'.stringShortener($cv->referrer, round($max_char_len*.9,0)).'</a>'; } } else { $referrer = __("From your blog", "wassup"); } } else { $referrer = __("Direct hit", "wassup"); } $numurl = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as numurl FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE wassup_id='".$cv->wassup_id."'"); ?> <div class="sum"> <span class="sum-box"><?php if ($numurl >= 2) { ?><a href="#" class="showhide" id="<?php echo $cv->id ?>"><?php print $ip; ?></a><?php } else { ?><?php print $ip; ?><?php } ?></span> <div class="sum-det"><span class="det1"> <?php //# html_entity_decode() links that were already //# "htmlentities-encoded" in database to prevent wacky links //# like "/imagegallery/?album=3&amp;amp;gallery=13" print '<a href="'.wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested))).'" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(urlencode(html_entity_decode($cv->urlrequested)), round($max_char_len*.9,0)); ?></a></span><br /> <span class="det2"><strong><?php print $timed; ?> - </strong><?php print $referrer ?></span></div> </div> <?php // User is logged in or is a comment's author if ($cv->username != "" OR $cv->comment_author != "") { if ($cv->username != "") { $Ousername = '******'.__("LOGGED IN USER", "wassup").': <strong>'.$cv->username.'</strong></span></li>'; $Ocomment_author = '<li class="users"><span class="indent-li-agent">'.__("COMMENT AUTHOR", "wassup").': <strong>'.$cv->comment_author.'</strong></span></li>'; $unclass = "userslogged"; } elseif ($cv->comment_author != "") { $Ocomment_author = '<li class="users"><span class="indent-li-agent">'.__("COMMENT AUTHOR", "wassup").': <strong>'.$cv->comment_author.'</strong></span></li>'; $unclass = "users"; } ?> <ul class="<?php print $unclass; ?>"> <?php print $Ousername; ?> <?php print $Ocomment_author; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <div style="display: none;" class="togglenavi navi<?php echo $cv->id ?>"> <ul class="url"> <?php $qryCD = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `timestamp`, urlrequested FROM $table_tmp_name WHERE wassup_id='".$cv->wassup_id."' ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC"); $i=0; foreach ($qryCD as $cd) { $time2 = gmdate("H:i:s", $cd->timestamp); $num = ($i&1); $char_len = round($max_char_len*.9,0); if ($num == 0) $classodd = "urlodd"; else $classodd = "url"; if ($i >= 1) { ?> <li class="<?php print $classodd; ?> navi<?php echo $cv->id ?>"><span class="indent-li"><?php print $time2; ?> - <?php print '<a href="'.wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($cd->urlrequested))).'" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(urlencode(html_entity_decode($cd->urlrequested)), $char_len).'</a></span></li>'."\n"; } $i++; } //end foreach qryCD print '</ul>'; print '</div>'; print '<p class="sum-footer"></p>'; } //end foreach qryC } //end if currenttot ?> <br /><p class="legend"><a href="#" class="toggle-all"><?php _e("Expand All", "wassup"); ?></a></p> <?php // HERE IS THE SPY MODE VIEW } elseif ($_GET['page'] == "wassup-spy") { ?> <h2><?php _e("SPY Visitors", "wassup"); ?></h2> <p class="legend"><?php echo __("Legend", "wassup").': <span class="box-log"> </span> '.__("Logged-in Users", "wassup").' <span class="box-aut"> </span> '.__("Comments Authors", "wassup").' <span class="box-spider"> </span> '.__("Spiders/bots", "wassup"); ?></p><br /> <div> <a href="#?" onclick="return pauseSpy();"><span id="spy-pause"><?php _e("Pause", "wassup"); ?></span></a> <a href="#?" onclick="return playSpy();"><span id="spy-play"><?php _e("Play", "wassup"); ?></span></a> - <span style="font-size: 11px;"><?php _e('Spy items by','wassup'); ?>: <select name="navi" style="font-size: 11px;" onChange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <?php //## selectable filter by type of record (wassup_default_spy_type) if (isset($_GET['spytype'])) { $spytype = htmlentities(attribute_escape($_GET['spytype'])); } elseif ($wassup_options->wassup_default_spy_type != '') { $spytype = $wassup_options->wassup_default_spy_type; } $selected=$spytype; $optionargs="?page=wassup-spy&spytype="; $wassup_options->showFormOptions("wassup_default_spy_type","$selected","$optionargs"); ?> </select> </span> <br /> <br /></div> <?php // GEO IP Map if ($wassup_options->wassup_geoip_map == 1 AND $wassup_options->wassup_googlemaps_key != "") { ?> <script src="<?php echo $wassup_options->wassup_googlemaps_key; ?>" type="text/javascript"></script> <div id="map" style="width: <?php echo ($screen_res_size*95/100); ?>px; height: 220px;border:2px solid #999;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { // Display the map, with some controls and set the initial location var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map")); map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl()); map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl()); //map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0,0),3); } // display a warning if the browser was not compatible else { alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser"); } //]]> </script> <p> </p> <? } //end if geoip_map ?> <div id="spyContainer"> <?php //display the last few hits here. The rest will be added by spy.js $to_date = (wassup_get_time()-2); $from_date = ($to_date - 12*(60*60)); //display last 10 visits in 12 hours... spyview($from_date,$to_date,10,$spytype); ?> </div><br /> <?php // HERE IS THE OPTIONS VIEW } elseif($_GET['page'] == "wassup-options") { //#moved content to external include file, "settings.php" //# to make "wassup" code easier to read and modify //# -Helene D. 1/15/08. include(dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/settings.php'); ?> <?php // HERE IS THE MAIN/DETAILS VIEW } else { ?> <h2><?php _e("Latest hits", "wassup"); ?></h2> <?php if ($wassup_options->wassup_active != 1) { ?> <p style="color:red; font-weight:bold;"><?php _e("WassUp recording is disabled", "wassup"); ?></p> <?php } $res = (int) $wassup_options->wassup_screen_res; if (empty($res)) $res=620; elseif ($res < 800) $res=620; elseif ($res < 1024) $res=740; elseif ($res < 1200) $res=1000; else $res=1000; //## GET parameters that change options settings if (isset($_GET['wchart']) || isset($_GET['wmark'])) { if (isset($_GET['wchart'])) { if ($_GET['wchart'] == 0) { $wassup_options->wassup_chart = 0; } else { $wassup_options->wassup_chart = 1; } } if (isset($_GET['wmark'])) { if ($_GET['wmark'] == 0) { $wassup_options->wmark = "0"; $wassup_options->wip = ""; } else { $wassup_options->wmark = "1"; $wassup_options->wip = attribute_escape($_GET['wip']); } } $wassup_options->saveSettings(); } //## GET params that filter detail display // //## Filter detail list by date range... $to_date = wassup_get_time(); if (isset($_GET['last']) && $_GET['last'] != "") { $last = htmlentities(attribute_escape($_GET['last'])); } else { $last = 1; } $from_date = strtotime('-'.$last.' day', $to_date); //## Filter detail lists by visitor type... if (isset($_GET['type'])) { $type = htmlentities(attribute_escape($_GET['type'])); } elseif ($wassup_options->wassup_default_type != '') { $type = $wassup_options->wassup_default_type; } $whereis=""; if ($type == 'spider') { $whereis = " AND spider!=''"; } elseif ($type == 'nospider') { $whereis = " AND spider=''"; } elseif ($type == 'spam') { $whereis = " AND spam>0"; } elseif ($type == 'nospam') { $whereis = " AND spam=0"; } elseif ($type == 'nospamspider') { $whereis = " AND spam=0 AND spider=''"; } elseif ($type == 'searchengine') { $whereis = " AND searchengine!='' AND search!=''"; } elseif ($type == 'referrer') { $whereis = " AND referrer!='' AND referrer NOT LIKE '%$wpurl%' AND searchengine='' AND search=''"; } elseif ($type == 'comauthor') { $whereis = " AND comment_author!=''"; } elseif ($type == 'loggedin') { $whereis = " AND username!=''"; } //## Filter detail lists by a specific page and number //# of items per page... $items = 10; //default if (isset($_GET['limit']) && is_numeric($_GET['limit'])) { //$items = htmlentities(attribute_escape($_GET['limit'])); $items = $_GET['limit']; } elseif ($wassup_options->wassup_default_limit != '') { $items = $wassup_options->wassup_default_limit; } if ((int)$items < 1 ) { $items = 10; } //# current page selections if (isset($_GET['pages']) && is_numeric($_GET['pages'])) { $pages = (int)$_GET['pages']; } else { $pages = 1; } if ( $pages > 1 ) { $limit = " LIMIT ".(($pages-1)*$items).",$items"; } else { $limit = " LIMIT $items"; } //## Filter detail lists by a searched item if (!empty($_GET['search'])) { $search = attribute_escape($_GET['search']); } else { $search = ""; } // DELETE EVERY RECORD MARKED BY IP //# Delete limited to selected date range only. -Helene D. 3/4/08. if (!empty($_GET['deleteMARKED']) && $wassup_options->wmark == "1" ) { $rec_deleted = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(ip) as deleted FROM $table_name WHERE ip='".urlencode(attribute_escape($_GET['dip']))."' AND `timestamp` BETWEEN $from_date AND $to_date"); if (method_exists($wpdb,'prepare')) { $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE ip='%s' AND `timestamp` BETWEEN %s AND %s", urlencode(attribute_escape($_GET['dip'])), $from_date, $to_date)); } else { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE ip='".urlencode(attribute_escape($_GET['dip']))."' AND `timestamp` BETWEEN $from_date AND $to_date"); } echo '<p><strong>'.$rec_deleted.' '.__('records deleted','wassup').'</strong></p>'; //reset wmark/deleteMarked after delete and // clean up $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] as it is // used in filter selections below... $remove_query= array("&dip=".$_GET['dip'],"&deleteMARKED=".$_GET['deleteMARKED'],"&wmark=1","&wip=".$_GET['wip']); $new_query = str_replace($remove_query,"",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']=$new_query; $wassup_options->wmark = "0"; $wassup_options->wip = null; $wassup_options->saveSettings(); } // Instantiate class to count items $Tot = New MainItems; $Tot->tableName = $table_name; $Tot->from_date = $from_date; $Tot->to_date = $to_date; $Tot->whereis = $whereis; $Tot->Limit = $limit; $Tot->WpUrl = $wpurl; $itemstot = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, null, "DISTINCT"); $pagestot = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, null, null); $spamtot = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND spam>0"); // Check if some records was marked if ($wassup_options->wmark == "1") { $markedtot = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, "AND ip LIKE '%".$wassup_options->wip."%'", "DISTINCT"); } // Check if some records was searched if (!empty($search)) { $searchtot = $Tot->calc_tot("count", $search, null, "DISTINCT"); } ?> <form><table width="100%"> <tr> <td> <p class="legend"> <?php if ($wassup_options->wassup_chart == "1") { ?> <a href="<?php echo '?page='.WASSUPFOLDER.'&wchart=0&last='.$last.'&limit='.$items.'&type='.$_GET['type'].'&search='.$search.'&pages='.$pages; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/chart_delete.png" style="padding:0px 6px 0 0;" alt="'.__('hide chart','wassup').'" title="'.__('Hide the chart and site usage','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo '?page='.WASSUPFOLDER.'&wchart=1&last='.$last.'&limit='.$items.'&type='.$_GET['type'].'&search='.$search.'&pages='.$pages; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/chart_add.png" style="padding:0px 6px 0 0;" alt="'.__('show chart','wassup').'" title="'.__('Show the chart and site usage','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <?php } //## Show selectable detail filters... if (isset($_GET['limit'])) { $new_limit = eregi_replace("\&limit=".$_GET['limit']."", "", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } else { $new_limit = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } if (isset($_GET['last'])) { $new_last = eregi_replace("\&last=".$_GET['last']."", "", $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } else { $new_last = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } _e('Summary for the last','wassup'); ?> <select style="font-size: 11px;" name="last" onChange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <?php //## selectable filter by date range echo " <option value='?$new_last&last=1'".($_GET['last'] == 1 ? " SELECTED" : "").">".__('24 hours','wassup')."</option> <option value='?$new_last&last=7'".($_GET['last'] == 7 ? " SELECTED" : "").">".__('7 days','wassup')."</option> <option value='?$new_last&last=30'".($_GET['last'] == 30 ? " SELECTED" : "").">".__('1 month','wassup')."</option> <option value='?$new_last&last=365'".($_GET['last'] == 365 ? " SELECTED" : "").">".__('1 year','wassup')."</option>"; ?> </select></p> </td> <td align="right"><p style="font-size: 11px;"><?php _e('Items per page','wassup'); ?>: <select name="navi" style="font-size: 11px;" onChange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <?php //## selectable filter by number of items on page (default_limit) $selected=$items; $optionargs="?$new_limit&limit="; $wassup_options->showFormOptions("wassup_default_limit","$selected","$optionargs"); ?> </select> - <?php _e('Show items by','wassup'); ?>: <select style="font-size: 11px;" name="type" onChange="window.location.href=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;"> <?php //## selectable filter by type of record (wassup_default_type) $selected=$type; $optionargs="?page=".WASSUPFOLDER."&type="; $wassup_options->showFormOptions("wassup_default_type","$selected","$optionargs"); ?> </select> </p> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php // Print Site Usage if ($wassup_options->wassup_chart == 1) { ?> <div class='main-tabs'> <div id='usage'> <ul> <li><span style="border-bottom:2px solid #0077CC;"><?php echo $itemstot; ?></span> <small><?php _e('Visits','wassup'); ?></small></li> <li><span style="border-bottom:2px dashed #FF6D06;"><?php echo $pagestot; ?></span> <small><?php _e('Pageviews','wassup'); ?></small></li> <li><span><?php echo @number_format(($pagestot/$itemstot), 2); ?></span> <small><?php _e('Pages/Visits','wassup'); ?></small></li> <?php // Print spam usage only if enabled if ($wassup_options->wassup_spamcheck == 1) { ?> <li><span><a href="#TB_inline?height=180&width=300&inlineId=hiddenspam" class="thickbox"><?php echo $spamtot; ?></a></span> <span>(<?php echo @number_format(($spamtot*100/$pagestot), 2); ?>%)</span> <small><?php _e('Spams','wassup'); ?></small></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php // Print the Google chart! if ($pagestot > 20) { echo $Tot->TheChart($last, $res, "125", $search, $wassup_options->wassup_chart_type, "bg,s,ffffff").""; } else { echo '<div id="placeholder" align="center"><p style="padding-top:50px;">'.__('Too few records to print chart','wassup').'...</p></div>'; } ?> </div> </div> <?php } //end if wassup_chart == 1 if (!isset($_GET['limit']) OR $_GET['limit'] == 10 OR $_GET['limit'] == 20) { $expcol = ' <table width="100%"><tr> <td align="left" class="legend"><a href="#" class="toggle-all">'.__('Expand All','wassup').'</a></td> <td align="right" class="legend"><a href="#" class="toggle-allcrono">'.__('Collapse Chronology','wassup').'</a></td> </tr></table><br />'; } // MAIN QUERY $main = $Tot->calc_tot("main", $search); if ($itemstot > 0) { $p=new pagination(); $p->items($itemstot); $p->limit($items); $p->currentPage($pages); $p->target("admin.php?page=".WASSUPFOLDER."&limit=$items&type=$type&last=$last&search=$search"); $p->calculate(); $p->adjacents(5); } // hidden spam options ?> <div id="hiddenspam" style="display:none;"> <h2><?php _e('Spam Options','wassup'); ?></h2> <form action="" method="post"> <p><input type="checkbox" name="wassup_spamcheck" value="1" <?php if($wassup_options->wassup_spamcheck == 1 ) print "CHECKED"; ?> /> <strong><?php _e('Enable/Disable Spam Check on Records','wassup'); ?></strong></p> <p style="padding-left:30px;"><input type="checkbox" name="wassup_spam" value="1" <?php if($wassup_options->wassup_spam == 1) print "CHECKED"; ?> /> <?php _e('Record Akismet comment spam attempts','wassup'); ?></p> <p style="padding-left:30px;"><input type="checkbox" name="wassup_refspam" value="1" <?php if($wassup_options->wassup_refspam == 1) print "CHECKED"; ?> /> <?php _e('Record referrer spam attempts','wassup'); ?></p> <p style="padding-left:0;"><input type="submit" name="submit-spam" value="<?php _e('Save Settings','wassup'); ?>" /></p> </form> </div> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td align="left" class="legend"> <?php // Marked items - Refresh if ($wassup_options->wmark == 1) echo '<a href="?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&search='.$wassup_options->wip.'" title="'.__('Filter by marked IP','wassup').'"><strong>'.$markedtot.'</strong> '.__('show marked items','wassup').'</a> - '; if (!empty($search)) print "<strong>$searchtot</strong> ".__('Searched for','wassup').": <strong>$search</strong> - "; echo __('Auto refresh in','wassup').' <span id="CountDownPanel"></span> '.__('seconds','wassup'); ?> </td> <td align="right" class="legend"><a href="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/lib/action.php?action=topten&whash='.$whash.'&from_date='.$from_date.'&to_date='.$to_date.'&width='.$res.'&height=400'; ?>" class="thickbox" title="Wassup <?php _e('Top Ten','wassup'); ?>"><?php _e('Show Top Ten','wassup'); ?></a> - <a href="#" class='show-search'><?php _e('Search','wassup'); ?></a></td> </tr> </table> <div class="search-ip" style="display: none;"> <table border=0 width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td align="right"> <form action="" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo WASSUPFOLDER; ?>" /> <input type="text" size="25" name="search" value="<?php if ($search != "") print $search; ?>" /><input type="submit" name="submit-search" value="search" /> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php //# Detailed List of Wassup Records... print $expcol; //# Show Page numbers/Links... if ($itemstot >= 10) { print "\n".'<div id="pag" align="center">'.$p->show().'</div><br />'."\n"; } if ($itemstot > 0) { foreach ($main as $rk) { $timestampF = $rk->max_timestamp; $dateF = gmdate("d M Y", $timestampF); if ($wassup_options->wassup_time_format == 24) { $datetimeF = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestampF); $timeF = gmdate("H:i:s", $timestampF); } else { $datetimeF = gmdate('Y-m-d h:i:s a', $timestampF); $timeF = gmdate("h:i:s a", $timestampF); } //$ip = @explode(",", $rk->ip); $ip_proxy = strpos($rk->ip,","); //if proxy, get 2nd ip... if ($ip_proxy !== false) { $ip = substr($rk->ip,(int)$ip_proxy+1); } else { $ip = $rk->ip; } // Visitor Record - raw data (hidden) $raw_div="raw-".substr($rk->wassup_id,0,25).rand(0,99); echo "\n"; ?> <div id="<?php echo $raw_div; ?>" style="display:none; padding-top:7px;" > <h2><?php _e("Raw data","wassup"); ?>:</h2> <style type="text/css">.raw { color: #542; padding-left:5px; }</style> <ul style="list-style-type:none;padding:20px 0 0 30px;"> <li><?php echo __("Visit type","wassup").': <span class="raw">'; if ($rk->username != "") { echo __("Logged-in user","wassup").' - '.$rk->username; } elseif ($rk->spam == "1" || $rk->spam == "2" ) { _e("Spammer","wassup"); } elseif ($rk->comment_author != "") { echo __("Comment author","wassup").' - '.$rk->comment_author; } elseif ($rk->feed != "") { echo __("Feed","wassup").' - '.$rk->feed; } elseif ($rk->spider != "") { echo __("Spider","wassup").' - '.$rk->spider; } else { _e("Regular visitor","wassup"); } echo '</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("IP","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->ip.'</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("Hostname","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->hostname.'</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("Url Requested","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode(clean_url($rk->urlrequested))).'</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("User Agent","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->agent.'</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("Referrer","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.urldecode($rk->referrer).'</span>'; ?></li> <?php if ($rk->search != "") { ?> <li><?php echo __("Search Engine","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->searchengine.'</span> '; echo __("Search","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->search.'</span>'; ?></li> <?php } if ($rk->os != "") { ?> <li><?php echo __("OS","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->os.'</span>'; ?></li> <?php } if ($rk->browser != "") { ?> <li><?php echo __("Browser","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->browser.'</span>'; ?></li> <?php } if ($rk->language != "") { ?> <li><?php echo __("Locale/Language","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$rk->language.'</span>'; ?></li> <?php } ?> <li><?php echo 'Wassup ID'.': <span class="raw">'.$rk->wassup_id.'</span>'; ?></li> <li><?php echo __("End timestamp","wassup").': <span class="raw">'.$datetimeF.' ( '.$rk->max_timestamp.' )</span>'; ?></li> </ul> </div> <!-- raw-wassup_id --> <?php //Visitor Record - detail listing if ($rk->referrer != '') { if (!eregi($wpurl, $rk->referrer) OR $rk->searchengine != "") { if (!eregi($wpurl, $rk->referrer) AND $rk->searchengine == "") { $referrer = '<a href="'.$rk->referrer.'" target="_BLANK"><span style="font-weight: bold;">'.stringShortener($rk->referrer, round($max_char_len*.8,0)).'</span></a>'; } else { $referrer = '<a href="'.$rk->referrer.'" target="_BLANK">'.stringShortener($rk->referrer, round($max_char_len*.9,0)).'</a>'; } } else { $referrer = __('From your blog','wassup'); } } else { $referrer = __('Direct hit','wassup'); } $numurl = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id) as numurl FROM $table_name WHERE wassup_id='".$rk->wassup_id."'"); if ($rk->hostname != "") $hostname = $rk->hostname; else $hostname = "unknown"; ?> <div class="delID<?php echo $rk->wassup_id ?>"> <div class="<?php if ($wassup_options->wmark == 1 AND $wassup_options->wip == $ip) echo "sum-nav-mark"; else echo "sum-nav"; ?>"> <p class="delbut"> <?php // Mark/Unmark IP if ($wassup_options->wmark == 1 AND $wassup_options->wip == $ip) { ?> <a href="?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?>&deleteMARKED=1&dip=<?php print $ip; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/cross.png" alt="'.__('delete','wassup').'" title="'.__('Delete ALL marked records with this IP','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <a href="?page=<?php echo WASSUPFOLDER; ?>&wmark=0" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/error_delete.png" alt="'.__('unmark','wassup').'" title="'.__('UnMark IP','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="#" class="deleteID" id="<?php echo $rk->wassup_id ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/cross.png" alt="'.__('delete','wassup').'" title="'.__('Delete this record','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <a href="?<?php echo $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; ?>&wmark=1&wip=<?php print $ip; ?>" style="text-decoration:none;"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/error_add.png" alt="'.__('mark','wassup').'" title="'.__('Mark IP','wassup'); ?>" /></a> <?php } ?> <a href="#TB_inline?height=400&width=<?php echo $res.'&inlineId='.$raw_div; ?>" class="thickbox"> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/database_table.png" alt="'.__('show raw table','wassup').'" title="'.__('Show the items as raw table','wassup'); ?>" /></a> </p> <span class="sum-box"><?php if ($numurl >= 2) { ?><a href="#" class="showhide" id="<?php echo $rk->id ?>"><?php print $ip; ?></a><?php } else { ?><?php print $ip; ?><?php } ?></span> <span class="sum-date"><?php print $datetimeF; ?></span> <div class="sum-det"><span class="det1"> <?php print '<a href="'.wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode(clean_url($rk->urlrequested)))).'" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(urlencode(html_entity_decode(clean_url($rk->urlrequested))), round($max_char_len*.8,0)); ?></a> </span><br /> <span class="det2"><strong><?php _e('Referrer','wassup'); ?>: </strong><?php print $referrer; ?><br /><strong><?php _e('Hostname','wassup'); ?>:</strong> <a href="#" class="toggleagent" id="<?php echo $rk->id ?>"><?php print $hostname; ?></a></span></div> </div> <div style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;"> <div style="display: none;" class="togglenavi naviagent<?php echo $rk->id ?>"> <ul class="useragent"> <li class="useragent"><span class="indent-li-agent"><?php _e('User Agent','wassup'); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->agent; ?></strong></span></li> </ul> </div> <?php // Referer is search engine if ($rk->searchengine != "") { if (eregi("images", $rk->searchengine)) { $bg = 'style="background: #e5e3ec;"'; $page = (number_format(($rk->searchpage / 19), 0) * 18); $Apagenum = explode(".", number_format(($rk->searchpage / 19), 1)); $pagenum = ($Apagenum[0] + 1); $url = parse_url($rk->referrer); $ref = $url['scheme']."://".$url['host']."/images?q=".eregi_replace(" ", "+", $rk->search)."&start=".$page; } else { $bg = 'style="background: #e4ecf4;"'; $pagenum = $rk->searchpage; $ref = $rk->referrer; } ?> <ul class="searcheng" <?php print $bg; ?>> <li class="searcheng"><span class="indent-li-agent"><?php _e('SEARCH ENGINE','wassup'); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->searchengine." (".__("page","wassup").": $pagenum)"; ?></strong></span></li> <li class="searcheng"><?php _e("KEYWORDS","wassup"); ?>: <strong><a href="<?php print $ref; ?>" target="_BLANK"><?php print stringShortener($rk->search, round($max_char_len*.52,0)); ?></a></strong></li> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php // User is logged in or is a comment's author if ($rk->username != "" OR $rk->comment_author != "") { if ($rk->username != "") { $Ocomment_author = '<li class="users"><span class="indent-li-agent">'.__("LOGGED IN USER","wassup").': <strong>'.$rk->username.'</strong></span></li> <li class="users"><span class="indent-li-agent">'.__("COMMENT AUTHOR","wassup").': <strong>'.$rk->comment_author.'</strong></span></li>'; $unclass = "userslogged"; } elseif ($rk->comment_author != "") { $Ocomment_author = '<li class="users"><span class="indent-li-agent">'.__("COMMENT AUTHOR","wassup").': <strong>'.utf8_decode($rk->comment_author).'</strong></span></li>'; $unclass = "users"; } ?> <ul class="<?php print $unclass; ?>"> <?php print $Ocomment_author; ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <?php // Referer is a Spider or Bot if ($rk->spider != "") { if ($rk->feed != "") { ?> <ul style="background:#fdeec8;" class="spider"> <li class="feed"><span class="indent-li-agent"><?php _e('FEEDREADER','wassup'); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->spider; ?></strong></span></li> <?php if (is_numeric($rk->feed)) { ?> <li class="feed"><span class="indent-li-agent"><?php _e('SUBSCRIBER(S)','wassup'); ?>: <strong><?php print (int)$rk->feed; ?></strong></span></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } else { ?> <ul class="spider"> <li class="spider"><span class="indent-li-agent"><?php _e('SPIDER','wassup'); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->spider; ?></strong></span></li> </ul> <?php } } ?> <?php // Referer is a SPAM if ($rk->spam > 0 && $rk->spam < 3) { ?> <ul class="spam"> <li class="spam"><span class="indent-li-agent"> <?php _e("Probably SPAM!","wassup"); if ($rk->spam==2) { echo '('.__("Referer Spam","wassup").')'; } else { echo '(Akismet '.__("Spam","wassup").')'; } ?> </span></li> </ul> <?php } elseif ($rk->spam == 3) { ?> <ul class="spam"> <li class="spam"><span class="indent-li-agent"> <?php _e("Probably hack attempt!","wassup"); ?> </li></ul> <?php } ?> <?php // User os/browser/language if ($rk->spider == "" AND ($rk->os != "" OR $rk->browser != "")) { ?> <ul class="agent"> <li class="agent"><span class="indent-li-agent"> <?php if ($rk->language != "") { ?> <img src="<?php echo $wpurl.'/wp-content/plugins/'.WASSUPFOLDER.'/img/flags/'.strtolower($rk->language).'.png'.'" alt="'.strtolower($rk->language).'" title="'.__("Language","wassup").': '.strtolower($rk->language); ?>" /> <?php } _e("OS","wassup"); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->os; ?></strong></span></li> <li class="agent"><?php _e("BROWSER","wassup"); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->browser; ?></strong></li> <?php if ($rk->screen_res != "") { ?> <li class="agent"><?php _e("RESOLUTION","wassup"); ?>: <strong><?php print $rk->screen_res; ?></strong></li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } ?> <div style="display: visible;" class="togglecrono navi<?php echo $rk->id ?>"> <ul class="url"> <?php $qryCD = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `timestamp`, urlrequested FROM $table_name WHERE wassup_id='".$rk->wassup_id."' ORDER BY `timestamp` ASC"); $i=0; foreach ($qryCD as $cd) { //$timestamp2 = $cd->timestamp; //redundant $time2 = gmdate("H:i:s", $cd->timestamp); $char_len = round($max_char_len*.92,0); $num = ($i&1); if ($num == 0) $classodd = "urlodd"; else $classodd = "url"; if ($i >= 1) { print '<li class="'.$classodd.' navi'.$rk->id.'"><span class="indent-li-nav">'.$time2.' ->'; print '<a href="'.wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($cd->urlrequested))).'" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(urlencode(html_entity_decode($cd->urlrequested)), $char_len).'</a></span></li>'."\n"; } $i++; } //end foreach qryCD print "</ul>"; ?> </div> <p class="sum-footer"></p> </div> </div> <?php } //end foreach qry } //end if itemstot > 0 print '<br />'; if ($itemstot >= 10) $p->show(); print '<br />'; if (!isset($_GET['limit']) OR $_GET['limit'] == 10 OR $_GET['limit'] == 20) { print $expcol; } if($con) mysql_close($con); } //end MAIN/DETAILS VIEW // End calculating execution time of script $mtime = microtime(); $mtime = explode(" ",$mtime); $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0]; $endtime = $mtime; $totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime); ?> <p><small>WassUp ver: <?php echo $version.' - '.__("Check the official","wassup").' <a href="" target="_BLANK">WassUp</a> '.__("page for updates, bug reports and your hints to improve it","wassup").' - <a href="" title="Wassup '.__("User Guide documentation","wassup").'">Wassup '.__("User Guide documentation","wassup").'</a>'; ?> - Exec time: <?php echo $totaltime ?></small></p> </div> <!-- end wrap --> <?php } //end function Wassup
?> <td style="min-width:<?php echo $char_len - 5; ?> px;"> <ul class="charts"> <li class="chartsT"><?php _e("TOP REQUEST", "wassup"); ?> </li> <?php foreach ($top_results as $top10) { ?> <li class="charts"><?php echo $top10->top_urlrequested . ': '; print '<a href="' . wAddSiteurl(htmlspecialchars(html_entity_decode($top10->urlrequested))) . '" title="' . html_entity_decode($top10->urlrequested) . '" target="_BLANK">'; print stringShortener(urlencode(html_entity_decode($top10->urlrequested)), $char_len) . '</a>'; ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </td> <?php } //end if toprequest //#get top 10 browsers... if ($top_ten['topbrowser'] == 1) { $top_results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT count(browser) as top_browser, browser FROM {$table_name} WHERE timestamp BETWEEN {$from_date} AND {$to_date} AND browser!='' AND browser NOT LIKE 'N/A%' {$spamselect} GROUP BY browser ORDER BY top_browser DESC LIMIT 10"); $char_len = round($max_char_len * 0.17 + $widthoffset, 0);